Shopify order status not clear - shopify

I am using shopify admin REST API to fetch status of orders created by customers and admin but there is no single status to check, it has financial status, fulfillment status and sometimes shipping status. An order can be fulfilled if financial status is still pending. Also a restocked item is still showing up as fulfilled. All this is very confusing. I need simple order status like:
return in progress
how to map shopify order status with above statuses?

All your needs are available to you in three very interesting and very available endpoints that have to do with orders. Namely refunds, transactions and fulfillments. When you download orders with some status filtering, you are being very simplistic and general. Shopify will deliver to goods, but for your purposes of discovering the deeper status, it is up to you to examine those other aspects for the true picture.
Once you get used to this, you'll find it is dead simple to figure out the exact status of an order, and therefore you can deal with whatever you have to deal with.


Shopify Webhook Delays

We want to give customers 10% discount based on the promo code they enter on our website as they place order. While conducting a test, the first webhook triggered from Shopify as order was created, it was missing the promo tag info. So is there any way where we can delay the triggering of webhook so that when the customer enters the promo code, the webhook contains that tag information. Appreciate your thoughts on this.
You don't choose when webhooks are sent. An orders/created webhook fires when an order is created. If you examine the webhooks available to you, you will also see orders/paid and orders/updated. Even more granular, you can wait for order transactions. So you are correct in noticing a create payload might not be as complete as you need, so either look for updates, or transactions, or paid orders. They will surely have your discount code. You have to adjust your expectations appropriately, instead of trying to tame a webhook delivery.

Shopify - New order using the Shopify API - how to know tax and shipping?

We have built an e-commerce web application (Node backend, Vue frontend). We process the payment using Stripe, but many brands have asked us if the order and inventory control can be done in Shopify. We are trying to figure out the best way integrate a payment module into Shopify so that the brand can manage the fulfilment and inventory through Shopify.
It seems we should use the Order API to create an order and mark it as paid. But how do we know that the product is in stock, and what are the cost for shipping and tax from Shopify when creating the order? I think we can use the Product API to get inventory levels, but where is the shipping and tax endpoints?
If I understand the Order API correctly, we need to tell Shopify what are the shipping costs and tax costs, when a new order is created. Is that right? How could we possibly know those figures? Seems like there should be an endpoint to calculate shipping costs and get a product's tax rates so that we can then pass those figures back into the Order API. Am I missing something?
I thought maybe we are supposed to create an order that has financial_status: pending first to get shipping and tax rates back (does it even give you those?), then update the order to either cancel_reason: customer or cancel_reason: inventory if those rates are too expensive and the order is declined? But surely we need to know what shipping methods are available to the customer in order to tell Shopify which one to use, right? Or does it by default choose the cheapest one when creating an order?
We know the customers shipping address
We don't know where the product is warehoused (Shopify does I think)
We don't know the weights or dimensions of the product (Shopify does I think)
This answer is a little bit late, but i hope, i can help others that are struggling with the same issue.
First i would recommend to set up all Shipping Rates and Taxes in Shopify. There are plenty of manuals to achieve this:
After this there are different possibilities to calculate your shipping and tax cost.
Your shipping cost can you get via the active_shipping API, which can be found here:
Or the following Shopify Application:
However, you may need to know size and storage location for theese solutions.
The taxes can you get via the country in the Admin API, there is a specific key-value pair for this:
I hope that's enough information to get closer to solving the issue, for at least someone.

eBay API RelistFixedPriceItem vs AddFixedPriceItem when updating quantity

I am building a system that publishes products from our inventory to our eBay seller account. Everything is working fine, but I just keep thinking which call should I use when I update the quantity in our inventory.
RelistFixedPriceItem and AddFixedPriceItem both are working well, except that on eBay I will have same item with two different itemID, one is sold and one is active...
is that ok? Does it have something to do with eBay listing terms?
Any Advice?
AddFixedPriceItem creates a new listing that does not include any data regarding the previous listing's statistics or sales data. RelistFixedPriceItem will create a listing for the product that does include the sales data from the original listing.
The eBay best match search engine uses a listing's sales stats as part of its algorithm to determine search standing. So if your original listing had a good number of views or sales, I would definitely recommend using ReslistFixedPriceItem. However, if your previous listings was stagnant for a long time without many views or sales, it might be more advantageous to use AddFixedPriceItem instead to give the listing a clean slate.
eBay is always changing their search algorithms, so there is no hard and fast rule here. You really just have to find out what works best for your particular products. Experimentation is key.

Using Square API to automate orders

Is there some way to use Square API's to complete order processing or can that only be done manually on the website. It looks like to me that Square only has Read only access and no way to update the order status through the API
Pretty big deal since having to do it manually is very time consuming and slows the process down from handling hundreds of orders per hour down to a few a day.
Management of Square Market orders is now possible with the Square Connect API. The List Orders endpoint provides a list of all of a merchant's Square Market orders, and the Update Order endpoint lets a merchant programmatically update an order's status to completed, canceled, or refunded.
See Managing orders for more information.

When should the Ecommerce tracking take place?

I am implementing Google analytics onto a ecommerce site. We are already tracking events like adding to cart, removing etc using the event tracking. I would like to know what is the ideal time to use the ecommerce tracking apis (addTrans & addItem). Here are my questions:
Should I call these functions for each product being added to cart?
Should I call these functions only when the payment is complete and them while displaying receipt screen?
What is the ideal way of implementation? please provide best practices if possible.
Thanks in advance
I would track few things,
1.How many got into payment form and failed to buy, which can indicate to you that something wrong with payments or page itself. Count number of visitors in checkout - number of orders.
2.How many users got into site and haven't added at least one product, which will indicate that something wrong with advertisement, landing page or website layout in general. Number of unique visitors - those who added at least one item.
Adding statistics for each product added to cart shows you what? If users buy certain product you can get that this product is most wanted but in cart means noting imho. As for your second question, i would implement my solutions written above.
I wonder if your customers should go to an externally hosted page to make a payment. If they do, then GA tracking will not show you the real source of your profitable traffic - it will show you the payment processor page as the source.
It is recommended, or at least suggested, that you place the eCommerce tracking that includes the _trackTrans call on the "Thank You" or "Confirmation" stage of your checkout process.
Also, it's worth noting that if the user refreshes that page that the tracking is on then the code will be fired again and you may see skewed figures in Google Analytics.
I was like you, I also implemented the event tracking first but I wanted to get a chance to implement the ecommerce tracking to get some $ data in there to browse. So, on the developers page. One of the examples is on the reciept page, but on my implementation that wasn't going to work since I am use a payment API. So, On my checkout page I setup the parent transaction. using :
'1234', // transaction ID - required
'Acme Clothing', // affiliation or store name
'11.99', // total - required
'1.29', // tax
'5', // shipping
'San Jose', // city
'California', // state or province
'USA' // country
Then when I am listing my items in the cart, I use PHP and a foreach to dump each item, sku, price per item and quantity into the parent level transaction like this :
'1234', // transaction ID - required
'DD44', // SKU/code - required
'T-Shirt', // product name
'Green Medium', // category or variation
'11.99', // unit price - required
'1' // quantity - required
For the last step in the process, I send transaction data to my merchant processing (paypal) via the SOAP api and get numerous responses back. I do different stuff based on the response I get back. If there is no error from the JSON response I get an COMPLETED response, at that point is when I fire the :
I'm not really sure if this is the true way to go about it, but it makes sense to me.