Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. (While uploading app on google play store for the first time) - react-native

I am uploading my first release on google play store everything is working fine (app is working fine also build is successful) , I tried rebuilding the app many time with following the docs on react native official website but while uploading it is giving me above error with SHA key
I tried many solution on stackoverflow but nothing works for me as most of the solution is for second time release but mine is first time
Please help me I wasted my 6 hours on this but I am not getting solution

I got the answer
Open the project in android studio and clear the project .
Then rebuild it after gradle sync .
Then Generate the keystore (in android studio).
Then Generate Apk (in android studio).
Setup everything again on google play console .
Then try uploading .aab file again on google play console


Impossible to update expo project inside Expo Go after switching to EAS Build

I have the need to run a project from Expo Go without being connected to PC. We are developing an app that require GPS and needs to be tested in open field.
Before EAS became the standard to create projects i used
expo build:android
ad this created not only the apk, but uploaded the project to my account and i was able to start it from Expo Go projects section just like the app was installed on phisical device. That worked also fo iOS and was a great testing feature.
After i moved to EAS Build
eas build -p android --profile preview --clear-cache
my project inside Expo Go does not update anymore and its stucked at sdk 44 even if now i'm working (and creating builds) with sdk 46.
I went through the official documentation many times but i don't get how to make the app start from Expo Go (project sction) as i did before. Maybe i'm missing some configuration.
Thank you all for any kind reply.
Have a good day.
I found the solution to this problem and now my builds are working and uploading to Expo Go.
Check out this information:
Basically EAS Updates will not bundle anything inside your .gitignore, in my case it needed specific config files. Did a quick test by taking them off the .gitignore and now it's working. Will move to GitHub SECRETS in the future.
Hope that helps.

React-Native Expo Built App Doesn't Get the Latest Javascript

Ok, I have a problem with expo build. Please let me know if you need more details. Basically, the project I am working on is NOT detached. It is just using Expo.
So I publish it. Let's say the javascript bundle version is 0.17, and I am publishing a breaking change to 0.18.
When I load the app from Hockey App, the javascript bundle is clearly not 0.18 because I don't see my breaking changes. Then, I close the app and re-open it, and the JS bundle is updated.
The build script is:
exp build:android
[exp] Android:
[exp] APK: [AWS LINK] apk has been generated, it took 0 seconds
Then, I get an AWS link to the APK, which I download and upload to Hockey Apps.
How should I diagnose this problem?
Exp version is 44.0.0
It is the way it works in Android. First time you open your app after you publish, the code is downloaded in background. Next time it will run the new code.
Quoting the documentation:
Updates are handled differently on iOS and Android. On Android, updates are downloaded in the background. This means that the first time a user opens your app after an update they will get the old version while the new version is downloaded in the background. The second time they open the app they’ll get the new version. On iOS, updates are downloaded synchronously, so users will get the new version the first time they open your app after an update.

error: Invalid bitcode version (Producer: '802.0.41.0_0' Reader: '703.0.31_0')

I know this has been asked and answered a lot of time but here is what my issue is. I am trying to integrate Google Sign In into my app, went through their steps and created a demo app and everything works fine. However I have an application which uses Facebook sign in and whenever I try to integrate Google Sign In into that app I get this error.
I am using XCode 7.3.1 (please don't bash me). Following are the questions bugging me from a couple of days.
1 - If this is an issue with XCode being oudated w.r.t the library why does the demo app I created work ? (Since all the answers on SO ask to update the XCode.)
2 - The app in which I want to integrate Google Sign In works fine with FBSDK, so why does XCode give that error when I integrate Google Sign In ?
3 - If both libraries work perfectly in two different projects why is there an issue when I try to integrate them in a single project ?
For the Google Sign In I tried with pods as well as Manual set-up, but the error still occurs. The FBSDK was not installed using pods.

Processing failed in itunesconnect

I had archieved the xcode project and uploaded it into itunes connect. This is 5 time uploading, for internal testing. It shows the following error
I don't have any idea that why the error are showing, i'm using Xcode 7.2 . Can any one help to resolve this error, i stuck for more than a day.
Try with Application Loader.
sometimes i faced same issue with Xcode7.2 then will try upload app with Application Loader. it's worked fine.
For uploading app with Application Loader ....
Step-1) First create IPA of your App.and Export your IPA which is created with iOS App Store Deployment.
Step-2) Right Click on XCode(from dock) >> Open Developer tool >> Application Loader
Step-3) Choose IPA (which is saved for iOS App Store Deployment) and Next to upload. it will be take some small time and after few mins it will be show on itunes connect.
after few mins it will be show on itunes is very easy and faster uploding compare to xcode. Hope it Helps you!.
its currently a bug, many dev are facing it.
Also you can follow it here

Steps in deploying Android App developed using Titanium to Google Play store

I am using Titanium Studio to build my application, i have got it released in app store for iPhone.
But now i am trying to publish this to Google Play store. Below are the steps i am following, please let me know if i am doing wrong
1) Created a Google Publisher account (to get access to Google Play console)
2) Build my application in Titanium Studio, and copied the app.apk file from /build/android/bin directory
3) Uploaded this app.apk file in Google play store
I know i should add more details like appicon, screenshots to the app before publishing it.
But is this the correct procedure? because i can see in some articles suggesting
to create private key to package app.apk file.
Please suggest.
balanv here is the link i have for signing APK for unity:
OR one closer to your problem:
also look at