Getting error while trying to sign in with Facebook - react-native

I'm using React Native Firebase Authentification and Facebook SDK for signing in. It was working completely fine but now I'm getting this error
[Error: [auth/configuration-not] An internal error has occurred. [ CONFIGURATION_NOT_FOUND ]]

Please check project_id in you google-services.json and also in your firebase console if facebook auth in enabled or not.


The supplied auth credential is malformed or has expired in react native fb login

I want to make facebook login in my react native with firebase but after I integrate everything i got that error
[Error: [auth/invalid-credential] The supplied auth credential is malformed or has expired. [ Unsuccessful debug_token response from Facebook: {"error":{"message":"(#100) The App_id in the input_token did not match the Viewing App","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"fbtrace_id":"AEYcUHj2aA0jqZQtrlGvmWA"}} ]]
I checked different solution but none of them help me . I recheck app id and secret in facebook developer and firebase console and both of them are same . what are the other possibilities in that case?
Try restarting the emulator, it worked for me

Error Logging into this app with facebook is not available at this time

today i get into this error using react native with expo managed workflow, i try with facebook sdk, expo-auth-session, webview url, so them i give up because every method give me the same error, i end when i eject from expo to react native bare with react-native-fbsdk-next, after config all the environment with Android studio, i fall at the same error point D:
Please if someone know, if i missing some configurations, i follow all the steps in expo, react-native-fbsdk-next, expo-auth-session and expo-facebook D:
Error Logging into this app with facebook is not available at this time
UPDATE: i created a new React Native project again from scratch, follow react-native-fbsdk-next and Facebook Android start guide for login, still getting the same error. I reach that the error occour when i need to type my account and password in the facebook app, if i was already loggued in and did not ask for new permissions, i can login sucessfully, but if i log out from facebook app or ask for 1 new permission, it force me to log in and the bug occurs again, also i reach this report at facebook page, if someone is getting the same error, please help comment:
error logging facebook is not available at this time

Auth0 unauthorized_client: Callback URL mismatch error in new React Native app

I've created a new React Native app that will use the same Auth0 database as my web app.
I created the app in Auth0 portal and created all the necessary settings following this article:
Even though the callback URL is listed in Auth0 portal, after a log in attempt, I'm getting the following error:
error = unauthorized_client: Callback URL mismatch.
is not in the list
Here's the actual callback list from the Auth0 portal:
I'm using the latest versions of both React Native and Auth0 packages. Here's a screen shot of my package.json dependencies section:
Any idea what the issue here is?
Figured it out. The issue was with the custom login screen we had created which had another app's ID hard-coded in it.

Unable to get a Expo Push Notifications Token

I am working on react native Expo's Push Notifications. I just started and unable to get the Expo Push notification token.
I added the following code:
token = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
and getting the error "[Unhandled promise rejection: Error: The Expo push notification service is supported only for Expo projects. Ensure you are logged in
to your Expo developer account on the computer from which you are loading your project.]".
I am running the project in the Expo App and I have created an account on Expo but still not getting the token.
Expo experts, please guide.
In your terminal type: "Expo login"
Sign in with your username//password.
Run the project again make sure you use a real device.
Register on Expo's official Site. or if you already have an account then...
then from your terminal type expo login
now login using your expo's username, password
after successful login, you are now able to use the expo push notification service.
in the terminal type expo start to start your app dev again!
If expo login is not recognized use npx expo login

how to integrate google login without firebase in bare Expo App

I want to implement Google login in my ejected expo App as per doc it requires google-services.json file from firebase which I don't have. I already implement whole backend logic on my server so i just need successful token after login.
I also check expo-google-auth but after installation, it giving me an error that emulator not found(lib issue).
so how can I implement google login without Firebase.