How can I display specific Collection on a product or list page - shopify

I have a shopify store with new, used and refurbished amplifiers & speakers.
This condition is stored in a manual collection (four of them). The others collections being automated.
I would like to display the condition of the product on the product page or the products list.
So basically I need to get all the collections and filter to display one of the four :
If the product belongs to collection "used" display collection "used"
If the product belongs to collection "new" display collection "new"
The closest to what I want to do has been made trough this code :
{% assign product_collection = product.collections.first %}
{% if product_collection %}
This product is part of my {{ product_collection.title | link_to: product_collection.url }} Collection
{% endif %}
Found here :
With this I am not able to filter on the four collections.
I have spent the day on this...If somebody can help, that would save my day :)

You can add all collections(title or handle value) on the product-grid-item.liquid.
<div class= "grid-item
{% for product_collection in product.collections %}
{{product_collection.title | handle }}
{% endfor %}
And then you can filter them with JavaScript on the frontend.
Hope this could help you


For loop limit problem when query by tags (Shopify Liquid)

I'm new in Shopify theme development. I'm stuck in for loop query. for loop not working properly when try to query by tag. Below is my code.
{% assign query_tag = block.settings.home_section_tag %}
{% if > 0 %}
{% for product in limit:4 %}
{% if product.tags contains query_tag %}
<div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3">
<h3>{{ product.title | escape }}</h3>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Above code show me only 1 product it supposed to be 4 products. Also limit:1, limit:2, limit:3 not working (No product showing), limit:4 show me 1 product, limit:5 show me 2 products, limit:6 show me 3 products, limit:7 show me 3 product, limit:8 show me 4 products (it's on going). if I remove product query by tag limit: working properly. I don't understand what is the issue with my code.
I need help for this issue and need an explanation why it's not working.
It works correctly. Initially, you get first 4 products from the new-releases collection. And then you filter the result by the query_tag within the loop.
You can:
Increase the limit to 50 (not good if your collection has more items), or
Create another collection filtered by the query_tag and use for loop on that collection limiting to 4

Displaying the current collection on a product info page (shopify liquid)

I am on the product info page and would like to know if its possible to get the current collection that the product is in so that i can do some stuff. How can i get the current collection? I have tried collection.title and it doesnt show anything.
In order to get the CURRENT collection, you MUST have the collection handle in your URL.
So for example if the product URL is something like so /collections/COLLECTION_HANDLE/products/PRODUCT_HANDLE you will have access to the current collection.
In your case since you don't have access to the collection title I assume that your URL is just /products/PRODUCT_HANDLE.
This means that you are generating the wrong URL's ( not wrong, but not full ). You must look for product.url in your collection and add the filter within: collection.
So your collection liquid code should look something like this
{% for product in collection.products %}
{% endfor %}
This will force your product url to include the collection URL as well.
Try it if your URL in this format "/collections/COLLECTION_HANDLE/products/PRODUCT_HANDLE"
Try This:
This product is in the {{ collection.title }} Collection.
Although there might be many collections product assigned but the better way to get the current collection title that is in URL
Note: Using this code you can do stuff on your product page only if collection is in the URL.
{% assign product_collection = collection.title | link_to: product_collection.url %}
{% unless product_collection == blank %}
<h3>Current Collection is: {{ product_collection }}</h3>
{% endunless %}

Shopify products' collection empty in collection context

I'm trying to filter my related products by collections.
Every product belongs to two collections: One for the material, one for the room.
The Material one is an automatic collection which get products with a certain tag.
The Room one is populated manually.
When I get to the product page I load the related products like this (the related product must share both collections with the current product) :
{% for related_product in collection.products %}
{% if product.collections[0].handle ==
related_product.collections[0].handle and product.collections[1].handle
== related_product.collections[1].handle and related_product.handle !=
product.handle %}
<div class="Carousel__Cell">
{% include 'product-item', product: related_product,
section.settings.show_product_info, show_labels: true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Strangely this work only for some products. In some of them product.collection seems null, which makes no sense!
All of the products appear properly in the correct collection.
The problem is happening in the context of a collection (but we will need to make it work in all contexts)
We found out it was an import/sync problem. We had to remove all existing products and re-import them. It fixed the issue.

How to combine for and where clause in Liquid

I'm currently working on a shopify site and need to create a filter on a products page. My goal is to have primer paints show up in a different section of the product collection page. What I'm having trouble with is how to filter for primers. We have a tag set up in the product page named "Primer". What I want is for the loop to check whether a product has the primer tag, and if so, display that as one of the products in the loop. I'm relatively new to Liquid, so I don't know how to combine clauses if that's possible. I've looked up the "Where" clause, but don't entirely understand how it works.
Here is the code as it stands:
<div class="{% if settings.show_collection_sidebar %}desktop-10{% else
%}desktop-12{% endif %} tablet-6 mobile-3" id="bside">
<div id="product-loop">
{% for product in collection.products %}
<div class="product {% if settings.products_per_row == '3' %}
desktop-4{% cycle ' first', '', ' last' %}
{% elsif settings.products_per_row == '4' %}
desktop-3{% cycle ' first', '', '', ' last' %}
{% endif %} tablet-half mobile-half"
id="prod-{{ }}"
data-alpha="{{ product.title }}"
data-price="{{ product.price }}">
{% include 'product-listing' %}
{% endfor %}
How could I filter for the desired results? I've tried {% if product.tags contains 'Primer' %} in quite a few places, but to no avail.
Thanks for your help.
Have you considered using two collections to accomplish what you're after?
If you made a dynamic ("Smart") collection for all your primers (Let's assume the handle for the collection is 'primer'), you can access that collection at any time through Liquid:
{% assign primer_collection = collections['primer'] %}
{% for product in primer_collection.products %}
<h2>HAVE SOME {{ product.title }}!</h2>
{% endfor %}
Then, if you wanted to exclude all of your primer products from the main collection, create a collection named 'all' (or at least with the handle 'all' - the actual title doesn't strictly matter - see footnote). By default, the 'All' collection is, true to its name, every product in your store. However, if you create your own 'all' collection, you can define it to mean "Everything except certain items" - in your case, 'everything but the primer'
Having Shopify pre-filter everything for you through the collections themselves greatly reduces the headaches of trying to apply filters after-the-fact and dealing with misleading item counts, uneven pagination, etc.
Handles: At the bottom of each collection and product in your Shopify admin is the SEO settings. Editing these allows you to change what the handle for the collection/product is, and this is what Shopify uses to look up your collection/product internally

Multiple linklists on shopify categories (sidebar)

Yet another shopify question. I have a sidebar on shop/collections page
Which shows links to my main collecions: men/woman/kinds ect.
Yet I have another collection list based on product tags:
Winter/Autumn/Casual/Business etc
How do I get to display them on the sidebar? Meaning how can I put several linklists as categories link lists?
Thanks in advance
In a collection page, you have access to all the tags (unique) that the products have. You can use these tags to see if the belong to any collection and then display them. The code is as follows:
{% for tag in collection.all_tags %}
{% assign c_collection = collections[tag] %} // c_collection is used so the current display page's collection doesn't get disturbed
{% if c_collection.title != '' %}
{{ tag | link_to: c_collection.url,c_collection.title }} // not sure about this, but you can use proper html as well here
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}