net Core 3.1 Object null in WebApi method after PostAsJsonAsync -

Im using this line to consume the API post method
var postTask = client.PostAsJsonAsync("AgregarNegocio", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model).ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
however when the API method is hit
public IActionResult AgregarNegocio([FromBody]NegocioViewModel model)
all the properties in model are null...
i already tried with and without [FromBody] and other solutions but none has worked yet, any suggestions?, thanks!

You need to construct your http client like this:
_client = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("your http://my base url goes here"),
Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, -1) };
new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));//add json header
//_client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Bearer", "some token goes here");
and you need to call your method like this:
var postTask = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync("AgregarNegocio", model);
make sure you call "await" on it because it is async.
Notice that I added MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue to indicate that it is json.
Also using Route usually is not a good idea... It is better to use HttPost("MyRoute") because it combined the ControllerName + Route. But it is up to you.

Try to use PostAsync instead of PostAsJsonAsync
var postTask = await client.PostAsync("AgregarNegocio", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

You can use the HttpClient extension method :
this HttpClient client,
string requestUri,
T value
var postTask = client.PostAsJsonAsync<NegocioViewModel>("AgregarNegocio", model);

You can use PostAsync but also do not forget about using HttpClient in right way as i described in this article.


Get string returned from a PostAsync event

I'm using HttpClient like this in my console app:
using (var http = new HttpClient(handler))
http.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
var response = await http.PostAsync("/api/generate", new StringContent(
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
In debug mode, I can see that the controller is returning a string of JSON.
However, I only get this written to the console:
How can I get it to write the actual JSON that's being returned?
Try below line:

Convert IRestResponse to IRestResponse<T>

I have executed RestRequest and got non-typed IRestResponse.
How can I convert it to IRestResponse<T>?
For example IRestResponse<MyErrorData> or IRestResponse<MyData>?
You need to use the generic overload of Execute:
var client = new RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = BaseUrl;
request.AddParameter("AccountSid", _accountSid, ParameterType.UrlSegment);
var response = client.Execute<T>(request);
Execute<T> is the key to getting back a typed response.
I found that, depending on the version of RestSharp you have installed, Execute<T> threw a compiler error. (Tho it seems fine in v106.15.)
Another option is to cast it, which seems to work when the first option doesn't:
RestClient client = new RestClient();
IRestResponse<T> response = (IRestResponse<T>)client.Execute(request);
Also, don't forget that your method (or class) must be decorated with the T type parameter:
partial void InterceptResponse<T>(IRestRequest request, ref IRestResponse<T> response)
RestClient client = new RestClient();
IRestResponse<T> response = client.Execute<T>(request);
(or IRestResponse<T> response = (IRestResponse<T>)client.Execute(request);)
(In this example, I'm intercepting a RestResponse, doing something, such as re-calling, and passing back the new response as ref response.)

Sending Commands from an MVC4 site to Another

I have two sites: one of them controls the other sending some commands through Web API. The idea is: the action of the controller site sends a command to the other site, gets the response and perform some business rules, without redirecting to the other site.
I have tons of examples explaining how to implement this via jQuery, but I want to make the controller post the data to the other site, instead of the view.
I found an approach at this answer: How to use System.Net.HttpClient to post a complex type?, but I want the answer for an JSON approach.
Can someone post a simple example using JSON showing how to do this?
As I didn't find a brief answer to my question, I'll post the solution I've made.
As the method uses an HttpClient method that requires async statements, the action below was implemented retuning a Task<ActionResult>. Another modification is if you're saving an object in context.
Instead of using:
You'll have to use:
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
The code below implements an Action from an ASP.NET MVC4 Controller:
public async Task<ActionResult> Create(MyModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// Logic to save the model.
// I usually reload saved data using something kind of the statement below:
var inserted = context.MyModels
.Where(m => m.SomeCondition == someVariable)
// Send Command.
// APIMyModel is a simple class with public properties.
var apiModel = new APIMyModel();
apiModel.AProperty = inserted.AProperty;
apiModel.AnotherProperty = inserted.AnotherProperty;
DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(APIMyModel));
// use the serializer to write the object to a MemoryStream
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
jsonSer.WriteObject(ms, apiModel);
ms.Position = 0;
//use a Stream reader to construct the StringContent (Json)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
// Note if the JSON is simple enough you could ignore the 5 lines above that do the serialization and construct it yourself
// then pass it as the first argument to the StringContent constructor
StringContent theContent = new StringContent(sr.ReadToEnd(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpClient aClient = new HttpClient();
Uri theUri = new Uri("http://yoursite/api/TheAPIAction");
HttpResponseMessage aResponse = await aClient.PostAsync(theUri, theContent);
if (aResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// Success Logic. Yay!
// show the response status code
String failureMsg = "HTTP Status: " + aResponse.StatusCode.ToString() + " - Reason: " + aResponse.ReasonPhrase;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// if Model is not valid, you can put your logic to reload ViewBag properties here.

YouTube API v3.0 VideoReponse and ListRequest class

Using the first example, found here
for the .Net YouTube 3.0 API, I'm doing something very similar but using a VideoResource object not a SearchResource. Code from the example:
YoutubeService youtube = new YoutubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() {
ApiKey = credentials.ApiKey
SearchResource.ListRequest listRequest = youtube.Search.List("snippet");
listRequest.Q = CommandLine.RequestUserInput<string>("Search term: ");
listRequest.Order = SearchResource.Order.Relevance;
SearchListResponse searchResponse = listRequest.Fetch();
Notice after setting the fields on the ListRequest object a Fetch() method is called to initialize a SearchListResponse object. However, this Fetch() method does not appear to be part of the API! What gives? Does anyone know how to execute the listrequest so that it returns a ListReponse object?
Instead using listRequest.Fetch(); try to use listRequest.Execute();

Issues performing a query to Solr via HttpClient using Solr 3.5 and HttpClient 4.2

I am trying to query my local Solr server using HttpClient and I cannot figure out why the parameters are not being added to the GET call.
My code for doing this is:
HttpRequestBase request = new HttpGet("http://localhost:8080/solr/select");
HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
params.setParameter("q", query);
params.setParameter("start", String.valueOf(start));
params.setParameter("rows", String.valueOf(rows));
HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
InputStream is = entity.getContent();
return stringToStreamConversion(is); //500 error, NullPointerException, response is empty
I have tried to return several things in hopes of seeing what I would get and trying to figure out where the problem was. I have finally realized that I was only getting back the http://localhost:8080/solr/select when I returned
return request.getURI().toURL().toString();
I cannot figure out why the parameters are not getting added. If I do
return request.getQuery();
I get nothing back...any ideas? Thanks for the help in advance!
From what I have seen you are not able to associate your paeans with the request.
So, instead of creating a new HttpParams object and associating it with request, can you try the following approach ?
httpCclient.getParams().setParameter("q", query");
The simpler option is to use the approach I used in HTTPPostScheduler, like this:
URL url = new URL(completeUrl);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("type", "submit");