Component can't access action defined in test store (Vue Test Utils) - vue.js

Following Vue Test Utils's docs I created a test store (replicating my real store) in my test:
In it there's this action:
actions: {
{ commit }: ActionContext<State, RootState>,
val: number
) {
... which the tested component calls when a button is clicked:
<button v-for="(power, i) in powers" :key="i" #click="comparePower(power)" />
function comparePower(val: string) {
I can see that the component is properly loaded, however it fails to call the action when a button is clicked via await wrapper.findAll('.button')[0].trigger('click');.
There's no error message, the action just isn't called. Why not?

In your BattlePowers add a class named powerbutton to make that buttons unique :
v-for="(power, i) in powers" :key="i"
class="button powerbutton"
{{ power }}
then inside the test file battle-powers.spec.ts import the global store instead of creating new one inside the test file since this global store will be affected when you mock the button click :
import { shallowMount } from '#vue/test-utils';
import BattlePowers from '#/views/battle/battle-powers.vue';
import store from '#/store'
describe('BattlePowers', () => {
it('updates store variable powerSelected with power clicked by user', async () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(BattlePowers, {});
await wrapper.findAll('.powerbutton')[1].trigger('click');


Cypress spy not being called when VueJS component emits event

I'm trying to follow the guide here to test an emitted event.
Given the following Vue SFC:
<script setup>
<button data-testid="credits" #click="$emit('onCredits')">Click</button>
and the following Cypress test:
import { createTestingPinia } from '#pinia/testing';
import Button from './Button.vue';
describe('<Button />', () => {
it('renders', () => {
const pinia = createTestingPinia({
createSpy: cy.spy(),
cy.mount(Button, {
props: {
onCredits: cy.spy().as('onCreditsSpy'),
global: {
plugins: [pinia],
My test is failing with
expected onCreditsSpy to have been called at least once, but it was never called
It feels weird passing in the spy as a prop, have I misunderstood something?
I solved such a situation with the last example within Using Vue Test Utils.
In my case the PagerElement component uses the properties 'pages' for the total of pages to render and 'page' for the current page additional to the 'handleClick'-Event emitted once a page has been clicked:
cy.mount(PagerElement, {
props: {
pages: 5,
page: 0
Within the test I click on the third link that then emmits the Event:
cy.get('.pages router-link:nth-of-type(3)').click()
cy.get('#vue').should(wrapper => {
First expectation was for handleClick to be emitted at all, the second one then checks the Parameters emitted (In my case the Page of the element clicked)
In order to have the Wrapper-element returned a custom mount-command has to be added instead of the default in your component.ts/component.js:
Cypress.Commands.add('mount', (...args) => {
return mount(...args).then(({ wrapper }) => {
return cy.wrap(wrapper).as('vue')

How to test methods imported from other components or JS file

I don´t have much experience with unit testing.
What is the proper way to test a method imported from a JS file or from another component?
This is a sample component I created a localSum just to use on the test.
<div class="fixed-center text-center text-h2">
<p>{{ getSum }}</p>
import { sum } from './testComponent.js';
export default {
name: 'TestComponent',
data() {
return {
a: 10,
b: 20
computed: {
getSum() {
return sum(this.a, this.b);
methods: {
localSum(a, b) {
return a + b;
The JS file:
export function sum(a, b) {
return a + b;
This is the test, maybe I should not be using wrapper.vm to access the method?
One note: On the real component I don't want to test the method directly, which is why I did not import sum from the JS file.
import { mount } from '#vue/test-utils';
import TestComponent from '#components/TestComponent.vue';
describe('Testing component', () => {
test('Testing local method', () => {
const wrapper = mount(TestComponent);
expect(wrapper.vm.localSum(10, 20)).toBe(30);
test('Testing method from js file', () => {
const wrapper = mount(TestComponent);
expect(wrapper.vm.getSum(10, 20)).toBe(30);
Test result:
Testing component
✓ Testing local method (6 ms)
✕ Testing method from js file (2 ms)
● Testing component › Testing method from js file
TypeError: wrapper.vm.getSum is not a function
In your example getSum() is a computed property that doesn't take any argument.
Therefore to test it you probably just need to do:
instead of:
expect(wrapper.vm.getSum(10, 20)).toBe(30);

Vuex is resetting already set states

Have started to play around with Vuex and am a bit confused.
It triggers the action GET_RECRUITERS everytime I load the component company.vue thus also making an api-call.
For example if I open company.vue => navigate to the user/edit.vue with vue-router and them go back it will call the action/api again (The recruiters are saved in the store accordinly to Vue-dev-tools).
Please correct me if I'm wrong - It should not trigger the action/api and thus resetting the state if I go back to the page again, correct? Or have I missunderstood the intent of Vuex?
<option v-for="recruiter in recruiters"
{{ }}
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
middleware: 'auth',
mounted() {
computed: mapGetters({
recruiters: 'company/recruiters'
import axios from 'axios'
// state
export const state = {
recruiters: [],
// getters
export const getters = {
recruiters: state => {
return state.recruiters
// actions
export const actions = {
.then((response) => {
console.log('API Action GET_RECRUITERS')
.catch(() => { console.log("Error........") })
// mutations
export const mutations = {
GET_RECRUITERS(state, data) {
return state.recruiters = data
That's expected behavior, because a page component is created/mounted again each time you route back to it unless you cache it. Here are a few design patterns for this:
Load the data in App.vue which only runs once.
Or, check that the data isn't already loaded before making the API call:
// Testing that your `recruiters` getter has no length before loading data
mounted() {
if(!this.recruiters.length) {
Or, cache the page component so it's not recreated each time you route away and back. Do this by using the <keep-alive> component to wrap the <router-view>:
<router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view>

Cannot spyOn on a primitive value; undefined given . Vue JS, Jest, Utils

I try to use spyOn to spy the functions and it's implementation. However, i got this error. "Cannot spyOn on a primitive value; undefined given".
I already read the documentation of jest.spyOn in . But it keeps showing the same errror... is there anything that i should add and improve?
below is the code
<form #submit.prevent="onSubmit(inputValue)">
<input type="text" v-model="inputValue">
<span class="reversed">{{ reversedInput }}</span>
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
props: ['reversed'],
data: () => ({
inputValue: '',
results: [],
methods: {
onSubmit(value) {
const getPromise = axios.get(
'' + value,
getPromise.then(results => {
this.results =;
return getPromise;
while the test code is
import axios from 'axios'; // axios here is the mock from above!
import { shallowMount } from '#vue/test-utils';
import Form from '#/components/Form.vue';
describe('Form.test.js', () => {
const wrapper;
describe('Testing Submit events', () => {
wrapper = shallowMount(Form);
it('calls submit event', () => {
const onSubmit = jest.spyOn(Form.prototype, 'onSubmit') // mock function
// updating method with mock function
wrapper.setMethods({ onSubmit });
//find the button and trigger click event
Can you also vrief me what and how to use spyOn to test the method?
Thank you so much
Best regards
Component definition suggests that Form is an object. Form.prototype === undefined because Form is not a function. Since Vue class components aren't in use, nothing suggests the opposite.
It can be spied as:
jest.spyOn(Form.methods, 'onSubmit')
This should be done prior to component instantiation. And spyOn with no implementation provided creates a spy, not a mock.

Let a (mocked) transition finish asap inside v-menu in a vuetify unit test

v-menu uses a transition internally to show the given Element when the activator is triggered.
We simply want to test if the menu element is shown after the activator hit it.
In our setup we have a component test using Vue Test Utils and do:
const wrapper = createWrapper(...)
expect(wrapper.contains('.my-class')).toBe(false) // the Element is not there in the beginning
clickTheTriggerElement(wrapper) // trigger v-menu to show
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick()
expect(wrapper.find('.my-class').isVisible()).toBe(true) // fails
This fails because the transition used by v-menu is not finished yet. (It would after a setTimeout(...), thou but this is less acceptable).
Vue Test Utils describes this as a common issue and provides a solution that seems to work for plain vue.js Transitions. (They use a mock for Transition to render immediately.) Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work with internal transitions of vuetify.
How would you handle that?
I wrote unit-test for v-list inside v-menu and I didn't mock transitions. This is my code:
const button = wrapper.find('.theme-picker');
await button.trigger('click');
const topic = wrapper.find('.v-list-item');
await topic.trigger('click');
const result = wrapper.vm.$router;
If you have some async behaviour which you can't 'reach' you can use:
test('description', (done) => {
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
It work for Jest and Mocha. Test will wait until async code finish.
May be it will help someone.
I don't think it's the transitions that are causing the problem here. You should be able to disable transitions completely with the following code:
import { config } from '#vue/test-utils';
config.stubs.transition = false;
I tried this, and it did not help my situation. What I ended up doing was stub out VMenu entirely. I created a component stub somewhere only accessible to tests, e.g. tests/unit/__stubs__/VMenuStub.vue
<div class="v-menu-stub">
click: toggleValue,
<slot v-if="value"></slot>
<script lang="ts">
* VMenuStub - used to stub out v-menu
* as a workaround for issues dealing with v-menu directly in a unit test
* example usage: use the "stubs" option for mount
* componentWrapper = mount(component, {
* ... other options, like localVue, vuetify ...
* stubs: {
* 'v-menu': VMenuStub,
* },
* };
import { defineComponent } from '#vue/composition-api';
export default defineComponent({
props: {
value: {
type: Boolean,
required: true,
setup(props, context) {
function toggleValue() {
context.emit('input', !props.value);
return {
I can use this stub like so:
import VMenuStub from '../../__stubs__/VMenuStub';
it('test', () => {
componentWrapper = mount(component, {
... other options, like localVue, vuetify ...
stubs: {
'v-menu': VMenuStub,
once the stub is added, whichever button I have set up to trigger menu open/close will work as expected.
given my component to test has a menu with activator slot:
<template #activator="{ on, attrs }">
<v-btn v-bind="attrs" v-on="on">
I can open the menu by triggering click via trigger('click') or vm.$emit('click')
it('test', () => {
componentWrapper = mount(component, {
... other options, like localVue, vuetify ...
stubs: {
'v-menu': VMenuStub,
const menuButton = componentWrapper.findAll('.v-btn').filter(i => i.text().includes('ClickMe')).at(0);
// either of these will work
await menuButton.trigger('click');
// OR
await menuButton.vm.$emit('click');
// and I can verify