Can PostgreSQL use FOR LOOP in ORDER BY? - sql

Can I make SQL statements like this?
FROM table1
FOR i in array_length(array,1) LOOP
The result I want is:
FROM table1
ORDER BY array[1]::numeric, array[2]::numeric, ...
Can I? :)

No, there is no LOOP in SQL. It's an element of procedural languages like PL/pgSQL, though. See:
Postgres FOR LOOP
But there is a simpler way:
FROM table1
ORDER BY array_column::numeric[];
Arrays values are sorted by element values left-to-right out of the box.
Column array_column must be an array with an element type that has a registered cast to numeric. Like text or varchar or some others.
Else, you may be able to use text[] as stepping stone: array_column::text[]:numeric[].
Each element can be projected to a legal numeric value.


How to backreference a calculated column value in another column during an INSERT query on Postgres? (query-runtime temporary variable assignment)

In MySQL there's some helpful syntax for doing things like SELECT #calc:=3,#calc, but I can't find the way to solve this on PostgreSQL
The idea would be something like:
SELECT (SET) autogen := UUID_GENERATE_v4() AS id, :autogen AS duplicated_id;
returning a row with 2 columns with same value
EDIT: Not interested in conventional \set, I need to do this for hundreds of rows
You can use a subquery:
select id, id as duplicated_id
from (select UUID_GENERATE_v4() AS id
) x
Postgres does not confuse the select statement by allowing variable assignment. Even if it did, nothing guarantees the order of evaluation of expressions in a select, so you still would not be sure that it worked.

How to subscript a Postgres column

I have a Postgres query:
CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN (col_a, col_b)
END as main
FROM "table1"
LIMIT 100) inner_t
Which returns a single column of values in the format (value_a, value_b) in each row. I want the outer query to format those values so that all the value_a's and value_b's are in their own separate columns.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Output screenshot:
You can abuse row_to_json to do this, but it is probably best to avoid anonymous record types in the first place.
SELECT row_to_json(main)->>'f1', row_to_json(main)->>'f2'
CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN (col_a, col_b)
END as main
FROM "table1"
LIMIT 100) inner_t
To give a concrete example (after running pgbench -i):
SELECT row_to_json(main)->>'f1', row_to_json(main)->>'f2'
CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN (aid, bid)
END as main
FROM pgbench_accounts
LIMIT 100) inner_t;
But it only works in v10 and up.
This is more of an explanation than an actual answer. But it won't fit into a comment.
The thing is, SQL is a strictly typed language. Postgres demands to know the number and data types in the SELECT list at call time. The *-expansion in SELECT * FROM .. is based on registered types. Postgres knows the columns of a table because the structure is saved in the catalog tables.
The expression nested in your construct (col_a, col_b) is short for ROW(col_a, col_b) and a ROW constructor creates an anonymous record. The manual:
By default, the value created by a ROW expression is of an anonymous
record type. If necessary, it can be cast to a named composite type —
either the row type of a table, or a composite type created with
Postgres does not know how to expand an anonymous record. *-expansion does not work.
You could cast like the manual says. But that's only an option if the type is stable, i.e. you always put in the same number of columns with the same data types. And that still would not preserve column names.
So, for the best solution, first define:
Obviously you want to preserve column vales.
Do you also want to preserve column names?
Do you also want to preserve column types?
Is the number of columns in the expression always the same?
Are data types always the same?
The CASE condition is stable or based on other columns?
If the true aim of the game is to fit multiple values in a single CASE expression, you only care about values, create a text array instead:
SELECT main[1] AS col_a, main[2] AS col_b
SELECT CASE WHEN true THEN ARRAY[col_a::text, col_b::text] END AS main
FROM table1
) inner_t;
You lose name and type. You can cast and add aliases if you know name & type.
Else you have to describe your use case more closely - in the question.
Try Below query
SELECT split_part(main,',',1) as Val1,split_part(main,',',2) as Val2
CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN (col_a, col_b)
END as main
FROM "table1"
LIMIT 100) inner_t

How to fetch a range of numbers using like operator

Currently I'm trying to fetch the records which are matching my condition.
I'm using wildcard operator but it's not fetching the records as I expect.
I have multiple records in my table and I'm using the query below:
select *
from My_table
where RegNum like '117[15-24]%'
I thought above query will fetch the records from 11715 to 11724, but currently it's fetching records from 11710 to 11719. I got to know that % wildcard operator will consider single digits only.
Is there any other way to use two digit number in wildcard operator or is there any other solution to fetch the records what I'm looking for?
I speculate that you are using SQL Server. When comparing numerical ranges, the best thing to do is to just use an inequality. If your RegNum column is text, then cast it to integer first and then compare:
FROM My_table
WHERE (CAST RegNum AS int) BETWEEN 11715 AND 11724;
If you want to use LIKE, we might be able to try:
FROM My_table
WHERE RegNum LIKE '1171[5-9]' OR RegNum LIKE '1172[0-4]';
The logic you want is perhaps better captured by:
where left(regnum, 5) between '11715' and '11724'
Not all databases support left(), in those, use the substring function instead.
You have a logic fallacy in wanting to use like for numeric ranges. like is for strings. If you want numeric ranges, use numbers. You could do this with the above condition:
where cast(left(regnum, 5) as int) between 11715 and 11724
But this is logically equivalent to the original string comparison.

Conditionally delete item inside an Array Field PostgreSQL

I'm building a kind of dictionary app and I have a table for storing words like below:
id | surface_form | examples
1 | sounds | {"It sounds as though you really do believe that",
| | "A different bell begins to sound midnight"}
Where surface_form is of type CHARACTER VARYING and examples is an array field of CHARACTER VARYING
Since the examples are generated automatically from another API, it might not contain the exact "surface_form". Now I want to keep in examples only sentences that contain the exact surface_form. For instance, in the given example, only the first sentence is kept as it contain sounds, the second should be omitted as it only contain sound.
The problem is I got stuck in how to write a query and/or plSQL stored procedure to update the examples column so that it only has the desired sentences.
This query skips unwanted array elements:
select id, array_agg(example) new_examples
from a_table, unnest(examples) example
where surface_form = any(string_to_array(example, ' '))
group by id;
id | new_examples
1 | {"It sounds as though you really do believe that"}
(1 row)
Use it in update:
with corrected as (
select id, array_agg(example) new_examples
from a_table, unnest(examples) example
where surface_form = any(string_to_array(example, ' '))
group by id
update a_table
set examples = new_examples
from corrected
where examples <> new_examples
and =;
Test it in rextester.
Maybe you have to change the table design. This is what PostgreSQL's documentation says about the use of arrays:
Arrays are not sets; searching for specific array elements can be a sign of database misdesign. Consider using a separate table with a row for each item that would be an array element. This will be easier to search, and is likely to scale better for a large number of elements.
The most compact solution (but not necessarily the fastest) is to write a function that you pass a regular expression and an array and which then returns a new array that only contains the items matching the regex.
create function get_matching(p_values text[], p_pattern text)
returns text[]
l_result text[] := '{}'; -- make sure it's not null
l_element text;
foreach l_element in array p_values loop
-- adjust this condition to whatever you want
if l_element ~ p_pattern then
l_result := l_result || l_element;
end if;
end loop;
return l_result;
language plpgsql;
The if condition is only an example. You need to adjust that to whatever you exactly store in the surface_form column. Maybe you need to test on word boundaries for the regex or a simple instr() would do - your question is unclear about that.
Cleaning up the table then becomes as simple as:
update the_table
set examples = get_matching(examples, surface_form);
But the whole approach seems flawed to me. It would be a lot more efficient if you stored the examples in a properly normalized data model.
In SQL, you have to remember two things.
Tuple elements are immutable but rows are mutable via updates.
SQL is declarative, not procedural
So you cannot "conditionally" "delete" a value from an array. You have to think about the question differently. You have to create a new array following a specification. That specification can conditionally include values (using case statements). Then you can overwrite the tuple with the new array.
Looks like one way could to update the array with array elements that are valid by doing a select using like or some regular expression.
If you want to hold elements from array that have "surface_form" in it you have to use that entries with substring(....,...) is not null
First you unnest the array, hold only items that match, and then array_agg the stored items
Here is a little query you can run to test without any table.
(SELECT array_agg(examples_matching)
FROM unnest(surfaces.examples) AS examples_matching
WHERE substring(examples_matching, surfaces.surface_form) IS NOT NULL)
1 AS id,
'example' :: TEXT AS surface_form,
ARRAY ['example form', 'test test','second example form'] :: TEXT [] AS examples
) surfaces;
You can select data in temp table using
Then update temp table using update query on row number
Merge value using
This merge value you can update in original table
For Example
Suppose you create temp table
Temp (id int, element character varying)
Then update Temp table and nest it.
Finally update original table
Here is the query you can directly try to execute in editor
id bigint,
element character varying)WITH (OIDS);
TRUNCATE TABLE temp_element;
insert into temp_element select row_number() over (order by p),p from (
select unnest(ARRAY['It sounds as though you really do believe that',
'A different bell begins to sound midnight']) as P)t;
update temp_element set element = 'It sounds as though you really'
where element = 'It sounds as though you really do believe that';
--update table
select array_agg(r) from ( select element from temp_element)r

Using UPCASE or Regexp in Array Column on Postgres

I am trying to query a Postgres Array Column disregarding case and perhaps even disregarding spaces as well.
SELECT "cats".* FROM "cats" WHERE ('CATS - PERSA' = ANY(UPCASE(cat_types))) ORDER BY "cats"."id" ASC LIMIT 1;
But I get this error:
You might need to add explicit type casts.
AS a bonus I would like to also be able to do a regexp where the search ignores spaces in values on the cat_types column.
I am using Ruby on Rails to do this.
cat_type.upcase.delete(' ')
Cats.where("'#{cat_type}' = ANY(cat_types)").first
The query works just using ANY but I want to be able to disregard spaces and upcase the values in cat_types so that it has more chances of matching. Ilike could also be a possibility.
FROM cats c, unnest(c.cat_types) AS cat_type
WHERE upper(translate(cat_type, ' ', '')) = 'CATS-PERSA'
The Postgres function is upper(), not upcase().
cat_types seems to be an array, assuming type text[] (info missing). I unnest() to treat array elements individually. This cannot be done with ANY, which is only good for simple comparison.
I use an implicit LATERAL JOIN here, requires Postgres 9.3+ (info missing).
If multiple array elements match, you get the row multiple times here. Hence the DISTINCT.
More about pattern-matching in Postgres:
Pattern matching with LIKE, SIMILAR TO or regular expressions in PostgreSQL