Vue/Nuxt Component updates and rerenders without any data changing - vue.js

I have two components, Carousel.vue and Showcase.vue. I'm testing them both in a page like this:
<div class="test-showcase" v-for="n in 10" :key="n">
<div>Showcase numero {{ n }}</div>
<div class="u-layout--main u-margin-vertical--4">
<app-button #click="changeRequestTest(4)">Test Request 4</app-button>
<app-button #click="changeRequestTest(10)">Test Request 10</app-button>
<template #header>
<h4>Placeholder images</h4>
Carousel heading h4, showing item number {{ index + 1 }}.
<template #default>
:data-carousel-item-name="n === 10 ? 'giovanni-rana' : ''"
v-for="n in 20"
export default {
data() {
return {
n1: 20,
n2: 20,
isAnimationOver: false,
index: 0,
requestTest: null,
methods: {
changeRequestTest(n) {
this.requestTest = n;
onIndexChange(e) {
this.requestTest = e;
logTest(msg = "hello bro") {
logElement(e) {
created() {
this.requestTest = this.$route.query.hero;
Both components use a parameter called index, which basically registers the position (in the children array) of the element that is being focused/shown/highlighted.
data() {
return {
index: 0,
showBackButton: true,
showForwardButton: true,
lockScroll: false,
Carousel actually has a prop, requestElement, that allows the carousel to be scrolled to a specific element (via number or element name), and is used in combination with the event "index-change" to update the value in the parent component.
Now that's the problem: every time requestElement updates (there is a watcher in Carousel.vue to follow that), the Showcase component rerenders.
That's a huge problem because the Showcase component applies specific classes on the mounted hook, and on rerender, all that classes are lost. I solved the problem by calling my class-applying-methods in the update hook, but I don't particularly like this performance-wise.
Basically, if I remove any reference to requestElement, everything works as intended, but as soon as that value changes, the showcase rerenders completely. I tried to change props/params names, to use dedicated functions instead of inline scripts, nothing works. No common value is shared, neither via props or vuex, so this makes it even weirder.
Any idea why this happens?
EDIT: I tried the solution from this question, as expected no change was detected in Showcase component, but it still gets updated when requestElement is changed in Carousel.


Vue 3: access VueComponent object placed in slots

I'm working on tab component and I want to render tab labels in parent component by getting child's slot, named 'label'
In Vue 2.x I could approach that, by referring to $slots property of tab component, in Tabs.vue:
<section class="tabs">
<ul class="tabs-labels">
v-for="tab in tabs"
:class="[{'active': tab.isActive}, 'tab-label']"
{{ tab.$slots.label }}
<div class="tabs-content">
export default {
name: 'Tabs',
data () {
return {
tabs: [],
mounted () {
// filter tabs in case there were additional vue components placed in slots
this.tabs = this.$children.filter(tab => tab.$ === 'TabContent');
methods: {
selectTab (selectedTab) {
// set isActive property of the tab by comparing their uids
this.tabs.forEach(tab => {
tab.isActive = (tab._uid === selectedTab._uid);
<div v-show="isActive" class="single-tab-content">
export default {
name: 'TabContent',
data () {
return {
isActive: false
Here, when the tab label clicked, in Tabs.vue I iterate through tabs array and setting their isActive property, comparing their uid and uid of selectedTab
But in Vue 3.x API of slots has changed, so I changed the way of getting tab contents:
this.tabs = this.$children.filter(tab => tab.$ === 'TabContent');
this.tabs = this.$slots.default().filter(tab => === 'TabContent');
but as I understand, it getting only vNodes, not actual VueComponent that rendered, so when I'm executing selectTab method
tab.isActive = (tab._uid === selectedTab._uid);
it updates only isActive properties for tabs, that were saved in tabs array, not for actual tab contents, so v-show never changes.
Is there any way to get actual rendered VueComponents from <slots>? Or maybe this approach is wrong from the beginning and I should try something else?
CodeSandboxes for both versions:
Vue 2.x -ignore the error about refering to children during render, it's a bug on CodeSandbox
Vue 3.x
Its a bit more complicated with Vue 3. You will want to look into using provide and inject. here is a good example.
sandbox -
The example above is using typescript however you get the idea.

Vue: All components rerender upon unrelated data property change only if a prop comes from a method that returns an object or array

(Vue 3, options API)
The problem: Components rerender when they shouldn't.
The situation:
Components are called with a prop whose value comes from a method.
The method cannot be replaced with a computed property because we must make operations on the specific item (in a v-for) that will send the value processed for that component.
The method returns an Array. If it returned a primitive such as a String, components wouldn't rerender.
To reproduce: change any parent's data property unrelated to the components (such as showMenu in the example below).
<div id="menu">
<div #click="showMenu = !showMenu">Click Me</div>
<div v-if="showMenu">
Open Console: A change in a property shouldn't rerender child components if they are not within the props. But it does because we call myMethod(chart) within the v-for, and that method returns an array/object.
<div v-for="(chart, index) in items" :key="index">
<MyComponent :table="myMethod(chart)" :title="chart.title" />
import MyComponent from './MyComponent.vue';
export default {
components: {
data: function () {
return {
showMenu: false,
items: [{ value: 1 }, { value: 2 }],
methods: {
myMethod(item) {
// Remove [brackets] and it doesn't rerender all children
return ['processed' + item.value];
<div class="myComponent">
{{ table }}
export default {
props: ['table'],
beforeUpdate() {
console.log('I have been rerendered');
.myComponent {
width: 10em;
height: 4em;
border: solid 2px darkblue;
Here's a Stackblitz that reproduces it
I need components not to rerender. And I don't see why they do.
Thank you!
To avoid this unnecessary rerendering which is the default behavior try to use v-memo directive to rerender the child component unless the items property changes :
<div v-for="(chart, index) in items" :key="index" v-memo="[items]">
<MyComponent :table="myMethod(chart)" :title="chart.title" />

Single File Component with slot gets unexpectedly re-rendered on parent event

I am not very confortable with Vue slots yet so maybe I'm using them wrongly. I have 2 Single File Components that are defined the following way :
HelloWorld.vue :
v-for="item in items"
#mouseover="highlighted = item"
:class="{ highlighted: highlighted === item }"
{{ item }}
import Info from "./Info.vue";
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
components: {
data: () => ({
highlighted: null,
items: [1, 2, 3],
<style scoped>
.highlighted {
background: grey;
Info.vue :
<div><slot /></div>
export default {
name: "Info",
beforeUpdate() {
console.log("beforeUpdate Info.vue");
What I don't understand is : when the mouseover event in the HelloWorld SFC is triggered, the beforeUpdate method of Info.vue is called 3 times each time (as many times as there are items in my list). How come this method is called (since no data passed to the Info component is changed) and how can I prevent this potentially costly re-render? Interestingly, the re-render doesn't happen if I remove the class attribute in HelloWorld that toggles the line highlight.
The full code is here :
This is happening because highlighted class has to be evaluated for each element, every time mouseover event takes place.
This happens because highlighted prop changes every time mouseover takes place, which re-triggers Vue to figure out which element to attach the highlighted css class to.

Is there a way, to "emit" a built in event, by hard coding it in Vue instance?

I would like to link two components with each other in my Vue project.
I use two-way binding for that, so I have a parent, and two child components.
The concept:
We see a carousel in the left side of the screen, and we see an accordion in the right side. I built the carousel and the accordions with v-for from a database file.
When I click in some of the accordion it drops down, and I need a reaction from a carousel component, to slide exactly there, where I clicked in the accordion.
carousel: banana, apple, house
accordion: banana, apple house
So when im clicking in the apple accordion button, I need the slider to go to the where are the apple is displayed, and reverse.
As I said, I already bind the two components to each other, so when I'm clicking one of the accordion buttons like #click="onShowStart(index)", I get that index in the another child too, and it's changing dynamically vica-versa by sliding or clicking. So the indexes are already linked and its dynamic.
My problem is I don't know how to trigger an event, like #sliding-start from vue instance in the watch field. So I watch the "actualPosition" prop in my component, and when its changed (from 3 to 1 for example), I would like to start a sliding event to the new value of the actualPosition.
So i need something like:
this.$emit('sliding-start', actualPosition);
I've been sitting at this problem for days, but I think my whole thinking is wrong. But before i believe this, im asking you first.
Here is my code for the Parent component:
<div class="row">
<carousel :actualPosition="actualPosition" class="col bg-dark" #sendTheCarouselPosition="updateAccordion($event)"></carousel>
<accordion :actualPosition="actualPosition" class="col bg-dark" #sendTheAccordionlPosition="updateCarousel($event)"></accordion>
export default {
data() {
return {
actualPosition: null,
updateAccordion: function (updatedAccordion){
this.actualPosition = updatedAccordion;
updateCarousel: function(updatedSlider){
this.actualPosition = updatedSlider
My Accordion component:
<div role="tablist">
<b-card no-body class="mb-1" v-for="(item, index) in dataForProject">
<b-card-header header-tag="header" class="p-1" role="tab">
<b-button block href="#" v-b-toggle="'accordion-' + index" variant="info" #click="onShowStart(index)" >{{ item.title }}</b-button>
<b-collapse :id="'accordion-' + index" visible accordion="my-accordion" role="tabpanel">
<h1>data from Carousel sibling: {{ actualPosition }}</h1>
<b-card-text>{{ item.content }}</b-card-text>
import myDataBase from '../data2'
export default {
actualPosition: function () {
data() {
return {
dataForProject: myDataBase,
onShowStart: function (accordionIndex) {
this.$emit('sendTheAccordionlPosition', accordionIndex);
And my Carousel component:
<p class="mt-4 text-white">
data from Accordion sibling: {{ actualPosition }}
style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #333;"
<b-carousel-slide v-for="(item, index) in dataForProject" :id="index" >
class="d-block img-fluid w-100"
alt="image slot"
import myDataBase from '../data2'
export default {
watch: {
actualPosition: function () {
data() {
return {
//slide: 0,
dataForProject: myDataBase,
methods: {
onSlideStart(slide) {
this.$emit('sendTheCarouselPosition', slide);
onSlideEnd(slide) {
I can get this done by two ways.
1 - Global EventBus
I will create an eventBus and register events on it from any file and listen it anywhere -
import { EventBus } from '#/eventBus'
// simply import it to component which need listen the event
//Register Event where you have your methods - like In your COMP_B_TWO
EventBus.$on('changeValue', () => { this.doSomething() })
// Emit event from another component
EventBus.$emit('changeValue')// Like directly from your COMP_A_TWO
To know how to create a eventBus follow this - Global Event Bus Vue
2 - Use state management - Vuex Follow this link - Vuex
Basically, it will have centralized store for all the components in an application. Whenever you wish to update state you will update to store. And all the other component using that state will react accordingly
Okay, so my whole concept was wrong, and i was wrong about this.
I should have used the v-model for this whole thing. And nothing more.
I added the v-model to the target tags, and my problem is solved.

Vue - Change in the state does not re render the template?

I'm trying to understand the basics of Vue and so far what I understand is every time any of the states in the data property changes, the template or the component should re render. Here is the code snippet I'm working with.
<div id="app">
<input #input="onInput"/>
new Vue({
data: {
textInput: ''
methods: {
this.textInput =
console.log("Test running")
What I expected to happen?
Since I'm updating the textInput data property with every keystroke, I thought that since the template would re render itself, I would see the Test running message in the console every time I hit a key and since the page would re render every time, I would see the input field as blank.
What currently happens
I see the test function run only once when I run the code.
I don't see a blank input field with every key stroke
The DOM does not depend on textInput, so changes to it do not cause a re-render. If the render function uses the variable, you will get a re-render when the variable changes.
new Vue({
data: {
textInput: ''
methods: {
this.textInput =;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input #input="onInput"/>