When I run this local invoke, in my NodeJS lambda the payload comes as an object instead of string
serverless invoke local -f MyfunctionName --data '{ "data": "hello world" }'
Is there a reason for this? How can I pass this json payload as a string?
Source of the problem
According to AWS documentation:
The runtime passes three arguments to the handler method. The first argument is the event object, which contains information from the invoker. The invoker passes this information as a JSON-formatted string when it calls Invoke, and the runtime converts it to an object. When an AWS service invokes your function, the event structure varies by service.
Since handler expects event to be a "JSON-formatted string", then it's normal, that this string will be converted into an object.
How to easily workaround it?
Instead of passing raw JSON and expecting it to be parsed as string, simply wrap it into one of JSON fields, an example:
serverless invoke local -f MyfunctionName --data '{"inputJson": "{ \"data\": \"hello world\" }"}'
For this input and this handler:
export const handler = async (event, context) => {
console.log('type of event.inputJson = ' + typeof event.inputJson)
console.log('value of event.inputJson = ' + event.inputJson)
const parsedInputJson = JSON.parse(event.inputJson)
console.log('value of inputJson.data = ' + parsedInputJson.data)
I'm receiving following output:
type of event.inputJson = string
value of event.inputJson = { "data": "hello world" }
value of inputJson.data = hello world
I have a variable called token with a specific value myTokenValue
I try to make a call that includes that variable in a header, tokenHeader:{{token}}
I also have a pre-request-script that needs to change the request based on the value of the token header, but if I try to read the value pm.request.headers.get('tokenHeader') I get the literal value {{token}} instead of the interpolated myTokenValue
How do I get this value without having to look at the variable directly?
You can use the following function to replace any Postman variables in a string with their resolved values:
var resolveVariables = s => s.replace(/\{\{([^}]+)\}\}/g,
(match, capture) => pm.variables.get(capture));
In your example:
var token = resolveVariables(pm.request.headers.get('tokenHeader'));
Basically I was missing a function to interpolate a string, injecting variables from the environment
There are some workarounds:
write your own function, as in this comment by pomeh
function interpolate (value) {
return value.replace(/{{([^}]+)}}/g, function (match, $1) {
return pm.variables.get($1);
use Postman's own replaceSubstitutions, as in this comment by codenirvana
function interpolate (value) {
const {Property} = require('postman-collection');
let resolved = Property.replaceSubstitutions(value, pm.variables.toObject());
Either of these can be used as
const tokenHeader = interpolate(pm.request.headers.get('tokenHeader'));
but the second one is also null safe.
I'm using HOCON to configure log messages and I'm looking for a way to substitute placeholder values dynamically.
I know that ${?PLACEHOLDER} will read an environment variable and returns an empty string when the PLACEHOLDER environment variable doesn't exist.
This is an example of what I had in mind:
(I'm using config4k to load HOCON )
data class LogMessage(val message: String, val code: String)
fun getMessage(key: String, placeholderValues: Array<String> = arrayOf()): LogMessage {
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("MY_LOG_MESSAGE {code = ABC-123456, message = My log message with dynamic value %0% and another dynamic value %1% }")
val messageObject = config.extract<LogMessage>(key)
var message = messageObject.message
placeholderValues.forEachIndexed { placeholderIndex, value ->
message = message.replace("%$placeholderIndex%", value)
return messageObject.copy(message = message)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(getMessage("MY_LOG_MESSAGE", arrayOf("value 1", "value 2")))
// prints: LogMessage(message=My log message with dynamic value value 1 and another dynamic value value 2, code=ABC-123456)
Even though this works, it doesn't look like the best solution and I assume there already is a solution for this.
Could someone tell me if there is a built-in solution?
First things first.
HOCON is just a glorified JSON format.
config4k is just a wrapper.
All your work is being done by Typesafe Config, as you've probably noticed.
And judging by their documentation and code, they support placeholders only from withing the file, or from the environment:
This library limits itself to config files. If you want to load config
from a database or something, you would need to write some custom
But for what you're doing, simple String.format() should be enough:
fun interpolate(message: String, vararg args: Any) = String.format(message, *args)
println(interpolate("My message was %s %s %s %s", "a", 1, 3.32, true))
// My message was a 1 3.32 true
Notice that you can use * to destructure your array.
I'm trying to use a "configured object" as a controller in ExpressJS so I can reuse a bunch of code.
Taken from the express configuration:
var ctrl = new CRUDServiceAdapter(serviceConfig);
// list
// this works: ctrl.load()
app.get(serviceURL, ctrl.load);
And separately this is part of the object definition:
function CRUDServiceAdapter(serviceConfig){
this.config = serviceConfig;
this.logger = logModule.logger("service.controller." + serviceConfig.modelName);
CRUDServiceAdapter.prototype.load = function(req, res, next){
this.logger.debug("Creating an object model for " + this.config.modelName);
res.json({"msg": "Hello World"});
What I observe is the object property this.config is undefined when the method is called through an expressJS request. But if I call it directly on the object like in the comments ctrl.load() - the config object is populated as expected.
Why is the object losing it's property values when it's executing as a route?
Is there a way to fix it?
The context is lost:
You are not passing the object ctrl as parameter, only a method, so that method is called as any regular function, so this is not pointing at ctrl (I guess it is undefined), so try to change your code for:
app.get(serviceURL, ctrl.load.bind(ctrl));
I would like to pass a complete JSON object to a java adapter in worklight. This adapter will call multiple other remote resources to fulfill the request. I would like to pass the json structure instead of listing out all of the parameters for a number of reasons. Invoking the worklight procedure works well. I pass the following as the parameter:
{ "parm1": 1, "parm2" : "hello" }
Which the tool is fine with. When it calls my java code, I see a object type of JSObjectConverter$1 being passed. In java debug, I can see the values in the object, but I do not see any documentation on how to do this. If memory serves me, the $1 says that it is an anonymous inner class that is being passed. Is there a better way to pass a json object/structure in adapters?
Lets assume you have this in adapter code
function test(){
var jsonObject = { "param1": 1, "param2" : "hello" };
var param2value = com.mycode.MyClass.parseJsonObject(jsonObject);
return {
result: param2value
Doesn't really matter where you're getting jsonObject from, it may come as a param from client. Worklight uses Rhino JS engine, therefore com.mycode.MyClass.parseJsonObject() function will get jsonObject as a org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject. You can easily get obj properties like this
package com.mycode;
import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject;
public class MyClass {
public static String parseJsonObject(NativeObject obj){
String param2 = (String) NativeObject.getProperty(obj, "param2");
return param2;
To better explain what I'm doing here, I wanted to be able to pass a javascript object into an adapter and have it return an updated javascript object. Looks like there are two ways. The first it what I answered above a few days ago with serializing and unserializing the javascript object. The other is using the ScriptableObject class. What I wanted in the end was to use the adapter framework as described to pass in the javascript object. In doing so, this is what the Adapter JS-impl code looks like:
function add2(a) {
return {
result: com.ibm.us.roberso.Calculator.add2(a)
The javascript code in the client application calling the above adapter. Note that I have a function to test passing the javascript object as a parameter to the adapter framework. See the invocationData.parameters below:
function runAdapterCode2() {
// x+y=z
var jsonObject = { "x": 1, "y" : 2, "z" : "?" };
var invocationData = {
adapter : "CalculatorAdapter",
procedure : 'add2',
parameters : [jsonObject]
var options = {
onSuccess : success2,
onFailure : failure,
invocationContext : { 'action' : 'add2 test' }
WL.Client.invokeProcedure(invocationData, options);
In runAdapterCode2(), the javascript object is passed as you would pass any parameter into the adapter. When worklight tries to execute the java method it will look for a method signature of either taking an Object or ScriptableObject (not a NativeObject). I used the java reflection api to verify the class and hierarchy being passed in. Using the static methods on ScriptableObject you can query and modify the value in the object. At the end of the method, you can have it return a Scriptable object. Doing this will give you a javascript object back in the invocationResults.result field. Below is the java code supporting this. Please note that a good chunk of the code is there as part of the investigation on what object type is really being passed. At the bottom of the method are the few lines really needed to work with the javascript object.
#SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "rawtypes" })
public static ScriptableObject add2(ScriptableObject obj) {
// code to determine object class being passed in and its heirarchy
String result = "";
Class objClass = obj.getClass();
result = "objClass = " + objClass.getName() + "\r\n";
result += "implements=";
Class[] interfaces = objClass.getInterfaces();
for (Class classInterface : interfaces) {
result += " " + classInterface.getName() ;
result += "\r\nsuperclasses=";
Class superClass = objClass.getSuperclass();
while(superClass != null) {
result += " " + superClass.getName();
superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
// actual code working with the javascript object
String a = (String) ScriptableObject.getProperty((ScriptableObject)obj, "z");
ScriptableObject.putProperty((ScriptableObject)obj, "z", new Long(3));
return obj;
Note that for javascript object, a numeric value is a Long and not int. Strings are still Strings.
There are two ways to pass in a javascript object that I've found so far.
Convert to a string in javascript, pass string to java, and have it reconstitute into a JSONObject.
Pass the javascript object and use the ScriptableObject classes to manipulate on the java side.
For example, I have the following JavaScript code (Dojo 1.6 is already loaded):
var jsonpArgs = {
url: "http://myapp.appspot.com/query",
content: {
id: "1234",
name: "Juan",
start_date: "2000-01-01",
callback: "recover"
dojo.io.script.get(jsonpArgs).then(function(data) {
function recover(data) {
Direct query from browser
I understand that my server will receive the query as though I typed the following into the address bar:
Expected response
If I directly queried my server using the browser address bar, I'll receive, in MIME type application/json and plaintext rendered in browser, something like this:
id: 1234,
name: Juan,
data: [
["2000-01-01", 1234],
["2000-01-02", 5678]
Now, looking back at Part II of the JavaScript, I'd execute the JSONP request with dojo.io.script.get(jsonpArgs). This returns a Deferred object, which I can take advantage of by chaining .then after it. Note that I defined the handler for the .then event to output that captured data to the console.
However, all I get in the console is an Event. I tried to search its data tree, but I could not find the data I expected.
Where is the response for a JSONP request stored? How do I find it?
My server (which I control) only outputs a plaintext rendering of the data requested, wrapped in the callback function (here specified as recover), and specifies a application/json MIME type. Is there anything else I need to set up on my server, so that the response data is captured by the Deferred object?
Attempted solution
I can actually recover the response by defining the callback function (in this case recover in Part III of the JavaScript). However, in the Dojo tutorials, they just recovered the data using the Deferred (and .then) framework. How do I do it using Dojo Deferreds?
Update (using the Twitter example from Dojo tutorial)
Take for example this script from the Dojo tutorial, Getting Jiggy With JSONP. I edited it to log data to the console.
url: "http://search.twitter.com/search.json",
callbackParamName: "callback",
content: {q: "#dojo"}
//we're only interested in data.results, so strip it off and return it
console.log(data); // I get an Object, not an Event, but no Twitter data when browsing the results property
console.log(data.results) // I get an array of Objects
return data.results;
For console.log(data), I get an Object, not an Event as illustrated by my case. Since the example implies that the data resides in data.results, I also try to browse this tree, but I don't see my expected data from Twitter. I'm at a loss.
For console.log(data.results), I get an array of Objects. If I query Twitter directly, this is what I'd get in plaintext. Each Object contains the usual tweet meta-data like username, time, user portrait, and the tweet itself. Easy enough.
This one hits me right on the head. The handler for the .then chain, an anonymous function, receives only one argument data. But why is it that the results property in console.log(data) and the returned object I get from console.log(data.results) are different?
I got it.
Manual callback implementation
function recover(data) {
var jsonpArgs = {
url: "http://myapp.appspot.com/query",
content: {
id: "1234",
name: "Juan",
start_date: "2000-01-01",
callback: "recover"
This is the request that my server will receive:
In this case, I'll expect the following output from my server:
id: 1234,
name: Juan,
data: [
["2000-01-01", 1234],
["2000-01-02", 5678]
Three things to note:
Server will expect callback in the query URL string. callback is implemented as a property of jsonpArgs.
Because I specified callback=recover, my server will attach recover( + the_data_I_need + ), returns the whole string to the browser, and browser will execute recover(the_data_I_need). This means...
That I'll have to define, for example, function recover(one_argument_only) {doAnythingYouWantWith(one_argument_only)}
The problem with this approach is that I cannot take advantage of Deferred chaining using .then. For example:
dojo.io.script.get(jsonpArgs).then(function(response_from_server) {
This will give me an Event, with no trace of the expected response at all.
Taking advantage of Dojo's implementation of JSONP requests
var jsonpArgs = {
url: "http://myapp.appspot.com/query",
callbackParamName: "callback",
content: {
id: "1234",
name: "Juan",
start_date: "2000-01-01"
This is the request that my server will receive:
In this case, I'll expect the following output from my server:
id: 1234,
name: Juan,
data: [
["2000-01-01", 1234],
["2000-01-02", 5678]
Things to note:
Note the property of jsonpArgs, callbackParamName. The value of this property must be the name of the variable (in the query URL string) expected by the server. If my server expects callbackfoo, then callbackParamName: "callbackfoo". In my case, my server expects the name callback, therefore callbackParamName: "callback".
In the previous example, I specified in the query URL callback=recover and proceeded to implement function recover(...) {...}. This time, I do not need to worry about it. Dojo will insert its own preferred function callback=some_function_name_generated_by_dojo.
I imagine some_function_name_generated_by_dojo to be defined as:
function some_function_name_generated_by_dojo(response_from_server) {
return response_from_server;
Of course the definition is not that simple, but the advantage of this approach is that I can take advantage of Dojo's Deferred framework. See the code below, which is identical to the previous example:
dojo.io.script.get(jsonpArgs).then(function(response_from_server) {
This will give me the exact data I need:
id: 1234,
name: Juan,
data: [
["2000-01-01", 1234],
["2000-01-02", 5678]