Issue faced while migrating from PyQt4 to PyQt5 - pyqt5

I have an GUI application, which is quite big.I have it in Python 2.7. Since Python 2 is no longer being updated, I converted my application to Python 3.8 using 2to3 module. I am facing this problem and have no idea how to solve it. I referred some of the similar problems but did not get anywhere. I have the following error:
QtCore.qRegisterResourceData(0x01, qt_resource_struct, qt_resource_name, qt_resource_data)
TypeError: qRegisterResourceData(int, bytes, bytes, bytes): argument 2 has unexpected type 'str'
What should I do to get pass this issue?

Resource files on PyQt are actually python scripts with base64 encoded data.
When porting to newer systems (both python 3 and Qt5) requires proper updating of those files.
Generally, it can be done by calling again the pyrcc command (pyrcc5 or pyrcc5.exe if both Qt versions are installed), but they can be manually ported, considering the following aspects:
the import statement has obviously be modified to PyQt5;
all variables (qt_resource_data and qt_resource_name) are bytes literals and require the b'...' prefix;
from PyQt5 import QtCore
qt_resource_data = b"\
-- raw data --
qt_resource_name = b"\
-- raw data --


dbt Error : Encountered an error: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa0 in position 441: invalid start byte

I have upgraded my dbt version to 1.0.0 yesterday night and ran few connection test. It went well . Now when i am running the my first dbt example model , i am getting below error , even though i have not changed any code in this default example model.
Same error i am getting while running dbt seed command also for a csv dataset . The csv is utf-8 encoded and no special character in it .
I am using python 3.9
Could anyone suggest what is the issue ?
Below is my first dbt model sql
After lots of back and forth, I figured out the issue. This is more like fundamental concept issue.
Every time we execute dbt run, dbt will scan through the entire project directory ( including seeds directory even though it is not materializing the seed ) [Attached screenshot below].
If it finds any csv it also parsed it .
In case of above error, I had a csv file which looks follows :
If we see the highlighted line it contains some symbol character which dbt (i.e python) was not able to parse it causing above error.
This symbol was not visible earlier in excel or notepad++.
It could be the issue with Snowflake python connector that #PeterH has pointed out .
As temporary solution , for now we are manually removing these character from Data file.
I’d leave this as a comment but I don’t have the rep yet…
This appears to be related to a recently-opened issue.
Apparently it’s something to do with the snowflake python adapter.
Since you’re seeing the error from a different context, it might be helpful for you to post in that issue that you’re seeing this outside of query preview.

XLRDError: Unsupported format, or corrupt file

Getting error while reading .xlsx files using pandas. It looks like it is opening the file as it is able to read first 8 char of column name that is employee id but failing with this error. I see a lot of post about this but the last part is never a column name in those error messages. Any suggestions?
In dev environment, when I opened this file as excel and reloaded into server, it worked.
Error: XLRDError: Unsupported format, or corrupt file: Expected BOF record; found 'Employee'
As noted in the release email, linked to from the release tweet and noted in large orange warning that appears on the front page of the documentation, and less orange but still present in the readme on the repo and the release on pypi:
xlrd has explicitly removed support for anything other than xls files.
This is due to potential security vulnerabilities relating to the use of xlrd version 1.2 or earlier for reading .xlsx files.
Solutions available:
specify older xlrd version i.e. xlrd==1.2.0 OR
Use openpyxl on pandas:
Make sure you are on a recent version of pandas, at least 1.0.1, and preferably the latest release.
Install openpyxl:
change your pandas code to be: 
pandas.read_excel('cat.xlsx', engine='openpyxl')
The next pandas release, pandas 1.2, will do this by default.

How to load a CSV file from the Mayavi GUI?

I know how to read the CSV into numpy and do it from a Python script, and that is good enough for my use case.
But since it has a GUI with data loading functionality, I was expecting it would just work for such an universal data format.
So I tried to go on the menu:
Load data
Open file
but when I select a simple CSV file:
i=0; while [ "$i" -lt 10 ]; do echo "$i,$((2*i)),$((4*i))"; i=$((i+1)); done > main.csv
which contains:
an error popup shows on the GUI:
No suitable reader found for file /home/ciro/main.csv
Google led me to this interesting file in the source tree: but that just looks like an example of how to do it from a script.
Tested in Mayavi 4.6.2.
From the documentation
One needs to have some data or the other loaded before a Module or Filter may be used. Mayavi supports several data file formats most notably VTK data file formats. Alternatively, mlab can be used to load data from numpy arrays. For advanced information on data structures, refer to the Data representation in Mayavi section.
I've tested importing using the GUI on a Asus Laptop Intel CoreTM i7-4510U CPU # 2.00 GHz with 8 GBs de RAM, using Windows 10, both in and out of a Python virtualenv and always got the same problem:
It all points to CSV files not being directly supported, so had to find another workaround.
My favorite was to use a virtual environment and install on it mayavi, jupyterlab, PyQt5 and Pandas.
Then, using PowerShell, start a Jupyter notebook (jupyter notebook) > Upload > Select the .csv. This imported a 1,25 GBs (153543233 rows x 3 columns) .csv in around 20s, which then became available for usage.

TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface in python

I'm having this error in a python script:
TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
The line that is generating the error is
username = cred_file.readlines()[0].split(';')[0]
I'm a python beginner, any help is appreciated.
You're running a python 2 script with python 3. Python 3 now returns bytes no longer str when reading from a binary stream.
3 choices:
run it with python 2. That if you don't have the rights/time to adapt the script, not recommended as python 3 is becoming more and more the norm.
change your code to insert a decode function (it will continue to work in python 2):
username = cred_file.readlines()[0].decode().split(';')[0]
If file is opened in read/binary mode, readlines returns a list of bytes not str. You have do decode the bytes into a str to apply str methods.
open the file in "r" instead of "rb". readlines then returns a list of str and your code will work. Sometimes it can be problematic on windows because of need to preserve the carriage return (\r) chars, so look out for side effects in your code.
Note: cred_file.readlines()[0] is a questionable construction: you're reading the whole file lines, and drop all the lines but the first. Not very efficient I/O and CPU wise.
Prefer that: cred_file.readline() which is equivalent to read the first line.
If you need to read all the lines for further processing, then store the result of readlines in a list.

Persistent Python Command-Line History

I'd like to be able to "up-arrow" to commands that I input in a previous Python interpreter. I have found the readline module which offers functions like: read_history_file, write_history_file, and set_startup_hook. I'm not quite savvy enough to put this into practice though, so could someone please help? My thoughts on the solution are:
(1) Modify .login PYTHONSTARTUP to run a python script.
(2) In that python script file do something like:
def command_history_hook():
import readline
(3) Whenever the interpreter exits, write the history to the file. I guess the best way to do this is to define a function in your startup script and exit using that function:
def ex():
import readline
It's very annoying to have to exit using parentheses, though: ex(). Is there some python sugar that would allow ex (without the parens) to run the ex function?
Is there a better way to cause the history file to write each time? Thanks in advance for all solutions/suggestions.
Also, there are two architectural choices as I can see. One choice is to have a unified command history. The benefit is simplicity (the alternative that follows litters your home directory with a lot of files.) The disadvantage is that interpreters you run in separate terminals will be populated with each other's command histories, and they will overwrite one another's histories. (this is okay for me since I'm usually interested in closing an interpreter and reopening one immediately to reload modules, and in that case that interpreter's commands will have been written to the file.) One possible solution to maintain separate history files per terminal is to write an environment variable for each new terminal you create:
def random_key()
''.join([choice(string.uppercase + string.digits) for i in range(16)])
def command_history_hook():
import readline
key = get_env_variable('command_history_key')
if key:
set_env_variable('command_history_key', random_key())
def ex():
import readline
key = get_env_variable('command_history_key')
if not key:
set_env_variable('command_history_key', random_key())
By decreasing the random key length from 16 to say 1 you could decrease the number of files littering your directories to 36 at the expense of possible (2.8% chance) of overlap.
I think the suggestions in the Python documentation pretty much cover what you want. Look at the example pystartup file toward the end of section 13.3:
or see this page:
But, for an out of the box interactive shell that provides all this and more, take a look at using IPython:
Try using IPython as a python shell. It already has everything you ask for. They have packages for most popular distros, so install should be very easy.
Persistent history has been supported out of the box since Python 3.4. See this bug report.
Use PIP to install the pyreadline package:
pip install pyreadline
If all you want is to use interactive history substitution without all the file stuff, all you need to do is import readline:
import readline
And then you can use the up/down keys to navigate past commands. Same for 2 or 3.
This wasn't clear to me from the docs, but maybe I missed it.