MVC View links stored in config - sitefinity

Is there config setting that I can use as links within sitefinity MVC view? So I have a href's in my view that i dont want to hardcode them in the view cshtml file.
<a href="ConfigSetting">

I think you want to make a custom Config Section
Then I always do something like this in a static helper class so I can use it in Views and around the site
public static MyConfig MyConfig {
return Telerik.Sitefinity.Configuration.Config.Get<MyConfig>();
So then it's
<a href="#Util.MyConfig.ConfigSetting">


Controllers sharing parts: How to include a controller's output from within another controller's view in Prestashop >= 1.5?

In the shop's customer section I would like to render the user account menu (which we can see by default when reaching /my-account URL) as a side column on some others controllers like the ones associated to "/my-adresses", "/identity" pages ..
I thought I would have to create another controller which purpose would be to gather menu infos and only render the menu <ul> list. Then I could override Controllers such as MyAccountController, IdentityController to include this former Ctrl and then render its content as part of the views of those two other controllers views.
So how one can load a specific controller from another in order to render shared views between pages ? Which is the right/clean way to do that ?
I heard about $this->getController() but I did not find any snippet or implementation of what I'd like to achieve. I new to Prestashop but even if the code seems clear, I don't get the point here.
Thank you !
After getting a bit deeper into sources, I ended up moving the menu (initially part of the MyAccountControllerCore alias my-account template) into a brand new Controller "MyAccountMenuController", in /override/controllers/front/.
// In /override/controllers/front/MyAccountMenuController.php
// The "exposer" controller
public function display()
// Do what ever you want to pass specific variables
if (! $this->template) {
throw new Exception(get_class($this) . '::display() : missing template.');
return true;
I am now able to import this menu by adding the following snippet inside the initContent() method of each controller that are part of the customer account section (this means that each of them must be overridden, for more info about overriding controllers, see documentation):
// In /override/controllers/front/MyAccountController.php
// The "consumer" controller
public function initContent() {
// ...
// Importing the customer area's menu
$menuController = $this->getController('MyAccountMenuController');
$this->context->smarty->assign('myAccountMenu', ob_get_clean());
I don't think the original purpose of getController method (located in ControllerCore class) was meant to include another controller output, at least in Prestashop 1.5. Still, to me this approach is far cleaner than duplicate views code.
If you have a better (cleaner) approach to implement such a mechanism, please let me know !
Any thoughts ?

MVC 4.0 using Razor view

How to set the Label Text which is available on _Layout.cstml from different Controller.
For Example
If I want to navigate from Dashboard to ProductList Page. Then My Label Text on _Layout Page should be "Product List". which I am setting from ProductList Controller Index Method.
Thanks in advance.
Use the in _Layout.cshtml. Pass the viewdata from controller action and it will be shown on your html page.
Note:- Please confirm me if you means something else. I will update my answer if this doesn't means what you looking for.
it's look like you want to set the ViewBag.Xyz different different for every controller.
I recommanded you to use ActionFilterAttribute to make it work. The code will something like this.
public class DashboardCustomData : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
{ = "This is my Dashboard page";
Now put this Actionfilter to every controller. You need to use different different ActionFilter for every controller which have different title. After doing this you never need to set it manually from every controller.
If you don't like to write the multiple filter then try this one.
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
string controllerName = filterContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString();
string ActionName = filterContext.RouteData.Values["Action"].ToString();
if (controllerName == "Dashboard")
{ = "This is my Dashboard page";
You make BaseViewModel class with that prop, set _Layout's model as this type and derive other models from it. Now you can access that prop from any derived model
You use ViewBag or ViewData
You make a #section in Layout view and populate it within Controller's views
If you need Layout's fields in many controllers then usage of #1 looks preferred.
Why does not use this simple approach:
ViewBag.Name = "...";
Layout = "_Layout.cstml";
And in your layout set your lable text with #ViewBag.Name
Then just assign a value to ViewBag.Label in your controllers, and it will automatically change.
public ActionResult OtherPage()
ViewBag.Label = "Other Label";
Solution you have suggested works when I am on the same Controllers View but here I want to Change the Text of Controller on Master Page.
In We use Master Page Reference on Child Page then we can
easily Change the Text, but how do i do same in MVC... Hope you
understood the scenario. –
If you look at what is generated when you start a new project with the "Internet Template" in MVC 4, you have a way to do it already working for you:
In the element of _Layout, look for <title>#ViewBag.Title - My ASP.NET MVC Application</title>, then in all the different views, you have something like this:
ViewBag.Title = "Contact";
<hgroup class="title">
All you need to do is to move/duplicate ViewBag.Title out of the HEAD intot the BODY, or create your own ViewBag variable, and set it's values from your different views. Obviously you could just as well set the value from the controller, but I don't see the need, as this really has to do exclusively with the user interface, which is the Views job.
Finally, if I may, don't try to duplicate in MVC what you're used to with ASP.NET. The paradigms are way too differents, chances are that you are going to waste time while there might be an easy MVC way to achieve the same thing.
It seems to me this is just an example of it.....

ASP.NET MVC 4 - _Layout Master pages loading in views not configured to do so

In my ASP.NET MVC 4 application, I have created a view (not a partial) that shows only a grid of data for printing. This acts as a print-safe view. This is enabled by a simple tag that sends you to the view. The problem is, the master page layouts are being loaded in the view.
Is there anywhere in an ASP.NET MVC 4 app, that could be secretly configuring my views to include the master _layout?
Yes. check your ~/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml file, you may find something like this:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
You can override it in your View though:
Layout = null;
Or if your View is rendered through an Action, try to return PartialView() instead of View():
public ActionResult RenderGrid()
return PartialView(); // return View without invoking _ViewStart.cshtml
If you have a non-partial view, and unless you override the layout, whatever is configured in _ViewStart.cshtml will be used. You can override this by adding this to your view:
Layout = null;
Since my _Layout was entirely in 1 element, i was able to use javascript to hide it. This not the answer I like, because its not a solution, it is a cheap work around.

Is it possible pass a string from the _ViewStart file to my Layoutfile?

I have a Layout File that is used by both my main site and the Admin area. In the Layout I make a call to the MVCSiteMapProvider to generate my layouts. What I would like to do is setup a string in the _ViewStart file that I can pass into the Layout to designate which sitemap to use. Is it possible to pass variables from the _ViewStart down the Layout file and if so how?
Just off the top of my head you could use PageData.
Provides array-like access to page data that is shared between pages, layout pages, and partial pages.
PageData["MyString"] = "Test!";
PageData("MyString") = "Test!"
End Code
You can use ViewBag for it.
In viewstart:
ViewBag.YourString = "any string";
In Layout:
var str = (string)ViewBag.YourString;

OpenCart Breadcrumb in header.tpl

Can someone tell me how can I have the breadcrumb nav within the header.tpl and not in the product.tpl of opencart?
I've just had to figure this out for a new site we're building and I've come up with the following; use at your own risk (I'll report back if I run into any major problems, but I can't foresee any... famous last words)
Basically the breadcrumbs are built in the controllers and we need the resulting $breadcrumbs array in the header controller. Modify system/engine/controller.php as follows:
protected function render() {
foreach ($this->children as $child) {
$this->data[basename($child)] = $this->getChild($child,array('parent_data'=>&$this->data));
This will send all the data in the parent controller, before render() was called, to every controller/method of the $children. Then we just need to pick this up in the header controller as follows:
class ControllerCommonHeader extends Controller {
protected function index($args=array()) {
// parent data
$this->data['parent_data'] = $args['parent_data'];
And we can access everything in the template with $parent_data['whatever']. In this case, $parent_data['breadcrumbs'] will be the array of breadcrumbs that I can loop over with the code I've removed from each page.tpl and added to my header.tpl.
Due to the way 1.5.X is coded, you'll need to rewrite every controller and add a method back to the document class to allow passing from the product controller to the header controller. Is there any particular reason you want to do so?
if all else fails just hack the css, something like
.breadcrumb {
margin-left: -270px;
margin-top: -65px;
will move the breadcrumb up and to the left.