q-input has value then only Rules will apply - vue.js

If q-input has value != '' then only i want to apply the Rules like required 8 number maximum. In the below code it gives me the required input error even it's null.
label="Landline Phone Number"
placeholder="Landline Phone Number"
:rules="[val => val!='' && val.length > 7 || 'Landline Required 8 digit']"

Try to add prop lazy-rules.
By default, it's set to 'ondemand', which means that validation will be triggered only when the component’s validate() method is manually called or when the wrapper QForm submits itself. More info

You have to return true when the field is null first, then validate only if it's not null. Also, add the prop lazy-rules so that it only validates when the form field loses focus.
Here is how I did it in Vue 3, using composable and TypeScript. The form field component:
label="ID Number "
hint="Optional/Leave blank if not available"
:rules="[(val) => isNumberBlankOrValid(val) || 'Invalid ID Number']"
The method isNumberBlankOrValid called from the field above:
const isNumberBlankOrValid = (val: string) => {
if (val.length === 0) {
return true
return isValidNumber(val)
The isValidNumber for other fields that must be filled:
const isValidNumber = (val: string) => val && isNumeric(val)
The isNumeric method is a simple regex for validating numbers:
const isNumeric = (value: string) => {
return /^\d+$/.test(value)


vuejs pass extra parameter to function

Is it possible within Quasar Form rules to pass extra parameter?
This had to do with the following template code:
<q-field outlined v-else-if="prop.component === 'checkbox'"
The function:
const isCheckLimit = (v) => {
return v.length > 2 || t('checked-to-much')
I want that number 2 to be dynamic instead of static, is it possible to pass for example a number to that function? I cant find any clear information about that?
Thank you in advance.
You have to define your rule as function in your rules array, first lets update your validation function to accept second argument, I will also set it to default value of 2:
const isCheckLimit = (v, minLength = 2) => {
return v.length > minLength || t('checked-to-much');
Now if you use this for your rules:
:rules="[(value) => isCheckLimit(value, 4)]"
Your validation function will use 4 for minLength instead of default 2.
Original way will also work:
But will use the default value of 2 for minLength

prop.sync is not working with :value (vuejs)

I have a made a custom "Select" component as well as an "Input" component. For my use case, it a certain object with "Preset" value is selected then I want the "Input" component to dynamically set the value to this Preset value. The parent component (below) has the child component "MegaSelect" (the custom select component) and "MegaCell" (custom input component)
placeholder="Item type"
Here the "Select" component called "MegaSelect" is triggering typeChange (below)
typeChange() {
var presets = productData.getFrontType(this.data.frontType).presets
this.wPresets = presets ? presets.w : null
this.hPresets = presets ? presets.h : null
this.qtyPresets = presets ? presets.qty : null
typeChange will check if my selected object has a hardcoded "Preset" value. if it does, it will update the data of wPresets, hPresets and qtyPresets.
:value="qtyPresets ? qtyPresets[0] : null"
it will then dynamically update the :value of another custom "input" component called "MegaCell" which has a :prop.sync updating the "data" prop.
the MegaCell component has the following template
selected: selected,
focussed: focussed,
outOfBounds: outOfBounds,
warn: warn
<input ref="field" v-model="convertedDbValue" #focus="setFocus" #dblclick="setFocus" :placeholder="placeholder" />
I believe my mistake has something to do with the v-model and my computed: convertedDbValue's setter (below)
convertedDbValue: {
get: function() {
if (!this.data) return null
var fixedData = this.$utils.toFixedNumber(this.data / 25.4, 3)
var adjustedData = fixedData % 1 == 0 ? parseInt(fixedData) : fixedData
return this.dataType == 'Number' && this.unit == 'inch' ? adjustedData : this.data
set: function(value) {
if (this.dataType !== 'String') {
var val = this.unit == 'inch' ? this.$utils.toFixedNumber(value * 25.4, 3) : parseInt(value)
this.$emit('update:data', val)
} else {
this.$emit('update:data', value)
it's updating the data prop with a few adjustments to the inputted (number) value. how do i get the :value to dynamically change from the parent component to the child component and update the input value accordingly?

How can I pass a value from v-select to method - it always stays the same as the default

I have a function I want to pass a value to in my Vue app using v-select.
v-select is populated from a data array 'chapters'.
I then want to use the selected id to pass to a function.
I have an empty data variable 'chapterIdFilter' in my data return which is set to a value of 1 - this pre-filters my vuetify data table
How can I pass the value of the id - chapterIdFilter - from my v-select dropdown to a function in my methods so I can filter the table with it?
The chapterIdFilter is always '1'
label="Filter by Chapter"
currentDataItems (chapterIdFilter) {
return this.portals.filter(val => val.chapterId === parseInt(chapterIdFilter)) // this.portals.filter(val => val.chapterId === '1')
So the code below works as desired but I am not sure it should or know why
currentDataItems (chapterIdFilter) {
this.chapterIdFilter = chapterIdFilter
return this.portals.filter(val => val.chapterId === parseInt(this.chapterIdFilter))
You should bind v-model directive to the data property and use it with this in your method :
label="Filter by Chapter"
currentDataItems () {
return this.portals.filter(val => val.chapterId === parseInt(this.chapterIdFilter))

How do I get the value from sibling of selected option and pass it as value in inputfield autofill (VueJS)

Flow of my app:
user types a city
user select a country code in select
then submit
But the problem is that when someone types 'ams' instead of 'amsterdam' it will also output a list of responding country codes. If someone select one and then click on the submit button. It will give an error that the this.city is undefined. The reason for this is because the url that is fetched consists variables of this.city and this.country_code. Something looks like www.weatherbit.com/${this.city}=country${this.country_code} and that is the reason why it gives an error in this case. So in order to avoid that I want to get the autofill option if the this.city is not a valid city name. When someone clicks on country code 'NL' and the city name is undefined (not matching the entire city name) it will autofill the input field with that. In order to do so it needs to get the 'country.city_name' and pass it to v-model="city". How can I do that.
<select v-model="countryCode" #change="handleChange">
<option v-for="(country, index) in checkCountryName" :key="index" :value="country.country_code" :selected="index === 0">
{{ country.city_name}} // only this value should be output in input /// and should not be in option element
{{ country.country_code }} // only this should be shown in option if this is undefined
<input v-model="city" placeholder="Please enter your location...">
data () {
return {
city: '',
cityList: [],
countryCode: null,
errors: []
mounted () {
.then(response => {
this.cityList = response.data
computed: {
checkCountryName () {
if(this.city.length < 1) return;
return this.cityList.filter((cityName) => {
return cityName.city_name.toLowerCase().match(this.city.toLowerCase())
There are few options to achieve this scenario.
Option 1: Enter full city name
Instead of match, find the city the user typed is fully matching the city_name. This will give you the full city name when you call the api.
Option 2: Change the input value
Once the user typed the half word like ams and select a country, at handleChange event in select, you can set the city_name to city like
methods: {
handleChange(e) {
this.city = e.target.value.city_name

Ember.js input fields

Is it possible to use standard HTML5 input fields in an Ember.js view, or are you forced to use the limited selection of built in fields like Ember.TextField, Ember.CheckBox, Ember.TextArea, and Ember.select? I can't seem to figure out how to bind the input values to the views without using the built in views like:
Input: {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="objectValue" }}
Specifically, I'm in need of a numeric field. Any suggestions?
EDIT: This is now out of date you can achieve everything above with the following:
{{input value=objectValue type="number" min="2"}}
Outdated answer
You can just specify the type for a TextField
Input: {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="objectValue" type="number"}}
If you want to access the extra attributes of a number field, you can just subclass Ember.TextField.
App.NumberField = Ember.TextField.extend({
type: 'number',
attributeBindings: ['min', 'max', 'step']
Input: {{view App.NumberField valueBinding="objectValue" min="1"}}
#Bradley Priest's answer above is correct, adding type=number does work. I found out however that you need to add some attributes to the Ember.TextField object if you need decimal numbers input or want to specify min/max input values. I just extended Ember.TextField to add some attributes to the field:
//Add a number field
App.NumberField = Ember.TextField.extend({
attributeBindings: ['name', 'min', 'max', 'step']
In the template:
{{view App.NumberField type="number" valueBinding="view.myValue" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.01" }}
et voile!
Here is my well typed take on it :
App.NumberField = Ember.TextField.extend({
type: 'number',
attributeBindings: ['min', 'max', 'step'],
numericValue: function (key, v) {
if (arguments.length === 1)
return parseFloat(this.get('value'));
this.set('value', v !== undefined ? v+'' : '');
I use it that way:
{{view App.NumberField type="number" numericValueBinding="prop" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.01" }}
The other systems where propagating strings into number typed fields.
You may also wish to prevent people from typing any old letters in there:
App.NumberField = App.TextField.extend({
type: 'number',
attributeBindings: ['min', 'max', 'step'],
numbericValue : function (key,v) {
if (arguments.length === 1)
return parseFloat(this.get('value'));
this.set('value', v !== undefined ? v+'' : '');
didInsertElement: function() {
this.$().keypress(function(key) {
if((key.charCode!=46)&&(key.charCode!=45)&&(key.charCode < 48 || key.charCode > 57)) return false;
Credit where its due: I extended nraynaud's answer
This is how I would do this now (currently Ember 1.6-beta5) using components (using the ideas from #nraynaud & #nont):
App.NumberFieldComponent = Ember.TextField.extend
tagName: "input"
type: "number"
numericValue: ((key, value) ->
if arguments.length is 1
parseFloat #get "value"
#set "value", (if value isnt undefined then "#{value}" else "")
).property "value"
didInsertElement: ->
#$().keypress (key) ->
false if (key.charCode isnt 46) and (key.charCode isnt 45) and (key.charCode < 48 or key.charCode > 57)
Then, to include it in a template:
number-field numericValue=someProperty