Registering KryoSerializer to Hazelcast - serialization

I created a serializer for a specific object using the com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Serializer (extending from it and passing my generic parameter).
Now i want to put my object into a by setting the value type to my custom object.
My question is, how do i tell my com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance that it should use my custom kryo serializer for serialization of the object?
I am also using in my project.

Follow the documentation here for Kryo, JSON or other customer serializers to use with Hazelcast:


How to use InjectableValues (for properties annotated as #JacksonInject) when using Spring RestTemplate?

Jackson's #JacksonInject annotation is useful for declaring properties of your deserialized object that are to be "injected" by the code calling for deserialization (as opposed to only being parsed from the JSON). To use this feature, it seems you have to either:
Set the InjectableValues into the ObjectMapper (which would tie them to that ObjectMapper instance and be used for all calls to it).
Get an ObjectReader [via ObjectMapper.reader(InjectableValues)] and use that ObjectReader directly to parse the JSON.
Unfortunately, neither of these is doable (from what I can see) when using Spring's RestTemplate without jumping through a lot of hoops. I don't want every object being deserialized from the RestTemplate to use injected values; nor do I see a way to customize how RestTemplate uses the underlying ObjectMapper1.
Is there a way to incorporate InjectableValues into RestTemplate's JSON deserialization?
1I suppose I could write my own custom HttpMessageConverter and figure out how to inject that into RestTemplate. But even then I don't see a way to pass the InjectableValues into ObjectMapper's read... methods. It's a lot of work even if I could.

How to configure Jackson mapper

How can I globally configure json serializer for http4k? For example, snake case field names or formatting DateTime as ISO8601.
Since the ObjectMapper instance is private within ConfigurableJackson you cannot get at it after construction to do any configuration.
So you either need to construct your own direct instance of ConfigurableJackson and pass in a customized ObjectMapper or you need to subclass ConfigurableJackson with your own class. And then during the constructor, create an ObjectMapper (see example below) or intercept one being passed into your constructor and change its settings.
Whatever you do, be sure you do not break the http4k framework or anything else that might be using the same instance. You can see the defaults used by http4k declared in their source code:
object Jackson : ConfigurableJackson(ObjectMapper()
.configure(USE_BIG_DECIMAL_FOR_FLOATS, true)
.configure(USE_BIG_INTEGER_FOR_INTS, true)
You can use code similar to above to create your own instance.
See this thread for some conversation about this topic:
You don't necessarily need to extend ConfigurableJackson - it's just that extending it is the most convenient way to do this (in our experience).
All configuration is done by tweaking the ObjectMapper instance which is injected into the ConfigurableJackson constructor - the ConfigurableJackson itself just provides the wrapper API around that mapper. The question is to do with standard configuration of Jackson, so you should seek answers to your specific questions (snake case etc) from the Jackson docs directly as http4k doesn't own that API.

Jax-rs convert to object Mule

I am using RAML for design api.
Then I convert raml to jaxrs and get java classes ( ).
It gives two classes: interface and *impl classes.
Then I Import them into my project In Anypoint Studio. I want to use them.
But JsonToObject Transfer cannot use convert classes.
org.mule.api.transformer.TransformerMessagingException: Failed to transform from "json" to "classImpl".
I try use without interface classes. It work correct.
How to use interface and *impl Classes for convert json to Object?
I solved the problem. 1. RAML need to convert using jackson 2. In Anypoint need to deserialize from the json to the object by ObjectMapper
You should make sure your classImp support JSON binding using Jackson annotations. See the related Mule documentation on JSON Support for details.

How can deserialization of polymorphic trait objects be added in Rust if at all?

I'm trying to solve the problem of serializing and deserializing Box<SomeTrait>. I know that in the case of a closed type hierarchy, the recommended way is to use an enum and there are no issues with their serialization, but in my case using enums is an inappropriate solution.
At first I tried to use Serde as it is the de-facto Rust serialization mechanism. Serde is capable of serializing Box<X> but not in the case when X is a trait. The Serialize trait can’t be implemented for trait objects because it has generic methods. This particular issue can be solved by using erased-serde so serialization of Box<SomeTrait> can work.
The main problem is deserialization. To deserialize polymorphic type you need to have some type marker in serialized data. This marker should be deserialized first and after that used to dynamically get the function that will return Box<SomeTrait>.
std::any::TypeId could be used as a marker type, but the main problem is how to dynamically get the deserialization function. I do not consider the option of registering a function for each polymorphic type that should be called manually during application initialization.
I know two possible ways to do it:
Languages that have runtime reflection like C# can use it to get
deserialization method.
In C++, the cereal library uses magic of static objects to register deserializer in a static map at the library initialization time.
But neither of these options is available in Rust. How can deserialization of polymorphic objects be added in Rust if at all?
This has been implemented by dtolnay.
The concept is quite clever ans is explained in the README:
How does it work?
We use the inventory crate to produce a registry of impls of your trait, which is built on the ctor crate to hook up initialization functions that insert into the registry. The first Box<dyn Trait> deserialization will perform the work of iterating the registry and building a map of tags to deserialization functions. Subsequent deserializations find the right deserialization function in that map. The erased-serde crate is also involved, to do this all in a way that does not break object safety.
To summarize, every implementation of the trait declared as [de]serializable is registered at compile-time, and this is resolved at runtime in case of [de]serialization of a trait object.
All your libraries could provide a registration routine, guarded by std::sync::Once, that register some identifier into a common static mut, but obviously your program must call them all.
I've no idea if TypeId yields consistent values across recompiles with different dependencies.
A library to do this should be possible. To create such a library, we would create a bidirectional mapping from TypeId to type name before using the library, and then use that for serialization/deserialization with a type marker. It would be possible to have a function for registering types that are not owned by your package, and to provide a macro annotation that automatically does this for types declared in your package.
If there's a way to access a type ID in a macro, that would be a good way to instrument the mapping between TypeId and type name at compile time rather than runtime.

How can i influence instance creation for annotated serializers

I wrote a jackson module to enable a specific type of serialization. Now i want to enable global configuration of one of the new serializers. so i have to set a property on a serializer instance during creation.
Is there a way i can do that from within a jackson module?
Module interface is stateless, one-of-thing, so it does not have default wiring to affect things it adds.
But what you can do is to use a work-around; possibilities include:
use of ThreadLocal; set before serialization, read from serializer
use new (Jackson 2.3) feature of "attributes"; can set those for writing (ObjectWriter.setAttribute()) and reading (ObjectReader.setAttribute()), accessible by serializer/deserializer through context object (SerializerProvider / DeserializationContext)
So hopefully one of these works for your use case.