how to find Bitnami hadoop appliance password? - passwords

I installed bitnami hadoop that is here
How do I find the root password?


Bitnami SSL bncert-tool failed for Gcloud

I am trying to renew my SSL Cert on Gcloud VM Instance SSH with Bitnami. But it's giving me the
"Please type a directory that contains a Bitnami installation. The default installation directory for Linux installers is a directory inside /opt."
every time i run the bncert-tool
I have followed the steps to try and revert to backup files as directed in this post (thinking i might have did it poorly last time) I copied the backup file to the bitnami.conf and httpd.conf but I still get the same error.
Copying contents of the backup file is this right?
Please help, my ssl expires in 15 days! Is it not easier to just get SSL Through Wordpress plugin? Is it possible to remove this Bitnami SSL Completely?

Ambari host registration is failing.

I have installed and configured ambari-server as root user and ambari agents as a non root user.
SSH Passwordless authentication is setup and working fine.
ntp is installed and running
Hostname is updated in /etc/hostname /etc/hosts and
Anaconda python 2.7.13 is installed as the python environment and
package manager
Restarted the service systemctl restart systemd.hostnamed as well
Add all the sudoer entries as per documentation
At the host configuration page. It is not able to register the hosts
Getting the information message as below and it eventually times out.
BSHostStatusCollector:55 - Request directory /var/run/ambari-server/bootstrap/6
Since I did a non root installation for ambari client. I had to chose the option manual registration instead of automated registration and after that it worked.

How to install SSL certificate locally for logging into Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Operating System installed is Centos Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core). I have installed PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry) locally on my pc. I'm trying to install a SSL certificate by using command cf dev trust and output of this command is:
Error: failed to trust VM certificates: failed to open file: open /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt: permission denied.
Can anyone help me resolve this issue?
I had the same problem and here is how I got it to work.
sudo setfacl -m u:[USERNAME]:rw /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
I just changed permission to rw of the certificate for the user and just
cf dev trust
got it to work.

Ubuntu 14.04 client ldap authentication to 389DS

Im already stuck into the configuration of ldap client in ubuntu 14.04 to authenticate on my Ubuntu 14.04 389DS. Does anyone here can give the procedure for ubuntu 14.04 in setting up ldap client?

SSL error while cloning from github enterprise on AWS EC2 instance

My ultimate goal is to be able to do pip installs from our github enterprise server using the Elastic Beanstalk. The issue is that the ec2 instances will not trust our SSL certificate from Network Solutions.
Traceback from an Elastic Beanstalk Python EC2 instance:
>> git clone
Cloning into 'squire'...
fatal: unable to access '': Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.
I've tried a half-dozen possible fixes to no avail. Has anyone had any success cloning over https? I'd like to avoid cloning over ssh so I don't have to deal with the ssh keys in eb.
Check out this answer about using git config to disable SSL verification and other SSL-overriding options:
How can I make git accept a self signed certificate?