Why are some of the classes in my ontolgoy not being returned in my SPARQL query? - sparql

I'm rather confused about why I'm receiving too little results (256 expected, 224 returned). When I run the code below, everything returns exactly as I want it, except that I miss all the classes in my ontology which lie at the highest level, or one below the highest level. I don't understand where I'm being too "strict" in my query so that these classes are not being returned in the table. They also all have parent classes (whether that be the topmost class "top concept" of the ontology, or something like an enumeration type class, either way, the leaf should still be found. Would be thankful for tips or pointers where my code might be inadvertently filtering out those classes.
SELECT DISTINCT ?leaf ?parentclasses
#a leaf is the lowest level class: A class that does not have a subclass
#I want anything which is a class
?leaf rdf:type owl:Class.
#i also want the subclass of any superclass if that exists
?leaf rdfs:subClassOf ?superclass .
#squeezed to specific section of OTL.
filter strstarts(str(?leaf), "URIgoeshere")
#Only keep the results that do not have a preflabel
?leaf skos:prefLabel ?subclasslabel.
#make sure the subclasslabel is in dutch
#filter( langMatches(lang(?subclasslabel),"nl") )
#give me the label of the superclass
?superclass skos:prefLabel ?superclasslabel.
#make sure it's in dutch
FILTER (lang(?superclasslabel) = "nl")
#if it exists, give me also the superclass of the superclass creating a supersuperclass
?superclass rdfs:subClassOf ?supersuperclass.
#give me the label of the supersuperclass
?supersuperclass skos:prefLabel ?supersuperclasslabel.
#make sure it's in dutch
FILTER (lang(?supersuperclasslabel) = "nl")
#keep the leafs that are NOT The values whereby the subclass is not empty. (double negative for removing leafs where the subclass has a subclass below it)
?subclass rdfs:subClassOf ?leaf
FILTER (?subclass != owl:Nothing )
#concatenate the two parentclass variables into one
BIND(concat(str(?superclasslabel), str("-"), str(?supersuperclasslabel) ) as ?parentclasses)
Here is a ttl file with the same structure as my database: https://file.io/jjwkAWbK4jrF

Below is my end solution to my problem. It was more complicated than I expected, but it works.
The problem was that these classes that didn't have a parent class were not being accepted by the query. With some union cases this could be covered for 0 parent classes, 1 parent class or 2 parent classes.
SELECT DISTINCT ?leaf ?parentclasses
#a leaf is the lowest level class: A class that does not have a subclass
#I want anything which is a class
{?leaf rdf:type owl:Class.}
filter strstarts(str(?leaf), "graph")
#keep the leafs that are NOT The values whereby the subclass is not empty.
(double negative for removing leafs where the subclass has a subclass below it)
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?subclass rdfs:subClassOf ?leaf
FILTER (?subclass != owl:Nothing ) }
{?leaf rdfs:subClassOf ?superclass .}
#grab dutch label if available
optional {
?superclass skos:prefLabel ?superclassnllabel .
filter( langMatches(lang(?superclassnllabel),"nl") )
# take either as the label, but dutch over empty
bind( coalesce( ?superclassnllabel, replace(str(?
superclass),"^[^#]*#", "" ) ) as ?superclasslabel )
{?superclass rdfs:subClassOf ?supersuperclass.}
#grab dutch label if available
?supersuperclass skos:prefLabel ?supersuperclassnllabel .
filter( langMatches(lang(?supersuperclassnllabel),"nl") )
# take either as the label, but dutch over empty
bind( coalesce( ?supersuperclassnllabel, replace(str(?
supersuperclass),"^[^#]*#", "" ) ) as ?supersuperclasslabel )
BIND(concat(str(?superclasslabel), str(" - "), str(?
supersuperclasslabel) ) as ?parentclasses)
{?superclass ?p ?o.filter(!isblank(?superclass))}
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?superclass rdfs:subClassOf ?supersuperclass}
BIND(concat(str(?superclasslabel), str(" - "), str("Top
Concept") ) as ?parentclasses)
#concatenate the two parentclass variables into one
#figure this out, WHY IS IT HERE?
{?leaf rdf:type owl:Class .filter(!isblank(?leaf))}
FILTER strstarts(str(?leaf), "graph")
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?leaf rdfs:subClassOf ?superclass}
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?subclass rdfs:subClassOf ?leaf
FILTER (?subclass != owl:Nothing ) }
BIND (str("Top Class") as ?parentclasses )


Access subclassOf/subclassOf level using ForwardChainingRDFSInferencer with SPARQL

I am running some SPARQL queries using the class ForwardChainingRDFSInferencer, which basic constructs an inferencer. For my examples I use the schema.org ontology.
My code looks like the following example
MemoryStore store = new MemoryStore();
ForwardChainingRDFSInferencer inferencer = new ForwardChainingRDFSInferencer(store); //the inference class
Repository repo = new SailRepository(inferencer);
URL data = new URL("file:/home/user/Documents/schemaorg-current-https.nt");
RDFFormat fileRDFFormat = RDFFormat.NTRIPLES;
RepositoryConnection con = repo.getConnection();
con.add(data, null, fileRDFFormat);
System.out.println("Repository loaded");
String queryString =
" PREFIX schema: <https://schema.org/>" +
" SELECT DISTINCT ?subclassName_one" +
" WHERE { " +
" ?type rdf:type rdfs:Class ." +
" ?type rdfs:subClassOf/rdfs:subClassOf? schema:Thing ." +
" ?type rdfs:label ?subclassName_one ." +
" }";
TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryString);
TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate();
while (result.hasNext()) {
BindingSet bindingSet = result.next();
What I want is to print two subclass levels down the class Thing. So if for example we have,
Thing > Action (sub-class 1) > ConsumeAction (sub-class 2) > DrinkAction
What I want is to return the class CosumeAction which is two levels (subclasses) down from class Thing, while using the inference java class.
The current query, as given in the code sample above, returns all the classes and subclasses from every class of the schema.org ontology. Thus, there is something that I do wrong while using the inference class.
You could remove the classes you are not interested in with FILTER NOT EXISTS:
?type rdfs:subClassOf+/rdfs:subClassOf/rdfs:subClassOf schema:Thing .
For DrinkAction (level 3):
rdfs:subClassOf+ / # schema:ConsumeAction
rdfs:subClassOf / # schema:Action
rdfs:subClassOf schema:Thing .
For WearAction (level 4):
rdfs:subClassOf+ / # schema:UseAction / schema:ConsumeAction
rdfs:subClassOf / # schema:Action
rdfs:subClassOf schema:Thing .

SPARQL: get object only if predicate exists

I want to get the sources of a dbo:Cheese. Some dbo:Cheese have dbo:Animal as dbp:source. Some others have only text. I would like to get the source information in the ?sources variable regardless of that the source is dbo:Animal or text . How should I do it ?
SELECT ?cheese
?cheese a dbo:Cheese .
optional { # some cheeses don't have a source informed
?cheese dbp:source ?source .
optional { # some sources are dbo:Animal, some others are xsd:string
?source a dbo:Animal ;
rdfs:label ?source_label .
FILTER(langMatches(lang(?source_label), "EN"))
I tried this. Problem is that I have both http://dbpedia.org/resource/Sheep and Sheep in ?sources.

SPARQL - how to do a join operation

I have a model, where I have 3 classes:
SR - <http://data.sample.com/vocab/StudentRecord>
HCVR - <http://data.sample.com/vocab/HealthCenterVisitRecord>
CR - <http://data.sample.com/vocab/ClassRoom>
StudentRecord has a property classRoom.
HealthCenterVisitRecord has a property studentRecord.
Given a particular ClassRoom URI, how do I find all the StudentRecords, who are properties of HealthCenterVisitRecords.
Query that I tried (The initial part of the query fetches the student belonging to a ClassRoom, but the second part is screwed up and I know it):
SELECT ?hcvr
?sr rdf:type <http://data.sample.com/vocab/StudentRecord>.
?sr <http://data.sample.com/vocab/classRoom> <http://data.sample.com/resource/ClassRoom/1156>.
?sr <http://data.sample.com/vocab/healthCentreVisitRecord> ?hcvr.
Another query I tried:
?sr rdf:type <http://data.sample.com/vocab/StudentRecord>.
?sr <http://data.latize.com/vocab/classRoom> <http://data.latize.com/resource/ClassRoom/1156>.
?hcvr rdf:type <http://data.sample.com/vocab/HealthCentreVisitRecord>.
?hcvr <http://data.sample.com/vocab/studentRecord> ?sr.
LIMIT 1000
Figured it out, here is the query:
SELECT ?hcvr
?sr rdf:type <http://data.sample.com/vocab/StudentRecord>.
?sr <http://data.sample.com/vocab/classRoom> <http://data.sample.com/resource/ClassRoom/1156>.
?hcvr rdf:type <http://data.sample.com/vocab/healthCentreVisitRecord>.
?hcvr <http://data.sample.com/vocab/studentRecord> ?sr.

Searching semantically tagged documents in MarkLogic

Can any one please point me to some simple examples of semantic tagging and querying semantically tagged documents in MarkLogic?
I am fairly new in this area,so some beginner level examples will do.
When you say "semantically tagged" do you mean regular XML documents that happen to have some triples in them? The discussion and examples at http://docs.marklogic.com/guide/semantics/embedded are pretty good for that.
Start by enabling the triple index in your database. Then insert a test doc. This is just XML, but the sem:triple element represents a semantic fact.
<source>AP Newswire</source>
<sem:triple date="1972-02-21" confidence="100">
Then query it. The example query is pretty complicated. To understand what's going on I'd insert variations on that sample document, using different URIs instead of just test.xml, and see how the various query terms match up. Try using just the SPARQL component, without the extra cts query. Try cts:search with no SPARQL, just the cts:query.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace sem = "http://marklogic.com/semantics"
at "/MarkLogic/semantics.xqy";
SELECT ?country
<http://example.org/news/Nixon> <http://example.org/wentTo> ?country
cts:path-range-query( "//sem:triple/#confidence", ">", 80) ,
cts:path-range-query( "//sem:triple/#date", "<", xs:date("1974-01-01")),
cts:element-value-query( xs:QName("source"), "AP Newswire"),
cts:element-value-query( xs:QName("source"), "BBC"))))))
In case you are talking about enriching your content using semantic technology, that is not directly provided by MarkLogic.
You can enrich your content externally, for instance by calling a public service like the one provided by OpenCalais, and then insert the enrichments to the content before insert.
You can also build lists of lookup values, and then using cts:highlight to mark such terms within your content. That could be as simple as:
let $labels := ("MarkLogic", "StackOverflow")
cts:highlight($doc, cts:word-query($labels), <b>{$cts:text}</b>)
Or with a more dynamic replacement using spraql:
let $labels := map:new()
let $_ :=
for $result in sem:sparql('
PREFIX demo: <http://www.marklogic.com/ontologies/demo#>
?s a demo:person.
?s demo:fullName ?label
?s demo:initialsName ?label
?s demo:email ?label
map:put($labels, map:get($result, 'label'), 'person')
cts:highlight($doc, cts:word-query(map:keys($labels)),
let $result := sem:sparql(concat('
PREFIX demo: <http://www.marklogic.com/ontologies/demo#>
?s a demo:', map:get($labels, $cts:text), ' .
?s ?p "', $cts:text, '" .
if (map:contains($labels, $cts:text))
element { xs:QName(fn:concat("demo:", map:get($labels, $cts:text))) } {
attribute subject { map:get($result, 's') },
attribute predicate { map:get($result, 'p') },
else ()

How to parse elements from Sparql algebra

I can get the algebra form from sparql query string using ARQ algebra (com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.algebra):
String queryStr =
"PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>" +
"SELECT DISTINCT ?name ?nick" +
"{?x foaf:mbox <mailt:person#server> ." +
"?x foaf:name ?name" +
"OPTIONAL { ?x foaf:nick ?nick }}";
Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryStr);
Op op = Algebra.compile(query);
Print the returned value of op:
(project (?name ?nick)
(triple ?x <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/mbox> <mailt:person#server>)
(triple ?x <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name> ?nameOPTIONAL)
(bgp (triple ?x <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/nick> ?nick)))))
Returned value is an Op type, but I can't find any direct methods that can parse the op into elements, e.g., basic graph patterns of s, p, o, and the relations between these graph patterns.
Any hint is appreciated, thanks.
Why serialise out the algebra at all?
If your aim is to walk the algebra tree and extract the BGPs then you can do this using the OpVisitor interface of which there are various implementations of that will get you started. The particular method you would care about is visit(OpBgp opBgp) since then you can access the methods of the OpBgp class to extract the pattern information
It might be too late but still as I am not seeing final answer so I am writing the code for printing all BGP.
For that create the class as follows that extends OpVisitorBase and override the public void visit(final OpBGP) function as given below in the code.
And from your code simply call the function:
public class MyOpVisitorBase extends OpVisitorBase
public static void myOpVisitorWalker(Op op)
OpWalker.walk(op, this);
public void visit(final OpBGP opBGP) {
final List<Triple> triples = opBGP.getPattern().getList();
int i = 0;
for (final Triple triple : triples) {
System.out.println("Triple: "+triple.toString());