5032 Error code does not exist on the sorbet error reference - sorbet

This error reference - 5032 for IncludesNonModule does not exist on the website

The error reference page is open source like the rest of Sorbet, and the source is editable directly in GitHub
This looks more like a request directly for Sorbet than a SO question, though.


Error when creating a new view using MvcScaffoldingT4TwitterBootstrapMvc Nuget package

I installed the MvcScaffolding4TwitterBootstrapMvc package which is based on the scaffolding stuff Steve Sanderson has done. Now I'm attempting to create a new view based on it and I'm just receiving PS errors.
I'm typing this:
Scaffold View LocationType CreateOrEdit -Template _CreateOrEdit
(I've tried other view templates as well)
I receive this error message:
t4(115,64) : error CS1061: Compiling transformation: 'EnvDTE.CodeProperty' does not contain a definition for 'IsScaffoldable' and no extension method 'IsScaffoldable' accepting a first argument of type 'EnvDTE.CodeProperty' could be found
At packages\MvcScaffolding4TwitterBootstrapMvc.1.0.2\tools\RazorView\MvcScaffolding.RazorView.ps1:42 char:27
Obviously the template is causing the error because it can't find something (maybe the T4 library)? But I'm not really sure what or where I'd fix it.
It looks like the IsScaffoldable extension method doesn't exist in the version of the T4Scaffolding.DLL that is installed with the NuGet package.
If found this work item which lead me to GitHub and I see this method exists. Since I'm not really using this attribute, I decided it's probably just simpler for me to remove the .IsScaffoldable() call from the T4 template instead of pulling down the source and compiling a new version of T4Scaffolding.

Enabling REST on HMVC CodeIgniter setup

I have just finished setting up an HMVC CodeIgniter following the steps here.
I am now trying to create a module "api" which I wish to use Phil Sturgeon's REST library.
It states here that I need to extend the MX_Controller rather than the CI_Controller and I did.
My initial setup was like this
I kept getting an error with loading Rest_Controller so I have tried moving the REST_Controller and Format libraries to application/libraries that seemed to fix the loading issue but now i am getting the error below whenever i try to access it via http://example.com/codeigniter/index.php/api/example/user/id/1/format/json
"An Error Was Encountered
Unable to load the requested class: security"
I am expecting for the output to be "{"id":1,"name":"Some Guy","email":"example1#example.com","fact":"Loves swimming"}"
What am I missing? Would it be possible to keep the REST_Controller and Format libraries under the api module? If so, how?
Open Rest_Controller.php go to line 173 and change the following code
To have the REST_Controller and Format libraries under the api module.
Move the REST_Controller to api/controllers/REST_Controller.php and Format to api/libraries/Format.php

Using yiidocsgenerator extension to generate documentation

I posted in the Yii forum with no luck. I am hoping someone in this community got this extension working because I really need it!
I used the yiic docs check command, and all the models seem to finally pass the check. So, I proceeded to executing this command:
yiic docs C:\path to my site\protected\models
And at first this appears onscreen:
Building.. : MyApplication Class Reference
Version... : 1.1.7
Source URL:
And then this error pops up:
Building model...
PHP Error[2]:include<GxActiveRecord.php>: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file C:\path-to-my-app\yii\framework\YiiBase.php at line 396
Where, at that line, I have the following code:
I don't understand why it is looking for a class I do not have!! I found it here, but I don't know in what specific folder that class should reside, or better yet why I should have to download it separately when it's not specified in the instructions. Thanks.
Looks like you've generated models from giix which have GxActiveRecord as a base class and the doc parser does not find this base class, usually you've defined this as an import in your application config, so this may be an expected behavior.
You could try importing something like 'ext.giix.components.GxActiveRecord' in every one of your model classes or copy GxActiveRecord into your models directory just for generating the docs.

Undefined method stdClass::user() error when using CakePHP Auth

I'm fairly new to CakePHPand am building a site using the Auth component. A couple of times I have tried to do things with this component which have caused the error
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::user() in /ftphome/site/app/controllers/users_controller.php on line 395
The line it refers to in this case is
$this->User->read(null, $this->Auth->user('id'));
This error does not disappear when I revert the code back to how it was before the error and I only seem to be able to get rid of it by removing some files on the server (I'm not sure which files, when I tried removing all files in the tmp directory the error persisted so I removed the entire site and restored from the latest svn revesion.
In this particular case I think I caused the error by putting the following code in app_controller
class AppController extends Controller {
function beforeRender() {
$this->set('test', $this->Auth->user());
Which I copied from this thread http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/browse_thread/thread/ee9456de93d2eece/cff6fe580d13622b?lnk=gst&q=auth
A previous time I caused the issue by attempting to update the Auth user details after updating the user in the database.
I can see I'm somehow removing the user object from the Auth object but I can't understand why I need to delete files in the site to get it back or how the code above removes it - any help would be much appreciated.
It looks like in the case I mentioned above, the problem was the app_controller.php file which I'd copied into my app/controllers directory. Just having the file with an empty class declaration causes this error - can anyone provide further insight?
Further edit
I've realised I've been a bit silly and the problem was caused by me putting app_controller.php in /app/controllers/app_controller.php when there was already one in /app/app_controller.php - thanks for the input though Andy, it helps me understand a bit more what was happening.
This error is normally thrown when a class instance (in your case an instance of Auth) has been serialised to disk, then re-read/deserialised in another request but the class definition (i.e. Auth) has not been loaded yet, so PHP creates it as an "stdClass" (standard class.)
When you remove your site files, you're removing the session storage (IIRC it's the Cache folder in a CakePHP app) so at the next request, a new session is created from scratch.
It's been a while since I last used CakePHP (I switched to Zend) so I cannot remember if Cake includes files it requires using an __autoload function or not.
On that mailing list post, someone says that you can this $this->Auth->user() in a view, but in the controller, you can use $session->read('Auth.User') to get the user component. Not sure what the difference is, maybe $this->Auth is a view helper, so isn't available in the controller?

Configure Log4Net for NHibernate

This has got to be a lamer question:
In my test project I am attempting to configure log4net. The following method call gives the error.
"type name expected but method found"
What am I overlooking?
Is this a compile time error or runtime error? Do you have a using log4net.Config statement in your class file? Does it still happen if you change it to reference the full class name?
I'm not sure if linking to blog entries is verboten...
If you are trying to log NHibernate stuff, here is what I do:
How to show Log4Net info in NUnit (from NHibernate)
I also have a more basic getting started guide here:
Getting Started with Log4Net
oops.. I was trying to do this in the wrong context. I added the method call to my test project's constructor and we're good.