How to update a single row from multiple rows with UPDATE JOIN - sql

I am trying to use an UPDATE JOIN in SQL Server 2016 to update a single row from multiple rows.
I have a table with a bunch of audit events that looks like:
The User table looks like this:
12345,'Joe Cool',null,null,null
I want to update this record to look like this:
12345,'Joe Cool',2020-01-02,2020-01-03,2020-01-01
Here is what I tried:
update u
set u.date_role_assigned = iif(a.event_name = 'USER_ROLE_CHANGED', a.event_date, u.date_role_assigned),
u.date_activated = iif(a.event_name = 'USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVATED', a.event_date, u.date_activated),
u.date_deactivated = iif(a.event_name = 'USER_ACCOUNT_DEACTIVATED', a.event_date, u.date_deactivated)
from dbo.[User] u
inner join dbo.AuditEventsPivot a on a.entid = u.empid
However, I actually got the following:
12345,'Joe Cool',2020-01-02,null,null
In other words, it only updated one of the columns and didn't update the other two. (Incidentally, I did verify that all three events exist in the table for the ID in question, so that's not the problem - the problem is with the way I've written the join itself).
I could solve this by splitting this into multiple queries, but I would prefer to use a single query if possible to improve performance and make the code more concise. (Please feel free to correct me if this would not, in fact, lead to a performance gain).
Is this possible to do, or am I going to have to split this into multiple queries after all?
I have seen several related questions, but none that directly address my problem; for example, this one is asking what will happen if the JOIN clause matches multiple rows. My understanding based on this (and similar Q&As) is that you can't "count" on which one it'll pick. However, I'm not asking which one will be updated, I'd like all of them to be updated.
I found a Q&A trying to do this with a subquery, but that's not what I want to do because I want to use an UPDATE JOIN rather than a subquery.

One method is pre-aggregation:
update u
set date_role_assigned = coalesce(user_role, u.date_role_assigned)
date_activated = coalesce(a.user_account_activated, u.date_activated),
date_deactivated = coalesce(a.user_account_activated, u.date_deactivated)
from dbo.[User] u join
(select a.entid,
max(case when a.event_name = 'USER_ROLE_CHANGED' then a.event_date end) as user_role,
max(case when a.event_name = 'USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVATED' then a.event_date end) as user_account_activated,
max(case when a.event_name = 'USER_ACCOUNT_DEACTIVATED' then a.event_date end) as user_account_deactivated
from dbo.AuditEventsPivot a
group by a.entid
) a
on a.entid = u.empid;


Request optimisation

I have two tables, on one there are all the races that the buses do
On the other all payments made in these buses
The goal is to add the notion of a Line in the payment table to get something like this
So I tried to do this :
/** I first added a Line column to the dbo.Payments table**/
Table_A.Line = Table_B.ID_Line
[dbo].[Payments] AS Table_A
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Courses_Bus] AS Table_B
ON Table_A.ID_Bus = Table_B.ID_Bus
AND Table_A.DateHour_Payment BETWEEN Table_B.DateHour_Start_Course AND Table_B.DateHour_End_Course
And this
Table_A.Line = Table_B.ID_Line
[dbo].[Payments] AS Table_A
CP.ID_Line AS ID_Line
[dbo].[Payments] AS P
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Courses_Bus] CP ON CP.ID_Bus = P.ID_Bus
AND CP.DateHour_Start_Course <= P.Date
AND CP.DateHour_End_Course >= P.Date
) AS Table_B ON Table_A.ID_Bus = Table_B.ID_Bus
The main problem, apart from the fact that these requests do not seem to work properly, is that each table has several million lines that are increasing every day, and because of the datehour filter (mandatory since a single bus can be on several lines everyday) SSMS must compare each row of the second table to all rows of the other table.
So it takes an infinite amount of time, which will increase every day.
How can I make it work and optimise it ?
Assuming that this is the logic you want:
SET p.Line = cb.ID_Line
FROM [dbo].[Payments] p JOIN
[dbo].[Courses_Bus] cb
ON p.ID_Bus = cb.ID_Bus AND
p.DateHour_Payment BETWEEN cb.DateHour_Start_Course AND cb.DateHour_End_Course;
To optimize this query, then you want an index on Courses_Bus(ID_Bus, DateHour_Start_Course, DateHour_End_Course).
There might be slightly more efficient ways to optimize the query, but your question doesn't have enough information -- is there always exactly one match, for instance?
Another big issue is that updating all the rows is quite expensive. You might find that it is better to do this in loops, one chunk at a time:
UPDATE TOP (10000) p
SET p.Line = cb.ID_Line
FROM [dbo].[Payments] p JOIN
[dbo].[Courses_Bus] cb
ON p.ID_Bus = cb.ID_Bus AND
p.DateHour_Payment BETWEEN cb.DateHour_Start_Course AND cb.DateHour_End_Course
Once again, though, this structure depends on all the initial values being NULL and an exact match for all rows.
Thank you Gordon for your answer.
I have investigated and came with this query :
MERGE [dbo].[Payments] AS p
USING [dbo].[Courses_Bus] AS cb
ON p.ID_Bus= cb.ID_Bus AND
p.DateHour_Payment>= cb.DateHour_Start_Course AND
p.DateHour_Payment<= cb.DateHour_End_Course
UPDATE SET p.Line = cb.ID_Ligne;
As it seems to be the most suitable in an MS-SQL environment.
It also came with the error :
The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target table multiple times. Refine the ON clause to ensure a target row matches at most one source row, or use the GROUP BY clause to group the source rows.
I understood this to mean that it finds several lines with identical
[p.ID_Bus= cb.ID_Bus AND
p.DateHour_Payment >= cb.DateHour_Start_Course AND
p.DateHour_Payment <= cb.DateHour_End_Course]
Yes, this is a possible case, however the ID is different each time.
For example, if two blue cards are beeped at the same time, or if there is a loss of network and the equipment has been updated, thus putting the beeps at the same time. These are different lines that must be treated separately, and you can obtain for example:
|56|204|2021-01-01 10:00:00|15|
|82|204|2021-01-01 10:00:00|15|
How can I improve this query so that it takes into account different payment IDs?
I can't figure out how to do this with the help I find online. Maybe this method is not the right one in this context.

Complex SQL View with Joins & Where clause

My SQL skill level is pretty basic. I have certainly written some general queries and done some very generic views. But once we get into joins, I am choking to get the results that I want, in the view I am creating.
I feel like I am almost there. Just can't get the final piece
SELECT dbo.ics_supplies.supplies_id,
FROM dbo.ics_supplies
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ics_orders
ON dbo.ics_supplies.supplies_id = dbo.ics_orders.suppliesid
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ics_transactions
ON dbo.ics_orders.requisitionnumber =
WHERE ( dbo.ics_transactions.transtype = 'PO' )
When I don't include the WHERE clause, I get 17,000+ records in my view. That is not correct. It's doing this because we are matching on a 1 to many table. Supplies table is 12,000 records. There should always be 12,000 records. Never more. Never less.
The pieces that I am missing are:
I only need ONE matching record from the ICS_Transactions Table. Ideally, the one that I want is the most current 'ICS_Transactions.OriginalDate'.
I only want the ICS_Transactions Table fields to populate IF ICS_Transacions.Type = 'PO'. Otherwise, these fields should remain null.
Sample code or anything would help a lot. I have done a lot of research on joins and it's still very confusing to get what I need for results.
I feel as if I asked my question in the wrong way, or didn't give a good overall view of what I am asking. For that, I apologize. I am still very new to SQL, but trying hard.
ICS_Supplies Table has 12,810 records
ICS_Orders Table has 3,666 records
ICS_Transaction Table has 4,701 records
In short, I expect to see a result of 12,810 records. No more and no less. I am trying to create a View of ALL records from the ICS_Supplies table.
Not all records in Supply Table are in Orders and or Transaction Table. But still, I want to see all 12,810 records, regardless.
My users have requested that IF any of these supplies have an open PO (ICS_Transactions.OpenClosed = 'Open' and ICS_Transactions.InvType = 'PO') Then, I also want to see additional fields from ICS_Transactions (ICS_Transactions.OpenClosed, ICS_Transactions.InvType, ICS_Transactions.OriginalDate, ICS_Transactions.RequsitionNumber).
If there are no open PO's for supply record, then these additional fields should be blank/null (regardless to what data is in these added fields, they should display null if they don't meet the criteria).
The ICS_Orders Table is nly needed to hop from the ICS_Supplies to the ICS_Transactions (I first, need to obtain the Requisition Number from the Orders field, if there is one).
I am sorry if I am not doing a good job to explain this. Please ask if you need clarification.
Here's a simplified version of Ross Bush's answer (It removes a join from the CTE to keep things more focussed, speed things up, and cut down the code).
ordered_ics_transactions AS
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY requisitionnumber
ORDER BY originaldate DESC
AS seq_id
s.supplies_id, s.old_itemid,
s.itemdescription, s.onhand,
s.reorderlevel, s.reorderamt,
s.unitmeasure, s.supplylocation,
s.invtype, s.discontinued,,
t.requsitionnumber, t.openclosed,
t.transtype, t.originaldate
dbo.ics_supplies AS s
dbo.ics_orders AS o
ON o.supplies_id = s.suppliesid
ordered_ics_transactions AS t
ON t.requisitionnumber = o.requisitionnumber
AND t.transtype = 'PO'
AND t.seq_id = 1
This will only join the most recent transaction record for each requisitionnumber, and only if it has transtype = 'PO'
IF you want to reverse that (joining only transaction records that have transtype = 'PO', and of those only the most recent one), then move the transtype = 'PO' filter to be a WHERE clause inside the ordered_ics_transactions CTE.
You can possibly work with the query below to get what you need.
1. I only need ONE matching record from the ICS_Transactions Table. Ideally, the one that I want is the most current 'ICS_Transactions.OriginalDate'.
I would solve this by creating a CTE with all the ICS_Transaction fields needed in the query, rank-ordered by OPriginalDate, partitioned by suppliesid.
2. I only want the ICS_Transactions Table fields to populate IF ICS_Transacions.Type = 'PO'. Otherwise, these fields should remain null.
If you move the condition from the WHERE clause to the LEFT JOIN then ICS_Transactions not matching the criteria will be peeled and replaced with null values with the rest of the query records.
WITH ReqNumberRanked AS
RequisitionNumberRankReversed = RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY dbo.ICS_Orders.SuppliesID, dbo.ICS_Transactions.RequisitionNumber ORDER BY dbo.ICS_Transactions.OriginalDate DESC)
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ICS_Transactions ON dbo.ICS_Orders.RequisitionNumber = dbo.ICS_Transactions.RequsitionNumber
dbo.ICS_Supplies.Supplies_ID, dbo.ICS_Supplies.Old_ItemID,
dbo.ICS_Supplies.ItemDescription, dbo.ICS_Supplies.OnHand,
dbo.ICS_Supplies.ReorderLevel, dbo.ICS_Supplies.ReorderAmt,
dbo.ICS_Supplies.SupplyLocation, dbo.ICS_Supplies.InvType,
dbo.ICS_Supplies.Discontinued, dbo.ICS_Supplies.Supply,
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ICS_Orders ON dbo.ICS_Supplies.Supplies_ID = dbo.ICS_Orders.SuppliesID
LEFT OUTER JOIN ReqNumberRanked ON ReqNumberRanked.RequisitionNumber = dbo.ICS_Transactions.RequsitionNumber
AND (ReqNumberRanked.TransType = 'PO')
AND ReqNumberRanked.RequisitionNumberRankReversed = 1

Issue with joins in a SQL query

c.ConfigurationID AS RealflowID, c.companyname,
c.companyphone, c.ContactEmail, COUNT(k.caseid)
dbo.Configuration c
dbo.cases k ON k.SiteID = c.ConfigurationId
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.RepairEstimates
WHERE caseid = k.caseid)
AND c.AccountStatus = 'Active'
AND c.domainid = 46
c.configurationid,c.companyname, c.companyphone, c.ContactEmail
I have this query - I am using the configuration table to get the siteid of the cases in the cases table. And if the case exists in the repair estimates table pull the company details listed and get a count of how many cases are in the repair estimator table for that siteid.
I hope that is clear enough of a description.
But the issue here is the count is not correct with the data that is being pulled. Is there something I could do differently? Different join? Remove the exists add another join? I am not sure I have tried many different things.
Realized I was using the wrong table. The query was correct.

How to update a table with the result of a group by

I am a newbie and have recently become involved in a project to remove the serialization from one area of our business (so the materials in question become an undifferentiated bulk part rather than individually recognized items).
As part of this project I need to sum the quantity of units held by part and and then update a table with this value. Here is my first attempt:
SET a.qty = (Select part_no, sum(b.qty) from inventory_part_in_stock_tab b
where b.contract = '12505'
group by b.part_no
WHERE a.part_no = b.part_no);
I realise that this is totaly incorrect but will hopefully illustrate exactly what I am trying to do. I have managed to create a cursor based program that I think achieves what I want but is to slow to be practical.
This produces the right answer in list form on screen but does not update the file!
Select part_no, sum(qty) from inventory_part_in_stock_tab
where contract = '12505'
group by part_no
We are running Oracle 9i can anyone help?
Correct code:
SET a.qty = (Select sum(b.qty)
from inventory_part_in_stock_tab b
where b.contract = '12505'
AND b.part_no = a.part_no);
The mistake in your UPDATE query is that you are SELECTing two columns - part_no and sum(b.qty) while you are updating just a single column - a.qty.
Also, there are two WHERE clauses in your SELECT subquery of UPDATE query. Looks like that really a HAVING clause after the GROUP BY. You don't have to do that.

Sql syntax to always get one

SELECT dbo.Calls.Description, dbo.TicketRead.IsRead, dbo.TicketRead.UserID
FROM dbo.Calls
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.TicketRead ON dbo.Calls.CallID = dbo.TicketRead.TicketID
WHERE dbo.TicketRead.UserID = 1 or is null
I want to get a list of all calls, but also a value indicating if the user have read the call. so I made when a user open's the ticket a new record is added in a special table.
now if no user have read it then it's ok, but if just one user have read this ticket, then the other users don't have this call in the list..
I'm using msSql and .net entity framework.
Are you sure you want to limit the TicketRead table to just UserID # 1?
SELECT c.Description, r.IsRead, r.UserID
FROM dbo.Calls c
LEFT JOIN dbo.TicketRead r
ON c.CallID = r.TicketID
AND r.UserID = 1
This is done joining on multiple conditions... You'll get all of the Calls, but only the IsRead flag from TicketRead when UserID #1 has read it.
I'm not convinced this is actually what you're looking for, and I will be available to update this later if not.
Also please consider using table aliases in the future, I think you'll like it.
you are wanting to do the following:
SELECT dbo.Calls.Description, dbo.TicketRead.IsRead, dbo.TicketRead.UserID
FROM dbo.Calls
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.TicketRead ON dbo.Calls.CallID = dbo.TicketRead.TicketID
dbo.TicketRead.UserID = 1
or dbo.TicketRead.CallID IS NULL
basically, we are saying here, if there a userid, it has to be 1. otherwise, the records primary key is null (because of the join). Fosco's answer is also right, and much smaller :)