How to have Delete Cascade on both column that refer the same table? - sql

I have a tables of Items:
and a table of ItemRelations:
I am trying to have a foreign key with a delete cascade on both ParentItemId and ChildItemId to the itemTable,
When i delete GrandParent, i want to keep the relation between Parent1 and Child1
but SQL is not letting me :
'- Unable to create relationship 'FK_BlockRelations_Child'.
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_BlockRelations_Child' on table
'BlockRelations' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify
KEY constraints. Could not create constraint or index. See previous

The concept of parent/grandparent seems unnecessary because if you have a recursive thing going on and at any point, an item can be a child, grand parent or parent.
In any case, you are trying to give conflicting instructions to the database:
On one hand you are saying that "I am trying to have a foreign key with a delete cascade on both ParentItemId and ChildItemId to the itemTable"
and then in the next sentence "When i delete GrandParent, i want to keep the relation between Parent1 and Child1 but SQL is not letting me"
When you decide to create a cascade delete, it means you are doing 2 things:
Enforcing foreign key constraints - zero tolerance for orphans
Based on those foreign key constraints, you are enforcing an action of deleting everything in Item Relations linked to Items when an item is deleted
Once you enforce (1) then you will not be allowed to add an item into the Item Relations without it first existing in items.
If you then do a cascade delete action based on enforcing #1, then you need to choose which field you use it on. Can't be both unless both are each linked to different tables or one is made to cascade and the other has a no action.
If on the other hand you want to delete grandparent and leave items in Item Relations, what you are saying is that you don't want #1 anymore - no foreign constraint enforcement and a tolerance for orphans.
Once you decide which you want, the right approach should be clear.
You may need to completely abandon foreign key constraint enforcement and consider insert and delete triggers if your delete cascades and foreign key enforcements are conditional and based on the values of the parent.


SQL - How do I delete two entities referencing each other

So I have two entities referencing each other, parent, child.
child must be deleted if parent is deleted, but cannot be deleted while there's still a parent referencing it.
These are the two constraints I've been given:
ALTER TABLE public.parent
ADD CONSTRAINT parent__child_id__fk
FOREIGN KEY (child_id) REFERENCES child(id)
ALTER TABLE public.child
ADD CONSTRAINT child__parent_code__id__fk
FOREIGN KEY (parent_code, id) REFERENCES parent(code, child_id)
I now want to delete a parent (and the corresponding child) ...
SQL Error [23503]:
ERROR: update or delete on table "parent" violates foreign key constraint
"child__parent_code__id__fk" on table "child"
Detail: Key (code, child_id)=(A0B7EBF6-3_DELETE_ME, 10)
is still referenced from table "child".
Whoop-dee-doo ...
Yes, it's referenced by the bloody entry I'm trying to delete...
(which I know because there's a unique constraint on parent.code)
Looks like I CAN delete the entry if I set the child's fk to ON DELETE CASCADE, but that doesn't seem to be what the guy breathing down my neck wants, which is "if you delete a parent delete its child, too, if you delete a child that has a parent, DON'T".
How do I achieve this?
Delete from both tables in one statement using a CTE:
WHERE ...;

How to delete records from parent table which is referenced by multiple child tables?

I have a table which is referenced by multiple tables (around 52) and further,few of the child tables have multiple foreign keys also that is referencing other tables too.
I want to delete a record from parent table, I am unable to do so, as I am getting error "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_xxx". The conflict occurred in database "MyDB", table "dbo.A", column 'x'."
I want a generalized T-SQL solution which is irrespective of tables and number of references.
You have to look at the "on delete" keyword which is a part of the foreign key constraint definition.
Basically you have 4 options:
NO ACTION (does nothing)
CASCADE (deletes the child aswell)
SET NULL (sets the reference field to null)
SET DEFAULT (sets the reference field to the default value)
An example would be:
id INT,
parent_id INT,
INDEX par_ind (parent_id),
FOREIGN KEY (parent_id)
REFERENCES parent(id)
ON DELETE CASCADE -- replace CASCADE with your choice
(for this example and more details look here: )
If you now want to modify your constraint, you first have to drop it, and create a new one like for example:
FOREIGN KEY (parent_id)
REFERENCES parent(id)
ON DELETE CASCADE; -- replace CASCADE with your choice
I hope this helped. Also to mention it, you should think about maybe not really deleting your parent, and instead creating another boolean column "deleted", which you fill with "yes" if someone clicks the delete. In the "Select"-query you filter then by that "deleted" column.
The advantage is, that you do not lose the history of this entry.
Your problem is this: A FK constraint is designed to prevent you from creating an orphaned child record in any of the 52 tables. I can provide you with the script you seek, but you must realise first that when you try to re-enable the FK constraints the constraints will fail to re-enable because of the orphaned data (which the FK constraints are designed to prevent). For your next step, will have to delete the orphaned data in each of the 52 tables first anyway. It is actually much easier just to redo the constraints with ON DELETE CASCADE, or drop the constraints and forget about referential integrity altogether. You can't have it both ways.

ON DELETE SET NULL on self referencing relationship

I have the table with one primary key and one foreign key referencing the same table primary key.
i.e there are parents and childs in the same table. In sql sever there are three options for the delete rule. But it is only possible to set "NO ACTION" delete rule. I understand that it is not possible to set the "cascade" delete because of cycles and chaining. But why the other options are not allowed? Especially the "SET NULL" one.
Right now I have to do this manually. I have to find the child records and set the foreign key on null. After that I can delete the parent. Why is it not possible to set the rule for it?
Because it cannot perform two actions on the same table together which are:
-delete the parent.
-update the children.
A mutating table is a table that is being modified by an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statement, or a table that might be updated by the effects of a DELETE CASCADE constraint.
you can overcome doing it manually by creating a procedure that would hold the parent key to delete the record and set the children to NULL.
procedure(parent_id) --takes the id as a parameter
update table set null where foreign_key = parent_id;
delete from table where id = parent_id;

How to delete a row ONLY in parent table, which is referenced by a Foregin Key from the child table

I want to delete a row/tuple from a parent table, but it is throwing an error message because it has a FOREIGN KEY reference in its child table.
However, in my case I want to delete the record only from the parent table and maintain the data in the child table.
Is it possible to achieve this?
I know the usage of ON DELETE CASCADE, but I want to know if there is a solution for the secenario I described?
It is possible with some agreements in your data. To maintain child table data you'll have to do ON DELETE SET NULL. This will leave data, but set FK to NULL value (in child table). And that is because of data-integrity: while you can keep your data, your FK can not refer to non-existent row of parent table in terms of enforcing FK constraint. Thus, it will be set to NULL by this.
If you want to "save" value of FK - then you definitely should not use FK at all because such behavior violates what FK is. So then just don't use that constraint, but be aware of possible integrity fails.
The point of a foreign key constraint is to prevent orphan records in the child table. So, no, it's not possible to do that, unless you drop the foreign key relationship.
If you rely on 'ON DELETE CASCADE', then deleting the parent record will result in all the corresponding children to be deleted.
If you want to delete the parent, but keep the children, you need to drop the foreign key constraint, or set the constraint to be 'ON DELETE SET NULL'. If you set 'ON DELETE SET NULL', then when you delete the parent record, the child records will remain, but the foreign key column value will be set to NULL.
delete a row ONLY in parent table, which is referenced by a Foregin Key from the child table
If Multiple table has been mapped in one table in that case all foreign key i.e :-
->on('customers')->onDelete(`SET NULL`);

Understanding Update and Delete Rules for Relationships in SSMS 2008

I am confused about what means the update and delete rule in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio when we define foreign key constraints. I also did not find related help documents (e.g. F1 help).
Here is the screen snapshot. Appreciate if anyone could describe what do they mean and recommend some related documents to read. :-)
The foreign key defines a parent - child relationship between two tables. The primary key in the parent table is the foreign key in the up to n child table rows.
Now if that primary key in the parent table gets UPDATE, the UPDATE RULE kicks in. Either all the child rows are also updated, set to NULL or whatever. Best practice however is to have a primary key that NEVER changes (a fixed ID or something), so that's the less important rule.
The more important one is the DELETE rule - what if the parent row is deleted (e.g. the Order is deleted)? You can either also delete all child rows (all the Order line items) with CASCADE DELETE, or you can set their foreign key to NULL (they don't have a parent anymore) - that's totally up to your concrete scenario.
In the Order/order lines scenario, it might be totally useful to delete the order lines when the complete order gets deleted, but you probably don't want to delete a product, just because an order that references it has been deleted - there's no one single CORRECT answer - it depends on your scenario and your app.
It looks like the documentation is at Foreign Key Relationships Dialog Box.
BTW, F1 help worked fine for me in SSMS 2008. It took me right to the above page (after I searched for 1/2 hour online, of course).
A foreign key field can only store null or a value defined by the primary key field.
If you try to change the foreign key value to something not defined by a primary key you will get an error. Likewise if you try to change a primary key which has foreign key dependencies you will get an error... as an example
Models table
modelID (primary key) model
1 Jeep
2 Ford
Customer table
id customer modelID (foreign key of Models.modelID)
1 1234 1
2 2345 2
If you try to delete the Jeep record from Models you will get an error because customer 1234 has a modelID set to 1, and this if the foreign key. Likewise if I try to update customer 1234 to have a modelID of 3 it will throw an error because there is no primary key in the Models table having a value of 3
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