How to serve static files in Spartacus - spartacus-storefront

I want to add robots.txt and sitemap.xml to the project, what is proper way to do that on Spartacus? Is it autogenerated or should we add it manually?

Neither of those are autogenerated. You can generate them and add those manually to your shell app as you would with any angular application.


how to use vue.js offline?

Hi I received a web project with all already implemented CSS js HTML code, directories, project structure etc.
I have to make changes in view.js but I don’t always have internet access on the move so is there a way to continue this project locally without changing my project structure?
I already have an existing web project whose file contains
-an HTML page
-a CSS file
-a js file
Place in their folders respectively
I want to use view.js on this project
The problem I don’t always have internet access when I’m on the move.
So how do I use seen?
Knowing that:
CDN is a script placed in HTML requiring a connection to run view
-Vue CLI is a package that allows to generate a new project view "certainly out of competition"
But I should start over
Because the directory structure and already predefined what doesn’t suit me.
How does it work?
How to just add view and continue the project without zero spread?
I already installed node.js (npm) on my pc if its can help .
If you still don’t understand
Imagine being entrusted with a web project all made HTML CSS JS already configure etc...
And you must use VUE to make changes
knowing that on the move you don’t always have the connection
How do you do that?
Assuming (I can't tell 100% from your description) that it is an un-compiled implementation that uses the CDN, you can easily handle this by copying the vue library locally and update the html to use the local version instead of the CDN.
if you need to keep the html, you could use a browser plugin like requestly but there are many others. There you can select the url that goes to the cdn and replace it with the local one.
Another option for chromium-based browsers is to use local overrides. Picture upload is not working currently, so can't include a picture, but the option is available through the sources tab in the developer tools. You need to enable overrides, select a folder, then you can select the resource that you want to serve from local override.

How to proper integrate PrismJS into a Eleventy project?

I'm building a site using eleventy and want to include code examples with code-highlighting. Prism looks like a great choice for this. How would I add it proper to the build process (not as CDN)?
Use the download option. This gives you the JS/CSS you need. Copy it to your site and ensure you are using the "Passthrough File Copy" ( option to copy CSS and JS files over.

Dropwizard serve external images directory

I have a dropwizard API app and I want one endpoint where I can run the call and also upload and image, these images have to be saved in a directory and then served through the same application context.
Is it possible with dropwizard? I can only find static assets bundles.
There is similar question already: Can DropWizard serve assets from outside the jar file?
The above module is mentioned in the third party modules list of dropwizard. There is also official modules list. These two lists are hard to find maybe because the main documentation doesn't reference them.
There is also dropwizard-file-assets which seems new. I don't know which module will work best for your case. Both are based on dropwizard's AssetServlet
If you don't like them you could use it as example how to implement your own. I suspect that the resource caching part may not be appropriate for your use case if someone replace the same resource name with new content:
Edit: This is simple project that I've made using dropwizard-configurable-assets-bundle. Follow the instructions in the I think it is doing exactly what you want: put some files in a directory somewhere on the file system (outside the project source code) and serve them if they exist.

Sitefinity CSS combining in MVC Layouts

In Sitefinity WebForms you have a ResourceLinks control allowing you to combine multiple, but what do you use in MVC layouts?
I'm not sure if the razor helper #Html.StyleSheet will do the job?
Adding all the CSS files to the Global folder in App_Data\Sitefinity\WebsiteTemplates[template_folder]\App_Themes[theme] will automatically add them to the site, but won't combine them.
We're working with Sitefinity 8.x and looking for a definitive way to compress and combine JS and CSS, but the pickings seem slim.
With the move from webforms to mvc, Sitefinity didn't include specifically introduce a new bundler or something so you're left with essentially 2 default options, but they've seemed to have opted for approach #3.
1) Use .less and .sass to pre-process as part of your build process.
So in your theme folder you would have a global.less (or scss or sass) that essentially combines them using the #import directive.
Install a VisualStudio extension like Mad's Kristensen Bundler and Minification VS Extension (previously part of WebEssentials) and then define in the VS settings that it should compile and minify on build.
Then every time you build or publish, your one bundled-and-compressed .min.css will be available for Sitefinity.
2) Second option would be to use default ASP.NET Web Optimization.
Where you define static bundles in VisualStudio and then use these bundles by means of #Styles.Render or #Scripts.Render to output them.
3) Lastly a new way has been added with the new Feather approach, which uses the current fashionable approach of Grunt to bundle and optimize your styles and scripts.
In the /ResourcePackages folder you'll already see a gruntfile.js file which has a task you can run which can then compile (and can be extended to prefix, bundle, minify, etc) your .sass into a .min.css which you can then add to your solution.
A sample can be seen here (
I'd use a combination of the above approach to receive the maximum result with Sitefinity where you use option 1 to have VS build out your core/base CSS and JS and then include them using Web.Optimization.
Any additional page or widget related styles or JS can then be included afterwards manually through the css widget which gets compiled through option number 3.
Once you get more familiar with this new approach you can create and load optimized .css and .js on demand - even using a RequireJS approach to load them depended on the widget dragged and dropped on the page. RequireJS might seem out-dated given the latest gadgets and gizmo's but with v9.0 its still being used by Sitefinity itself to add inline-editing functionality.
Let me know if you need more info on option 3, I'm happy to extend my answer with some code snippets, or sample scripts on how I've tailored them.

Changing Inside Assets Folder In Yii Framework

I came to notice that there is one folder called assets in the root folder.To know more about it,I went through this link.Now I want to know adding some css in these files is good or shall I add css to to the main.css file inside css folder.
The asset folder is automatically generated by Yii based upon your environment so best avoid putting your CSS, images etc inside here. It also best to not commit these folders and files into SVN as they are automatically generated and folder names will differ from your qa/staging/live site to your local site.
There are some good reasons to use Yii's assets.
it prevents naming conflicts in css and js files
it allows you to keep CSS and JS files under your document-root but outside of your web-root (for easier version control)
it allows to easily switch between sets of CSS & JS files, rather than having to deal with each file individually (suppose the system admin needs to revert back to a previous version).
it allows you to publish assets (images, JS & CS) to several websites hosted on the same server.
Please check here or there for more details.
Well, when i started my first Yii project, i also put my CSS and JS files in assets. It works but then i found that its not just the right way. Its better to make a separate directory for your CSS file(s). Also there are some auto generated files in assets, so to avoid mix-up with those and your i prefer to make it separate. Hope you got the point.