Kusto.Explorer requires secondary account to access azure Log Analytics workspace - kql

I am having a challenge accessing azure LA/AI workspace with desktop Kusto.Exploer. I cannot use RUNAS to invoke my secondary account with credentials, accessing workspace in azure. Note that I am able to do that using dataexplorer.azure.com ( since i am already logged into azure portal). Any help will be appreciated.

Kusto Explorer allows sign in form within the Client itself – using the Connections toolbar : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/tools/kusto-explorer#connections-tab
You can –
Click on ‘Sign-Out from AAD’
Add your cluster again, and now you'll be prompted to Sign In where you can use the creds from your other User Account.

If the issue is that you are logging to the Log Analytics namespace from a different tenant, you can specify it in the cluster connection "advanced connection string" settings and add at the end the applicable tenant guid using the following ";authority id = tenant Guid" syntax, for example:


Get-AzRoleAssignment: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Rest.Azure.CloudException' was thrown

We have lighthouse configured and I am trying to extract azure aks RBAC permissions information for a managing subscription from a managed tenant:
Get-AzRoleAssignment -scope "/subscriptions/0000000-0000-0000-00000000000000/resourcegroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/testakscluster
Can we extract role assignments for a managing tenant's subscription while logged in a managed tenant cloud shell?
Thanks for your help
When using the Get-AzRoleAssignment command, it will call the Azure AD Graph - getObjectsByObjectIds meanwhile to validate the objects in Azure AD.
To solve the issue, make sure your user account logged in the cloud shell has permission to call the API, if your user account type is member, it will has the permission by default. So I suppose your user account is a guest, if so, there are two ways.
1.Navigate to the Azure Active Directory in the portal -> User settings -> click Manage external collaboration settings -> select the first option like below.
2.Navigate to the Azure Active Directory in the portal -> Roles and administrators -> search for Directory readers -> click it -> Add assignments -> add your user account as a Directory readers role.
Just select any of the options above, then the command will work fine.
For anyone coming to this thread after some searching: I had the same issue with this call across multiple versions of the AZ.Resources module: 2.5.0, 4.1.0 an 5.6.0. All my rights where setup correctly, both for an SPN and a user, both got the same error.
Changing the call to use the Azure CLI and that just works 😠.
az role assignment list -g [resource group name]

How to configure Azure AD SSO programmatically for gallery-based application?

I need to configure Azure Active Directory SSO for Tableau Server gallery app as it is under MS documentation link programmatically. Are there useful powershell cmdlets / rest apis?
I create application from gallery using graph api from Step 1 on MS docs.
To get available templates:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/applicationTemplates
To create template app:
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/applicationTemplates/{id}/instantiate
Now I need to configure SAML SSO from code and assign users. Is there an easy way to do that? I tried Set-AzureADApplication but it didn't do the job for me. The enterprise application is still not set.
Maybe it's not supported yet? I believe there can be some workaround. I would be grateful for any help.
Are there useful powershell cmdlets / rest apis?
Yes, but per my test, we need to do that into two parts.
1.Set the Sign-on URL, to do this, we need to call Microsoft Graph - Update serviceprincipal.
In the Graph Explorer, use the request below.
PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/servicePrincipals/<object-id of the service principal>
"loginUrl": "https://azure.signtest.link"
Note: In the request above, you need to use the object-id of the service principal(Enterprise application), not the AD App(App registeration). You can find it in the Azure AD in the portal -> Enterprise Application -> find your Tableau Server -> get the Object ID like below.
2.Set the Identifier and Reply URL, we could do this via Powershell Set-AzureADApplication.
$Identifiers = #(
$ReplyUrls = #(
Set-AzureADApplication -ObjectId <object-id of the AD App> -IdentifierUris $Identifiers -ReplyUrls $ReplyUrls
For the object-id of the AD App, navigate to the Azure AD in the portal -> App registrations -> find your Tableau Server. After running the command, the settings will map to the enterprise application.
Check the result in the portal:
Not sure if it is a bug, if I create a new app without setting the Identifier and Reply URL manually in the portal, then just use the powershell above to set them, they will not map to the portal.
But if we check the service principal(enterprise application) directly via Microsoft Graph, we can see the powershell actually affected the service principal.
If we configure the settings manually in the portal first, then use the powershell to update them with other values, it works.
And it looks there is no way to set the Default Reply URL via powrshell or API, if we set the Reply URL which is different from the one set manually in the portal, it will have a prompt like below.
But if we look into it, actually the Default option is checked.
Eventually, I find the trick, it is not a bug, we just need to set the preferredSingleSignOnMode for the service principal first via Microsoft Graph, then we won't need to configure that in the portal manually.
PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/servicePrincipals/<object-id of the service principal>
"loginUrl": "https://azure.signtest.link"

Can't log into rabbitmq management web UI with a new user

Using the management web UI, I created a new user that should have access to the management plugin, and full permissions on the default virtual host, with no password set. However, when I attempt to login as that user (with the password field set to blank), the credentials are rejected. What am I missing?
Oh, derp. It looks like a password is required if you want to use the web api. If you expand the overview section, you see this:

Azure Multi-tenant application

I need to build an app with Office 365 API and tried several examples provided here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/howto/starter-projects-and-code-samples.
I manage to login to tha app with a user from within my own Azure Active Directory, e.g. user.name#tenant.onmicrosoft.com.
But, whenever I use another Office 365 account from another domain e.g. user#pivabo.be I get this error:
AADSTS50020: User account 'user#pivabo.be' from external identity provider 'https://sts.windows.net/908b6c6d-f582-461d-9e73-88a4e48f5d88/' is not supported for application 'df1a02fd-f096-46df-9b5a-5cf1b0f9ef6d'. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant. Please sign out and sign in again with an Azure Active Directory user account.
The defined application in Azure is set to Multi-tenant!!
I also tried to add the foreign users to my AAD but everytime I get the message "This Microsoft account does not exist"
EXCEPT: I also made a hotmail account which I was able to add to my AAD and with this account logging in to the app was succesfull. But, without adding it to my AAD I get the above error message.
Any help would be welcome.
Make sure you are using "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/..." and not "https://login.microsoftonline.com/[your tenant name]" when forming authorization link.
I am late to the party, but what it fixed for me was that I had to use "common" as tenantId.

AWS Cognito finding right Parameters for CognitoSyncDemo

I'm going to setup this Example for Amazon Cognito Sync demo, using Eclipse + ADK + AWS libs V2.9.
I created an identity pool in the Cognito Console, so I got the Identity Pool ID which is used in CognitoSyncClientManager.java at:
private static final String IDENTITY_POOL_ID = "us-east-1:1a23b013-1abc-123-b123-123abc1fe5";
private static final Regions REGION = Regions.US_EAST_1;**
(perhaps not all regions seem to run in test mode)
I registered my (developing-)app in the Seller Central with Eclipse Help>Android>Bild>MD5 fingerprint and the package-name from AndroidManifest.xml, so got my api_key.txt Value.
From the AWS doku I got my Provider URL (code as sample), which is used in DeveloperAuthenticationProvider.java at:
private static final String developerProvider = "cognito-sync.us-east-1.amazonaws.com";
private static final String cognitoSampleDeveloperAuthenticationAppEndpoint = "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:role/Cognito_TestMyAppAuth_DefaultRole"
private static final String cognitoSampleDeveloperAuthenticationAppName = "Cognito sync demo";
After creating some Users which are attached to groups with permissions to IAM full access and (auto)generated roles for unautherized and autherized Roles, my app is running in this way:
Login with Amazon - is running, but where will their datasets be created and is it possible I see them in the AWS Console?
Simple Browse your data (without login) - is running, unauthenticated users and their datasets appear/are counted in the Identity console
Developer Authentication fails with Username or password do not match - combined with an "Unable to reach resource..." in the LogCat.
Now I think, the last missing thing in this game is the parameter cognitoSampleDeveloperAuthenticationAppEndpoint=...
Where can I find it and what else could I have missed to setup for a full running Example?
Thanks for using Cognito demo. Answers to your questions
Yes, you can see the datasets in the AWS console. Navigate to Cognito inside the AWS Console and go to your identity pool. On the left hand side menu go to identity browser and you will see the list of identities or you can search for an identity. Click on the identity and you can see the datasets owned by that identity.
Developer Authentication is a feature which helps to integrate your authentication system with Cognito. For this you should have a backend server serving user's authentication requests, and once you authenticate users you can request OpenId Connect tokens for them from Cognito using the GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity API call. The developer provider name is the one which you setup for your identity pool in the AWS Cognito console. For using the sample you can setup a sample server application by following this blog and the readme file of the the server side application.
P.S.: Please avoid sharing your identity pool id.