I am porting iOS opengl games to metal
Use metalangle
I use pre-compiled dynamic library
Return nil when creating MGLContext
MGLContext * aaa = [MGLContext alloc];
aaa == nil
Why is that?
I thought alloc would return nil only when the memory overflowed
In modern ObjC, it is not well-defined to only call +alloc without then calling an init method:
You must use an init... method to complete the initialization process. For example:
TheClass *newObject = [[TheClass alloc] init];
It was never a good practice, but you now cannot split up allocation and initialization.
That said, how are you testing this? I haven't been able to reproduce it so far. It is possible that MGLContext itself is nil. That would happen if the dynamic library is weakly linked, and not present.
This is a problem caused by a "weakly linked"
Thanks #RobNapier
Thank you all
DISCLAIMER: This is a long post, but could prove very valuable for those grappling with using the new ObjectiveC JavascriptCore framework and doing asynchronous coding between ObjC and JS.
Hi there, I'm super new to Objective C and am integrating a javascript communication library into my iOS app.
Anyway, I've been trying my hand at using the new ObjectiveC JavaScriptCore Framework introduced in iOS7. It's pretty awesome for the most part, though quite poorly documented so far.
It's really strange mixing language conventions, but also kind of liberating in some ways.
I should add that I am of course using ARC, so that helps a lot coming from the Javascript world. But I have a question that's pretty specific around memory use issues when moving between ObjectiveC and the JSContext callBacks. Like if I execute a function in Javascript that then does some asynchronous code, and then calls back to a defined ObjectiveC block, and then that calls a defined JS callback... I just want to make sure I'm doing it right (ie. not leaking memory some place)!
Just to do things proper (because I reference a the class self to call the ObjectiveC callBacks I create a weakSelf so it plays nice with ARC (referenced from question: capturing self strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle):
__unsafe_unretained typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
Now, say I have a JSContext and add a function to it. I want this function to take a callBack function and call it with "Hello" as an argument as well as pass ANOTHER function as a callBack. ie.
// Add a new JSContext.
JSContext context = [[JSContext alloc] initWithVirtualMachine:[[JSVirtualMachine alloc] init]];
// Add a function to the context. This function takes a callBack function and calls it back with "Hello"
[context evaluateScript: #"var functionA = function(callBack){
var aMessage = "Foo";
callBack(aMessage, function(message){
/* message should say: Foo Bar */
}" ];
// Note, if you try to copy this code, you will have to get rid of the returns in the JS script.
Okay, so we have our basic JS side of things. Now to add the ObjectiveC complexity. I'm going to add the first ObjectiveC CallBack block:
context[#"functionB"] = ^(NSString *theMessage, JSValue *theCallBack){
[weakSelf objCFunction:theMessage withCallBack:theCallBack];
In the same class all this is happening in I also have the method definition. This is the place that causes the most concern to me:
-(void)objCFunction:(NSString *)message withCallBack:(JSValue *)callBack
NSString *concatenatedString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", message, #"Bar"];
[callBack callWithArguments:#[concatenatedString]];
So when I call:
[context evaluateScript: #"functionA(functionB);" ];
It should pass through the chain, and it does exactly what I expect it to do.
My main concern is that I hope I'm not somehow capturing a JSValue somewhere along this chain that is then leaking out.
Any help in helping me understand how ARC/the JSMachine would manage this approach to calling callBacks fluidly between Objective C and Javascript, would be super valuable!
Also, I hope this question helps others out there who are experimenting with this framework.
The problem with retain cycles occurs when you have two objects, each of which retains part of another. It's not specific to JavascriptCore. It's not even specific to blocks although blocks make the problem much easier to blunder into.
#interface ObjcClass : NSObject
#property (strong,nonatomic) JSValue *badProp;
- (void) makeEvilRetainWithContext:(JSContext *) context;
- (void) makeEvilRetainWithContext:(JSContext *) context{
context[#"aFunc"]=^(JSValue *jsValue){
The self.context[#"aFunc"] now retains the ObjcClass object because self.badProp is now inside the function obj inside the context created by assigning the block to #"aFunc". Likewise, the context is retained because one of its own strongly retained values is retained in self.badProp.
Really, the best way to avoid all this is just to not try and store JSValue in objective-c objects ever. There really doesn't seem to be a need to do so e.g.
#property (strong,nonatomic) NSString *goodProp;
- (void) makeGoodFunc:(JSContext *) context;
- (void) makeGoodFunc:(JSContext *) context{
context[#"aFunc"]=^(JSValue *jsValue){
self.goodProp=[JSValue toString];
You code isn't a problem because simply passing a JSValue (even a function) through a method won't retain it.
Another way to think of it might be: After, objCFunction:withCallBack: executes, would there be anyway for the object represented by self to access the JSValue passed as callBack? If not, then no retain cycle.
Check out the WWDC introduction "Integrating JavaScript into Native Apps" session on Apple's developer network: https://developer.apple.com/wwdc/videos/?id=615 - it contains a section on Blocks and avoiding capturing JSValue and JSContext
In your sample code above, all the JSValues are passed as arguments (the way Apple recommends) so the references only exist whilst the code is executed (no JSValue objects are captured).
I ran into this problem while trying to fix a memory leak with the facebook-ios-sdk. How do i handle this situation when passing objects from no arc compiled classe to arc enabled classe?
This is the code inside the non arc compiled Facebook library: (i removed the unnecessary stuff which is not related to the problem) as you can see, result object is not autoreleased or released.
- (void)handleResponseData:(NSData *)data {
NSError* error = nil;
id result = [self parseJsonResponse:data error:&error];
self.error = error;
// Call the defined delegate wich is my AppDelegate didLoad method wich is arc enabled
[_delegate request:self didLoad:result];
- (id)parseJsonResponse:(NSData *)data error:(NSError **)error {
SBJSON *jsonParser = [[SBJSON alloc] init];
//gets the object wich leaks or gets overreleased
id result = [jsonParser objectWithString:responseString];
[jsonParser release];
return result;
Now if i try to add autorelease to the result object, i am facing a NSZombie when my arc code in my AppDelegate try's to release the object. However if i leave the code like this i'm facing memory leaks whit the result object which gets not released.
am i missing something basic? i can't get my head around this?
Thanx for any advice! Chris
The result returned from -parseJsonResponse:... is autoreleased already (see note at bottom).
Since the name of the -parseJson method doesn't begin with new, alloc, copy or mutableCopy, the compiler assumes that it returns an object with a +0 reference count, meaning it needs to be retained by the calling code if it is to be kept around, and doesn't need to be released if it's not being kept around. That's a long winded way of saying that it should neither leak nor cause a crash in your ARC code as written in your question.
Passing objects between ARC code and manual reference counting code doesn't require any special handling. You just need to make sure that methods' names match their memory management semantics in the non-ARC code. It certainly seems like you've done that in this case, although as you say, you didn't post your complete code.
Note: Presumably, objectWithString: returns an autoreleased object. If it doesn't it, it should (because it doesn't start with alloc, new, copy, mutableCopy).
While I realize one is a class method and the other an instance method, they have the exact same description in the Apple docs so I'm not quite understanding the different syntax/use cases.
Their functionality is equivalent, but the class method returns an autoreleased object. That is, it's probably implemented along the lines of:
+ (NSFetchRequest *)fetchRequestWithEntityName:(NSString *)entityName {
return [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] initWithEntityName:entityName] autorelease];
This is a fairly common pattern in Objective-C libraries known as Class Factory methods.
Based on what you said, if they really have the same use case, the only difference has to do with the garbage collection on objective-C, according to the memory management design Apple uses.
Whenever you call an init method over an object, you own it and you are responsible for releasing it when you no longer need the object.
When you call any other kind of method that returns an object, that object is added to a NSAutoreleasePool, and it is autoreleased when the pool gets drained.
You can get more insights here.
So, following Apple's way, if you don't want so save the object for further use, you can call fetchRequestWithEntityName and not worry about releasing the object at the end of the method call. If you want to save it as an instance variable, you call the initWithEntityName method . They can, of course be interchanged, but this approach follows apple guidelines in what comes to memory management.
-(void)myMethod {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
id obj1 = [[Object alloc] initWithEntityName:...];
id obj2 = [Object fetchRequestWithEntityName:...];
//obj1 retain count is +1
//obj2 retain count is +0 (likely autoreleased)
[pool drain];
//obj1 still exists
//obj2 is no longer valid; may or may not have been deallocated
So basically, fetchRequestWithEntityName is achieved by:
+(id)fetchRequestWithEntityName:... {
return [[[self class] alloc] initWithEntityName:...] autorelease];
The main difference between those two API is as below:
fetchRequestWithEntityName will give you an autorelease object, so once the event loop is over it will be deallocated from the memory until you retain it.
But initWithEntityName will give you object which is to be released by you otherwise there will be memory leak.
I can construct a UIImageView object with myImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
Following application activity affecting the display, if I want to change the image on the UIImageView. I can do so by reassigning it with myImageView.image = someNewImage. However this doesn't seem to update the frame dimensions. I can modify those manually, but I have observed in practice that calling [myImageView initWithImage:someNewImage] does that for me, and has the advantage of being terser.
However I not sure if it is officially a breach of protocol in Objective C to make multiple calls to init methods on an object constructed by a single alloc. I wouldn't use it unless it was safe (guaranteed not to crash or cause leaks). Is there evidence that it is unsafe?
My research so far...
This article gives general detail about 'alloc' and 'init' on objects
This is related SO question
Why are alloc and init called separately in Objective-C?
This blog article warns suppliers of objects that their init methods may be called multiple times as an effect of the initialization process.
-init is written assuming that it is only called once. For example, -initWithImage quoted in Apple's documentation you quoted is implemented as
- (id)initWithImage:(NSImage *)anImage {
if (self) {
image = [anImage retain];
return self;
This assumes that the ivar image doesn't point to a retained object. If called twice, it leaks image.
Call -init... only once per alloc, and call -init... immediately after alloc by combining them as usual:
SomeClass* foo=[[SomeClass alloc] init...: ... ];
You should never separate them, because [anAllocedObject init...] might return something different from anAllocedObject.
No, init (or one of it's variants) should only be called once on any object, as Yuji explained. As far as your UIImageView issue goes, I believe you can just call [imageView sizeToFit] after assigning your new image, and it will automatically resize it for you.
I don't plan to write applications without IB, I'm just in the process of trying to learn more about programming.
How can I get a single instance of my AppController class at startup? (It's normally loaded from the nib.) And can you clear up the use of +initialize and -init? If I understand, +initialize is called on all classes at startup. How can I use this to create an instance of my AppController with instance variables that make up my interface?
Hope that makes sense, and thanks for any help.
+initalize is sent to a class the first time it or one of its subclasses receives a message for the first time. So, when you do:
instance = [[[YourClass alloc] init] autorelease];
That alloc message triggers initialize.
If you do the same thing with a subclass:
instance = [[[SubclassOfYourClass alloc] init] autorelease];
That alloc message will trigger +[YourClass initialize] the same way the other one did (prior to also triggering +[SubclassOfYourClass initialize]. But only one of these will do it—each class's initialize never gets called more than once. (Unless you call it yourself with [super initialize] or [SomeClass initialize]—so don't do that, because the method won't be expecting it.)
-init, on the other hand, initializes a new instance. In the expression [[YourClass alloc] init], you are personally sending the message directly to the instance. You may also call it indirectly, through another initializer ([[YourClass alloc] initWithSomethingElse:bar]) or a convenience factory ([YourClass instance]).
Unlike initialize, you should always send init (or another initializer, if appropriate) to your superclass. Most init methods look roughly like this:
- (id) init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
framistan = [[Framistan alloc] init];
return self;
Details differ (this method or the superclass's or both may take arguments, and some people prefer self = [super init] on its own line, and Wil Shipley doesn't assign to self at all), but the basic idea is the same: call [super init[WithSomething:…]], make sure it didn't return nil, set up the instance if it didn't, and return whatever the superclass returned.
This implies that you can return nil from init, and indeed you can. If you do this, you should [self release], so that you don't leak the failed object. (For detecting invalid argument values, an alternative is NSParameterAssert, which throws an exception if the assertion fails. The relative merits of each are beyond the scope of this question.)
How can I use this to create an instance of my AppController with instance variables that make up my interface?
The best way is to do it all in main:
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
AppController *controller = [[[AppController alloc] init] autorelease];
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] setDelegate:controller]; //Assuming you want it as your app delegate, which is likely
int status = NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
[pool drain];
return status;
You'll do any other set-up in your application delegate methods in AppController.
You already know this, but for anyone else who reads this: Nibs are your friend. Interface Builder is your friend. Don't fight the framework—work with it, and build your interface graphically, and your application will be better for it.
Another solution to the problem of launching an app without a nib.
Instead of allocing your own controller, just use the extra parameters in the NSApplicationMain() method:
int retVal = NSApplicationMain(argc, argv, #"UIApplication", #"MyAppDelegate");
This takes care of all the proper linking one would need.
Then, the only other thing you'd need to remember is to make your own window and set it to visible.
A set of NIBs seem to be an unsatisfactory answer, even when represented in XML (as a XIB), because there's no easy way to compare or merge them with any standard subversion or SCM-style tool. The encoded information is fragile and not intended to be edited by mere humans. How would changes be represented by a GUI? Would I step through each attribute of each control and visually check them?
If the app's behavior is written in code, however, there is a chance that I can figure out what's going in, even if I have to keep lots of details close at hand at the same time.
A proposed solution: use a top-level NIB that the main architect coded up, but then code the rest of the app explicitly.
Anybody got a better idea?