SQL Selecting data from 3 tables using GROUP BY - sql

I am trying to write a formula to pull data from 3 tables and struggling to get it working.
I need to use the InventoryNbr from table s and do a group by, because there is many of the same InventoryNbr's, and I just want the MAX IndexListID Returned. The IndexListID is a Unique Key, so when I search on table il, I should only return 1 row. I want to then pull the end year from that row as well as the modelnm, and use those 2 values to get the CarlineNm. Here is my code:
SELECT s.InventoryNbr, MAX(s.IndexListID) AS IndexListID, il.EndYear, c.CarlineNm
FROM sysidla as s
INNER JOIN IndexList as il
ON s.IndexListID = il.IndexListID
INNER JOIN Carline as c
ON il.EndYear = c.CarlineYear
AND il.ModelNm = c.ModelNm
GROUP BY InventoryNbr
ORDER BY InventoryNbr ASC;
The error I keep getting is:
Column 'IndexList.EndYear' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Here is some sample data:
So for instance, this is an incomplete data sample because every IndexListID will have a match in IndexList, but I want to be able match InventoryNbr 12345 and select the max INDEXLISTID which is 3, then use 3 on IndexList to grab name3 and 2012. Then I want to use 2012 and name3 to get NAME22 From Carine.

Use window functions in a subquery:
SELECT s.InventoryNbr, s.IndexListID, il.EndYear, c.CarlineNm
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY il.IndexListID ORDER BY il.IndexListID DESC) as seqnum
FROM sysidla s
IndexList il
ON s.IndexListID = il.IndexListID INNER JOIN
Carline c
ON il.EndYear = c.CarlineYear AND
il.ModelNm = c.ModelNm
WHERE seqnum = 1
ORDER BY InventoryNbr ASC;
No aggregation is needed.

Your are getting this error because, there is a problem with your group by and SELECT section . You can not select column while using group by like this. Either you have to use an aggregate function or your column should in the group by to select like this.
So,Here is a solution you can check =>
SELECT T.*,il.EndYear, c.CarlineNm FROM
(SELECT s.InventoryNbr, MAX(s.IndexListID) AS IndexListID
FROM sysidla as s
GROUP BY InventoryNbr) T
INNER JOIN IndexList as il ON T.IndexListID = il.IndexListID
INNER JOIN Carline as c ON il.EndYear = c.CarlineYear AND il.ModelNm = c.ModelNm
ORDER BY T.InventoryNbr ASC;
Note: This code is not optimized. Sub-query is little slow however, you can optimize that using window function (CTE). Please check and let me know.


Cannot do inner join on an select, invalid in the select list

I have a stored proceedure that builds a temporary table and executes a select on the end. It works fine as long as I don't include the l.beskrivning which is a table that maps country codes to country names. The proceedure is valid but when I test it I get the following error:
Column 'LK.b' is invalid in the select list because it is
not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
SELECT TOP 100 tmp.BuyerID, tmp.BuyerNumber, tmp.BuyerName, tmp.BuyerAddress, tmp.BuyerCountryCode, l.b
FROM #tempGL AS tmp
INNER JOIN LK AS l ON l.land_id LIKE tmp.BuyerCountryCode
GROUP BY tmp.BuyerID, tmp.BuyerNumber, tmp.BuyerName, tmp.BuyerAddress, tmp.BuyerCountryCode
ORDER BY Count(*) DESC, tmp.BuyerName
I've also tried removing the GROUP BY and ORDER BY completely but I still get the same error. What am I doing wrong here?
You need to include l.beskrivning in group by clause
SELECT TOP 100 tmp.BuyerID, tmp.BuyerNumber, tmp.BuyerName, tmp.BuyerAddress, tmp.BuyerCountryCode, l.beskrivning
FROM #tempGL AS tmp
INNER JOIN LK AS l ON l.land_id LIKE tmp.BuyerCountryCode
GROUP BY tmp.BuyerID, tmp.BuyerNumber, tmp.BuyerName, tmp.BuyerAddress, tmp.BuyerCountryCode,l.beskrivning
ORDER BY Count(*) DESC, tmp.BuyerName
What part of the error message do you not understand? All columns not being aggregated should be in the GROUP BY:
SELECT TOP 100 t.BuyerID, t.BuyerNumber, t.BuyerName, tmp.BuyerAddress, t.BuyerCountryCode, l.beskrivning
LK l
ON l.land_id LIKE t.BuyerCountryCode
GROUP BY t.BuyerID, t.BuyerNumber, t.BuyerName, t.BuyerAddress, t.BuyerCountryCode, l.beskrivning
ORDER BY Count(*) DESC, t.BuyerName

SQL Group By Clause and Empty Entries

I have a SQL Server 2005 query that I'm trying to assemble right now but I am having some difficulties.
I have a group by clause based on 5 columns: Project, Area, Name, User, Engineer.
Engineer is coming from another table and is a one to many relationship
AS (
SELECT htce.HardwareProjectID AS ProjectId
,area.AreaId AS Area
,hs.NAME AS 'Status'
,COUNT(*) AS Amount
,MAX(htce.DateEdited) AS DateModified
,UserEditing AS LastModifiedName
PARTITION BY htce.HardwareProjectID
,htce.UserEditing ORDER BY htce.HardwareProjectID
,Engineer DESC
) AS row
FROM HardwareTestCase_Execution AS htce
INNER JOIN HardwareTestCase AS htc ON htce.HardwareTestCaseID = htc.HardwareTestCaseID
INNER JOIN HardwareTestGroup AS htg ON htc.HardwareTestGroupID = htg.HardwareTestGroupId
INNER JOIN Block AS b ON b.BlockId = htg.BlockId
INNER JOIN Area ON b.AreaId = Area.AreaId
INNER JOIN HardwareStatus AS hs ON htce.HardwareStatusID = hs.HardwareStatusId
INNER JOIN j_Project_Testcase AS jptc ON htce.HardwareProjectID = jptc.HardwareProjectId AND htce.HardwareTestCaseID = jptc.TestcaseId
WHERE (htce.DateEdited > #LastDateModified)
GROUP BY htce.HardwareProjectID
The gist of what I want is to be able to deal with empty Engineer columns. I don't want this column to have a blank second entry (where row=2).
What I want to do:
Group the items with "row" value of 1 & 2 together.
Select the Engineer that isn't empty.
Do not deselect engineers where there is not a matching row=2.
I've tried a series of joins to try and make things work. No luck so far.
Use j_Project_Testcase PIVOT( MAX(Engineer) for Row in ( [1], [2] ) then select ISNULL( [1],[2]) to select the Engineer value
I can give you a more robust example if you set up a SQL fiddle
Try reading this: PIVOT and UNPIVOT

How to increment a column based on two tables that are joined

I am trying to increment a column on a sql server table based on the join between the initial table and the joined table. The idea is to update tblForm10Objectives, set the ObjectiveNumber column to an increment number starting with 1 based on the number of rows returned from the join of tblForm10GoalsObjectives and tblForm10Objectives where ID_Form10Goal equals a number. Example query so far:
Update tblForm10Objectives
Set ObjectiveNumber = rn
From (
Select ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by OG.ID_Form10Goal) as rn
, *
From (
Select *
From tblForm10GoalsObjectives OG
Join tblForm10Objectives O On OG.ID_Form10Objective = O.ID_Form10Objective
Where OG.ID_Form10Goal = 4
Order by O.ID_Form10Objective
) as tblForm10Objectives;
If the select portion of the query is performed the columns are displayed so you can see the ObjectiveNumber is currently 0 where ID_Form10Goal = 4
Once the update runs I need for the ObjectiveNumber to show 1 , 2; since there are two rows for ID_Form10Goal = 4.
I had to introduce a new table to the logic of this update statement, the table name is tblForm10Goals. The objectives need to be pulled by ID_Agency instead of ID_Form10Goal I am getting an error message stating a "a multipart identifier 'dbo.tblForm10Objectives.ID_Form10Objective = rns.ID_Form10Objective' could not be bound. I am using the following SQL Update statement:
UPDATE dbo.tblForm10Objectives
SET ObjectiveNumber = rn
FROM tblForm10Goals As g
Left Join tblForm10GoalsObjectives gobs ON g.ID_Form10Goal = gobs.ID_Form10Goal
Right Join
ORDER BY OB.ID_Form10Objective) AS rn,
FROM tblForm10Goals g
LEFT JOIN dbo.tblForm10GoalsObjectives gobs ON g.ID_Form10Goal = gobs.ID_Form10Goal
RIGHT JOIN dbo.tblForm10Objectives OB ON gobs.ID_Form10Objective = OB.ID_Form10Objective
Where g.ID_Agency = 2
) rns ON dbo.tblForm10Objectives.ID_Form10Object = rns.ID_Form10Objective
Your example seems to be missing a closing parenthesis somewhere, and without the table structures to look at, I can't be certain of my answer. It seems you have two tables:
If this is the case, the following query should give you the results you desire:
UPDATE dbo.tblForm10Objectives
SET ObjectiveNumber = rn
FROM dbo.tblForm10Objectives INNER JOIN
ORDER BY O.ID_Form10Objective) AS rn,
FROM dbo.tblForm10Objectives O INNER JOIN
dbo.tblForm10GoalsObjectives OG ON OG.ID_Form10Objective = O.ID_Form10Objective
Where OG.ID_Form10Goal = 4
) rns ON dbo.tblForm10Objectives.ID_Form10Objective = rns.ID_Form10Objective
If you run the inner SELECT statement, you will see the desired ObjectiveNumber values and the corresponding ID_Form10Objective that will get updated with those values.
If you post your table structures, I or someone else may be able to be of more help.

Providing Language FallBack In A SQL Select Statement

I have a table that represents an Object. It has many columns but also fields that require language support.
For simplicity let's say I have 3 tables:
MainObjectTable has a PK int called ID, and both LanguageDependantTables have a foreign key link back to the MainObjectTable along with a language code and the date they were added.
I've created a stored procedure that accepts the MainObjectTable ID and a Language. It will return a single row containing the most recent items from the language tables. The select statement looks like
(SELECT TOP 1 LanguageDependantField1.Description
FROM LanguageDependantField1
WHERE LanguageDependantField1.MainObjectTable_ID = MainObjectTable.ID
AND LanguageDependantField1.Language_ID = #language
LanguageDependantField1.[Default], LanguageDependantField1.CreatedDate DESC) LanguageDependantField1
(SELECT TOP 1 LanguageDependantField2.SomeOtherText
FROM LanguageDependantField2
WHERE LanguageDependantField2.MainObjectTable_ID = MainObjectTable.ID
AND LanguageDependantField2.Language_ID = #language
LanguageDependantField2.[Default] DESC, LanguageDependantField2.CreatedDate DESC) LanguageDependantField2
MainObjectTable.ID = #MainObjectTableID
What I want to add is the ability to fallback to a default language if a row isn't found in the specified language. Let's say we use "German" as the selected language. Is it possible to return an English row from LanguageDependantField1 if the German does not exist presuming we have #fallbackLanguageID
Also am I right to use OUTER APPLY in this scenario or should I be using JOIN?
Many thanks for your help.
Try this:
SELECT MainObjectTable.VariousColumns,
COALESCE(PrefLang.Description,Fallback.Description,'Not Found Desc')
as Description,
COALESCE(PrefLang.SomeOtherText,FallBack.SomeOtherText,'Not found')
as SomeOtherText
FROM MainObjectTable
(SELECT TOP 1 pl.Description,pl.SomeOtherText
FROM LanguageDependantField1 pl
WHERE pl.MainObjectTable_ID = MainObjectTable.ID
AND pl.Language_ID = #language
pl.[Default], pl.CreatedDate DESC)
PrefLang ON 1=1
(SELECT TOP 1 fb.Description,fb.SomeOtherText
FROM LanguageDependantField1 fb
WHERE fb.MainObjectTable_ID = MainObjectTable.ID
AND fb.Language_ID = #fallbackLanguageID
fb.[Default], fb.CreatedDate DESC)
Fallback ON 1=1
MainObjectTable.ID = #MainObjectTableID
Basically, make two queries, one to the preferred language and one to English (Default). Use the LEFT JOIN, so if the first one isn't found, the second query is used...
I don't have your actual tables, so there might be a syntax error in above, but hope it gives you the concept you want to try...
Yes, the use of Outer Apply is correct if you want to correlate the MainObjectTable table rows to the inner queries. You cannot use Joins with references in the derived table to the outer table. If you wanted to use Joins, you would need to include the joining column(s) and in this case pre-filter the results. Here is what that might look like:
With RankedLanguages As
Select LDF1.MainObjectTable_ID, LDF1.Language_ID, LDF1.Description, LDF1.SomeOtherText, ...
, Row_Number() Over ( Partition By LDF1.MainObjectTable_ID, LDF1.Language_ID
Order By LDF1.[Default] Desc, LDF1.CreatedDate Desc ) As Rnk
From LanguageDependantField1 As LDF1
Where LDF1.Language_ID In( #languageId, #defaultLanguageId )
Select M.VariousColumns
, Coalesce( SpecificLDF.Description, DefaultLDF.Description ) As Description
, Coalesce( SpecificLDF.SomeOtherText, DefaultLDF.SomeOtherText ) As SomeOtherText
, ...
From MainObjectTable As M
Left Join RankedLanguages As SpecificLDF
On SpecificLDF.MainObjectTable_ID = M.ID
And SpecifcLDF.Language_ID = #languageId
And SpecifcLDF.Rnk = 1
Left Join RankedLanguages As DefaultLDF
On DefaultLDF.MainObjectTable_ID = M.ID
And DefaultLDF.Language_ID = #defaultLanguageId
And DefaultLDF.Rnk = 1
Where M.ID = #MainObjectTableID

MS-Access -> SELECT AS + ORDER BY = error

I'm trying to make a query to retrieve the region which got the most sales for sweet products. 'grupo_produto' is the product type, and 'regiao' is the region. So I got this query:
SELECT TOP 1 r.nm_regiao, (SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM Dw_Empresa
WHERE grupo_produto='1' AND
cod_regiao = d.cod_regiao) as total
FROM Dw_Empresa d
INNER JOIN tb_regiao r ON r.cod_regiao = d.cod_regiao ORDER BY total DESC
Then when i run the query, MS-Access asks for the "total" parameter. Why it doesn't consider the newly created 'column' I made in the select clause?
Thanks in advance!
Old Question I know, but it may help someone knowing than while you cant order by aliases, you can order by column index. For example, this will work without error :
IIF(secondColumn = '', thirdColumn, secondColumn) As yourAlias
The results would then be ordered by the values found in the second column wich is the Alias "yourAlias".
Aliases are only usable in the query output. You can't use them in other parts of the query. Unfortunately, you'll have to copy and paste the entire subquery to make it work.
You can do it like this
select * from(
select a + b as c, * from table)
order by c
Access has some differences compared to Sql Server.
Why it doesn't consider the newly
created 'column' I made in the select
Because Access (ACE/Jet) is not compliant with the SQL-92 Standard.
Consider this example, which is valid SQL-92:
SELECT a AS x, c - b AS y
FROM MyTable
BY x, y;
In fact, x and y the only valid elements in the ORDER BY clause because all others are out of scope (ordinal numbers of columns in the SELECT clause are valid though their use id deprecated).
However, Access chokes on the above syntax. The equivalent Access syntax is this:
SELECT a AS x, c - b AS y
FROM MyTable
BY a, c - b;
However, I understand from #Remou's comments that a subquery in the ORDER BY clause is invalid in Access.
Try using a subquery and order the results in an outer query.
FROM Dw_Empresa
WHERE grupo_produto='1' AND cod_regiao = d.cod_regiao) as total
FROM Dw_Empresa d
INNER JOIN tb_regiao r ON r.cod_regiao = d.cod_regiao
) T1
(Not tested.)
How about:
SELECT TOP 1 r.nm_regiao
FROM (SELECT Dw_Empresa.cod_regiao,
Count(Dw_Empresa.cod_regiao) AS CountOfcod_regiao
FROM Dw_Empresa
WHERE Dw_Empresa.[grupo_produto]='1'
GROUP BY Dw_Empresa.cod_regiao
ORDER BY Count(Dw_Empresa.cod_regiao) DESC) d
INNER JOIN tb_regiao AS r
ON d.cod_regiao = r.cod_regiao
I suggest using an intermediate query.
SELECT r.nm_regiao, d.grupo_produto, COUNT(*) AS total
FROM Dw_Empresa d INNER JOIN tb_regiao r ON r.cod_regiao = d.cod_regiao
GROUP BY r.nm_regiao, d.grupo_produto;
If you call that GroupTotalsByRegion, you can then do:
SELECT TOP 1 nm_regiao, total FROM GroupTotalsByRegion
WHERE grupo_produto = '1' ORDER BY total DESC
You may think it's extra work to create the intermediate query (and, in a sense, it is), but you will also find that many of your other queries will be based off of GroupTotalsByRegion. You want to avoid repeating that logic in many other queries. By keeping it in one view, you provide a simplified route to answering many other questions.
How about use:
SELECT TOP 1 r.nm_regiao, (SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM Dw_Empresa
WHERE grupo_produto='1' AND
cod_regiao = d.cod_regiao) as total
FROM Dw_Empresa d
INNER JOIN tb_regiao r ON r.cod_regiao = d.cod_regiao