Yolov5 How to find pixel size of objects detected? - yolo

I'm looking to make yolov5 detect.py output the size of the objects found inside the bounding boxes. However, I cannot find the correct variable, can anyone help?
Thanks in advance!
link to code in github : https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/blob/master/detect.py


How to get labels for ILSVRC2012 Classification Task

The ILSVRC 2012 small classification dataset is not separated by folder and don't have a labels file. How get the labels for the training set?
I tried on nonpub downloads page but does not exist anymore, and i tried by the filenames but their don't have the synset id on it.
I've been having the same issue today following this tutorial on reproducing ImageNet Validation results. I think I've found an answer, even if partial
In the article they point out to this link to get the validation set for object detection. I downloaded it and had the same issue as yourself, it only contains images without labels. What I've found is that this same website had this other link for the bounding boxes. I've downloaded it and alongside with the bboxes it comes with the proper class for each image
Hope this helps!

Get the labeled data from a custom vision

I've trained an object detection model with custom vision, with data that I have labeled with the interface and I was wondering if I could export these labels. I looked around to see if we can but I didn't find any information about this.
I have exported the model but now I want the labeled data. Does anyone have a clue on how to do this?
Thank you
The GetTaggedImages method return all the images with their bounding boxes.
Reference: https://westeurope.dev.cognitive.microsoft.com/docs/services/Custom_Vision_Training_3.0/operations/5c771cdcbf6a2b18a0c3b7fc

I want to add the spp algorithm to my program so that the input and output images don't have to be fixed

Here is the git address, which is the code I am using.
Hello, I have a verification code recognition program. Now I can model the model and verify the recognition result, but I can only fix the image size of the input and output. Now I want to add the spp(Spatial Pyramid Pooling) algorithm into my program. I have tried many times and can't solve it normally. Can you help me? Thank you.
Let the input and output pictures not be in fixed size

Create PDF layers using DomPDF

I'm trying to create a PDF with layers, one for the texts and the other for a background image so user can print only the text layer.
Does anyone knows if it's possible and if so, how can I do that ?
I'm using version 0.8.2.
Finally it looks like layers or the Optional Content Groups are not supported by DomPDF. So my solution was to change to TCPDF, it's not great for CSS but it offers the option to create layers and change the visibility of objects in the PDF.
So you can set objects to show only in screen or print.
I hope this can help if someone has the same issue.
Here's the link to TCPDF

Printing labels on vector layers by geoserver print module (MapFish)

I use MapFish plugin for geoserver. Vector layers are printed fine but text labels on them do not appear in pdf. Although they are visible on the map before printing.
Help me please =)
Please, use latest mapfish-print. You need to download and compile it as described here https://github.com/mapfish/mapfish-print