Login with LinkedIn is returning "The application is disabled" - authentication

I'm trying to set un a Log in with LinkedIn button. I followed all the steps in this post:
The only difference is that my Authorized redirect URLs for your app is this one:
I added the keys in my backend, and I also added the "Sign In with LinkedIn" option inside the "products" tab.
But I'm still getting this message when I try to Log In:
I don't know if this is helpful, but I'm getting this error in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'textContent' of null
I have no idea what is going on here, I can't find someone with the same problem.
Do you have any clue what can I be doing wrong?

The problem was caused by an outdated Django dependency.
The dependency was social-auth-core and I updated it from version 3.2.0 to 4.0.3, that fixed the problem.


Cannot Enable Firebase Authentication in Firebase Console

When trying to enable either the Google sign-in method, or the regular email/password methods, I get an error, something along the lines of "Unknown error encountered". For Google Auth, it says "CREDENTIALS MISSING" in the JSON response, while for Email/Password it says "INVALID_ARGUMENT".
I have tried deleting the project and starting a new one, but the same error persists. I'll include some snippets from the console log below, any help is appreciated!
UPDATE: I can apparently update these settings in Firefox without a problem? I'm not sure what's going on here, but I guess if others have this problem, I would try a different browser?
console log
Expanded JSON Response Google Auth

Etsy Authentication changes

I am working on Etsy Authentication. I have created an app and tried to test the Authentication via Postman in the same above process but I was not able to Authenticate I was getting an error
And I was unable to Edit the App and also there is no option of "Request Full Access"
No Edit option and also no Request full access and the app state is in pending approval
Help me with the issue as I was previously able to Edit the App and I have tested few APIs as well but now I am unable to do it.
Postman image
If I hit this API in the browser as a response I need code but I was getting the above error
Your request isn't working because you haven't registered the callback URL for postman with your App, and of course you mentioned that you couldn't edit your app to add the callback URL.
There is a silly URL bug on the Etsy dev portal which sending you to a broken like when you click on your app to edit it.
Once you click on the App to edit it and end up at the 404 page,
Remove this from the URL and it will then work.
I have emailed the Etsy Developers to point out this bug so hopefully it will be resolved quickly.
To piggyback off of Gareth's answer:
Step 1:
In https://www.etsy.com/developers/edit/{account_id}/callbacks, add the following callback:
Step 2:
Follow these instructions https://developer.etsy.com/documentation/essentials/authentication/, make sure to set:
*You don't actually need anything running at localhost:3003

https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js generates uncaught exception: [object Object]

When loading https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js an uncaught exception: [object Object] is generated under Firefox (works fine in Chrome) which makes it impossible to retrieve user data after login with Gmail.
Really penalizing issue... anyone has an idea?
I struggled with that too and found that Firefox needs to accept third-party cookies in order for Google api to load properly.
So I suggest trying to edit 'Preferences' -> 'Privacy and Security' -> 'Accept third-party cookies'. Try to set value to 'always' and see if that solves your issue. It would be more secure however to add an exception for the specific url.
This problem is solved when you use https.

FB.ui() with method: "feed" is broken

It seems that method: 'feed' within FB.ui() using FB JavaScript SDK is broken. Consider the following example:
Having an app running as Page Tab on a FB page AND Canvas-App
All needed fields in the app section are filled out correctly
Using FB.ui() with method: 'feed' to let a user tell someone about it
The link-Property of method: 'feed' is set the Canvas-URL and for testing to the Page Tab URL of the app
Everything worked for us until a few days ago (don't remember the exact day)
Debugged over and over and couldn't find a bug
We always get the following error, now even with apps that formerly worked:
"An error occurred with xxx. Please try again later.
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application."
At least you got an error message.
I've the same but the following :
"An error occurred with xxx. Please try again later."
No error code or something.
Did you changed something on your app config ?
Your error code might means :
bad redirect_uri (mb you hav'nt the same appId or something)
You just changed your app domain name and your redirect uri isn't in the same domain
Try to access your app with your redirect_uri, if an error shows up you need to fix your redirect.
Good luck !

Authentication error in OAuth Sample Google Toolbox app

I've ran into a problem and I don't know how to fix it. I've searched around to see if other people are having this issue but I can't find anything relative to my error. I'm using the OAuthSample example app. The google login works great but not the twitter login. The error that I'm getting is
Authentication error: Error Domain=com.google.HTTPStatus Code=401 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.google.HTTPStatus error 401.)"
I've filled in myConsumerKey and myConsumerSecret correctly so I don't understand what the deal is. The modal drop down window will not even drop down and load the url page so I can put the twitter username and password.
I've figured it out. You have to put a callback url in the twitter settings or the authentication will fail.