Noob figuring out instal4j and intellij - intellij-idea

I am just experimenting to learn how to package and install a java app built on intellij onto a PC.
I built hello world in intellij using "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenJava\openjdk-15.0.2_windows-x64_bin\jdk-15.0.2" and it runs in the development environment.
If I understand Launch4j, I can specify in the JRE tab a bundled JRE so I am not dependant on what is on the target PC.
My question is what do I put in the "Bundled JRE path" box on the JRE tab in Launch4j. Path to JRE, JDK, openJDK. Does the path include a file name? Is it just a directory, the BIN?
a bit lost,
Thanks, Tony

I was able to find an example like mine and the solution works for me.
How to bundle a JRE with Launch4j?


Adding .jar Files in Visual Studio Code

First and foremost, I really appreciate your help. I am trying to build an application by using an external library Apachi Poi. I know I need to add jar files to the project; however, I don't know how I should do that plus I have been searching on the Internet for a solution, but I could not find one even I checked this. My OS is Linux and I am running 1.33.1 version of VSCode.
[UPDATE]: I have fixed my problem. What I basically did was to install maven command to my
Linux machine and now I am using mvn command along with pom.xml to add my .jar files to
the project.

How to generate 64-bit version of sikuli JAR?

I am working on developing test automation code in selenium, I want to use 'sikuli' inside my code to handle windows and Flash objects in my web application,
I'm using 64-bit JVM, but there is no 64-bit version of Sikuli available, this is resulting in an error while running the code,
"Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform"
I could not find a 64-bit sikuli Jar on internet, but I found that Sikuli source code is hosted on GitHub, could someone help me understand if I can use that source code and compile it into a jar of 64 bit version?
I'm not sure if this is possible or not.
If you install Sikuli 1.0.1 you have the option to install 6 packages with it as well. I would recommend installing the first 5. Then you will have all the things you are ever going to use.
If you also work on different sytems other then Windows, the 6th packages is also advisable.
I have installed all 6.
Finally got this working, here is what I did,
Download the sikuli set-up Jar from
Save this jar in a folder 'SikuliSetup',now create a sub directory
'Downloads' which will come into picture later.
Run the above Jar, this will generate two files under the above
Now run the 'runSetup.bat' file generated from above setup. This
will start the setup, now select the 4th and 6th option in the
'sikulisetup' pop-up and click on 'setup Now'.
The above step will fail for most people due to default security
If the above step fails then you need to download an offline
version of this jar from this URL
UnZip the above file and copy the '1.0.1-3.jar' file to 'Downloads'
directory created under the 'SikuliSetup' directory previously.
Now run the 'runSetup.bat' file again, this will generate a new
jar file 'sikuli-java' and its dependent libraries under 'lib'
That's it, now copy this jar 'sikuli-java.jar' to your java build
path in eclipse.
Now Java will use this sikuli libraries without any issues.
Once after you setup the jar file under build path, restart the
system and login again.

Intellij does not recognize Haxe SDK

I would like to work with haxe on intellij but it seems that is not able to recognize the haxe sdk, when i try to create a new project, intellij ask me to point the project sdk and i don't really know what to do.
i tryed to point the sdk to the haxe folder but an error message appear saying: The selected directory is not a valid home for Haxe toolkit
Intellij IDEA version: 13.1
Anyone can help?
The configuration needs the directory the haxe binary is installed to. If running which haxe gives you /usr/bin/haxe you should set /usr/bin as the haxe toolkit directory.
I don't really know where exactly it is in linux, under which /usr/bin folder but in Windows 8 in C:\ folder, you'll see a haxetoolkit folder and in it there will be the haxe folder, which is the one it asks for!

How do I change the JVM used to run IntelliJ on Windows

I have two Java JDKs installed on my workstation, with jdk1.6.0_41 in my path, and jdk1.7.0_21 available as well, but not in the path.
How can I configure IntelliJ IDEA 13 to use a particular JVM? To be clear, I want to set the JVM used to run IntelliJ itself, not the SDK used for running my code. I am running Windows 7 Enterprise Edition and launch IntelliJ 13.0.2 by running idea64.exe
I have set JAVA_HOME to point to jdk1.7.0_21 but according to the About box it is using jdk1.6.0_41.
This FAQ on the JetBrains web site describes how to do this for Mac, but not for Windows.
This answer suggests using the IDEA_JVM environment variable for Ubuntu 12, but I have tried that and it isn't working.
I suspect you have another setting that is overriding your JAVA_HOME
From Jetbrains docs:
idea64.exe uses this JDK search sequence:
IDEA_JDK_64 environment variable
..\jre64 directory
system Registry
JDK_HOME environment variable
JAVA_HOME environment variable
With newer versions the environment variables are ignored. Instead there is a new action "Choose Boot Java Runtime". The easiest way to get to it is via "Find Action" Ctrl+Shift+A.
You can also edit the setting via the .jdk file in your user configuration directory, e.g. %APPDATA%\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2021.3\idea64.exe.jdk. This is a plain text file containing only the path to the JDK.
It is not recommended to do this, and you should use the JDK that is bundled with IDEA.
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S to go to Project Structure
Under Platform Settings, go to SDKs.
Use the + green icon to add a new SDK and set it to that one.

Intellij project between Windows and Linux - use the 'default system provided' JDK?

I've got two dev workstations, one running Windows, the other running Linux. I work on a Java project using Intellij on both. Both platforms have the Oracle JDK 7 installed in the default locations.
For some annoying reason, every time I switch platforms, I need to update the project configuration to specify what JDK it should be using. In the project's "Project SDK" setting, there's a JDK selection which includes two entries - 1 for a JDK in c:\Program Files\Java\jdk_1.7 and the other for a JDK in /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-jdk/. If I open the project on Linux, I have to specifically set the Project JDK to be the second. If I save the project, close, commit, and then checkout and open on Windows, it complains it can't find the JDK, and I have to manually set it to the Windows version.
Why can't Intellij figure this out automatically? I appreciate that testing against multiple installed JDKs is a useful feature, but is there a way to tell a project to 'just use the default JDK'?
You need to have your JDK configurations to have the same name, lile 1.6 or 1.7. Project file references JDK by its name only so it will work out of the box in all IDEA installations on different operation systems, the only requirement is that there is JSDK defined under exactly the same name.