Join with union returns me wrong result - sql

I need to use union all twice. And then to join them with the same table. First union will contain a where statement and the second it will not.
Problem is that when I use the second table my result is changing.
select sum(x.quantity*x.Price)
from CustomerTrans t1
inner join (
select *
from InventoryTrans
union all
select *
from InventoryTransTemp
) x on t1.TrnDocumentID = x.TrnDocumentID
group by t1.TrnDocumentID
Here is the output from this result
First Result
Then I am adding the second union with the where statement inside
select sum(x.quantity*x.Price), sum(x2.quantity*x2.Price)
from CustomerTrans t1
left join (
select *
from InventoryTrans
union all
select *
from InventoryTransTemp
) x on t1.TrnDocumentID = x.TrnDocumentID
left join (
select *
from InventoryTrans
where printed = 2 or InvoicePaymentID = 2
union all
select *
from InventoryTransTemp
where printed = 2 or InvoicePaymentID = 2
) x2 on t1.TrnDocumentID = x2.TrnDocumentID
group by t1.TrnDocumentID
Here is the second result
Second Result
Second result it should be 3.80 and not 7.60
It look like it multiples my price *2 instead *1.

What happens here is that you join rows you don't want to join. Let's say your first subquery returns
| quantity | price |
| 10 | 100 |
| 10 | 200 |
for a particular document ID. And your second subquery returns only
| quantity | price |
| 10 | 200 |
The joined result is:
| x.quantity | x.price | x2.quantity | x2.price |
| 10 | 100 | 10 | 200 |
| 10 | 200 | 10 | 200 |
And the aggregations results thereafter are:
| x_result | x2_result |
| 3000 | 4000 |
instead of
| x_result | x2_result |
| 3000 | 2000 |
Instead of joining single rows, you want to join aggregation results (the totals per document):
coalesce(, 0) as u1_total,
coalesce(, 0) as u2_total
from customertrans ct
left join
select trndocumentid, sum(quantity * price) as total
select * from inventorytrans
union all
select * from inventorytranstemp
) union1
group by trndocumentid
) u1 on u1.trndocumentid = ct.trndocumentid
left join
select trndocumentid, sum(quantity * price) as total
select * from inventorytrans where printed = 2 or invoicepaymentid = 2
union all
select * from inventorytranstemp where printed = 2 or invoicepaymentid = 2
) union2
group by trndocumentid
) u2 on u2.trndocumentid = ct.trndocumentid
group by ct.trndocumentid
order by ct.trndocumentid;


Conditionally fallback to different join condition if stricter condition not matched

I have 2 tables j and c.
Both tables have columns ports and sec, and JOIN ON j.ports = c.ports and c.sec = j.sec.
For j.port = 'ABC', if there is no c.sec = j.sec for the same ports, then JOIN ON LEFT(c.sec, 6) = LEFT(j.sec, 6)
For other j.ports, I only want to join ON j.ports = c.ports and c.sec = j.sec
How can I do that?
Example Data
Table c
| Port | sec | Other |
| ABC | abcdefghij | ONE |
| ABC | klmnop | TWO |
| LMN | qwertyuiop | THREE |
| XYZ | asdfghjkl | FOUR |
Table j
| Port | sec |
| ABC | abcdefxxxx |
| ABC | klmnop |
| LMN | qwertyuiop |
| XYZ | zxcvbnm |
EDITED: Desired Results
| Port | sec | other |
| ABC | abcdefghij | ONE | --> mactching on sec's 1st 6 characters
| ABC | klmnop | TWO | --> mactching on sec
| LMN | qwertyuiop | THREE | --> mactching on sec
This does conditional joining:
select t1.*, t2.*
from j t1 inner join c t2
on t2.ports = t1.ports and
when exists (select 1 from c where sec = t1.sec) then t1.sec
else left(t1.sec, 6)
end =
when exists (select 1 from c where sec = t1.sec) then t2.sec
else left(t2.sec, 6)
I question its efficiency but I think it does what you need.
See the demo.
You can do two outer joins and then do isnull type of operation. In oracle nvl is isnull of sqlserver
with c as
select 'ABC' port, 'abcdefghij' sec from dual
union all select 'ABC', 'klmnop' from dual
union all select 'LMN', 'qwertyuiop' from dual
union all select 'XYZ', 'asdfghjkl' from dual
j as
select 'ABC' port, 'abcdefxxxx' sec from dual
union all select 'ABC', 'klmnop' from dual
union all select 'LMN', 'qwertyuiop' from dual
union all select 'XYZ', 'zxcvbnm' from dual
select c.port, c.sec, nvl(j_full.sec, j_part.sec) j_sec
from c
left outer join j j_full on j_full.port = c.port and j_full.sec = c.sec
left outer join j j_part on j_part.port = c.port and substr(j_part.sec,1,6) = substr(c.sec,1,6)
order by 1,2
One way would be to just inner join on the less strict predicate then use a ranking function to discard unwanted rows in the event that c.port = 'ABC' and the stricter condition got a match for a particular c.port, c.sec combination.
with cte as
select c.port as cPort,
c.sec as cSec,
c.other as other,
j.sec as jSec,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY c.port, c.sec ORDER BY CASE WHEN c.port = 'ABC' AND j.sec = c.sec THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS rnk
from c inner join j on left(j.sec,6) = left(c.sec,6)
SELECT cPort, cSec, other, jSec
FROM cte
WHERE rnk = 1

How to get Order numbers where collection number has a top and a corresponding bottom?

This is how the main order table looks :-
| Order_num | Collection_Num |
| 20143045585 | 123456 |
| 20143045585 | 789012 |
| 20143045585 | 456897 |
| 20143758257 | 546465 |
These are the collections:-
| tops | bottom |
| 353735 | 745758 |
| 123456 | 789012 |
| 456456 | 456897 |
| 323456 | 546465 |
Desired Output:-
| Order_num |
| 20143045585 |
Here Order number 20143045585 has both a top and a bottom from the same row in table number 2 (each row in 2nd table forms a particular combination called 'A Collection' i.e. 1 top and corresponding bottom ).
What I want to know -
All the order numbers which have a top and a corresponding bottom in 'Collection_num' column.
Can anyone help me with a SQL code for this ?
Let me know if any of this is unclear.
select Order_num
From table_1 as A
where exists
(select tops from table_2 as B where B.tops = A.Collection_num)
(select bottom from table2 as B where B.bottom = A.Collection_num)
I am assuming you just have the first table of data and each order can only have the two relevant collections or less. Perhaps:
select T1.Order_Num
,T1.Collection_Num AS Tops
,T2.Collection_Num AS Bottom
from Table1 T1
inner join Table1 T2
on T1.Order_Num = T2.Order_Num
and T1.Collection_Num < T2.Collection_Num
order by T1.Order_Num
You can try using subquery
select distinct order_num from #yourorder where collection_num
in (select tops from #yourcollections)
and order_num in
( select order_num from #yourorder where collection_num in
(select bottom from #yourcollections) )
Pretty sure that something like this should work for you. I am just using the ctes here to create the test data so it can be queried.
with Orders (OrderNum, CollectionNum) as
select 20143045585, 123456 union all
select 20143045585, 789012 union all
select 20143045585, 456897 union all
select 20143758257, 546465
, Collections (CollectionID, tops, bottoms) as
select 1, 353735, 745758 union all
select 2, 123456, 789012 union all
select 3, 456456, 456897 union all
select 4, 323456, 546465
select o.OrderNum
, t.tops
, b.bottoms
from Orders o
join Collections t on t.tops = o.CollectionNum
select o.OrderNum
, b.bottoms
, b.CollectionID
from Orders o
join Collections b on b.bottoms = o.CollectionNum
) b on b.CollectionID = t.CollectionID
Here is the query that I used:
Select *
From (select A.Order_num, B.Coll_ID, B.Bottoms from Orders_table as A
Join Collections_Table as B
on A.Collection_num = B.Bottoms
) as C
(select K.Order_num, M.Coll_ID, M.Tops from Orders_table as K
Join Collections_Table as M
on A.Collection_num = B.Tops
) as D
on C.Orders_B = D.Orders_Num AND C.Coll_ID = D.Coll_ID

postgresql - How to get one row the min value

I have table (t_image) with this column
datacd | imagecode | indexdate
A | 1 | 20170213
A | 2 | 20170213
A | 3 | 20170214
B | 4 | 20170201
B | 5 | 20170202
desired result is this
datacd | imagecode | indexdate
A | 1 | 20170213
B | 4 | 20170201
In the above table, I want to retrieve 1 row for each datacd who has the minimum index date
Here is my query, but the result returns 2 rows for datacd A
select *
from (
select datacd, min(indexdate) as indexdate
from t_image
group by datacd
) as t1 inner join t_image as t2 on t2.datacd = t1.datacd and t2.indexdate = t1.indexdate;
The Postgres proprietary distinct on () operator is typically the fastest solution for greatest-n-per-group queries:
select distinct on (datacd) *
from t_image
order by datacd, indexdate;
One option uses ROW_NUMBER():
SELECT t.datacd,
SELECT datacd, imagecode, indexdate,
FROM t_image
) t
WHERE t.rn = 1

How to combine two query to makes multiple columns

I want to combine 2 query to make one result like this
Sandi | schemaid | value | Sandi | schemaid | value
100 | 2883 | 12324 | 200 | 2886 | 3456
120 | 2882 | 435 | 220 | 2887 | 555
130 | 2881 | 3456 | 230 | 2888 | 333
and the query's are:
select y.Sandi , y.schemaid,y.value from tbl_schema y
where y.idx=1
select y.Sandi , y.schemaid,y.value from tbl_schema y
where y.idx=2
Can you help me?
Since you want the separate idx data to appear in columns and not rows, then you could use include a row_number() and join the separate queries on the row_number, similar to this:
q1.Sandi q1_Sandi,
q1.schemaid q1_schemaid,
q1.value q1_value,
q2.sandi q2_Sandi,
q2.schemaid q2_schema_id,
q2.value q2_value
select sandi, schemaid, value,
row_number() over (order by sandi) rn
from tbl_schema
where idx = 1
) q1
full outer join
select sandi, schemaid, value,
row_number() over (order by sandi) rn
from tbl_schema
where idx = 2
) q2
on q1.rn = q2.rn
See SQL Fiddle with Demo
Since you are using same table (tbl_schema) in both queries, for given ids (idx) I think you could use a full outer join as below:
select y.Sandi, y.schemaid, y.value, x.Sandi_, x.schemaid_, x.value_
from tbl_schema y full outer join tbl_schema x
on y.idx + 1 = x.idx
where y.idx = 1 and x.idx = 2

SQL return max value from child for each parent row

I have 2 tables - 1 with parent records, 1 with child records. For each parent record, I'm trying to return a single child record with the MAX(SalesPriceEach).
Additionally I'd like to only return a value when there is more than 1 child record.
parent - SalesTransactions table:
|SalesTransaction_ID| text |
| 1 | Blah |
| 2 | Blah2 |
| 3 | Blah3 |
child - SalesTransactionLines table
| 1| 1 | 123 | 99 |
| 2| 1 | 35 | 50 |
| 3| 2 | 15 | 75 |
desired results
| 1 | 123 | 99 |
| 2 | 15 | 75 |
I found a very similar question here, and based my query on the answer but am not seeing the results I expect.
WITH max_feature AS (
SELECT c.StockCode,
MAX(c.SalesPriceEach) as feature
FROM SalesTransactionLines c
GROUP BY c.StockCode, c.SalesTransaction_ID)
SELECT p.SalesTransaction_ID,
FROM SalesTransactions p
LEFT JOIN max_feature mf ON mf.SalesTransaction_ID = p.SalesTransaction_ID
The results from this query are returning multiple rows for each parent, and not even the highest value first!
select stl.SalesTransaction_ID, stl.StockCode, ss.MaxSalesPriceEach
from SalesTransactionLines stl
inner join
select stl2.SalesTransaction_ID, max(stl2.SalesPriceEach) MaxSalesPriceEach
from SalesTransactionLines stl2
group by stl2.SalesTransaction_ID
having count(*) > 1
) ss on (ss.SalesTransaction_ID = stl.SalesTransaction_ID and
ss.MaxSalesPriceEach = stl.SalesPriceEach)
OR, alternatively:
SELECT stl1.*
FROM SalesTransactionLines AS stl1
LEFT OUTER JOIN SalesTransactionLines AS stl2
ON (stl1.SalesTransaction_ID = stl2.SalesTransaction_ID
AND stl1.SalesPriceEach < stl2.SalesPriceEach)
WHERE stl2.SalesPriceEach IS NULL;
I know I'm a year late to this party but I always prefer using Row_Number in these situations. It solves the problem when there are two rows that meet your Max criteria and makes sure that only one row is returned:
with z as (
,row=ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY st.SalesTransaction_ID ORDER BY stl.SalesPriceEach DESC)
SalesTransactions st
inner join SalesTransactionLines stl on stl.SalesTransaction_ID = st.SalesTransaction_ID
select * from z where row = 1
SELECT SalesTransactions.SalesTransaction_ID,
FROM SalesTransactions RIGHT JOIN SalesTransactionLines
ON SalesTransactions.SalesTransaction_ID = SalesTransactionLines.SalesTransaction_ID
GROUP BY SalesTransactions.SalesTransaction_ID, alesTransactionLines.StockCode;
select a.SalesTransaction_ID, a.StockCode, a.SalesPriceEach
from SalesTransacions as a
inner join (select SalesTransaction_ID, MAX(SalesPriceEach) as SalesPriceEach
from SalesTransactionLines group by SalesTransaction_ID) as b
on a.SalesTransaction_ID = b.SalesTransaction_ID
and a.SalesPriceEach = b.SalesPriceEach
subquery returns table with trans ids and their maximums so just join it with transactions table itself by those 2 values