Why flatbuffer struct fields can not be vector/table/string? - flatbuffers

Structs may only contain scalars or other structs. But as I konw , only offset is writed to buffer when writing vector/table/string field into table data (the data of vector/table/string is wirited before table data). So struct contains vector/table/string field still can has fix size. Why flatbuffer do the limit that struct can only contain scalars or other structs?

The idea behind a struct is that it is a self-contained piece of memory that always has the same layout and size and as such can easily be copied around by itself, especially in languages that support such types natively, like C/C++/Rust etc.
If it could contain strings, then it would be at least two pieces of memory, whose distance and size would be variable, and thus not efficient to copy and easy to manage. We have table for such cases.
If you must have a vector or string inside a struct, some languages already support an "array" type, which is of fixed length. You could put that, plus a length field in a struct to emulate vectors and strings, of course with the downside that the space allocated for them is always the same.


Does pandas categorical data speed up indexing?

Somebody told me it is a good idea to convert identifying columns (e.g. person numbers) from strings to categorical. This would speed up some operations like searching, filtering and grouping.
I understand that a 40 chars strings costs much more RAM and time to compare instead of a simple integer.
But I would have some overhead because of a str-to-int-table for translating between two types and to know which integer number belongs to which string "number".
Maybe .astype('categorical') can help me here? Isn't this an integer internally? Does this speed up some operations?
The user guide has the following about categorical data use cases:
The categorical data type is useful in the following cases:
A string variable consisting of only a few different values. Converting such a string variable to a categorical variable will save some memory, see here.
The lexical order of a variable is not the same as the logical order (“one”, “two”, “three”). By converting to a categorical and specifying an order on the categories, sorting and min/max will use the logical order instead of the lexical order, see here.
As a signal to other Python libraries that this column should be treated as a categorical variable (e.g. to use suitable statistical methods or plot types).
See also the API docs on categoricals.
The book, Python for Data Analysis by Wes McKinney, has the following on this topic:
The categorical representation can yield significant performance
improvements when you are doing analytics. You can also perform
transformations on the categories while leaving the codes unmodified.
Some example transformations that can be made at relatively low cost are:
Renaming categories
Appending a new category without changing the order or position of the existing categories
GroupBy operations can be significantly faster with categoricals because the underlying algorithms use the integer-based codes array instead of an array of strings.
Series containing categorical data have several special methods similar to the Series.str specialized string methods. This also provides convenient access to the categories and codes.
In large datasets, categoricals are often used as a convenient tool for memory savings and better performance.

Struct of Arrays in flatbuffer?

Let's say I have the following flatbuffer IDL file:
table Monster {
mana:short = 150;
inventory:[ubyte]; // Vector of scalars.
And that I want to serialize an array of 2 Monster objects in a buffer.
Apparently it is possible to create the following memory layout for the overall buffer while serializing the data:
Which means that now all the inventory fields lay in a contiguous memory location.
However is it possible to also do this on the mana field?
ie I want to serialize my objects with this memory representation:
Which has the effect of transforming all the "mana" values into a raw array in memory.
Is it possible to do this with Flatbuffers? It seems that fields can be only be serialized after the start of the object itself
Neither will work in the way you indicated. Scalar fields like mana are always inline in the table, so will never be contiguous with similar fields. Even vectors like inventory are prefixed by a size field, so their elements are not contiguous, even though they can be adjacent since they are not inline.
If you want contiguous data, you'll explicitly have to write out a single vector of such values.

What is the main difference between byte addressable and bit addressable?

I'm learning 8051, and find it's hard to understand byte addressable and bit addressable.
A type of hardware architecture that supports unique access to individual bytes of data.
For example, let us assume a number 0x1234 (0001001000110100). When storing the numbers on a system which is byte addressable, the first byte of the data (00010010) gets a unique address to the second byte (00110100), i.e each byte aligned in the memory will be uniquely addressable. You could manipulate the content only in chunks of 8bits.
However in case of micro-controller registers were data is stored, if you could manipulate its content bit by bit it’s called bit addressable.
They are not really using the terms right, byte addressable is what we are used to an address represents a unique byte in memory or the memory space. Bit addressable would mean that each bit in the memory space has a unique address, which is not the case. they are just showing you how to make some macros/variables that can access individual bits, is not an 8051 thing, but a generic programming thing and specifically implemented in C using variable types or keywords (or just macros) for their compiler.
What they are telling you is they have this sbit declaration which unless it is just a macro is clearly not a C standard declaration. But you can do the same things without. it is just bit manipulation that they are doing for you. Normally to set bit 5 you would do something like
variable |= (1<<5);
to clear bit 5
and you can certainly make macros from that to make it more generic. What they have done for this compiler is allow you to declare a variable that is a single bit in some other variable and then that bit sized variable you can set to a one or zero.

Handling integers in Objective-C

I was told by a developer that working with integers can be frustrating in Objective-C, so that he prefers to work directly with strings for IDs returned in JSON messages in order to save frequent conversions between integers and strings. In other words, he wants these IDs returned as strings by the API even if they are natively integers on the server. He also said that you cannot use integers in things like dictionary/map in Objective-C so that again strings are better (and he suggested that we should just use '1' instead of 1 as primary keys in DB tables so that the data types on both sides coincide).
I know little about Objective-C, but I find it hard to believe that such basic stuff can be this annoying in the language. From what I can gather, there are different types of 'numbers' in Objective-C:
int, float, double, long, and short (C primitives)
NSInteger, NSUInteger, CGFloat (Objective-C primitives)
EDIT: NSNumber is not a primitive, but a wrapper object type that stores and retrieves different primitive values. Thanks #rmaddy
The latter types seem to standardize APIs across different underlying architectures so that the developers don't need to care about things like 32-bit vs. 64-bit integers on different hardware.
Back to the complaint by my friend, for dealing with integer IDs returned from a web API, which data type should be used for storing them and using them in data structures such as a dictionary? Are said conversions inevitable?
Your friend is out of date by a few years. It used to be as bad as they make out (though still I wouldn't agree to putting everything into strings because of it).
That has all been fixed with the modern Objective C syntax. This is a dictionary with some numbers in it:
NSUInteger answer = 42;
NSDictionary * dict = #{#"answerCount": #1,
#"value": #(answer)};
Sure, it's not the nicest syntax one could have chosen, but it's perfectly workable.
Also, there are a number of libraries for taking data from the wire, parsing the JSON, and exploding the result into model objects. This way you never really deal with raw JSON dictionaries. I'd strongly recommend investigating those options before you commit to a wire format.

Why does the Java API use int instead of short or byte?

Why does the Java API use int, when short or even byte would be sufficient?
Example: The DAY_OF_WEEK field in class Calendar uses int.
If the difference is too minimal, then why do those datatypes (short, int) exist at all?
Some of the reasons have already been pointed out. For example, the fact that "...(Almost) All operations on byte, short will promote these primitives to int". However, the obvious next question would be: WHY are these types promoted to int?
So to go one level deeper: The answer may simply be related to the Java Virtual Machine Instruction Set. As summarized in the Table in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, all integral arithmetic operations, like adding, dividing and others, are only available for the type int and the type long, and not for the smaller types.
(An aside: The smaller types (byte and short) are basically only intended for arrays. An array like new byte[1000] will take 1000 bytes, and an array like new int[1000] will take 4000 bytes)
Now, of course, one could say that "...the obvious next question would be: WHY are these instructions only offered for int (and long)?".
One reason is mentioned in the JVM Spec mentioned above:
If each typed instruction supported all of the Java Virtual Machine's run-time data types, there would be more instructions than could be represented in a byte
Additionally, the Java Virtual Machine can be considered as an abstraction of a real processor. And introducing dedicated Arithmetic Logic Unit for smaller types would not be worth the effort: It would need additional transistors, but it still could only execute one addition in one clock cycle. The dominant architecture when the JVM was designed was 32bits, just right for a 32bit int. (The operations that involve a 64bit long value are implemented as a special case).
(Note: The last paragraph is a bit oversimplified, considering possible vectorization etc., but should give the basic idea without diving too deep into processor design topics)
EDIT: A short addendum, focussing on the example from the question, but in an more general sense: One could also ask whether it would not be beneficial to store fields using the smaller types. For example, one might think that memory could be saved by storing Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK as a byte. But here, the Java Class File Format comes into play: All the Fields in a Class File occupy at least one "slot", which has the size of one int (32 bits). (The "wide" fields, double and long, occupy two slots). So explicitly declaring a field as short or byte would not save any memory either.
(Almost) All operations on byte, short will promote them to int, for example, you cannot write:
short x = 1;
short y = 2;
short z = x + y; //error
Arithmetics are easier and straightforward when using int, no need to cast.
In terms of space, it makes a very little difference. byte and short would complicate things, I don't think this micro optimization worth it since we are talking about a fixed amount of variables.
byte is relevant and useful when you program for embedded devices or dealing with files/networks. Also these primitives are limited, what if the calculations might exceed their limits in the future? Try to think about an extension for Calendar class that might evolve bigger numbers.
Also note that in a 64-bit processors, locals will be saved in registers and won't use any resources, so using int, short and other primitives won't make any difference at all. Moreover, many Java implementations align variables* (and objects).
* byte and short occupy the same space as int if they are local variables, class variables or even instance variables. Why? Because in (most) computer systems, variables addresses are aligned, so for example if you use a single byte, you'll actually end up with two bytes - one for the variable itself and another for the padding.
On the other hand, in arrays, byte take 1 byte, short take 2 bytes and int take four bytes, because in arrays only the start and maybe the end of it has to be aligned. This will make a difference in case you want to use, for example, System.arraycopy(), then you'll really note a performance difference.
Because arithmetic operations are easier when using integers compared to shorts. Assume that the constants were indeed modeled by short values. Then you would have to use the API in this manner:
short month = Calendar.JUNE;
month = month + (short) 1; // is july
Notice the explicit casting. Short values are implicitly promoted to int values when they are used in arithmetic operations. (On the operand stack, shorts are even expressed as ints.) This would be quite cumbersome to use which is why int values are often preferred for constants.
Compared to that, the gain in storage efficiency is minimal because there only exists a fixed number of such constants. We are talking about 40 constants. Changing their storage from int to short would safe you 40 * 16 bit = 80 byte. See this answer for further reference.
The design complexity of a virtual machine is a function of how many kinds of operations it can perform. It's easier to having four implementations of an instruction like "multiply"--one each for 32-bit integer, 64-bit integer, 32-bit floating-point, and 64-bit floating-point--than to have, in addition to the above, versions for the smaller numerical types as well. A more interesting design question is why there should be four types, rather than fewer (performing all integer computations with 64-bit integers and/or doing all floating-point computations with 64-bit floating-point values). The reason for using 32-bit integers is that Java was expected to run on many platforms where 32-bit types could be acted upon just as quickly as 16-bit or 8-bit types, but operations on 64-bit types would be noticeably slower. Even on platforms where 16-bit types would be faster to work with, the extra cost of working with 32-bit quantities would be offset by the simplicity afforded by only having 32-bit types.
As for performing floating-point computations on 32-bit values, the advantages are a bit less clear. There are some platforms where a computation like float a=b+c+d; could be performed most quickly by converting all operands to a higher-precision type, adding them, and then converting the result back to a 32-bit floating-point number for storage. There are other platforms where it would be more efficient to perform all computations using 32-bit floating-point values. The creators of Java decided that all platforms should be required to do things the same way, and that they should favor the hardware platforms for which 32-bit floating-point computations are faster than longer ones, even though this severely degraded PC both the speed and precision of floating-point math on a typical PC, as well as on many machines without floating-point units. Note, btw, that depending upon the values of b, c, and d, using higher-precision intermediate computations when computing expressions like the aforementioned float a=b+c+d; will sometimes yield results which are significantly more accurate than would be achieved of all intermediate operands were computed at float precision, but will sometimes yield a value which is a tiny bit less accurate. In any case, Sun decided everything should be done the same way, and they opted for using minimal-precision float values.
Note that the primary advantages of smaller data types become apparent when large numbers of them are stored together in an array; even if there were no advantage to having individual variables of types smaller than 64-bits, it's worthwhile to have arrays which can store smaller values more compactly; having a local variable be a byte rather than an long saves seven bytes; having an array of 1,000,000 numbers hold each number as a byte rather than a long waves 7,000,000 bytes. Since each array type only needs to support a few operations (most notably read one item, store one item, copy a range of items within an array, or copy a range of items from one array to another), the added complexity of having more array types is not as severe as the complexity of having more types of directly-usable discrete numerical values.
If you used the philosophy where integral constants are stored in the smallest type that they fit in, then Java would have a serious problem: whenever programmers write code using integral constants, they have to pay careful attention to their code to check if the type of the constants matter, and if so look up the type in the documentation and/or do whatever type conversions are needed.
So now that we've outlined a serious problem, what benefits could you hope to achieve with that philosophy? I would be unsurprised if the only runtime-observable effect of that change would be what type you get when you look the constant up via reflection. (and, of course, whatever errors are introduced by lazy/unwitting programmers not correctly accounting for the types of the constants)
Weighing the pros and the cons is very easy: it's a bad philosophy.
Actually, there'd be a small advantage. If you have a
class MyTimeAndDayOfWeek {
byte dayOfWeek;
byte hour;
byte minute;
byte second;
then on a typical JVM it needs as much space as a class containing a single int. The memory consumption gets rounded to a next multiple of 8 or 16 bytes (IIRC, that's configurable), so the cases when there are real saving are rather rare.
This class would be slightly easier to use if the corresponding Calendar methods returned a byte. But there are no such Calendar methods, only get(int) which must returns an int because of other fields. Each operation on smaller types promotes to int, so you need a lot of casting.
Most probably, you'll either give up and switch to an int or write setters like
void setDayOfWeek(int dayOfWeek) {
this.dayOfWeek = checkedCastToByte(dayOfWeek);
Then the type of DAY_OF_WEEK doesn't matter, anyway.
Using variables smaller than the bus size of the CPU means more cycles are necessary. For example when updating a single byte in memory, a 64-bit CPU needs to read a whole 64-bit word, modify only the changed part, then write back the result.
Also, using a smaller data type requires overhead when the variable is stored in a register, since the behavior of the smaller data type to be accounted for explicitly. Since the whole register is used anyways, there is nothing to be gained by using a smaller data type for method parameters and local variables.
Nevertheless, these data types might be useful for representing data structures that require specific widths, such as network packets, or for saving space in large arrays, sacrificing speed.