PIC18F26Q43 SPI Slave does not receive data - spi

I want two PIC18 to communicate by SPI. The slave has the new SPI module with FIFOs and separate RX and TX registers. For some reason I cannot receive data. I guess I misconfigure the module.
I also use the SS interrupt to prepare the transfer. Upon chip select I swap buffers and initalize counters. This part works. I also see the clock and data signal of the master on the oscilloscope.
However, the interrupts for TX and RX are not fired.
Here is the configuration:
void spiInit() {
// Chip not ready
// clear EN
// Set PPS
SPI1SSPPS=0b00000110; // SS RA6 > Chip select input
SPI1SCKPPS=0b00001010; // SCK > RB2
SPI1SDIPPS=0b00001011; // SDI > RB3
RB4PPS=0x32; // SDO > RB4
SPI1CON0=0b00000000; // EN=0, LSBF=0, MST=0, BMODE=0
SPI1CON1=0b00000100; // SMP=0, CKE=0, CKP=0, SSP=1, SDI=0, SDO=0
SPI1CON2=0b00000011; // SSET=0, TXR=1, RXR=1
// Interrupts
// enable EN
and this is the interrupt routine:
void spiInterruptHandler() {
// Start SS
if (SPI1INTEbits.SPI1SOSIE==1 && SPI1INTFbits.SPI1SOSIF==1) {
switchSpiBuffer(); // prepare sending
SPI1TXB=spiSend->cBuf[spiSendCsr]; // preload first byte
CR=0; // ready to send
// end of SS
if (SPI1INTEbits.SPI1EOSIE==1 && SPI1INTFbits.SPI1EOSIF==1) {
if (spiTransferComplete)
// byte received
if (PIR3bits.SPI1RXIF==1) {
// byte sent
if (PIR3bits.SPI1TXIF==1) {

It was a classic. To use a digital IO properly you have to clear the according ANSEL bits for the multiplexed analog inputs. I expected MCC to do this for me but in this case it did not happen. So: always double check if TRIS and ANSEL are set correctly.


Why HM-10 doesn't send an OK if i send AT from an MSP430 Launchpad?

I'm trying to set up an UART communication with a HM-10 chip on a Texas Instruments MSP430 Launchpad, but I ran into a very elementary problem.
What I want to achieve is to send an "AT" through UART to HM-10, and receive an answer for that. By the way this is a code I found here and I slightly modified for my purposes.
#include "msp430g2553.h"
const char string[] = { "AT" };
unsigned int i;
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop the Watch dog
//------------------- Configure the Clocks -------------------//
if (CALBC1_1MHZ==0xFF) // If calibration constant erased
while(1); // do not load, trap CPU!!
DCOCTL = 0; // Select lowest DCOx and MODx settings
BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; // Set range
DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ; // Set DCO step + modulation
//---------------- Configuring the LED's ----------------------//
P1DIR |= BIT0 + BIT6; // P1.0 and P1.6 output
P1OUT &= ~BIT0 + BIT6; // P1.0 and P1.6 = 0
//--------- Setting the UART function for P1.1 & P1.2 --------//
P1SEL |= BIT1 + BIT2; // P1.1 UCA0RXD input
P1SEL2 |= BIT1 + BIT2; // P1.2 UCA0TXD output
//------------ Configuring the UART(USCI_A0) ----------------//
UCA0CTL1 |= UCSSEL_2 + UCSWRST; // USCI Clock = SMCLK,USCI_A0 disabled
UCA0BR0 = 104; // 104 From datasheet table-
UCA0BR1 = 0; // -selects baudrate =9600,clk = SMCLK
UCA0MCTL = UCBRS_1; // Modulation value = 1 from datasheet
//UCA0STAT |= UCLISTEN; // loop back mode enabled
UCA0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // Clear UCSWRST to enable USCI_A0
//---------------- Enabling the interrupts ------------------//
IE2 |= UCA0TXIE; // Enable the Transmit interrupt
IE2 |= UCA0RXIE; // Enable the Receive interrupt
_BIS_SR(GIE); // Enable the global interrupt
i = 0;
UCA0TXBUF = string[i]; // Transmit a byte
_BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Going to LPM0
// Transmit and Receive interrupts //
#pragma vector = USCIAB0TX_VECTOR
__interrupt void TransmitInterrupt(void)
P1OUT ^= BIT0;//light up P1.0 Led on Tx
if (i == sizeof string - 1)
UCA0TXBUF = string[i++];
#pragma vector = USCIAB0RX_VECTOR
__interrupt void ReceiveInterrupt(void)
// light up P1.6 LED on RX
if (UCA0RXBUF == 'O')
P1OUT ^= BIT6;
IFG2 &= ~UCA0RXIFG; // Clear RX flag
According to the datasheet I should receive an OK answer for this command.
If there was an 'O' in the RX buffer, I would expect the LED to light up on my board, but that doesn't happen.
Using Code Composer, I also verified with adding a breakpoint to the RX interrupt that there is indeed no RX answer.
I believe this is entirely a software question, that's why I put it here. I'm using the correct rotation of jumpers(http://xanthium.in/Serial-Communication-MSP430-UART-USCI_A) and RX is wired to TX and vica versa.
I would appreciate if you could point out if I was doing anything conceptionally wrong or if I just made a mistake. Thank you!
I see a problem in the interrupt routine TransmitInterrupt(): you should use UCA0TXBUF = string[++i]; because using "i++" you transmit two times the letter "A". The test about sizeof(string) should also be retouched.
Then, I would not trust too much the datasheet. I think that, despite what the datasheet says, every command sent to the modem must be terminated by CR (\r), otherwise how could the modem discern an "AT" from an "AT+RESET"? I am not really sure but the datasheet doesn't seem a high quality one. Anyway, it's a quick test (to add a \r to the end of the string).
Finally, the CTS and RTS signals can play a role too. Some modem wants RTS asserted, other modems don't care, and terminology sometimes is confusing: when datasheet says RTS, does it mean RTS of the modem or RTS of the host? I hope this helps, you should do a few scientific tries.
I think for everyone who is working with HM-10 devices in the future I want to answer this question, because it has I think its own sort of mini-literature, which was first frustrating, but then I kind of liked the challenges it posed to me.
Some of the problems are hardware related, so this post might need to be moved to an embedded engineering section. (Great consequence - you cannot be 100% sure before checking it with a scope)
Know your hardware - HM-10 has tons of versions, and it turned our one needed an extra potential divider because it has a 3.3V logic level high instead of 5V. This website is a fantastic place to start. Though, ours turned out to be an MLT-BT05 which is a clone of a clone. It doesn't have iBeacon capability on its firmware, so if you don't want to power cycling, then you should probably avoid this one.
About the coding bit the most important thing is to check with \n, \r and \n\r, as linuxfan briefly mentioned its importance above, because some of the devices need it. The best place to start is AT and if it works, then use AT+HELP and find the version, usually AT+VERSION command so you can identify with 100% certainty which chip you have.
Currenetly it is prototyped on an Arduino, but I will include working code as soon as its finished on MSP430.
The Arduino code:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(9, 10); // RX, TX
char commandbuffer[50];
int j = 0;
void setup()
memset(commandbuffer, 0, sizeof(commandbuffer));
analogWrite(12, 255);
analogWrite(11, 0);
// Start the hardware serial port
// un REM this to set up a Master and connect to a Slave
Serial.println("BLE CC41A Bluetooth");
Serial.println("Trying to connect to Slave Bluetooth");
bluetooth.println("AT"); // just a check
bluetooth.println("AT+INQ"); // look for nearby Slave
bluetooth.println("AT+CONN1"); // connect to it */
void loop()
// while there is data coming in, read it
// and send to the hardware serial port:
while (bluetooth.available() > 0) {
char inByte = bluetooth.read();
// Read user input if available.
if (Serial.available()) {
delay(10); // The DELAY!
char temp = Serial.read();
if (temp == '\n')
memset(commandbuffer, 0, sizeof(commandbuffer));
j = 0; // Reset
commandbuffer[j++] = temp;

SMBus (I2C) sending extra ACK then intended

I'm trying to get a basic handshake going. Below is the ISR for the C8051F120's SMBus (System Management Bus). I'm trying to implement an I2C device on it (ads1115 7addr 0x48 for those who are curious). Note this is mainly the example given by silicon labs for the F120.
void SMBUS_ISR (void) interrupt 7
bit FAIL = 0; // Used by the ISR to flag failed
// transfers
static unsigned char sent_byte_counter;
static unsigned char rec_byte_counter;
// Status code for the SMBus (SMB0STA register)
switch (SMB0STA)
// Master Transmitter/Receiver: START condition transmitted.
// Load SMB0DAT with slave device address.
case SMB_START: //0x08
// Master Transmitter/Receiver: repeated START condition transmitted.
// Load SMB0DAT with slave device address
case SMB_RP_START: //0x10
SMB0DAT = TARGET; // Load address of the slave.
SMB0DAT &= 0xFE; // Clear the LSB of the address for the
// R/W bit
SMB0DAT |= SMB_RW; // Load R/W bit
STA = 0; // Manually clear STA bit
rec_byte_counter = 1; // Reset the counter
sent_byte_counter = 1; // Reset the counter
// Master Transmitter: Slave address + WRITE transmitted. ACK received.
// For a READ: N/A
// For a WRITE: Send the first data byte to the slave.
case SMB_MTADDACK: //0x18
SMB0DAT = SMB_DATA_OUT[sent_byte_counter-1];
// Master Transmitter: Slave address + WRITE transmitted. NACK received.
// Restart the transfer.
case SMB_MTADDNACK: //0x20
STA = 1; // Restart transfer
// Master Transmitter: Data byte transmitted. ACK received.
// For a READ: N/A
// For a WRITE: Send all data. After the last data byte, send the stop
// bit.
case SMB_MTDBACK: //0x28
if (sent_byte_counter <= NUM_BYTES_WR)
// send data byte
SMB0DAT = SMB_DATA_OUT[sent_byte_counter-1];
STO = 1; // Set STO to terminate transfer
SMB_BUSY = 0; // And free SMBus interface
// Master Transmitter: Data byte transmitted. NACK received.
// Restart the transfer.
case SMB_MTDBNACK: //0x30
STA = 1; // Restart transfer
// Master Receiver: Slave address + READ transmitted. ACK received.
// For a READ: check if this is a one-byte transfer. if so, set the
// NACK after the data byte is received to end the transfer. if not,
// set the ACK and receive the other data bytes.
// For a WRITE: N/A
case SMB_MRADDACK: //0x40
if (rec_byte_counter == NUM_BYTES_RD)
AA = 0; // Only one byte in this transfer,
// send NACK after byte is received
AA = 1; // More than one byte in this transfer,
// send ACK after byte is received
// Master Receiver: Slave address + READ transmitted. NACK received.
// Restart the transfer.
case SMB_MRADDNACK: //0x48
STA = 1; // Restart transfer
// Master Receiver: Data byte received. ACK transmitted.
// For a READ: receive each byte from the slave. if this is the last
// byte, send a NACK and set the STOP bit.
// For a WRITE: N/A
case SMB_MRDBACK: //0x50
if (rec_byte_counter < NUM_BYTES_RD)
SMB_DATA_IN[rec_byte_counter-1] = SMB0DAT; // Store received byte
AA = 1; // Send ACK to indicate byte received
rec_byte_counter++; // Increment the byte counter
AA = 0; // Send NACK to indicate last byte
// of this transfer
// Master Receiver: Data byte received. NACK transmitted.
// For a READ: Read operation has completed. Read data register and
// send STOP.
// For a WRITE: N/A
case SMB_MRDBNACK: //0x58
SMB_DATA_IN[rec_byte_counter-1] = SMB0DAT; // Store received byte
STO = 1;
AA = 1; // Set AA for next transfer
// Master Transmitter: Arbitration lost.
case SMB_MTARBLOST: //0x38
FAIL = 1; // Indicate failed transfer
// and handle at end of ISR
// All other status codes invalid. Reset communication.
FAIL = 1;
if (FAIL) // If the transfer failed,
SMB0CN &= ~0x40; // Reset communication
SMB0CN |= 0x40;
STA = 0;
STO = 0;
AA = 0;
SMB_BUSY = 0; // Free SMBus
FAIL = 0;
SI = 0; // Clear interrupt flag
// Support Functions
// SMB_Write
// Return Value : None
// Parameters : None
// Writes a single byte to the slave with address specified by the <TARGET>
// variable.
// Calling sequence:
// 1) Write target slave address to the <TARGET> variable
// 2) Write outgoing data to the <SMB_DATA_OUT> array
// 3) Call SMB_Write()
void SMB_Write (void)
char SFRPAGE_SAVE = SFRPAGE; // Save Current SFR page
while (SMB_BUSY); // Wait for SMBus to be free.
SMB_BUSY = 1; // Claim SMBus (set to busy)
SMB_RW = 0; // Mark this transfer as a WRITE
STA = 1; // Start transfer
SFRPAGE = SFRPAGE_SAVE; // Restore SFR page detector
// SMB_Read
// Return Value : None
// Parameters : None
// Reads a single byte from the slave with address specified by the <TARGET>
// variable.
// Calling sequence:
// 1) Write target slave address to the <TARGET> variable
// 2) Call SMB_Write()
// 3) Read input data from <SMB_DATA_IN> array
void SMB_Read (void)
char SFRPAGE_SAVE = SFRPAGE; // Save Current SFR page
while (SMB_BUSY); // Wait for bus to be free.
SMB_BUSY = 1; // Claim SMBus (set to busy)
SMB_RW = 1; // Mark this transfer as a READ
STA = 1; // Start transfer
while (SMB_BUSY); // Wait for transfer to complete
SFRPAGE = SFRPAGE_SAVE; // Restore SFR page detector
The main continuously does the following: Sends 3 bytes. The first byte is the device register pointer. Then reads the same register (since the pointer is already set). It does do this.
while (1)
TARGET = SLAVE_ADDR; // Target the Slave for next SMBus
// transfer
SMB_DATA_OUT[0] = 0x01; // Device register
SMB_DATA_OUT[1] = 0x0A; // Register MSByte
SMB_DATA_OUT[2] = 0x03; // Register LSbyte
SMB_Write(); // Initiate SMBus write
// SMBus Read Sequence
TARGET = SLAVE_ADDR; // Target the Slave for next SMBus
// transfer
And here is a trace capture of transfer:
Looks to me like the master receive is sending an extra ACK. So my main focus has been on cases:
My main focus is more so SMB_MRADDNACK: //0x48 and the number of times it goes through that if statement during the ISR calls. I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around the exact failure point. So where is this extra ACK coming from? I'll look back here Monday afternoon if I don't figure it out myself by then.
Bonus question: Is there a embedded stack exchange of some sort? Didn't see anything that stood out for me in the communities..
Your trace shows (excluding addressing) three bytes sent and three bytes read. I'm assuming you desired to write three bytes and then only read two bytes. If that's true, then the problem is more than just a spurious ACK because your master continues clocking the third byte in as well.
If you desire to read only two bytes with the sample code from SiLabs1, you need to define NUM_BYTES_RD to 2 instead of the provided 3. That value is used in the SMB_MRADDACK and SMB_MRDBACK states to decide whether to ACK or STOp.
Just in case (since you ask about ACKs instead of extra bytes), if your question is about the final drop in the SDL line on your trace (after the 0xff) because you're afraid that's an extra ACK, then worry not. That is a STO (rises during high SCL) and is correct behavior for a Master terminating a transmission.
Edit: klamb is correct in the comments below below, there is bug in the SMB_MRDBACK state. Saving SMB0DAT and incrementing rec_byte_counter should happen before checking rec_byte_counter against NUM_BYTES_RD. Suprising that got out of SiLabs like that.
case SMB_MRDBACK: //0x50
SMB_DATA_IN[rec_byte_counter-1] = SMB0DAT; // Store received byte
rec_byte_counter++; // Increment the byte counter
if (rec_byte_counter < NUM_BYTES_RD)
AA = 1; // Send ACK to indicate byte received
AA = 0; // Send NACK to indicate last byte
// of this transfer

How to setup an interrupt driven SPI with stm32F4

I'am using STM32F4 board with CMSIS library and I want setup an interrupt driven SPI, it means an interrupt is triggered each time a byte is sent by the SPI peripheral. The initiaisation function is as below:
void init_SPI1(void)
NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct;
SPI_InitTypeDef SPI_InitStruct;
GPIO_InitStruct.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_7 | GPIO_Pin_6 | GPIO_Pin_5|GPIO_Pin_4;
GPIO_InitStruct.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
GPIO_InitStruct.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
GPIO_InitStruct.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct);
// connect SPI1 pins to SPI alternate function
//GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA, GPIO_PinSource4, GPIO_AF_SPI1);
//Set chip select high
GPIOA->BSRRL |= GPIO_Pin_4; // set PE4 high
// enable peripheral clock
RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SPI1, ENABLE);
/* configure SPI1 in Mode 0
* CPOL = 0 --> clock is low when idle
* CPHA = 0 --> data is sampled at the first edge
SPI_StructInit(&SPI_InitStruct); // set default settings
SPI_InitStruct.SPI_Direction = SPI_Direction_2Lines_FullDuplex; // set to full duplex mode, seperate MOSI and MISO lines
SPI_InitStruct.SPI_Mode = SPI_Mode_Master; // transmit in master mode, NSS pin has to be always high
SPI_InitStruct.SPI_DataSize = SPI_DataSize_8b; // one packet of data is 8 bits wide
SPI_InitStruct.SPI_CPOL = SPI_CPOL_Low; // clock is low when idle
SPI_InitStruct.SPI_CPHA = SPI_CPHA_1Edge; // data sampled at first edge
SPI_InitStruct.SPI_NSS = SPI_NSS_Soft ; // set the NSS management to internal and pull internal NSS high
SPI_InitStruct.SPI_BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BaudRatePrescaler_4; // SPI frequency is APB2 frequency / 4
SPI_InitStruct.SPI_FirstBit = SPI_FirstBit_MSB;// data is transmitted MSB first
SPI_Init(SPI1, &SPI_InitStruct);
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = SPI1_IRQn;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 1;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
/* Enable SPI1*/
Then i just loopback SPI_MOSI to SPI_MISO and use a function that transmit the data (a very basic function that takes data from a buffer and then uses CMSIS functions for the transmission). The problem is that when the SPI interrupt is triggered, the program won't get out from the handler. the handler function looks lihe this:
void SPI1_IRQHandler()
int a;
Is it a problem in the CMSIS library, or I am not configuring the SPI interrupt in the good way? Please guide me to the right point.
This is the function i use for data transmission
void write_SPI1()
int i;
for (i=0;i<SPI_TX_MAX; i++)
and the interruption deals with the data reception, it just fill spiRxBuff when receiving new data.
void SPI1_IRQHandler()
while (SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(SPI1,SPI_I2S_FLAG_RXNE)== RESET);
spiRxBuff[spiRxCount]= SPI_I2S_ReceiveData(SPI1);
The variable used for Reception / Transmission are declared as below :
uint8_t spiTxBuff[SPI_TX_MAX] = {0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06};
uint8_t spiRxBuff[SPI_RX_MAX];
static volatile int spiRxCount= 0; // used in SPI1_IRQHandler
what is strange now is that i'am having {0x01,0x02,0x03,0x05,0x06} in spiRxBuff instead of {0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06}, but using debug mode the data in spiRxBuff are correct, what goes wrong in your opinion ?
You did not show the function doing the transmit, so I don't know exactly what are you trying to accomplish
Transmitting in a loop
If you are transmitting from a function (in a loop), then you don't need interrupts at all, just make sure that the TXE flag is set before you transmit. Note that you have to interleave sending and receiving somehow.
void SPI1_Transmit(uint8_t *send, uint8_t *receive, int count) {
while(count-- > 0) {
while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(SPI1, SPI_I2S_FLAG_TXE)!=SET) {
if(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(SPI1, SPI_I2S_FLAG_RXNE)==SET)
*receive++ = SPI_I2S_ReceiveData(SPI1);
SPI_I2S_SendData(SPI1, *send++);
while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(SPI1, SPI_I2S_FLAG_RXNE)!=SET) {
/* wait for the last incoming byte */
*receive++ = SPI_I2S_ReceiveData(SPI1);
Transmitting from interrupt
The TXE interrupt flag is set as long as the SPI device is not busy sending. If you don't do something about it in the interrupt handler, it will trigger an interrupt immediately again and again. You can't clear it manually, but by transmitting another byte, and resetting the transmit interrupt enable flag before sending the last byte.
volatile int spi1_tx_count, spi1_rx_count;
uint8_t *spi1_tx_ptr;
volatile uint8_t *spi1_rx_ptr;
/* set these global variables before enabling interrupts */
void SPI1_IRQHandler() {
if (SPI_I2S_GetITStatus(SPI1, SPI_I2S_IT_TXE) == SET) {
if(--spi1_tx_count < 1)
SPI_I2S_SendData(SPI1, *spi1_tx_ptr++);
if(SPI_I2S_GetITStatus(SPI1, SPI_I2S_IT_RXNE) == SET) {
*spi_rx_ptr++ = SPI_I2S_ReceiveData(SPI1);
Using DMA
The above examples are using processor power and cycles for a task that can be handled by the DMA conroller alone. A lot of (if not all) processor cycles, if you are talking to a peripheral at 2 MBit/s.
See Project/STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Examples/SPI/SPI_TwoBoards in the library for an example.
Sorry, I haven't noticed at all that you've amended the question. Look like notifications are sent on new comments or answers, but not on edits.
There are multiple problems with your code. In write_SPI1(), I'd enable RX interrupt only once before the loop, there is no need to do it again and again. Also, you should definitely check whether the TX register is available before sending.
void write_SPI1() {
int i;
for (i=0;i<SPI_TX_MAX; i++) {
while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(SPI1, SPI_I2S_FLAG_TXE)!=SET)
It is however a bad idea to wait on a flag in the interrupt handler. If RXNE is the only possible interrupt source, then you can proceed straight to receiving.

No r/w bit made available to firmware by I2C peripheral of STM32F40x chips

I was wondering if anyone has found a way to determine the intention of a master communicating with an stm32f40x chip? From the perspective of the firmware on the stm32f40x chip, the ADDRess sent by the master is not available, and the r/w bit (bit 0 of the address) contained therein is also not available. So how can I prevent collisions? Has anyone else dealt with this? If so what techniques did you use? My tentative solution is below for reference. I delayed any writes to the DR data register until the TXE interrupt occurs. I thought at first this would be too late, and a byte of garbage would be clocked out, but it seems to be working.
static inline void LLEVInterrupt(uint16_t irqSrc)
uint8_t i;
volatile uint16_t status;
I2CCBStruct* buffers;
I2C_TypeDef* addrBase;
// see which IRQ occurred, process accordingly...
switch (irqSrc)
case I2C_BUS_CHAN_1:
addrBase = this.addrBase1;
buffers = &this.buffsBus1;
case I2C_BUS_CHAN_2:
addrBase = this.addrBase2;
buffers = &this.buffsBus2;
case I2C_BUS_CHAN_3:
addrBase = this.addrBase3;
buffers = &this.buffsBus3;
// ...START condition & address match detected
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_ADDR) == SET)
// I2C_IT_ADDR: Cleared by software reading SR1 register followed reading SR2, or by hardware
// when PE=0.
// Note: Reading I2C_SR2 after reading I2C_SR1 clears the ADDR flag, even if the ADDR flag was
// set after reading I2C_SR1. Consequently, I2C_SR2 must be read only when ADDR is found
// set in I2C_SR1 or when the STOPF bit is cleared.
status = addrBase->SR1;
status = addrBase->SR2;
// Reset the index and receive count
buffers->txIndex = 0;
buffers->rxCount = 0;
// setup to ACK any Rx'd bytes
I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(addrBase, ENABLE);
// Slave receiver mode
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_RXNE) == SET)
// I2C_IT_RXNE: Cleared by software reading or writing the DR register
// or by hardware when PE=0.
// copy the received byte to the Rx buffer
buffers->rxBuf[buffers->rxCount] = (uint8_t)I2C_ReadRegister(addrBase, I2C_Register_DR);
if (RX_BUFFER_SIZE > buffers->rxCount)
// Slave transmitter mode
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_TXE) == SET)
// I2C_IT_TXE: Cleared by software writing to the DR register or
// by hardware after a start or a stop condition or when PE=0.
// send any remaining bytes
I2C_SendData(addrBase, buffers->txBuf[buffers->txIndex]);
if (buffers->txIndex < buffers->txCount)
// ...STOP condition detected
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_STOPF) == SET)
// STOPF (STOP detection) is cleared by software sequence: a read operation
// to I2C_SR1 register (I2C_GetITStatus()) followed by a write operation to
// I2C_CR1 register (I2C_Cmd() to re-enable the I2C peripheral).
// From the reference manual RM0368:
// Figure 163. Transfer sequence diagram for slave receiver
// if (STOPF == 1) {READ SR1; WRITE CR1}
// clear the IRQ status
status = addrBase->SR1;
// Write to CR1
I2C_Cmd(addrBase, ENABLE);
// read cycle (reset the status?
if (buffers->txCount > 0)
buffers->txCount = 0;
buffers->txIndex = 0;
// write cycle begun?
if (buffers->rxCount > 0)
// pass the I2C data to the enabled protocol handler
for (i = 0; i < buffers->rxCount; i++)
status = ProtProcRxData(buffers->rxBuf[i]);
status = PTEKProcRxData(buffers->rxBuf[i]);
#error ** Invalid Host Protocol Selected **
if (status != ST_OK)
buffers->rxCount = 0;
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_AF) == SET)
// The NAck received from the host on the last byte of a transmit
// is shown as an acknowledge failure and must be cleared by
// writing 0 to the AF bit in SR1.
// This is not a real error but just how the i2c slave transmission process works.
// The hardware has no way to know how many bytes are to be transmitted, so the
// NAck is assumed to be a failed byte transmission.
// EV3-2: AF=1; AF is cleared by writing ‘0’ in AF bit of SR1 register.
I2C_ClearITPendingBit(addrBase, I2C_IT_AF);
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_BERR) == SET)
// There are extremely infrequent bus errors when testing with I2C Stick.
// Safer to have this check and clear than to risk an
// infinite loop of interrupts
// Set by hardware when the interface detects an SDA rising or falling
// edge while SCL is high, occurring in a non-valid position during a
// byte transfer.
// Cleared by software writing 0, or by hardware when PE=0.
I2C_ClearITPendingBit(addrBase, I2C_IT_BERR);
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_OVR) == SET)
// Check for other errors conditions that must be cleared.
I2C_ClearITPendingBit(addrBase, I2C_IT_OVR);
if (I2C_GetITStatus(addrBase, I2C_IT_TIMEOUT) == SET)
// Check for other errors conditions that must be cleared.
I2C_ClearITPendingBit(addrBase, I2C_IT_TIMEOUT);
// a spurious IRQ occurred; log it
I'm not shure if I understand you. May you should provide more information or an example about what you would like to do.
Maybe this helps:
My experience is, that in many I2C implementations the R/W-Bit is used together with the 7-bit-address, so most of the times, there is no additional function to set or reset the R/W-Bit.
So that means all addresses beyond 128 should be used to read data from slaves and all addresses over 127 should be used to write data to slaves.
There seems to be no way to determine if the transaction initiated by receipt of the address is a read or a write even though the hardware know whether the LSbit is set or clear. The intention of the master will only be known once the RXNE or TXE interrupt/bit occurs.

STM32F4 I2C Slave Receiver

I am using STM32F4 board as slave receiver and nordic board as master transmitter. I am able to send the slave address as 0x30 which is acknowledged by the slave and I send the device register address as 0x10 and I then send some data using
i2c_write(0x30, 0x10, data, 4);
I am able to get the events in my interrupt service routine. I received 0x00020002 for "I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_RECEIVER_ADDRESS_MATCHED". I then received 0x00020044 event and the clock stopped running. Can anyone please help me with this. By scoping, I saw Slave address, device register address and my first data with clock on the oscilloscope. But after that clock stopped.
I'm able to use STM32F4 as Master transmitter and read some sensors but I find it difficult to use STM32F4 as Slave receiver with nordic board as Master Transmitter
void i2c_init2()
GPIO_InitTypeDef gpio_init;
I2C_InitTypeDef i2c_init;
NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure, NVIC_InitStructure2;
I2C_DeInit(I2C2 ); //Deinit and reset the I2C to avoid it locking up
I2C_SoftwareResetCmd(I2C2, ENABLE);
I2C_SoftwareResetCmd(I2C2, DISABLE);
/*!< I2C Periph clock enable */
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2, ENABLE);
/* setup SCL and SDA pins
* SCL on PB10 and SDA on PB11
gpio_init.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_10 | GPIO_Pin_11; // we are going to use PB10 and PB11
gpio_init.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF; // set pins to alternate function
gpio_init.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; // set GPIO speed
gpio_init.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_UP; //Pull up resistor
gpio_init.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_OD; //Open Drain
GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &gpio_init);
// Connect I2C2 pins to AF
GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB, GPIO_PinSource10, GPIO_AF_I2C2 ); // SCL
GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB, GPIO_PinSource11, GPIO_AF_I2C2 ); // SDA
/* Configure the Priority Group to 1 bit */
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C2_EV_IRQn;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
NVIC_InitStructure2.NVIC_IRQChannel = I2C2_ER_IRQn;
NVIC_InitStructure2.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0;
NVIC_InitStructure2.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
NVIC_InitStructure2.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
i2c_init.I2C_ClockSpeed = 100000;
i2c_init.I2C_Mode = I2C_Mode_I2C;
i2c_init.I2C_DutyCycle = I2C_DutyCycle_2;
i2c_init.I2C_OwnAddress1 = 0x30;
i2c_init.I2C_Ack = I2C_Ack_Enable;
i2c_init.I2C_AcknowledgedAddress = I2C_AcknowledgedAddress_7bit;
I2C_Init(I2C2, &i2c_init);
I2C_StretchClockCmd(I2C2, ENABLE);
I2C_Cmd(I2C2, ENABLE);
void I2C2_ER_IRQHandler(void)
/* Read SR1 register to get I2C error */
if ((I2C_ReadRegister(I2C2, I2C_Register_SR1 ) & 0xFF00) != 0x00)
/* Clears error flags */
I2C2 ->SR1 &= 0x00FF;
void I2C2_EV_IRQHandler(void)
uint8_t dataRX;
Event = I2C_GetLastEvent(I2C2 );
printf("Event: 0x%x\n", Event);
switch (Event)
printf("Slave Address Matched\n");
I2C2 ->SR1;
I2C2 ->SR2;
printf("Slave Byte Received\n");
dataRX = I2C_ReceiveData(I2C2 );
I2C2 ->SR1 &= 0x00FF;
I2C2 ->SR1;
I2C2 ->CR1 |= 0x1;
"These conditions would seem to be met, explaining why the STM32F4 I2C slave is stretching (stalling) the clock. It would appear that you need to read from the data register to allow it to continue - in effect, match this as an event and do that."
I did exactly what you said and it works as expected. Read the reference manual bit late. :)
I then received 0x00020044 event and the clock stopped running.
The term "event" is being used a bit loosely. What ST's header files do is define events as certain combinations of flags. You have a slightly different combination. Breaking it down, the following bits are set:
#define I2C_FLAG_BUSY ((uint32_t)0x00020000)
#define I2C_FLAG_RXNE ((uint32_t)0x10000040)
#define I2C_FLAG_BTF ((uint32_t)0x10000004)
(There are actually two sets in different registers - by the definition of your known events it looks like that leading "1" from the latter group gets dropped when they are combined, but I'm not 100% sure of that)
Looking in the reference manual, there is the following:
If RxNE is set and the data in the DR register is not read before the end of the next data
reception, the BTF bit is set and the interface waits until BTF is cleared by a read from the
I2C_DR register, stretching SCL low
These conditions would seem to be met, explaining why the STM32F4 I2C slave is stretching (stalling) the clock. It would appear that you need to read from the data register to allow it to continue - in effect, match this as an event and do that.
I further suspect you get in this condition when you have actually received two words - the one in the receive buffer signified by RXNE, and another in the receiver itself signified by BTF. At that point it is stuck and cannot accept any more - you might consider catching RXNE by itself by adding an interrupt enable for that, possibly improving efficiency by claiming the first word earlier before the second has finished receiving.
If you manage to get it to completely work, feel free to write your own exactly-what-you-did answer and accept that.
Make sure you are handling all possible error conditions and interrupt causes:
I2C_IT_SMBALERT: SMBus Alert flag
I2C_IT_TIMEOUT: Timeout or Tlow error flag
I2C_IT_PECERR: PEC error in reception flag
I2C_IT_OVR: Overrun/Underrun flag (Slave mode)
I2C_IT_AF: Acknowledge failure flag
I2C_IT_ARLO: Arbitration lost flag (Master mode)
I2C_IT_BERR: Bus error flag
I2C_IT_TXE: Data register empty flag (Transmitter)
I2C_IT_RXNE: Data register not empty (Receiver)
I2C_IT_STOPF: Stop detection flag (Slave mode)
I2C_IT_ADD10: 10-bit header sent flag (Master mode)
I2C_IT_BTF: Byte transfer finished flag
I2C_IT_ADDR: Address sent flag (Master mode) "ADSL"
Some of these are cleared by a write to the bit in SR1. Some are cleared by a DR read, some by a DR read OR write. Some require a read of SR1 then a read of SR2. Some require a read of SR1 then a write to CR1. The I2C section of the reference manual has all the information, you just have to wade through it. It takes some time but it is worth it. Start with section 18.6.6 I2C Status register 1 (I2C_SR1) in the reference manual RM0368. Google "RM0268 stm32f4". Several of the interrupt causes (STOPF, ADDR, TXE, RXNE) have a weird way of being cleared. Some are standard and can be cleared by a write to the but in SR1.