Camunda Authorization of cockpit-application not working - authorization

I authorized the group of a user to the cockpit-application. I gave the group full access to the Process Definition and Process Instance authorizations. (so pretty much as described in the documentation)
When I try to log the user in, I see the Welcome screen and in the application overview the option to navigate to the cockpit-application.
However, when I click this, I get the Login screen again.
For a fraction of a second I see the cockpit application, but then it immidiatly redirects to the login page. When I try to log in again, it keeps redirecting me to this login screen.
I configured another group to use the Tasklist application and that is working as expected.
I tried to give the authorization on user-level instead of group-level but the same problems occurs.
(n.b.: I am using the Spring-Camunda-Starter for this application.)

I found the problem, I accidentally removed one of the authorizations the system automatically creates when the user is created. I think I might have removed this, as I thought it was not necessary.
It is in the User Authorizations, every user has an authorization from it's own user to that user. When I added this, it fixed the problem.
I found the solution when another user logged in and had no problems. And the found this to be the only difference between the two accounts.
Hopefully this will help someone in the future!


Use Liferay to authenticate users from separate standalone application

I'm trying to get my standalone webapplication to use my Liferay 6.2 as "user store". That means I want the user to log in to Liferay and then be able to move on to another application with some credentials and user specific information passed as well. Moving on and passing information is already working, the issue I'm having right now is making sure the user-object that is passed on is the user that is actually logged in right now.
I use the LFR_SESSION_STATE_ cookie do determine the logged in user. But when I log in again with another user I get a second cookie with a different user-id. So now I need to make sure that I'm passing the correct user. The USER_UUID cookie does not contain the same uuid as provided by Liferay (as of now I didn't check if it's a hash of the uuid).
Long story short, I'm looking for a way to recognize the currently logged in user and be able to pass the credentials and additional information to my application.
I will take care of security concerns like manipulated cookies etc. subsequently. Maybe that will raise another question wenn I get to that point ;-)
I'd really appriciate any help or push in the right direction.
Thanks in advance guys ... sebastian
Some possibilities:
Make your application a portlet application
Publish your Liferay Database through LDAP (EE only) and use a separate SSO application
Create a Liferay-Hook that sets a cookie (to "/") containing the required user information - encryption and signatures are on yourself. You can create hooks that get executed on every successful login

Facebook Unity SDK login permission request pop up for authorized user

I've followed through the InteractiveConsole and FriendsSmash example in Unity and learnt how to request permissions during login and get the friend list of the user.
But there's one little problem bothering me a lot.
When FB.Login("email,user_birthday", LoginCallback) is called for an authorized user. The user will be redirected to the Facebook page saying "You have already authorized App-Name".
I'm thinking to only call FB.Login("",LoginCallback) to every user, and then use the FB.API to check if the correct permissions exist, and after that call the original FB.Login method. However, this doesn't seem a very wise way to do this to me.
I did a bit of research but still can't seem to find a nice way to solve this. Can anyone please help me out on this?
If you have status=true in your FB.Init(), it should come back with login info if the user is logged in. You can then use FB.API() and do your permissions check.
I had PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll being called for testing purposes. I found that it was removing the Facebook data so it wasn't authorising on initialisation.
Make sure you don't call PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll()

Shared Sessions Cookies with Different Usernames in Different Tabs

How does one use sessions cookies to manage logins?
The naive approach using, say, ASP.NET Forms Authentication sets a cookie when a user logs in. Cookie is then checked on every call to the server.
But cookies are shared between browser tabs. This seems problematic.
I log in as Dave in TAB A and proceed to do all work as Dave.
More or less simultaneously, I log in as Alfonso on TAB B. The cookie from this login overwrites the Dave cookie.
So all work in TAB A is done as Dave, the "Logged in as" UI element says Dave, but when I submit, the server performs all work as if it were done as Alfonso.
This does not seem good. What is best practice here? Is the only solution to use cookieless sessions by putting the encrypted username in the URL of each call?
The best practice is to ensure your logic properly handles authentication. This is a common problem, as you need to account for issues like this, as well as "what happens if I submit the form even though the user has since been logged out?"
You shouldn't be able to login as Alfonso when you are already logged in as Dave. You have to logout as Dave first. If a login screen was already present on a tab even though Dave is logged in, the postback from logging in should realize that the user is already logged in (so Alfonso can't login).
Every time you save data, you should ensure the person performing the work is 1) still logged in and 2) the correct person.
If you want some old tab to automatically realize the user has since logged out, or is now someone else, that would require a bit more work (AJAX)... without it, bullet 2. from above will handle your problem.

Symfony2: log user activity

I'm new to Symfony and PHP (previously worked with C++, Java) and I can't find any solution on how to log user login and logout actions to a database. I want those specific informations:
user who took the action (via userId),
action description (login or logout),
current timestamp.
I'm looking for the simplest possible solution. I managed to successfully log information on user login by modifying function rendering user login form, but I failed miserably when it comes to logout. I know it is a terrible idea after all, but I couldn't come up with any better one. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
If you have a look here, it says you can define a success handler and a failure handler which you use to log stuff to your database. You can also find the handler parameters defined in the reference documentation.
You would first create a service which get's the security.context and entityManager as parameters and uses both to determine which user logged in. This service is then added to the success_handler parameter and therefor called after the user logs in.
This one is more tricky I guess, as I would assume that the security.context has no information about the user anymore and you cannot use it to determine which user is logging out. You may want to look into what the handlers parameter actually is. It might be a handler which is called while processing the logout, so you could use it. Of course you might log some logouts which fail because without the success handler you cannot be sure the logout was successfull. On the other hand, maybe you can get the session id from somewhere (again, security.context maybe) and log this instead.

twitter share url forgeting the tweet content after login

I'm trying to add a "share via twitter" link to our website. I'm aware of the standard method, and it works good enough for my purposes when the user is logged in to twitter already.
If, however, the user is not logged in, twitter displays the login form first (which is only reasonable). After the login, the home screen is displayed without the tweet content.
Am I missing something obvious, or is this a know flaw in this method? If so, what is the easiest way (apart from using services like TweetMeme, which I noticed asks for login in advance) to make the share button work as expected?
If the user is not signed in when accessing it seems that the status is indeed forgotten. This would be a Twitter website issue and not something you're doing wrong.
Update: Use this URL instead:
TweetMeme, on the other hand, uses its own Twitter "application" via the OAuth authentication, requiring users to log in before retweeting using TweetMeme, and is smart enough to include the tweet message in the OAuth callback URL so that it's not forgotten.
So really, you can:
Use TweetMeme, where the user would have to log in, but at least have the tweet be remembered once that's done;
Create your own Twitter application that uses the same tweeting functionality as TweetMeme; or
Use's less-than-desirable status updater and hope the user is logged in, or hope that they're smart enough to click the back button a couple times and click on your link again if needed.
Just use the following url and parameters
Then it works.