Angular Changed Url And Change Component - angular8

I have a component in Angular and when I press a button I want Ural to change
But I do not want my component to change
What do you think I should do?


Capturing click from included component in react-native?

I am trying to use 'react-native-popup-dialog' to include pop ups in my react-native app.
I have a component 'HeaderView' which I am including in all other components for example 'Home' as
For 'HeaderView' component I have set flex to 0.5 and there is a button whose onpress event I want to capture in 'Home' component.
onPress={() => {;
And PopupDialog exists in 'Home' Component.
If I include PopupDialog in HeaderView, I get popup only in 0.5 (flex) part of screen.
Is there any way to achieve this or will I have to discard my HeaderView component and add its logic in all components?
You can do that in so many ways.
As one of those you can use this:
Add some listener in the root of your app (e.g: App.js) and render popup dialog there, and finally show modal with emitting the listener. (react-native-event-listeners)
Another simple way is using ContextApi
But you should know that the best way is rendering your main modal in root and call the functionalities about that with some tools like the above examples or even something like redux.

Extending vuetify v-btn component, adding custom click event

I am trying to create component which would extend v-btn in such a way that every time I click a button, it should emit short beep, and disable the button for 5 seconds.
It would be ideal for the button to change color while disabled.
This is a problem, since color is a property, and I can't overwrite it's value...
Also, when I try to invoke, I get an error.
You can check example here:
Your Btn component should just "use" v-btn rather than extending it.
v-bind="$attrs" is to copy any <btn>'s attribute onto <v-btn>.
#click event is captured and reemited as-is after doing what needs to be done

VueJS 2 - Default click event on component

Is it possible in VueJS to have a default click event on a custom component?
E.g. we have built a component called editable. Now on click, we always want it to fire the same function, no matter where we call that component.
<editable #click="doSomething" ...></editable>
Can I define that somewhere in the JS side?
In case of custom component, you need to bind to native event:
<editable #click.native="doSomething" ...></editable>
For documentation, refer to Vue.js docs here.

$vuetify.rtl=true moves only the content inside the component to right but it doesn't work to replace the component to right?
In the above link i want the sidebar component towards right when $vuetify.rtl is enabled.

How to implement sidebar with settings for each component

I am just getting started with vuejs and after following a course on udemy I feel ready to dig in. To get started I need some pointers.
Take a look at this screenshot:
I have created a component call it example, when I click on the component I need on the left side of the component to show the settings for just that component. If I change those settings they should only be changed for selected component. If I select the second component settings with its own values should then be displayed to the left.
What is best way to do this? Sidebar on the left should only be visible if the component is clicked/selected. So I am guessing that the sidebar component which we can call settings should be a child of example component so that I can comunicate with this when it should be visible or not.
My question is how do I position the child component to the left like I have "mocked up" on the screenshot. Is it possible to copy settings component html into the left sidebar each time I click an example component?
How would you implement something like this?