How to keep a button behind virtual keyboard? - react-native

When the virtual keyboard appears, I want to keep the button behind it, not jumping up to the top of the keyboard. How to achieve this? Here is the layout I have:
<FlatList />
<Button />

This way the button will stick on the bottom
<View style={{flex:1}}>
<FlatList contentContainerStyle={{flex:1}}/>
<Button />


Icon color not working in native base header buttons

I am using NativeBase Header. In header, I have buttons like cart and wishlist. But I am not able to change the color of that icons.
Here is my header code :
<Button transparent onPress={props.onMenuPress}>
<Icon type="Ionicons" name="menu" color="#ff0000" />
<Button transparent onPress={props.onWishlistPress}>
<Icon name="heart" active={false} color="#ff0000" />
<Button transparent onPress={props.onCartPress} icon>
<Icon name="cart" active={false} color="#ff0000" />
Please anyone can tell me what is the problem here ?
It is shown in the Native-base document. For Icon, Native-base use the React-native-vector-icons module, which allows you to set colors and sizes through the style.
Perfect, crisp, high definition icons and pixel ideal fonts powered by NativeBase to preserve matters very high first-rate. You will continually have pixel perfect icons on your initiatives.
Here is a repo that lists down icons of available react-native-vector-icons icon families. Repo
Uses Ionicons from React Native Vector Icons
<Icon name='home' />
<Icon ios='ios-menu' android="md-menu" style={{fontSize: 20, color: 'red'}}/>
<Icon type="FontAwesome" name="home" />

react-native tabbar bottom hides a component

I am building a profile page and have the following components.
1. I have a image picker for the profile picture
2. ListView with text fields and a button
And i have a bottom bar navigation. With the current implementation the bottom tab bar hides the button at the bottom, and i am not able to figure out a way to solve this. Any help would be appreciated. Below is the code snippet,
let {phone} = this.state,
<View style={styles.studentInfo}>
label='Student Name'
label='Blood Group'
label='Parent Name'
label='Phone Number'
label='E mail'
label='Sibling Studying in the school'
style={{backgroundColor: '#3e9cd3'}}
textStyle={{fontSize: 18}}
onPress={()=> this.handleButtonPress()}>

How to styling header & button with StyleProvider at the same page?

I've struggling for two days to styling components on Native Base with <StyleProvider>. I want to change background color of header and add custom style property on the button.
<Header /> /*change backgroundColor*/
<Button viewDetail block> /*add 'viewDetail' as custom style property */
I think, I have the answer for my own question.
Import all components from 'native-base-theme/components/' instead of variables.
The code will be like this
import getTheme from './native-base-theme/components';
and add <StyleProvider>, then add prop style <StyleProvider style={getTheme()}>.
There are many ways of doing this. One way would be to follow the instructions given here. Alternatively, you can change the button theme file and add a similar style property like success shown here.
I hope this will help you,
You must be using NativeBase2
<StyleProvider style={getTheme(commonColor)}>
<Button transparent>
<Icon name="arrow-back" onPress={() => this.props.routerActions.pop()} />
For ejecting theme,
Just open this link and follow
Now If you want to customise just look for

Titanium Layout not working while set touchEnabled=false inside Listview

When I set touchEnabled="false" for a view which was inside my List view template all my list view layout was broken. when i remove the touch enabled property it working fine. Anyone please help me to solve this issue.
Titanium SDK : 3.4.0 ,
OS : IOS and android,
Here is my sample code.
<Window backgroundColor="#fff">
<ListView id="LstView" top="50" defaultItemTemplate="template1">
<Templates >
<ItemTemplate id="mytemplate" name="template1">
<View layout="horizontal" width="Ti.UI.FILL" touchEnabled="false">
<View width="Ti.UI.SIZE" height="Ti.UI.SIZE" left="5">
<Label bindId="Lbl1" Id="Lbl1" color="black"></Label>
<View width="Ti.UI.SIZE" height="Ti.UI.SIZE" left="10" >
<Label bindId="Lbl2" Id="Lbl2" color="black"></Label>
<View width="Ti.UI.SIZE" height="Ti.UI.SIZE" left="10">
<Label bindId="Lbl3" Id="Lbl3" color="black" ></Label>
<ListItem Lbl1:text="hello" Lbl2:text="how are you?" Lbl3:text="I am fine" height='70'/>
According to this article touchEnabled = false will forward the touch event to it's peers. Can you show your whole xml file? I can't clarify anything yet..
it seems a titanium bug.. open a ticket in JIRA.. Jira Bug Report

How to make a button event in pure xaml

I have this code
<Image Name="LightOn_BMP" Source="Res/LightOn.bmp" Canvas.Left="150" Canvas.Top="10" />
<Image Name="LightOff_BMP" Source="Res/LightOFF.bmp" Canvas.Left="150" Canvas.Top="10" />
<Button Canvas.Left="215" Canvas.Top="150" Click="PowerOn">
<Image Name="SwitchDown_BMP" Source="Res/SwitchDown.bmp" />
<Button Canvas.Left="215" Canvas.Top="150" Click="PowerOff">
<Image Name="SwtichUp_BMP" Source="Res/SwitchUp.bmp" />
And I want in pure XAML to make the PowerOn event to change so that LightOn.bmp is visible and LightOff.bmp is hidden and hide the Switchdown.bmp picture/button
Then I should be able to figure out how to make the event for the PowerOff
Simply put, you can't. The whole idea behind WPF is that you should separate behavior from display. So, at least without making some crazy black magic, you won't be able to change the state of the Image object (visible to false).