How to make the created WebRTCAppEE in Ant Media Server online? - webrtc

I have created livestream in my WebRTCappEE in Ant Media Server but why is it offline ? what should I do to make it online?

Click on the Start broadcast link under the list icon (marked red in the image). It should work if the stream configuration is okay.

You need to send a stream via RTMP or WebRTC. Please check below guides:


Azure Media Services - Can't connect to RTMP

I wanted to stream from my mobile device (iPhone 7 Plus / V14.1) with Larix and GoPro App to Azure Media Services:
Both devices can't connect to the RTMP on Azure. When I tip the rtmp url into my OBS, it works perfect. Any idea what the issue could be here?
OBS and a lot of encoders automatically add on a stream key at the end of the path.
Just add an additional /whatever after the GUID to make it work.
Also make sure you are not sending >30fps. We only accept up to 30fps 1080P.
BTW, my GoPro Hero 8 works just fine adding an additional stream key path after the ingest path GUID.

Access to content on sony camcorder

I'm playing with the API on a camcorder Sony CX-625. I can start/stop a record, change zoom over a Wifi connection.
This is nice, but ...
Now, I need to download the content store on the SD card over Wifi with the API. I have make a lot of research, but it seem the function is not available.
Maybe another model of Sony Handycam can give this functionnality. Anybody can help me in this research ?
My goal is to have a camcorder (or an IP Camera with quality of a camcorder), remotely administrable by an API (start/stop record, manage zoom, get/delete the content)
You should be able to download the image using HTTP get. For instance if you run the "actTakePicture" command you will be returned the url for the image. Having this url will allow you to download the image. How you download the image depends on what language you are using. For instance here is an example of how to download an image over HTTP get using nodejs:
Downloading images with node.js
To find out how to download the image using your particular language try a google search on "download an image using http get {language of choice}"

Streaming not possible in internet explorer

I have an application that broadcast my screen over the network. in other browser it is working correctly but in internet explorer its not working and always shows to download a file instant of playing streaming.
in other browser like chrome
but in internet explorer its not working ....
i have installed many plugin like quick time active x, java etc.
This is difficult to answer without knowing the media type of the streaming.
But I would suggest try installing VLC or the latest media player with updated codecs. Also try disabling any download manager that you might be having.
Note: You can also try the streaming option of VLC as it has a VLC server as well.
Hope that helps.
Also suggested: Buy an authenticated version of Windows or Activate your copy of Windows :P

How to run video present on a sever in windows 8 app

I want to know how to run video present on a sever in windows 8 app.
I am using media element and binding source with the specific url.But video it not playing well if the video is on the local machine it able to play.
thanks in advance for any suggestion
I'd suggest the Player Framework, it works well from my usages with remote videos.

connect to rtmp server from objective C

How do i use rtmp protocol for continously watch the server for any changes and when i upload a file to server from my cocoa desktop application?
its already there in lcds.
I need to notify the user of the app when some new file is uploaded to the ftp. I need to connected to rtmp so that when i upload a file other need to get notification about the file i uploaded. it should a real time.
is there any suggestions or alternatives? it would be a great help.
Thanks a lot in advance :)