How to create custom webhook in shopify - shopify

I need to create a custom webhook to send the order request. As like the response which I sending from other Woocommerce
Response below:
"params": {
"order_data": {
"id": 31502,
"referring_site": "",
"order_number": "31502",
"created_at": "2021-02-08 16:41:24",
"updated_at": "2021-02-08 16:41:24",
"completed_at": "",
"status": "pending",
"currency": "",
"total": "",
"subtotal": "",
"total_line_items_quantity": 1,
"total_tax": "0",
"total_shipping": "0",
"cart_tax": "0",
"shipping_tax": "0",
"total_discount": "0",
"shipping_methods": "Free shipping",
"order_key": "",
"payment_details": {
"method_id": "",
"method_title": "",
"paid_at": ""
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"company": "",
"address_1": "",
"address_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"formated_state": "",
"postcode": "",
"country": "",
"formated_country": "",
"email": "",
"phone": ""
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"company": "",
"address_1": "",
"address_2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"formated_state": "",
"postcode": "",
"country": "",
"formated_country": ""
"note": "",
"customer_ip": "",
"customer_user_agent": "",
"customer_id": 29,
"view_order_url": "",
"line_items": [
"id": ,
"subtotal": "",
"subtotal_tax": "",
"total": "",
"total_tax": "",
"price": "",
"quantity": 1,
"name": "",
"product_id": 10072,
"variation_id": 0,
"product_url": "",
"product_thumbnail_url": "",
"sku": "",
"meta": ""
"shipping_lines": [
"id": ,
"method_id": "free_shipping",
"method_title": "Free shipping",
"total": "0"
"tax_lines": [],
"fee_lines": [],
"coupon_lines": []

Shopify has two available webhooks for you. The first is "orders/create" which is a webhook sending you the order when it is first created. The second is "orders/paid" which sends you the order once it has been marked as paid.
You therefore do not "create" your own order webhook, so much as you subscribe to or turn on, webhooks available in Shopify API.


How To Filter Postman API Results

I am running this GET API query in Postman - https://[myDomain] which returns the below results.
However, I'd like to filter out the results to display or return only some specific data, e.g. only the id, key, name, homepage and webui values. How can I achieve this in Postman?
"results": [
"id": 98430,
"key": "DOC",
"name": "Documents",
"type": "global",
"status": "current",
"_expandable": {
"settings": "/rest/api/space/DOC/settings",
"metadata": "",
"operations": "",
"lookAndFeel": "/rest/api/settings/lookandfeel?spaceKey=DOC",
"identifiers": "",
"permissions": "",
"icon": "",
"description": "",
"theme": "/rest/api/space/DOC/theme",
"history": "",
"homepage": "/rest/api/content/98633"
"_links": {
"webui": "/spaces/DOC",
"self": ""
"id": 425986,
"key": "~63be918f98bf50328c68aec2",
"name": "MyDocs",
"type": "personal",
"status": "current",
"_expandable": {
"settings": "/rest/api/space/~63be918f98bf50328c68aec2/settings",
"metadata": "",
"operations": "",
"lookAndFeel": "/rest/api/settings/lookandfeel?spaceKey=~63be918f98bf50328c68aec2",
"identifiers": "",
"permissions": "",
"icon": "",
"description": "",
"theme": "/rest/api/space/~63be918f98bf50328c68aec2/theme",
"history": "",
"homepage": "/rest/api/content/426171"
"_links": {
"webui": "/spaces/~63be918f98bf50328c68aec2",
"self": ""
"id": 2064386,
"key": "~5f7af04cb61f66006f28fafc",
"name": "Content Management",
"type": "personal",
"status": "current",
"_expandable": {
"settings": "/rest/api/space/~5f7af04cb61f66006f28fafc/settings",
"metadata": "",
"operations": "",
"lookAndFeel": "/rest/api/settings/lookandfeel?spaceKey=~5f7af04cb61f66006f28fafc",
"identifiers": "",
"permissions": "",
"icon": "",
"description": "",
"theme": "/rest/api/space/~5f7af04cb61f66006f28fafc/theme",
"history": "",
"homepage": "/rest/api/content/2064576"
"_links": {
"webui": "/spaces/~5f7af04cb61f66006f28fafc",
"self": ""
"id": 98306,
"key": "~5f7aef9c8d88b300751faba5",
"name": "AI Development",
"type": "personal",
"status": "current",
"_expandable": {
"settings": "/rest/api/space/~5f7aef9c8d88b300751faba5/settings",
"metadata": "",
"operations": "",
"lookAndFeel": "/rest/api/settings/lookandfeel?spaceKey=~5f7aef9c8d88b300751faba5",
"identifiers": "",
"permissions": "",
"icon": "",
"description": "",
"theme": "/rest/api/space/~5f7aef9c8d88b300751faba5/theme",
"history": "",
"homepage": "/rest/api/content/98389"
"_links": {
"webui": "/spaces/~5f7aef9c8d88b300751faba5",
"self": ""
"id": 229380,
"key": "SD",
"name": "Software Development",
"type": "global",
"status": "current",
"_expandable": {
"settings": "/rest/api/space/SD/settings",
"metadata": "",
"operations": "",
"lookAndFeel": "/rest/api/settings/lookandfeel?spaceKey=SD",
"identifiers": "",
"permissions": "",
"icon": "",
"description": "",
"theme": "/rest/api/space/SD/theme",
"history": "",
"homepage": "/rest/api/content/229464"
"_links": {
"webui": "/spaces/SD",
"self": ""
"start": 0,
"limit": 25,
"size": 5,
"_links": {
"base": "",
"context": "/wiki",
"self": ""
IMO, you can't directly filter results to show in postman response tab.
However, you can achieve your goals by 2 work-arounds.
Use visualization function:
Put this code to your Tests tab
var template = `
<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
{{#each response}}
pm.visualizer.set(template, {
response: pm.response.json().results
Use logging function:
Put this code to your Tests tab
const res = pm.response.json().results;
res.forEach(e => {
let x = {
"key": e.key,
"homepage": e._expandable.homepage,
"webuid": e._links.webui

Import single JSON lines from a file to PostgreSQL on pgadmin?

As I googled and found a stack overflow post sql - How can I import a JSON file into PostgreSQL? - Stack Overflow, the post is for psql \copy command but not for pgadmin, plpgsql.
So here's the sample json.
{"id": 23635,"name": "Jerry Green","comment": "Imported from facebook."}
{"id": 23636,"name": "John Wayne","comment": "Imported from facebook."}
How can I import this kind of json file on pgadmin/plpgsql?
(edit/update 2021/5/24)
A part of the json actually I'm trying to insert is here:
{"id": 1396415271359897603, "conversation_id": "1396415271359897603", "created_at": "2021-05-23 19:38:39 JST", "date": "2021-05-23", "time": "19:38:39", "timezone": "+0900", "user_id": 978732571738755072, "username": "themooncarl", "name": "The Moon πŸŒ™", "place": "", "tweet": "#elonmusk is still on our side.", "language": "en", "mentions": [], "urls": [], "photos": [""], "replies_count": 78, "retweets_count": 47, "likes_count": 570, "hashtags": [], "cashtags": [], "link": "", "retweet": false, "quote_url": "", "video": 1, "thumbnail": "", "near": "", "geo": "", "source": "", "user_rt_id": "", "user_rt": "", "retweet_id": "", "reply_to": [], "retweet_date": "", "translate": "", "trans_src": "", "trans_dest": ""}
{"id": 1396414423057711109, "conversation_id": "1396414423057711109", "created_at": "2021-05-23 19:35:17 JST", "date": "2021-05-23", "time": "19:35:17", "timezone": "+0900", "user_id": 978732571738755072, "username": "themooncarl", "name": "The Moon πŸŒ™", "place": "", "tweet": "Me watching Bitcoin go down but realizing that it’s just a nice opportunity to buy more for cheap.", "language": "en", "mentions": [], "urls": [], "photos": [""], "replies_count": 94, "retweets_count": 34, "likes_count": 771, "hashtags": [], "cashtags": [], "link": "", "retweet": false, "quote_url": "", "video": 1, "thumbnail": "", "near": "", "geo": "", "source": "", "user_rt_id": "", "user_rt": "", "retweet_id": "", "reply_to": [], "retweet_date": "", "translate": "", "trans_src": "", "trans_dest": ""}
{"id": 1396388111840645120, "conversation_id": "1396388111840645120", "created_at": "2021-05-23 17:50:44 JST", "date": "2021-05-23", "time": "17:50:44", "timezone": "+0900", "user_id": 978732571738755072, "username": "themooncarl", "name": "The Moon πŸŒ™", "place": "", "tweet": "HODL!!! πŸ’ͺ", "language": "cs", "mentions": [], "urls": [], "photos": [], "replies_count": 263, "retweets_count": 149, "likes_count": 2299, "hashtags": [], "cashtags": [], "link": "", "retweet": false, "quote_url": "", "video": 0, "thumbnail": "", "near": "", "geo": "", "source": "", "user_rt_id": "", "user_rt": "", "retweet_id": "", "reply_to": [], "retweet_date": "", "translate": "", "trans_src": "", "trans_dest": ""}
I will should be get a table that imported the data, something like this:
From plpgsql I mean, I didn't like to use psql command but wanted to script sql or plpgsql in pgadmin, so it can be fully automated for a hundreds of these json file data.
Since your file of JSON seems to already by in one line per record format, You can use the "import/export" feature of pgadmin4. However, that will just call psql behind the scenes, so you might as well cut out the middleman and use psql yourself.

How to store nested object data in database vue.js project. ( which format?)

I have a project in which I am creating data in nested object and while storing it in database I am doing JSON.stringify. Its all working fine but when I am tying to fetch same data from database I need to json.parse but after that i am assigning it to a vuex state I losing some nested data from my original data.
data in data base:
"id": "1-368",
"name": "\tSolan",
"days": 1,
"daynights": 2,
"hotel": {
"hotel_data": [
"id": 1,
"title": "hotel 1"
"checkin": "",
"checkout": "",
"roomtype": ""
"hotel2": {
"hotel_data": [
"id": 1,
"title": "hotel 1"
"checkin": "",
"checkout": "",
"roomtype": ""
"specinst": "",
"mealplan": ""
"id": "2-54",
"name": "Dharamsala",
"days": "3",
"daynights": 4,
"hotel": {
"hotel_data": [
"id": 3,
"title": "hotel3"
"checkin": "",
"checkout": "",
"roomtype": ""
"hotel2": {
"hotel_data": [
"id": 2,
"title": "hotel 2"
"checkin": "",
"checkout": "",
"roomtype": ""
"specinst": "",
"mealplan": ""
data after assigning to vuex state:
"id": "1-368",
"name": "\tSolan",
"days": 1,
"daynights": 2,
"hotel": {
"hotel_data": "",
"checkin": "",
"checkout": "",
"roomtype": ""
"hotel2": {
"hotel_data": "",
"checkin": "",
"checkout": "",
"roomtype": ""
"specinst": "",
"mealplan": "",
"date_from": "08 Jan 2020",
"date_to": "09 Jan 2020"
"id": "2-54",
"name": "Dharamsala",
"days": "3",
"daynights": 4,
"hotel": {
"hotel_data": "",
"checkin": "",
"checkout": "",
"roomtype": ""
"hotel2": {
"hotel_data": "",
"checkin": "",
"checkout": "",
"roomtype": ""
"specinst": "",
"mealplan": "",
"date_from": "09 Jan 2020",
"date_to": "12 Jan 2020"
In above code you can notice hotel_data is a nested array but not able see after assigning it to vuex state.
const mutations = {
setItem(state, item) {
Try wrapping the value with stringify as JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item.tour_location))

How to use If command in the selenium ide?

I was searching the web for a long time. I'm trying to put if and else statements into this selenium IDE. The program itself doesn't provide any parameters, hints, or help. I saw a lot of results online where it's just java code, however I don't see anyway to enter code here.
Can someone show me an example of how to use this if and then statement?
Basic if condition example:
Example .side file. Save the below code in file with name as 'Test.side' and open in selenium ide
"id": "92a8cfe0-a7ed-45a4-82c2-59f889cba0a6",
"version": "1.1",
"name": "test",
"url": "",
"tests": [{
"id": "f78b739a-886c-4842-9d61-f83700ef29f6",
"name": "test",
"commands": [{
"id": "ff43b0cf-7207-4599-8f11-3f90102cd1e2",
"comment": "",
"command": "open",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "12efa973-069b-4254-9813-868d4a34876d",
"comment": "",
"command": "storeTitle",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": "title"
}, {
"id": "abde904f-6f3f-4a5a-b24a-59c3b2eafe2c",
"comment": "",
"command": "if",
"target": "${title} != 'Google'",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "bb6640f2-6356-439f-b226-287030e8fa5a",
"comment": "",
"command": "open",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "ee3b8144-4981-460d-b707-e925e52ebe41",
"comment": "",
"command": "assertTitle",
"target": "Google",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "f73c9836-4944-45aa-be07-9647991ffb36",
"comment": "",
"command": "end",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "bcc2bd2b-5091-4b40-b499-f89c38e532bf",
"comment": "",
"command": "sendKeys",
"target": "name=q",
"targets": [],
"value": "Hello world"
"suites": [{
"id": "e966e7ba-8ccd-418a-80e7-f99ac6c25f90",
"name": "Default Suite",
"persistSession": false,
"parallel": false,
"timeout": 300,
"tests": ["f78b739a-886c-4842-9d61-f83700ef29f6"]
"urls": [],
"plugins": []
If with else Example
Example .side file.
"id": "92a8cfe0-a7ed-45a4-82c2-59f889cba0a6",
"version": "1.1",
"name": "test",
"url": "",
"tests": [{
"id": "f78b739a-886c-4842-9d61-f83700ef29f6",
"name": "test",
"commands": [{
"id": "ff43b0cf-7207-4599-8f11-3f90102cd1e2",
"comment": "",
"command": "open",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "12efa973-069b-4254-9813-868d4a34876d",
"comment": "",
"command": "storeTitle",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": "title"
}, {
"id": "abde904f-6f3f-4a5a-b24a-59c3b2eafe2c",
"comment": "",
"command": "if",
"target": "${title} == 'Google'",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "bb6640f2-6356-439f-b226-287030e8fa5a",
"comment": "",
"command": "echo",
"target": "I am in Yahoo Page",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "ee3b8144-4981-460d-b707-e925e52ebe41",
"comment": "",
"command": "assertTitle",
"target": "Google",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "f73c9836-4944-45aa-be07-9647991ffb36",
"comment": "",
"command": "else",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "a90e7c75-911a-46cb-ac52-a3fd394e6dfe",
"comment": "",
"command": "echo",
"target": "I am in already in google Page",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "2b29d6fe-a670-4349-be18-794e85fbd498",
"comment": "",
"command": "end",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "7f8ee438-4dae-4f34-b4b6-7a4a166acabf",
"comment": "",
"command": "sendKeys",
"target": "q=name",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
"suites": [{
"id": "e966e7ba-8ccd-418a-80e7-f99ac6c25f90",
"name": "Default Suite",
"persistSession": false,
"parallel": false,
"timeout": 300,
"tests": ["f78b739a-886c-4842-9d61-f83700ef29f6"]
"urls": [],
"plugins": []
If with ElseIf Example
Example selenium ide test file (.side)
"id": "92a8cfe0-a7ed-45a4-82c2-59f889cba0a6",
"version": "1.1",
"name": "test",
"url": "",
"tests": [{
"id": "f78b739a-886c-4842-9d61-f83700ef29f6",
"name": "test",
"commands": [{
"id": "ff43b0cf-7207-4599-8f11-3f90102cd1e2",
"comment": "",
"command": "open",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "12efa973-069b-4254-9813-868d4a34876d",
"comment": "",
"command": "storeTitle",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": "title"
}, {
"id": "abde904f-6f3f-4a5a-b24a-59c3b2eafe2c",
"comment": "",
"command": "if",
"target": "${title} == 'Google'",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "bb6640f2-6356-439f-b226-287030e8fa5a",
"comment": "",
"command": "echo",
"target": "I am in Yahoo Page",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "ee3b8144-4981-460d-b707-e925e52ebe41",
"comment": "",
"command": "assertTitle",
"target": "Google",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "f73c9836-4944-45aa-be07-9647991ffb36",
"comment": "",
"command": "elseIf",
"target": "${title} != 'Yahoo'",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "a90e7c75-911a-46cb-ac52-a3fd394e6dfe",
"comment": "",
"command": "echo",
"target": "I am in google Page",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "2b29d6fe-a670-4349-be18-794e85fbd498",
"comment": "",
"command": "end",
"target": "",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "bcc2bd2b-5091-4b40-b499-f89c38e532bf",
"comment": "",
"command": "echo",
"target": "I am out side the if condition",
"targets": [],
"value": ""
"suites": [{
"id": "e966e7ba-8ccd-418a-80e7-f99ac6c25f90",
"name": "Default Suite",
"persistSession": false,
"parallel": false,
"timeout": 300,
"tests": ["f78b739a-886c-4842-9d61-f83700ef29f6"]
"urls": [],
"plugins": []

Stock Quantity of ProductVariant not decreased in shopify shop when placing order via API

I am posting the following Order to the shopify api Order endpoint. The Order shows up in the shop and everything works as it should, except that the stock quantity of the variants in orders placed via the API are not decreased automatically by shopify. When I place an order within the admin console, they are decreased automatically. Shopify inventory tracking is turned on for the products. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
"order": {
"email": "",
"financial_status": "paid",
"fulfillment_status": null,
"send_receipt": true,
"send_fulfillment_receipt": true,
"note": "Created by someName",
"line_items": [
"variant_id": 21718275463,
"quantity": 1,
"price": 99,
"requires_shipping": true,
"product_id": 6820646151
"variant_id": 21717700871,
"quantity": 1,
"price": 1000,
"requires_shipping": true,
"product_id": 6820646151
"variant_id": 21717690055,
"quantity": 1,
"price": 555,
"requires_shipping": true,
"product_id": 6821668807
"processing_method": "offsite",
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "Chris",
"address1": "111 Love Road",
"phone": "9999999999",
"city": "St. Louis",
"zip": "63123",
"province": "MO",
"country": "United States",
"last_name": "Becker",
"name": "Chris Becker",
"country_code": "US",
"province_code": "MO"
"source_name": "someName",
"taxes_included": false,
"shipping_lines": [
"title": "standard",
"price": 0.00,
"code": null,
"source": "brand owner on shopify",
"carrier_identifier": null,
"tax_lines": null
"tags": "someName"
"variant": {
"id": 21718275463,
"product_id": 6820646151,
"title": "m / red",
"price": "99.00",
"sku": "",
"position": 2,
"grams": 0,
"inventory_policy": "deny",
"compare_at_price": "900.00",
"fulfillment_service": "manual",
"inventory_management": "shopify",
"option1": "m",
"option2": "red",
"option3": null,
"created_at": "2016-05-27T13:16:26-04:00",
"updated_at": "2016-05-28T13:28:20-04:00",
"taxable": false,
"barcode": "",
"image_id": 13217378823,
"inventory_quantity": 1,
"weight": 0,
"weight_unit": "lb",
"old_inventory_quantity": 1,
"requires_shipping": true
"variant": {
"id": 21717700871,
"product_id": 6820646151,
"title": "s / green",
"price": "1000.00",
"sku": "",
"position": 1,
"grams": 0,
"inventory_policy": "deny",
"compare_at_price": "1111.00",
"fulfillment_service": "manual",
"inventory_management": "shopify",
"option1": "s",
"option2": "green",
"option3": null,
"created_at": "2016-05-27T13:05:56-04:00",
"updated_at": "2016-05-28T12:17:22-04:00",
"taxable": true,
"barcode": "",
"image_id": 13160712135,
"inventory_quantity": 2,
"weight": 0,
"weight_unit": "lb",
"old_inventory_quantity": 2,
"requires_shipping": true
"variant": {
"id": 21717690055,
"product_id": 6821668807,
"title": "Default Title",
"price": "555.00",
"sku": "",
"position": 1,
"grams": 0,
"inventory_policy": "deny",
"compare_at_price": "666.00",
"fulfillment_service": "manual",
"inventory_management": "shopify",
"option1": "Default Title",
"option2": null,
"option3": null,
"created_at": "2016-05-27T13:05:39-04:00",
"updated_at": "2016-05-28T12:17:22-04:00",
"taxable": true,
"barcode": "",
"image_id": null,
"inventory_quantity": 2,
"weight": 0,
"weight_unit": "lb",
"old_inventory_quantity": 2,
"requires_shipping": true
You created a fake order using the API. Fake orders like that don't transact money or trigger the usual internal checks and balances without some extra effort. Maybe if you tried adding a fulfillment to the order, Shopify might ding inventory levels? Seems like something to try anyway.