Postgres extracting data from a huge table based on non-indexed column - sql

We have a table on production which has been there for quite some time and the volume of that table is huge(close to 3 TB), since most of the data in this table is stale and unused we are planning to get rid of historical data which does not have any references.
There is a column "active" with type boolean which we can use to get rid of this data, however this column is not indexed.
Considering the volume of the table i am not too sure whether creation of a new index is going to help, i tried to incrementally delete the inactive rows 100K at a time but still the volume is so huge that this is going to take months to clear up.
The primary key of the table is of type UUID, i thought of creating a new table and inserting only the valued with active="true" as
is_active = true;
But as expected this approach also fails because of the volume and keeps running like forever.
Any suggestions approaches would be most welcome.

When you need to delete a lot of rows quickly, partitioning is great......... when the table is already partitioned.
If there is no index on the column you need, then at least one full table scan will be required, unless you can use another index like "date" or something to narrow it down.
I mean, you could create an index "WHERE active" but that would also require the full table scan you're trying to avoid, so... meh.
First, DELETE. Just don't, not even in small bits with LIMIT. Not only will it write most of the table (3TB writes) but it will also write it to the WAL (3 more TB) and it will also update the indexes, and write that to the WAL too. This will take forever, and the random IO from index updates will nuke your performance. And if it ever finishes, you will still have a 3TB file, with most of it unallocated. Plus indexes.
So, no DELETE. Uh, wait.
Scenario with DELETE:
Swap the table with a view "SELECT * FROM humongous WHERE active=true" and add triggers or rules on the view to redirect updates/inserts/delete to the underlying table. Make sure triggers set all new rows with active=true.
Re-create each index (concurrently) except the primary key, adding "WHERE active=true". This will require a full table scan for the first index, even if you create the index on "active", because CREATE INDEX WHERE doesn't seem to be able to use another index to speed up when a WHERE is specified.
Drop the old indices
Note the purpose of the view is only to ensure absolutely all queries have "active=true" in the WHERE, because otherwise, they wouldn't be able to use the conditional indices we just created, so each query would be a full table scan, and that would be undesirable.
And now, you can DELETE, bit by bit, with your delete from mytable where id in ( select id from mytable where active = false limit 100000);
It's a tradeoff, you'll have a large number of table scans to recreate indices, but you'll avoid the random IO from index update due to a huge delete, which is the real reason why you say it will take months.
Scenario with INSERT INTO new_table SELECT...
If you have inserts and updates running on this huge table, then you have a problem, because these will not be transferred to the new table during the operation. So a solution would be to:
turn off all the scripts and services that run long queries
lock everything
create new_table
rename huge_table to huge_old
create a view that is a UNION ALL of huge_table and huge_old. From the application point of view, this view replaces huge_table. It must handle priority, ie if a row is present in the new table, a row with the same id present in the old table should be ignored... so it will have to have a JOIN. This step should be tested carefully beforehand.
Then, let it run for a while, see if the view does not destroy your performance. At this point, if it breaks, you can easily go back by dropping the view and renaming the table back to its old self. I said to turn off all the scripts and services that run long queries because these might fail with the view, and you don't want to take a big lock while one long query is running, because that will halt everything until it's done.
add insert/update/delete triggers on the view to redirect the writes to new_table. Inserts go directly to the new table, updates will have to transfer the row, deletes will have to hit both tables, and UNIQUE constraints will be... interesting. This will be a bit complicated.
Now to transfer the data.
Even if it takes a while, who cares? It will finish eventually. I suppose if you have a 3TB table, you must have some decent storage, even if that's these old spinning things that we used to put data on, it shouldn't take more than a few hours if the IO is not random. So the idea is to only use linear IO.
Fingers crossed hoping the table does not have a big text column that is stored in separate TOAST table that is going to require one random access per row. Did you check?
Now, you might actually want it to run for longer so it uses less IO bandwidth, both for reads and writes, and especially WAL writes. It doesn't matter how long the query runs as long as it doesn't degrade performance for the rest of the users.
Postgres will probably go for a parallel table scan to use all the cores and all the IO in the box, so maybe disable that first.
Then I think you should try to avoid the hilarious (for onlookers) scenario where it reads from the table for half a day, not finding any rows that match, so the disks handle the reads just fine, then it finds all the rows that match at the end and proceeds to write 300GB to the WAL and the destination table, causing huge write contention, and you have to Ctrl-C it when you know, you just know it in your gut that it was THIS CLOSE to finishing.
create bogus_table just like mytable but without indices;
insert into bogus_table select * from mytable;
10% of "active" rows is still 300GB so better check the server can handle writing a 300GB table without slowing down. Watch vmstat and check if iowait goes crazy, watch number of transactions per second, query latency, web server responsiveness, the usual database health stuff. If the phone rings, hit Ctrl-C and say "Fixed!"
After it's done a few checkpoints, Ctrl-C. Time to do the real thing.
Now to make this query take much longer (and therefore destroy much less IO bandwidth) you can add this to the columns in your select:
pg_sleep((random()<0.000001)::INTEGER * 0.1)
That will make it sleep for 0.1s every million rows on average. Adjust to taste while looking at vmstat.
You can also monitor query progress using hacks.
It should work fine.
Once the interesting rows have been extracted from the accursed table, you could move the old data to a data warehouse or something, or to cold storage, or have fun loading it into clickhouse if you want to run some analytics.
Maybe partitioning the new table would also be a good idea, before it grows back to 3TB. Or periodically moving old rows.
Now, I wonder how you backup this thing...
OK, I have another idea, maybe simpler, but you'll need a box.
Get a second server with fast storage and setup logical replication. On this replica server, create an empty UNLOGGED replica of the huge table with only one index on the primary key. Logical replication will copy the entire table, so it will take a while. A second network card in the original server or some QoS tuning would help not blowing up the ethernet connection you actually use to serve queries.
Logical replication is row based and identifies rows by primary key, so you absolutely need to manually create that PK index on the slave.
I've tested it on my home box right now and it works very well. The initial data transfer was a bit slow, but that may be my network. Pausing then resuming replication transferred rows inserted or updated on the master during the pause. However, renaming the table seems to break it, so you won't be able to do INSERT INTO SELECT, you'll have to DELETE on the replica. With SSDs, only one PK index, the table set to UNLOGGED, it should not take forever. Maybe using btrfs would turn the random index write IO into linear IO due to its copy on write nature. Or, if the PK index fits in shared_buffers, just YOLO it and set checkpoint_timeout to "7 days" so it doesn't actually write anything. You'll probably need to do the delete in chunks so the replicated updates keep up.
When I dropped the PK index to speed up the deletion, then recreated it before re-enabling replication, it didn't catch up on the updates. So you can't drop the index.
But is there a way to only transfer the rows you want to keep instead of transferring everything and deleting, while also having the replica keep up with the master's updates?... It's possible to do it for inserts (just disable the initial data copy) but not for updates unfortunately. You'd need an integer primary key so you could generate bogus rows on the replica that would then be updated during replication... but you can't do that with your UUID PK.
Anyway. Once this is done, set the number of WAL segments to be kept on the master server to a very high value, to resume replication later without missing updates.
And now you can run your big DELETE on the replica. When it's done, vacuum, maybe CLUSTER, re-create all indexes, etc, and set the table to LOGGED.
Then you can failover to the new server. Or if you're feeling adventurous, you could replicate the replica's table back on the master, since it will have the same name it should be in another schema.
That should allow for very little downtime since all updates are replicated, the replica will always be up to date.

I would suggest:
Copy the active records to a temporary table
Drop the main table
Rename the temporary table to the main table name


How to perform data archive in SQL Server with many tables?

Let's say I have a database with many tables in it. I want to perform data archiving on certain tables, that is create a same table with same structures (same constraint, indexes, columns, triggers, etc) as a new table and insert specific data into the new table from the old table.
Example, current table has data from 2008-2017 and I want to move only data from 2010-2017 into the new table. Then after that, I can delete the old table and rename the new table with naming conventions similar to old table.
How should I approach this?
For the sort of clone-rename-drop logic you're talking about, the basics are pretty straight forward. Really the only time this is a good idea is if you have a table with a large amount of data, which you can't afford down time or blocking on, and you only plan to do this one. The process looks something like this:
Insert all the data from your original table into the clone table
In a single transaction, sp_rename the original table from (for example) myTable to myTable_OLD (just something to distinguish it from the real table). Then sp_rename the clone table from (for example) myTable_CLONE to myTable
Drop myTable_OLD when you're happy everything has worked how you want. If it didn't work how you want, just sp_rename the objects back.
Couple considerations to think about if you go that route
Identity columns: If your table has any identities on it, you'll have to use identity_insert on then reseed the identity to pick up at where the old identity left off
Do you have the luxury of blocking the table while you do this? Generally if you need to do this sort of thing, the answer is no. What I find works well is to insert all the rows I need using (nolock), or however you need to do it so the impact of the select from the original table is mitigated. Then, after I've moved 99% of the data, I will then open a transaction, block the original table, insert just the new data that's come in since the bulk of the data movement, then do the sp_rename stuff
That way you don't lock anything for the bulk of the data movement, and you only block the table for the very last bit of data that came into the original table between your original insert and your sp_rename
How you determine what's come in "since you started" will depend on how your table is structured. If you have an identity or a datestamp column, you can probably just pick rows which came in after the max of those fields you moved over. If your table does NOT have something you can easily hook into, you might need to get creative.
A couple other alternatives that came to mind:
Table Partitioning:
This shards a single table across multiple partitions (which can be managed sort of like individual tables). You can, say, partition you data by year, then when you want to purge the trailing year of data, you "switch out" that partition to a special table which you can then truncate. All those operations are meta-data only, so they're super fast. This also works really well for huge amounts of data where deletes and all their pesky transaction logging aren't feasible
The downside to table partitioning is it's kind of a pain to set up and manage.
Batched Deletes:
If you're data isn't too big, you could just do batched deletes on the trailing end of your data. If you can find a way to get clustered index seeks for your deletes, they should be reasonably lightweight. As long as you're not accumulating data faster than you can get rid of it, the benefit of this kind of thing is you just run it semi-continuously and it just nibbles away at the trailing end of your data
Snapshot Isolation:
If deletes cause too much blocking, you can also set up something like snapshot isolation, which basically stores historical versions of rows in tempdb. Any query which sets isolation level read committed snapshot will then read those pre-change rows instead of contend for locks on the "real" table. You can then do batched deletes to your hearts content and know that any queries that hit the table will never get blocked by a delete (or any other DML operation) because they'll either read the pre-delete snapshot, or they'll read the post-delete snapshot. They won't wait for an in-process delete to figure out whether it's going to commit or rollback. This is not without its drawbacks as well unfortunately. For large data sets, it can put a big burden on tempdb and it too can be a little bit of a black box. It's also going to require buy-in from your DBAs.

Speed-up SQL Insert Statements

I am facing an issue with an ever slowing process which runs every hour and inserts around 3-4 million rows daily into an SQL Server 2008 Database.
The schema consists of a large table which contains all of the above data and has a clustered index on a datetime field (by day), a unique index on a combination of fields in order to exclude duplicate inserts, and a couple more indexes on 2 varchar fields.
The typical behavior as of late, is that the insert statements get suspended for a while before they complete. The overall process used to take 4-5 mins and now it's usually well over 40 mins.
The inserts are executed by a .net service which parses a series of xml files, performs some data transformations and then inserts the data to the DB. The service has not changed at all, it's just that the inserts take longer than they use to.
At this point I'm willing to try everything. Please, let me know whether you need any more info and feel free to suggest anything.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you have exhausted the buffer pools ability to cache all the pages needed for the insert process. Append-style inserts (like with your date table) have a very small working set of just a few pages. Random-style inserts have basically the entire index as their working set. If you insert a row at a random location the existing page that row is supposed to be written to must be read first.
This probably means tons of disk seeks for inserts.
Make sure to insert all rows in one statement. Use bulk insert or TVPs. This allows SQL Server to optimize the query plan by sorting the inserts by key value making IO much more efficient.
This will, however, not realize a big speedup (I have seen 5x in similar situations). To regain the original performance you must bring the working set back into memory. Add RAM, purge old data, or partition such that you only need to touch very few partitions.
drop index's before insert and set them up on completion

T-SQL Optimize DELETE of many records

I have a table that can grew to millions records (50 millions for example). On each 20 minutes records that are older than 20 minutes are deleted.
The problems is that if the table has so many records such deletion can take a lot of time and I want to make it faster.
I can not do "truncate table" because I want to remove only records that are older than 20 minutes. I suppose that when doing the "delete" and filtering the information that need to be delete, the server is creating log file or something and this take much time?
Am I right? Is there a way to stop any flag or option to optimize the delete, and then to turn on the stopped option?
To expand on the batch delete suggestion, i'd suggest you do this far more regularly (every 20 seconds perhaps) - batch deletions are easy:
WHILE 1 = 1
DELETE TOP ( 4000 )
WHERE YourIndexedDateColumn < DATEADD(MINUTE, -20, GETDATE())
Your inserts may lag slightly whilst they wait for the locks to release but they should insert rather than error.
In regards to your table though, a table with this much traffic i'd expect to see on a very fast raid 10 array / perhaps even partitioned - are your disks up to it? Are your transaction logs on different disks to your data files? - they should be
EDIT 1 - Response to your comment
TO put a database into SIMPLE recovery:
This basically turns off transaction logging on the given database. Meaning in the event of data loss you would need loose all data since your last full backup. If you're OK with that, well this should save a lot of time when running large transactions. (NOTE that as the transaction is running, the logging still takes place in SIMPLE - to enable the rolling back of the transaction).
If there are tables within your database where you cant afford to loose data you'll need to leave your database in FULL recovery mode (i.e. any transaction gets logged (and hopefully flushed to *.trn files by your servers maintenance plans). As i stated in my question though, there is nothing stopping you having two databases, 1 in FULL and 1 in SIMPLE. the FULL database would be fore tables where you cant afford to loose any data (i.e. you could apply the transaction logs to restore data to a specific time) and the SIMPLE database would be for these massive high-traffic tables that you can allow data loss on in the event of a failure.
All of this is relevant assuming your creating full (*.bak) files every night & flushing your log files to *.trn files every half hour or so).
In regards to your index question, it's imperative your date column is indexed, if you check your execution plan and see any "TABLE SCAN" - that would be an indicator of a missing index.
Your date column i presume is DATETIME with a constraint setting the DEFAULT to getdate()?
You may find that you get better performance by replacing that with a BIGINT YYYYMMDDHHMMSS and then apply a CLUSTERED index to that column - note however that you can only have 1 clustered index per table, so if that table already has one you'll need to use a Non-Clustered index. (in case you didnt know, a clustered index basically tells SQL to store the information in that order, meaning that when you delete rows > 20 minutes SQL can literally delete stuff sequentially rather than hopping from page to page.
The log problem is probably due to the number of records deleted in the trasaction, to make things worse the engine may be requesting a lock per record (or by page wich is not so bad)
The one big thing here is how you determine the records to be deleted, i'm assuming you use a datetime field, if so make sure you have an index on the column otherwise it's a sequential scan of the table that will really penalize your process.
There are two things you may do depending of the concurrency of users an the time of the delete
If you can guarantee that no one is going to read or write when you delete, you can lock the table in exclusive mode and delete (this takes only one lock from the engine) and release the lock
You can use batch deletes, you would make a script with a cursor that provides the rows you want to delete, and you begin transtaction and commit every X records (ideally 5000), so you can keep the transactions shorts and not take that many locks
Take a look at the query plan for the delete process, and see what it shows, a sequential scan of a big table its never good.
Unfortunately for the purpose of this question and fortunately for the sake of consistency and recoverability of the databases in SQL server, putting a database into Simple recovery mode DOES NOT disable logging.
Every transaction still gets logged before committing it to the data file(s), the only difference would be that the space in the log would get released (in most cases) right after the transaction is either rolled back or committed in the Simple recovery mode, but this is not going to affect the performance of the DELETE statement in one way or another.
I had a similar problem when I needed to delete more than 70% of the rows from a big table with 3 indexes and a lot of foreign keys.
For this scenario, I saved the rows I wanted in a temp table, truncated the original table and reinserted the rows, something like:
SELECT * INTO #tempuser FROM [User] WHERE [Status] >= 600;
INSERT [User] SELECT * FROM #tempuser;
I learned this technique with this link that explains:
DELETE is a a fully logged operation , and can be rolled back if something goes wrong
TRUNCATE Removes all rows from a table without logging the individual row deletions
In the article you can explore other strategies to resolve the delay in deleting many records, that one worked to me

Running Updates on a large, heavily used table

I have a large table (~170 million rows, 2 nvarchar and 7 int columns) in SQL Server 2005 that is constantly being inserted into. Everything works ok with it from a performance perspective, but every once in a while I have to update a set of rows in the table which causes problems. It works fine if I update a small set of data, but if I have to update a set of 40,000 records or so it takes around 3 minutes and blocks on the table which causes problems since the inserts start failing.
If I just run a select to get back the data that needs to be updated I get back the 40k records in about 2 seconds. It's just the updates that take forever. This is reflected in the execution plan for the update where the clustered index update takes up 90% of the cost and the index seek and top operator to get the rows take up 10% of the cost. The column I'm updating is not part of any index key, so it's not like it reorganizing anything.
Does anyone have any ideas on how this could be sped up? My thought now is to write a service that will just see when these updates have to happen, pull back the records that have to be updated, and then loop through and update them one by one. This will satisfy my business needs but it's another module to maintain and I would love if I could fix this from just a DBA side of things.
Thanks for any thoughts!
Actually it might reorganise pages if you update the nvarchar columns.
Depending on what the update does to these columns they might cause the record to grow bigger than the space reserved for it before the update.
(See explanation now nvarchar is stored at
So say a record has a string of 20 characters saved in the nvarchar - this takes 20*2+2(2 for the pointer) bytes in space. This is written at the initial insert into your table (based on the index structure). SQL Server will only use as much space as your nvarchar really takes.
Now comes the update and inserts a string of 40 characters. And oops, the space for the record within your leaf structure of your index is suddenly too small. So off goes the record to a different physical place with a pointer in the old place pointing to the actual place of the updated record.
This then causes your index to go stale and because the whole physical structure requires changing you see a lot of index work going on behind the scenes. Very likely causing an exclusive table lock escalation.
Not sure how best to deal with this. Personally if possible I take an exclusive table lock, drop the index, do the updates, reindex. Because your updates sometimes cause the index to go stale this might be the fastest option. However this requires a maintenance window.
You should batch up your update into several updates (say 10000 at a time, TEST!) rather than one large one of 40k rows.
This way you will avoid a table lock, SQL Server will only take out 5000 locks (page or row) before esclating to a table lock and even this is not very predictable (memory pressure etc). Smaller updates made in this fasion will at least avoid concurrency issues you are experiencing.
You can batch the updates using a service or firehose cursor.
Read this for more info:
Hope this helps
The mos brute-force (and simplest) way is to have a basic service, as you mentioned. That has the advantage of being able to scale with the load on the server and/or the data load.
For example, if you have a set of updates that must happen ASAP, then you could turn up the batch size. Conversely, for less important updates, you could have the update "server" slow down if each update is taking "too long" to relieve some of the pressure on the DB.
This sort of "heartbeat" process is rather common in systems and can be very powerful in the right situations.
Its wired that your analyzer is saying it take time to update the clustered Index . Did the size of the data change when you update ? Seems like the varchar is driving the data to be re-organized which might need updates to index pointers(As KMB as already pointed out) . In that case you might want to increase the % free sizes on the data and the index pages so that the data and the index pages can grow without relinking/reallocation . Since update is an IO intensive operation ( unlike read , which can be buffered ) the performance also depends on several factors
1) Are your tables partitioned by data 2) Does the entire table lies in the same SAN disk ( Or is the SAN striped well ?) 3) How verbose is the transaction logging . Can the buffer size of the transaction loggin increased to support larger writes to the log to suport massive inserts ?
Its also important which API/Language are you using? e.g JDBC support a batch update feature which makes the updates a little bit efficient if you are doing multiple updates .

Delete large portion of huge tables

I have a very large table (more than 300 millions records) that will need to be cleaned up. Roughly 80% of it will need to be deleted. The database software is MS SQL 2005. There are several indexes and statistics on the table but not external relationships.
The best solution I came up with, so far, is to put the database into "simple" recovery mode, copy all the records I want to keep to a temporary table, truncate the original table, set identity insert to on and copy back the data from the temp table.
It works but it's still taking several hours to complete. Is there a faster way to do this ?
As per the comments my suggestion would be to simply dispense with the copy back step and promote the table containing records to be kept to become the new main table by renaming it.
It should be quite straightforward to script out the index/statistics creation to be applied to the new table before it gets swapped in.
The clustered index should be created before the non clustered indexes.
A couple of points I'm not sure about though.
Whether it would be quicker to insert into a heap then create the clustered index afterwards. (I guess no if the insert can be done in clustered index order)
Whether the original table should be truncated before being dropped (I guess yes)
#uriDium -- Chunking using batches of 50,000 will escalate to a table lock, unless you have disabled lock escalation via alter table (sql2k8) or other various locking tricks.
I am not sure what the structure of your data is. When does a row become eligible for deletion? If it is a purely ID based on date based thing then you can create a new table for each day, insert your new data into the new tables and when it comes to cleaning simply drop the required tables. Then for any selects construct a view over all the tables. Just an idea.
EDIT: (In response to comments)
If you are maintaining a view over all the tables then no it won't be complicated at all. The complex part is coding the dropping and recreating of the view.
I am assuming that you don't want you data to be locked down too much during deletes. Why not chunk the delete operations. Created a SP that will delete the data in chunks, 50 000 rows at a time. This should make sure that SQL Server keeps a row lock instead of a table lock. Use the
In your while loop so that you can give other queries a bit of breathing room. Your problem is the old age computer science, space vs time.