Can we send whatsapp messeges without opening browser using pywhatkit? - whatsapp

I am trying to send what'sapp messages using pywhatkit library but it opens and then sends the message I want to send it without opening .Please help

Not yet! pywhatkit library calls the browser behind the scenes to send a message with:
import webbrowser as web
def sendWhatmsg( ... ):


Is it possible with Print.js to send the PDF to storage in a folder online instead of printing it?

I am trying to use print.js(crabbly) to send a PDF to a folder on my website instead of printing it.
My task is to save form data into a PDF and save the PDF in a folder on my website once the user submits. I like the way print.js creates the PDF and sends it to print but I need it to send to my folder...maybe through php?
Thanks for anyone's help!!
You need to handle that form submission on the server side. Once you receive the form request or the payload, you can then use it to create your own PDF.
Looks like you may be using Php in the back-end, if that's the case, the FPDF class should have everything you need to create your PDF:
If you use Laravel, here is a convenient package wrapping the FPDF class so we can import it with composer:

Open specific conversation on whatsapp from ionic 4

I have tried to call whatsapp from InAppBrowser plugin by passing url "".
I have also added config.xml changes as suggested
(access launch-external="yes" origin="whatsapp:*" /)
It opens the browser (when I run this on device) with send button on it to send the message to Whatsapp.
But I am unable to tap the Send button. It is not redirecting me to whatsapp application with given number.
Please can you show me some sample code or the way to achieve this.
i also face this problem. following code fixed my problem'whatsapp://send?phone=923130601266', '_system');
You should try to call below api in InAppBrowser.
The direct conversation will open with the number you set below the link.
Don't forget to add country code before number.

How to send media files on whatsapp programmatically using click to chat feature?

I have to use whatsapp's click to chat feature for automating the process of sending messages to unsaved numbers. I am currently using selenium to automate the process. I am able to send text messages only for now. I was wondering that it might be possible to send other media files as well like images and videos.
There are 2 unused parameters in my url of click to chat feature, "source" and "data". I thought using these might enable me to send media files but I Haven't been able to do it yet.
Example URL for one of my click to chat messages:
Can anyone confirm that either its possible or not. If its possible what would be the right way to do it?
Similar question: Whatsapp Automated Bot not able to search in WhatsApp Contact List
Send images, videos and docs using Selenium:
//To send attachments
//click to add
//add file path
//click to send
I know it's too late, I just have to add that Whatsapp Web and Whatsapp Desktop accept paste inputs, thus if you can get your picture to the memory (I did it with took 5 mins to accomplish after a bit of googling) you can just send a paste order and it'll load it in and require and ENTER send key from you.
Part1: Sending messages to unsaved contacts
Sending media to unsaved numbers is quite a difficult task but not impossible. You can surely find XPath by text.
Part2: Yes media can be sent to contacts. I have done that in my project link : By using PyAutoIt you can send Pictures, PDF, Videos to the selected contacts.
Since uploading part is not the automation of web browser we auto windows using AutoIt and select the path of image/video/file to send to the user.
autoit.control_set_text("Open","Edit1",(PATH_OF_IMAGE_TO_SEND) )
This is just the crux of the implementation. Do refer my repo in case of more understanding.
PS: Don't forget to star repo or give credits.
Check answer Link for more info, where to download AutoIt from.
Coding Working Fine.
//To send attachments
//click to add
//add file to send by file path
//click to send
I was having the same issue but right after fixing it, I made a python wrapper so that it helps more people having the same issue.
In case you're interested to explore more about the wrapper, here is a link
Here is how to send a message to media files and message to unsaved contacts
>>> from alright import WhatsApp
>>> messenger = WhatsApp()
>>> messenger.find_user('255-74848xxxx')
>>> messenger.send_message("I wish you a Merry X-mass and Happy new year ")
>>> messenger.send_picture('path-to-image',"Text to accompany image")
Sending to Multiple unsaved contacts
>>> numbers = ['2557xxxxxx', '2557xxxxxx', '....']
>>> for number in numbers:
messenger.send_message("I wish you a Merry X-mass and Happy new year "

Send message from iPhone without open MFMessageComposeViewController

I have made one application, In my application I want to send message on some mobile no.
I know, this is done using MFMessageComposeViewController.
but, can we send message without open the MFMessageComposeViewController ?
Can we use MFMessageComposeViewController in background and send message on some mobile no ?
any one has idea then pls help me...
As we said before (you can search here in StackOverFlow), user interaction has to be called.
What if your application send spam messages ? What if it send message to a plateform you own with taxed messages ?
So the answer is no.
you can use ShareKit without UI but you cant do that for mail or SMS

get url event on app open in objective c (Mac OSX)

I'm writing a very lightweight app for OSX 10.6+ which will respond to a user clicking on a URL, pass that URL to another application via TCP and then exit.
So far it has registered fine to launch when a user clicks the custom url scheme. However the event seems to get lost if the app is not already running. So the users clicks the link, the app loads, but nothing happens. Once the app is running, if the user clicks the link then it grabs the event and processes it as normal.
What do I need to do to catch that initial event that causes the app to open in the first place?
Currently I'm creating the NSAppleEventManager in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method, and this works for all events created AFTER the initial load, just not for the one that actually opened the app itself.
Any advice would be brilliant!
You should be creating your AppleEvent handlers in -applicationWillFinishLaunching: instead.
The idea is to have your handlers ready to go before your application begins processing AppleEvents.