find a value from df1 in df2 and replace other values of the matching rows - pandas

I have the following code with 2 dataframes (df1 & df2)
import pandas as pd
data = {'Name': ['Name1', 'Name2', 'Name3', 'Name4', 'Name5'],
'Number': ['456', 'A977', '132a', '6783r', '868354']}
replace = {'NewName': ['NewName1', 'NewName3', 'NewName4', 'NewName5', 'NewName2'],
'ID': ['I753', '25552', '6783r', '868354', 'A977']}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Name', 'Number'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame(replace, columns = ['NewName', 'ID'])
Now I would like to compare every item in the 'Number' column of df1 with the 'ID' column of df2. If there is a match, I would like to replace the 'Name' of df1 with the 'NewName' of df2, otherwise it should keep the 'Name' of df1.
First I tried the following code, but unfortunately it mixed the name and the number in the different rows.
df1.loc[df1['Number'].isin(df2['ID']), ['Name']] = df2.loc[df2['ID'].isin(df1['Number']),['NewName']].values
The next code that I tried worked a bit better, but it replaced the 'Name' of df1 with the 'Number' of df1 if there was no matching.
df1['Name'] = df1['Number'].replace(df2.set_index('ID')['NewName'])
How can I stop this behavior in my last code or are there better ways in general to achieve what I would like to do?

You can use map instead of replace to substitute each value in the column Number in df1 with corresponding value from the NewName column in df2 then fill the NaN values (values which can't be substituted) in mapped column with the original values from the Name column in df1:
df1['Name'] = df1['Number'].map(df2.set_index('ID')['NewName']).fillna(df1['Name'])
>>> df1
Name Number
0 Name1 456
1 NewName2 A977
2 Name3 132a
3 NewName4 6783r
4 NewName5 868354


Why is Pandas DataFrame.loc different for a DataFrame with two columns as index?

I am having trouble adding a row to a pandas DataFrame with two columns as index. This is the code I'm using:
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'idx1', 'val'])
df = df.set_index(['id', 'idx1'])
df.loc[123, 'a'] = [1]
Then df becomes:
val a
id idx1
123 NaN 1
However, I expect to get this:
id idx1
123 a 1
When I change the length of the index to three (or one), I get what I expect. For example, if I run this code:
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'idx1', 'idx2', 'val'])
df = df.set_index(['id', 'idx1', 'idx2'])
df.loc[123, 'a', 'b'] = [1]
df becomes:
id idx1 idx2
123 a b 1
Is there something different when referring to two columns as index?
Your dataframe is empty. Only index and column names are defined. So how should Pandas know what you mean by df.loc[123, 'a'] = 1?
create an entry with the first index 123 and a column 'a', or
use 123 and 'a' as two levels of a multiindex?
df.loc[(123, 'a'), 'val'] = 1

How to concatenate values from multiple rows using Pandas?

In the screenshot, 'Ctrl' column contains a key value. I have two duplicate rows for OTC-07 which I need to consolidate. I would like to concat the rest of column values for OTC-07. i.e, OTC-07 should have Type A,B and Assertion a,b,c,d after consolidation.. Can anyone help me on this? :o
First define a dataframe of given structure:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Ctrl': ['OTC-05', 'OTC-06', 'OTC-07', 'OTC-07', 'OTC-08'],
'Type': ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', np.NaN],
'Assertion': ['a,b,c', 'c,b', 'a,c', 'b,c,d', 'a,b,c']
Then replace NaN values with empty strings:
df = df.replace(np.NaN, '', regex=True)
Then group by column 'Ctrl' and aggregate columns 'Type' and 'Assertion'. Please not that assertion aggregation is a bit tricky as you need not a simple concatenation, but sorted list of unique letters:
'Type': ','.join,
'Assertion': lambda x: ','.join(list(sorted(set(','.join(x).split(',')))))

How to concatenate all rows into one row of a multi-column DataFrame?

In Python,
How best to combine all rows of each column in a multi-column DataFrame 
into one column,
separated by ‘ | ’ separator
including null values
import pandas as pd
html = ''
df = pd.read_html(html, header=0)
df= df[1]
From This:
To This:
df = pandas.DataFrame([
{'A' : 'x', 'B' : 2, 'C' : None},
{'A' : None, 'B' : 2, 'C' : 1},
{'A' : 'y', 'B' : None, 'C' : None},
pandas.DataFrame(df.fillna('').apply(lambda x: '|'.join(x.astype(str)), axis = 0)).transpose()
I believe you need replace missing values if necessary by fillna, convert values to strings with astype and apply with join. Get Series, so for one column DataFrame add to_frame with transposing:
df = df.fillna(' ').astype(str).apply('|'.join).to_frame().T
print (df)
Country Allowed_stay Visa_requirement
0 Albania|Afganistan|Andorra 30|30|60 visa free| | visa free
Or use list comprehension with DataFrame constructor:
L = ['|'.join(df[x].fillna(' ').astype(str)) for x in df]
df1 = pd.DataFrame([L], columns=df.columns)
print (df1)
Country Allowed_stay Visa_requirement
0 Albania|Afganistan|Andorra 30|30|60 visa free| | visa free

iterating over a dictionary of empty pandas dataframes to append them with data from existing dataframe based on list of column names

I'm a biologist and very new to Python (I use v3.5) and pandas. I have a pandas dataframe (df), from which I need to make several dataframes (df1... dfn) that can be placed in a dictionary (dictA), which currently has the correct number (n) of empty dataframes. I also have a dictionary (dictB) of n (individual) lists of column names that were extracted from df. The keys in 2 dictionaries match. I'm trying to append the empty dfs within dictA with parts of df based on the column names within the lists in dictB.
import pandas as pd
listA=['A', 'B', 'C',...]
dictA={i:pd.DataFrame() for i in listA}
lets say I have something like this:
dictA={'A': df1, 'B': df2}
dictB={'A': ['A1', A2', 'A3'],
'B': ['B1', B2']}
df=pd.DataFrame({'A1': [0,2,4,5],
'A2': [2,5,6,7],
'A3': [5,6,7,8],
'B1': [2,5,6,7],
'B2': [1,3,5,6]})
listA=['A', 'B']
what I'm trying to get is for df1 and df2 to get appended with portions of df like this, so that the output for df1 is like this:
A1 A2 A3
0 0 2 5
1 2 4 6
2 4 6 7
3 5 7 8
df2 would have columns B1 and B2.
I tried the following loop and some alterations, but it doesn't yield populated dfs:
for key, values in dictA.items():
Thanks and sorry if this was already addressed elsewhere but I couldn't find it.
You could create the dataframes you want like this instead :
df = #Your original dataframe containing all the columns
df_A = df.iloc[:][[col for col in df if 'A' in col]]
df_B = df.iloc[:][[col for col in df if 'B' in col]]

Pandas: Selecting rows by list

I tried following code to select columns from a dataframe. My dataframe has about 50 values. At the end, I want to create the sum of selected columns, create a new column with these sum values and then delete the selected columns.
I started with
columns_selected = ['A','B','C','D','E']
df = df[df.column.isin(columns_selected)]
but it said AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'column'
Regarding the sum: As I don't want to write for the sum
df['sum_1'] = df['A']+df['B']+df['C']+df['D']+df['E']
I also thought that something like
df['sum_1'] = df[columns_selected].sum(axis=1)
would be more convenient.
You want df[columns_selected] to sub-select the df by a list of columns
you can then do df['sum_1'] = df[columns_selected].sum(axis=1)
To filter the df to just the cols of interest pass a list of the columns, df = df[columns_selected] note that it's a common error to just a list of strings: df = df['a','b','c'] which will raise a KeyError.
Note that you had a typo in your original attempt:
df = df.loc[:,df.columns.isin(columns_selected)]
The above would've worked, firstly you needed columns not column, secondly you can use the boolean mask as a mask against the columns by passing to loc or ix as the column selection arg:
In [49]:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,5), columns=list('abcde'))
a b c d e
0 -0.778207 0.480142 0.537778 -1.889803 -0.851594
1 2.095032 1.121238 1.076626 -0.476918 -0.282883
2 0.974032 0.595543 -0.628023 0.491030 0.171819
3 0.983545 -0.870126 1.100803 0.139678 0.919193
4 -1.854717 -2.151808 1.124028 0.581945 -0.412732
In [50]:
cols = ['a','b','c']
df.ix[:, df.columns.isin(cols)]
a b c
0 -0.778207 0.480142 0.537778
1 2.095032 1.121238 1.076626
2 0.974032 0.595543 -0.628023
3 0.983545 -0.870126 1.100803
4 -1.854717 -2.151808 1.124028