tf.keras multiple output model combined loss - tensorflow

I have a three output network with three defined custom loss functions and during training, Keras returns three loss values as I would expect but also an additional value which I suspect is a combined loss. How is it defined or what does it represent? I didn't find anything in the documentation, clarification is appreciated.
Also if it really is combined loss, does it just serve as an indicator or does it affect gradients in any way?
implementation example
losses = [my_loss(config1), my_loss(config2), my_loss(config3)]
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=losses, run_eagerly=False) # training returns 4 loss values - 'loss', 'my_loss1', 'my_loss2' and 'my_loss3'
Example losses training curves. It's clear that sum of my losses is not the combined loss. And I do not use any weights in compile method.


How to define combine loss function in keras?

My model arch is
I have two outputs, I want to train a model based on two outputs such as mse, and cross-entropy. At first, I used two keras loss
model1.compile(loss=['mse','sparse_categorical_crossentropy'], metrics = ['mse','accuracy'], optimizer='adam')
it's working fine, the problem is the cross entropy loss is very unstable, sometimes gives accuracy 74% in the next epoch shows 32%. I'm confused why is?
Now if define customer loss.
def my_custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
mse = mean_squared_error(y_true[0], y_pred[0])
crossentropy = binary_crossentropy(y_true[1], y_pred[1])
return mse + crossentropy
But it's not working, it showed a negative loss in total loss.
It is hard to judge the issues depending on the information given. A reason might be a too small batch size or a too high learning rate, making the training unstable. I also wonder, that you use sparse_categorical_crossentropy in the top example and binary_crossentropy in the lower one. How many classes do you actually have?

Implementing stochastic forward passes in part of a neural network in Keras?

my problem is the following:
I am working on an object detection problem and would like to use dropout during test time to obtain a distribution of outputs. The object detection network consists of a training model and a prediction model, which wraps around the training model. I would like to perform several stochastic forward passes using the training model and combine these e.g. by averaging the predictions in the prediction wrapper. Is there a way of doing this in a keras model instead of requiring an intermediate processing step using numpy?
Note that this question is not about how to enable dropout during test time
def prediction_wrapper(model):
# Example code.
# Arguments
# model: the training model
regression = model.outputs[0]
classification = model.outputs[1]
predictions = # TODO: perform several stochastic forward passes (dropout during train and test time) here
avg_predictions = # TODO: combine predictions here, e.g. by computing the mean
outputs = # TODO: do some processing on avg_predictions
return keras.models.Model(inputs=model.inputs, outputs=outputs, name=name)
I use keras with a tensorflow backend.
I appreciate any help!
The way I understand, you're trying to average the weight updates for a single sample while Dropout is enabled. Since dropout is random, you would get different weight updates for the same sample.
If this understanding is correct, then you could create a batch by duplicating the same sample. Here I am assuming that the Dropout is different for each sample in a batch. Since, backpropagation averages the weight updates anyway, you would get your desired behavior.
If that does not work, then you could write a custom loss function and train with a batch-size of one. You could update a global counter inside your custom loss function and return non-zero loss only when you've averaged them the way you want it. I don't know if this would work, it's just an idea.

TensorFlow softmax_crossentropy_with logits: are "labels" also trained (if differentiable)?

The softmax cross-entropy with logits loss function is used to reduce the difference between the logits and labels provided to the function. Typically, the labels are fixed for supervised learning and the logits are adapted. But what happens when the labels come from a differentiable source, e.g., another network? Do both networks, i.e., the "logits network" and the "labels network" get trained by the subsequent optimizer, or does this loss function always treat the labels as fixed?
TLDR: Does tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits() also provide gradients for the labels (if they are differentiable), or are they always considered fixed?
You need to use tf.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2 to get gradients with respect to labels.
The gradient is calculated from loss provided to the optimizer, if the "labels" are coming from another trainable network, then yes, these will be modified, since they influence the loss. The correct way of using another networks outputs for your own is to define it as untrainable, or make a list of all variables you want to train and pass them to the optimizer explicitly.

What is the difference between an model.evaluate() in Keras?

I am using Keras with TensorFlow backend to train CNN models.
What is the between and model.evaluate()? Which one should I ideally use? (I am using as of now).
I know the utility of and model.predict(). But I am unable to understand the utility of model.evaluate(). Keras documentation just says:
It is used to evaluate the model.
I feel this is a very vague definition.
fit() is for training the model with the given inputs (and corresponding training labels).
evaluate() is for evaluating the already trained model using the validation (or test) data and the corresponding labels. Returns the loss value and metrics values for the model.
predict() is for the actual prediction. It generates output predictions for the input samples.
Let us consider a simple regression example:
# input and output
x = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, (200))
y = 0.3 + 0.6*x + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05, len(y))
Now lets apply a regression model in keras:
# A simple regression model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1, input_shape=(1,)))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='rmsprop')
# The fit() method - trains the model, y, nb_epoch=1000, batch_size=100)
Epoch 1000/1000
200/200 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0023
# The evaluate() method - gets the loss statistics
model.evaluate(x, y, batch_size=200)
# returns: loss: 0.0022612824104726315
# The predict() method - predict the outputs for the given inputs
# returns: [ 0.65680361],[ 0.70067143],[ 0.70482892]
In Deep learning you first want to train your model. You take your data and split it into two sets: the training set, and the test set. It seems pretty common that 80% of your data goes into your training set and 20% goes into your test set.
Your training set gets passed into your call to fit() and your test set gets passed into your call to evaluate(). During the fit operation a number of rows of your training data are fed into your neural net (based on your batch size). After every batch is sent the fit algorithm does back propagation to adjust the weights in your neural net.
After this is done your neural net is trained. The problem is sometimes your neural net gets overfit which is a condition where it performs well for the training set but poorly for other data. To guard against this situation you run the evaluate() function to send new data (your test set) through your neural net to see how it performs with data it has never seen. There is no training occurring, this is purely a test. If all goes well then the score from training is similar to the score from testing.
fit(): Trains the model for a given number of epochs (this is for training time, with the training dataset).
predict(): Generates output predictions for the input samples (this is for somewhere between training and testing time).
evaluate(): Returns the loss value & metrics values for the model in test mode (this is for testing time, with the testing dataset).
While all the above answers explain what these functions : fit(), evaluate() or predict() do however more important point to keep in mind in my opinion is what data you should use for fit() and evaluate().
The most clear guideline that I came across in Machine Learning Mastery and particular quote in there:
Training set: A set of examples used for learning, that is to fit the parameters of the classifier.
Validation set: A set of examples used to tune the parameters of a classifier, for example to choose the number of hidden units in a neural network.
Test set: A set of examples used only to assess the performance of a fully-specified classifier.
: By Brian Ripley, page 354, Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, 1996
You should not use the same data that you used to train(tune) the model (validation data) for evaluating the performance (generalization) of your fully trained model (evaluate).
The test data used for evaluate() should be unseen/not used for training(fit()) in order to be any reliable indicator of model evaluation (for generlization).
For Predict() you can use just one or few example(s) that you choose (from anywhere) to get quick check or answer from your model. I don't believe it can be used as sole parameter for generalization.
One thing which was not mentioned here, I believe needs to be specified. model.evaluate() returns a list which contains a loss figure and an accuracy figure. What has not been said in the answers above, is that the "loss" figure is the sum of ALL the losses calculated for each item in the x_test array. x_test would contain your test data and y_test would contain your labels. It should be clear that the loss figure is the sum of ALL the losses, not just one loss from one item in the x_test array.
I would say the mean of losses incurred from all iterations, not the sum. But sure, that's the most important information here, otherwise the modeler would be slightly confused.

Tensorflow CIFAR10 Multi GPU - Why Combined Loss?

In the TensorFlow CIFAR10 example, trained over multiple GPUs, the loss seems to be combined for each "tower", and the gradient is calculated from this combined loss.
# Build the portion of the Graph calculating the losses. Note that we will
# assemble the total_loss using a custom function below.
_ = cifar10.loss(logits, labels)
# Assemble all of the losses for the current tower only.
losses = tf.get_collection('losses', scope)
# Calculate the total loss for the current tower.
total_loss = tf.add_n(losses, name='total_loss')
# Attach a scalar summary to all individual losses and the total loss; do the
# same for the averaged version of the losses.
for l in losses + [total_loss]:
# Remove 'tower_[0-9]/' from the name in case this is a multi-GPU training
# session. This helps the clarity of presentation on tensorboard.
loss_name = re.sub('%s_[0-9]*/' % cifar10.TOWER_NAME, '',
tf.contrib.deprecated.scalar_summary(loss_name, l)
return total_loss
I'm new to TensorFlow, but from my understanding, every time cifar10.loss is called, tf.add_to_collection('losses', cross_entropy_mean) is run and the loss from the current batch is being stored in the collection.
Then losses = tf.get_collection('losses', scope) is called, and all the losses are being retrieved from the collection. Then tf.add_n op is adding all the retrieved loss tensors from this "tower" together.
I expected the loss to be just from the current training step/batch, not all batches.
Am I misunderstanding something? Or is there a reason for combining the losses together?
If weight decay is enabled, it will also add it to the losses collection.
Therefore, for each tower(scope), it will add_n all the losses: cross_entropy_mean and weight_decay.
Then Gradients are calculated for each tower(scope). At the end all the gradients for different towers (scopes) will get averaged in the average_gradients.
Why combined loss
The example you are referring is a example of data parallelism over multiple gpus. Data parallelism helps towards training deeper model with bigger batch_size. In this setting you need to combine loss from the gpus as each of the gpus is holding one part of the input batch (loss and gradients corresponding to that input part). One illustration is provided in the following example from tensorflow data parallism example.
Note: In case of model parallelism different subgraph of the model run on separate gpus and intermediate outputs are collected by the master.
if you want to train the model using a batch size of 256, for a deeper model (for example, resnet/inception)that mayn't fit into one single gpu (for example a 8 GB memory), so you can split the batch into two batches of size 128 and do forward pass of the model using the two batches on separate gpus and compute loss and gradients. The computed (loss. gradients) from each of the gpus are collected and averaged over. the averaged gradient is used to update the model parameters.