Is there possibility to assign 0 for another occurence of the same user? - sql

I have table like this:
And lets say I want to have in another occurence of login eg. 1234 i would like to have instead of 275 value of 0, the same for 3678 instead of 300 i would like to have 0. I want to have profit/loss only for first occurence in the table. Is this somehow possible to do it in SQL?

If you only want to keep the highest / lowest, you can join the table with itself.
If you only want the first (as in lowest row number) occurance you can use a window function and update all occurances > 1
set profit = 0
FROM table
WHERE SUB.cnt > 1

In Standard SQL, you can use:
update t
set profit = 0
where profit > (select max(profit) from t t2 where t2.login = t.login);
Note that specific databases may have alternative ways to writing this. However, your question does not have a database tag.
Also, this assumes that your table does not have duplicates. Unfortunately, duplicates would be problematic if these are the only two columns in the table.


Counting how many times one specific value changed to another specific value in order of date range and grouped by ID

I have a table like below where I need to query a count of how many times each ID went from specifically 'Waste Sale' in one value to 'On Stop' in the very next value based on ascending date and if there are no instances of this, the count will be 0
Stage name
Stage Changed Date
Waste Sale
On Stop
Waste Sale
On Stop
Waste Sale
On Stop
On Stop
The result I would be looking for based on the above table would be something like this:
Count of 'Waste Sales to On Stops'
ID 1 having a count of 1 because there was one instance of 'Waste Sale' changing to 'On Stop' in the very next value based on date range
ID 3 having a count of 0 because even though the stage name changed to 'On Stop' the previous value based on date range wasn't 'Waste Sale'.
I have a hunch I would have to use something like LEAD() and GROUP BY/ ORDER BY but since I'm so new to SQL would really appreciate some help on the specific syntax and coding. Any version of SQL is okay.
We can use window function lead to take a peek at the next value of the query result.
select distinct id,
select count(*)
select *,
partition by id
order by stage_changed_date)
as stage_next
from sales s2
) s3
where =
and s3.stage_name = 'waste sale'
and s3.stage_next = 'on stop'
) as count_of_waste_sales_to_on_stop
from sales s1
order by id;
Query above uses lead(stage_name) over(partition by id order by stage_changed_date) to get the next stage_name in the query result while segregating it by id and order it based on stage_changed_date. Check the query on DB Fiddle.
I have no experience in zoho, so i'm unsure if the query will 100% works or not. They said it supported ansi-sql, however there might some differences with MySQL due to reasons.
The column names are not the exact same with op question due to testing only done using DB Fiddle.
There might better query out there waiting to be written.

The MIN() Function Ms Access

this is a sample sql query that i created ms access query. i am trying to get only one row the min(DATE). how ever when i run my query i get multiple lines. any hits? thanks
SELECT tblWarehouseItem.whiItemName,
Min(tblWarehouseItem.whiDateIn) AS MinOfwhiDateIn,
FROM tblWarehouseItem
GROUP BY tblWarehouseItem.whiDateIn,
If i have my sql code like that is working as it should:
SELECT MIN(tblWarehouseItem.whiDateIn) FROM tblWarehouseItem;
In the first query, you group by a number of columns. That means the minimum value will be calculated for each group, which in turn means you may have multiple rows. On the other hand, the second query will only get the minimum value for the specified column from all rows, so that there is only one row in the result set.
A simple example is shown below to illustrate the above.
Key Value
1 1
1 2
2 3
2 4
On Group By Key:
GroupKey MinValue
1 = min(1,2) = 1 -> Row 1
2 = min(3,4) = 3 -> Row 2
On Min (Value)
=min(1,2,3,4) = 1 -> Row 1
For a table like above, if you want to select all rows and also show the minimum value from whole table rather than per group, you can do something like this:
select key, (select min(value) from table)
from table
FROM tblWarehouseItem AS WI INNER JOIN (SELECT whiimtID, MIN(tblWarehouseItem.whiDateIn) AS whiDateIn
FROM tblWarehouseItem
GROUP BY whiimtID) AS MinWI ON (WI.whiDateIn = MinWI.whiDateIn) AND (WI.whiimtID = MinWI.whiimtID);

How to get three count values from same column using SQL in Access?

I have a table that has an integer column from which I am trying to get a few counts from. Basically I need four separate counts from the same column. The first value I need returned is the count of how many records have an integer value stored in this column between two values such as 213 and 9999, including the min and max values. The other three count values I need returned are just the count of records between different values of this column. I've tried doing queries like...
SELECT (SELECT Count(ID) FROM view1 WHERE ((MyIntColumn BETWEEN 213 AND 9999));)
AS Value1, (SELECT Count(ID) FROM FROM view1 WHERE ((MyIntColumn BETWEEN 500 AND 600));) AS Value2 FROM view1;
So there are for example, ten records with this column value between 213 and 9999. The result returned from this query gives me 10, but it gives me the same value of 10, 618 times which is the number of total records in the table. How would it be possible for me to only have it return one record of 10 instead?
Use the Iif() function instead of CASE WHEN
select Condition1: iif( ), condition2: iif( ), etc
P.S. : What I used to do when working with Access was have the iif() resolve to 1 or 0 and then do a SUM() to get the counts. Roundabout but it worked better with aggregation since it avoided nulls.
WHEN MyIntColumn >= 213 AND MyIntColumn <= 9999
THEN MyIntColumn
END) AS FirstValue
, ??? AS SecondValue
, ??? AS ThirdValue
, ??? AS FourthValue
FROM Table
This doesn't need nesting or CTE or anything. Just define via CASE your condition within COUNTs argument.
I dont really understand what You want in the second, third an fourth column. Sounds to me, its very similar to the first one.
Reformatted, your query looks like:
FROM view1
WHERE MyIntColumn BETWEEN 213 AND 9999
) AS Value1
FROM view1;
So you are selecting a subquery expression that is not related to the outer query. For each row in view1, you calculate the number of rows in view1.
Instead, try to do the calculation once. You just have to remove your outer query:
FROM view1
WHERE MyIntColumn BETWEEN 213 AND 9999;
OLEDB Connection in MS Access does not support key words CASE and WHEN .
You can only use iif() function to count two, three.. values in same columns
SELECT Attendance.StudentName, Count(IIf([Attendance]![Yes_No]='Yes',1,Null)) AS Yes, Count(IIf([Attendance]![Yes_No]='No',1,Null)) AS [No], Count(IIf([Attendance]![Yes_No]='Not',1,Null)) AS [Not], Count(IIf([Attendance]![Yes_No],1,Null)) AS Total
FROM Attendance
GROUP BY Attendance.StudentName;

Access SQL how to make an increment in SELECT query

I Have an SQL query giving me X results, I want the query output to have a coulmn called
count making the query somthing like this:
count id section
1 15 7
2 3 2
3 54 1
4 7 4
How can I make this happen?
So in your example, "count" is the derived sequence number? I don't see what pattern is used to determine the count must be 1 for id=15 and 2 for id=3.
count id section
1 15 7
2 3 2
3 54 1
4 7 4
If id contained unique values, and you order by id you could have this:
count id section
1 3 2
2 7 4
3 15 7
4 54 1
Looks to me like mikeY's DSum approach could work. Or you could use a different approach to a ranking query as Allen Browne described at this page
Edit: You could use DCount instead of DSum. I don't know how the speed would compare between the two, but DCount avoids creating a field in the table simply to store a 1 for each row.
DCount("*","YourTableName","id<=" & [id]) AS counter
Whether you go with DCount or DSum, the counter values can include duplicates if the id values are not unique. If id is a primary key, no worries.
I frankly don't understand what it is you want, but if all you want is a sequence number displayed on your form, you can use a control bound to the form's CurrentRecord property. A control with the ControlSource =CurrentRecord will have an always-accurate "record number" that is in sequence, and that will update when the form's Recordsource changes (which may or may not be desirable).
You can then use that number to navigate around the form, if you like.
But this may not be anything like what you're looking for -- I simply can't tell from the question you've posted and the "clarifications" in comments.
The only trick I have seen is if you have a sequential id field, you can create a new field in which the value for each record is 1. Then you do a running sum of that field.
Add to your query
DSum("[New field with 1 in it]","[Table Name]","[ID field]<=" & [ID Field])
as counterthing
That should produce a sequential count in Access which is what I think you want.
(Stolen from Rob Mills here:
Alright, I guess this comes close enough to constitute an answer: the following link specifies two approaches:
The first approach assumes that you have an ID value and uses DCount (similar to #mikeY's solution).
The second approach assumes you're OK creating a VBA function that will run once for EACH record in the recordset, and will need to be manually reset (with some VBA) every time you want to run the count - because it uses a "static" value to run its counter.
As long as you have reasonable numbers (hundreds, not thousands) or records, the second approach looks like the easiest/most powerful to me.
This function can be called from each record if available from a module.
Example: incrementingCounterTimeFlaged(10,[anyField]) should provide your query rows an int incrementing from 0.
'provides incrementing int values 0 to n
'resets to 0 some seconds after first call
Function incrementingCounterTimeFlaged(resetAfterSeconds As Integer,anyfield as variant) As Integer
Static resetAt As Date
Static i As Integer
'if reset date < now() set the flag and return 0
If DateDiff("s", resetAt, Now()) > 0 Then
resetAt = DateAdd("s", resetAfterSeconds, Now())
i = 0
incrementingCounterTimeFlaged = i
'if reset date > now increments and returns
i = i + 1
incrementingCounterTimeFlaged = i
End If
End Function
autoincrement in SQL
SELECT (Select COUNT(*) FROM table A where<,,B.Section FROM table AS B ORDER BY B.ID Asc
You can use ROW_NUMBER() which is in SQL Server 2008
FROM myTable
Then RowNum displays sequence of row numbers.

Deleting every nth row SQL

Say I have a table (id int, Name varchar) of 1000 rows. Now I wish to delete every nth record (every 2nd, 3rd or 5th) . What is the most efficient way to do this ?
For SQL Server 2005+
Every 2nd row
WITH example AS (
DELETE example
WHERE rank%2 = 0
For every 3rd row, change the WHERE clause to:
WHERE rank%3 = 0
Anf for every fifth row:
WHERE rank%5 = 0
This uses modulus, which returns the remainder from division. If the remainder is zero, the value being divided is a multiple of the divisor.