Python USD to Satoshi [closed] - bitcoin

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Looking for a method of converting $100, $130, $300 amounts into Satoshi to tell customers exactly how much to BTC to send.
Looked at Cryptocompare a little but was unable to find anything that dealt in amounts.

Yes, you could use api, they provide this service.
Link :
and you visit
Link :


Amazon API that would allow bulk order without manually entering all information [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have hundreds of employees that I would like to gift them with items purchased on Amazon. It would be convenient for me to place orders for those gifts directly from my CRM without manually entering the information just using an API.
Would be thankful for a lead.
I did some websearch but not much to be found out there

Google OR example for column generation [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Are there any examples of the code for the Column generation problem (cutting stock problem or any other problem) using google OR tools in C++?
Yes, as the name suggests, this does the job:

Prestashop custom product fields [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to add some custom fields on my prestashop backend and, when filled, to show up in frontend. Here are some examples of what I want to implement:
And here is the frontpage:
Searched everywhere but no results. I just need an idea or an example. Thank you!

how do i learn chrome.extension.sendRequest method? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have tried to browse through the extension APIs and have searched google. I can find the information available for chrome.extension.sendMessage but its hard to find anything for the chrome.extension.sendRequest method.
Please help for the best tutorial to Chrome Extensions as atleast here Google is not helping me much :(
It is deprecated.
use sendMessage:

How to read linkedin inbox messages [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've done a massive research on linkedin api in order to find out how to read my inbox messages through the Api.
i've looked in this post where they say that this isn't possible:
Did anyone found a good solution/workaround for this issue?