ADF Dataflow Source - SQL Server not selectable - azure-data-factory-2

I am creating what should be a simple dataflow in ADF. However I am attempting to select a new dataset for SQL Server and the SQl Server option is not selectable.
Why can't I select SQL Server for my new dataset??????

If we want connect to SQL Server, we must use self-hosted integration.
Data Flow doesn't support self-hosted integration. That's why it doesn't support on-premise SQL Server as Source and Sink.


Error while creating backup of SQL Azure with Data Tier Application Wizard

I am trying to create a backup of a SQL Azure database with Data tier application wizard of SQL management Studio but I obtain a lot of errors like the following:
One or more unsopported elements were found in the schema used as part of a data package error sql 71501....
Any hint on how to solve this error?
I found something on Microsoft techcommunity posted by Azure DB support team which may help you:
You can also consider Export to a BACPAC file - Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance.

How to connect to an Oracle db using a stored procedures within a Microsoft SQL server?

I need to verify data between and Oracle db and a Microsoft SQL server db to verify that if there differences between the two and then update the Microsoft SQL server with any changes there may be
You can use/create database links. That means that you have to have oracle client installed on your sql server though.
You may configure connection to Oracle as linked server in SQL Server and use MERGE to synchronize date in SQL Server agent's job, for example. Fetching data from linked server could not the fastest thing in the world, but it is very easy to configure and use.
Use OPENQUERY with TNS alias already configured in tnsnames.ora file

SQL Azure Migration Wizard - how to re-migrate

Once you have successfully migrated a local SQL Server database up to SQL Azure, how can you use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard to re-migrate (or sync if you will) the database?
I get a number of errors, and the migration hangs when I attempt to re-run the wizard.
I'm not sure if the SQL Azure Migration Wizard will re-migrate/sync data.
To sync data, I you have a few options to consider:
SQL Data Sync - this is currently in Preview status. It'll sync SQL Server to SQL Database, or SQL Database to SQL Database. You can find some more info at
Red Gate's SQL Data Compare - this tool should work well with SQL Database as well. I don't believe it has a scheduling component out-of-the box, but you could probably wire that up.

Creating new users in SQL Azure

I have been assigned the task of converting an SQL Server Database to an SQL Azure Database. During the process I encountered these problems:
Cannot use the Object Browser in Management Studio 2008 v10. Is there a fix to this?
I cannot create new Users under the Security Section since I cant use the Object Browser.
Basically I want to create an Admin user and NonAdmin user each with their own privileges to UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT commands on different tables in the database.
Basically my web application has a sign up form how can I associate new registered user to the SQL Azure Roles during the sign up process to limit them from perfroming ertain commands on the database tables?
Just answer your questions.
1, No SSMS 2008 doesn't support Azure. You MUST use SSMS 08 R2.
2, If you are using SSMS 08 R2 the object explorer will be appeared. But the features when connecting to SQL Azure will be very limited. The designer and dialog are disabled which means all tasks should be done by using the SQL script.
3, Not pretty sure what you mean, but you can try what you are doing on SQL Server since SQL Azure is very very similar with SQL Server.
Data-tier Application and SQL Azure MW are good tool for migrating your existing database to SQL Azure. But you can still use the build-in feature in SSMS 08 R2 to migrate the database schema as well. Just use the Generate Script menu item from your local database, and make sure you selected SQL Azure in the "Script for the database engine type".
Check out the official page on how to move data etc..'Migrating Databases to SQL Azure'
Also check out the 'SQL Azure Migration Wizard v3.8.3'
Migrating Databases to SQL Azure by Using Data-tier Application Export and Import is probably your best option, the migration wizard is a great tool, I have used both.
re: 1 you need service packs, I'm not sure 2008 V10 is supported, get the latest version or upgrade to 2008R2 Mgmt Studio (latest)
2: use the tools above
3: not sure here what you are trying to do to correctly answer.
hope that helps...

Migrating Foxpro database (.DBF) to Sql database using VB.Net

I am working on application to migrate DBF file data to SQL.
Kindly suggest be how to start with it.
I would use SSIS (Sql Server Integration Services) to map from the old database to a new one. Is it a one time job, or is it a continuous integration?
Use the Sql Server Upsizing Wizard from within FoxPro.
I've done it before, and it does work. It works with Sql Server 2005 and 2008.
Google for "foxpro sql sever upsizing wizard" for plety of info.