Orocommerce application root on AWS - orocommerce

I have installed the OroCommerce Community Edit, via the AWS marketplace. I would like to generate the public and private keys, for enabling Web API access of the back-end application. Upon SSH'ing into the application, where would I find the root directory of the app? I need to add the keys to the /var directory, within the application, as per the this doc.

The root directory is '/var/www/html/commerce'


Upload files from specific repository in Artifactory to S3

I want to upload files from a single repository (not the whole Artifactory) in Artifactory to Amazon's S3 the moment the file is uploaded to Artifactory. Is there a way to do it?
I'm using a SAAS Artifactory installation, version 7.27.9
At least one of the ways it can be done is using webhooks. You can create a webhook and configure it to notify a service you maintain when an artifact is uploaded (deployed) to the specific repository in Artifactory. Your service will receive an HTTP POST request each time a matching artifact is uploaded.
For more details, see Event: deployed in the Webhooks documentation.

Does Azure File Storage support basic authentication?

I have an Azure File storage folder and I would like to have a simple HTTP Basic User/Pass authentication on it and be able to list the directory contents of that directory upon successful authentication.
I know that there are Shared Access Signatures but that's a different security approach.
This is so simple scenario but yet I cannot find a solution to it...
What I want to have is just a simple (bucket) folder that is going to be available over HTTP Basic Auth through the browser externally.
Does Azure File Storage support basic authentication?
At this time, Active Directory-based authentication and access control lists (ACLs) are not supported.
Azure Files supports identity-based authorization over SMB (Server Message Block) through Azure Active Directory Domain Services. Your domain-joined Windows virtual machines (VMs) can access Azure file shares using Azure AD credentials.

GitHub API Authentication for GraphQL: How do I publish my app publicly if it needs authentication?

Per the GitHub V4 API, using GraphQL requires authentication. The GitHub API V4 docs state the following:
Warning: Treat your tokens like passwords and keep them secret. When working with the API, use tokens as environment variables instead of hardcoding them into your programs.
This is understandable. However, I'd like to publish my source code on GitHub and host the app on GitHub Pages.
Question: If I set up the authentication token as an environment variable, how will the actual app itself, once published, be able to use GraphQL to authenticate? Won't it break?
If you're using server-side code, set the environment variable and be done with it.
If you're using GitHub Pages, you can't host a server-side app.
GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service designed to host your personal, organization, or project pages directly from a GitHub repository.
GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service and doesn't support server-side code such as, PHP, Ruby, or Python.
It's only for static files: HTML, CSS, Javascript. These are executed in the browser. There is no environment variable to set. No place to hide secrets from the user.
Instead, build it as an OAuth App. OAuth allows the user to authorize your web site to use their account to access the Github API. This is how Github's own GraphQL API Exporer works.

Switching from Google provisioning API to JSON service authorizing through oauth2

I'm just getting started porting my old code over to the new google apps json service but I'm not clear on the oauth.
I'm looking at:
It says:
"Set up a new project in the Google APIs Console and activate Admin SDK service for this project. See the Google APIs Console Help in the upper right corner of the Console page for more information about creating your API project. "
My product gets installed at each client location. Do I create the app using my key then distribute this to my customers or do I use their key in my app that runs at their site? Do I also need to enable the admin SDK in addition to enabling API access?
Do I create the app using my key then distribute this to my customers or do I use their key in my app that runs at their site?
Do they have access to the source code? If true then it will be known to them.
Whether it is your key (an API project owner by you) or theirs depends on the kind of software you offer (tailored or common service (webapp?)) and who will be responsible of the quotas, billing (if needed) and maintenance.
Do I also need to enable the admin SDK in addition to enabling API access?
API projects can hold up to 20 accounts
Users can own several projects (don't know how many)
Projects can be shared with other users or Groups

Accessing Cloudbees Jenkins URL without authentication

I have an application that monitors CI jobs, and I've added a jenkins installation to my account. Typically, this application is internal to the company I work at, but our jenkins servers aren't accessible outside the LAN.
To lookup the status of a build, I to a python urllib.urlopen on
then parse the json result
When trying to connect to https://webiken.ci.cloudbees.com, I get an HTTPError because the URL requires authentication. Is there anyway to configure my jenkins to be public?
you can use HTTP Basic authentication with your cloudbees credentials to access the API :
curl https://webiken.ci.cloudbees.com/job//api/json --user ndeloof#cloudbees.com:
Also see this wiki page on how to make your Jenkins instance public.