awk :: how to find matching words in two files - awk

Some good folk here on StackOverflow helped me find common lines in two files using awk:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[tolower($0)]; next} tolower($0) in a' 1.txt 2.txt
But how to find common words in two files where words are in line?
For example, let's say that I have 1.txt with these words:
And then 2.txt with these words:
dog cat Butter tower
How to return butter or Butter?
I just want to find the common words.

This grep should do the job:
grep -oiwFf 1.txt 2.txt
Or else this simple gnu awk would also work:
awk -v RS='[[:space:]]+' 'NR==FNR {w[tolower($1)]; next} tolower($1) in w' 1.txt 2.txt

$ cat file1
$ cat file2
dog cat Butter tower
I would write it this way:
awk 'FNR==NR{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) words[tolower($i)]; next}
{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if (tolower($i) in words) print $i}
' file1 file2
Note there is a field by field loop in the case of FNR==NR that handles files that may have more than one word per line. If you know that that is not the case, you can simplify to:
awk 'FNR==NR{words[tolower($1)]; next}
{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if (tolower($i) in words) print $i}
' file1 file2
If this is not working on Windows it may be an issue with \r\n line endings. If awk is using a RS=[\n] value then the the \r is left on all words at the end of a line; butter\r does not match butter.
awk -v RS='[ \r\n\t]' 'FNR==NR{words[tolower($0)]; next}
tolower($0) in words' file1 file2
Comments on your WSL comments in the link:
Your workarounds for Unix files on DOS are many.
Create file1 with DOS line endings this way:
$ printf 'apple\r\norange\r\nbutter\r\nflower\r\n' >file1
Now you can test / see the file has those line endings with cat -v:
$ cat -v file1
You can also remove those line endings with sed, perl, awk, etc. Here is a awk removing the \r from the files:
$ cat -v <(awk 1 RS='\r\n' ORS='\n' file1)
A sed and perl:
$ cat -v <(sed 's/\r$//' file1)
$ cat -v <(perl -0777 -lpe 's/\r\n/\n/g' file1)
etc. Then use that same construct with awk-on-windows:
awk 'your_awk_program' <(awk 1 RS='\r\n' ORS='\n' file1) <(awk 1 RS='\r\n' ORS='\n' file2)
The downside: While each input is treated as a different logical file, so the FNR==NR awk test still works, the awk special variable FILENAME is lost in the process. If you want to keep FILENAME associated with the actual file, you need to preprocess the files prior to feeding to awk or deal with the \r inside your awk script.

You need to loop over every field per line (of 2.txt) and check:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[tolower($0)];next}{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if(tolower($i) in a){print $i}}}' \
1.txt 2.txt
An alternative way to do this in awk would be to add whitespace to the input record separator when processing the 2nd file:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[tolower($0)];next} tolower($0) in a' 1.txt RS="[\n ]" 2.txt


Regexp in gawk matches multiples ways

I have some text I need to split up to extract the relevant argument, and my [g]awk match command does not behave - I just want to understand why?! (I have written a less elegant way around it now...).
So the string is blahblah|msgcontent1=HeaderUUIiewConsenFlagPSMessage|msgtype2=Blah002|msgcontent2=header
I want to output just the contents of msgcontent1=, so did
echo "blahblah|msgcontent1=HeaderUUIiewConsenFlagPSMessage|msgtype2=Blah002|msgcontent2=header" | gawk '{ if (match($0,/msgcontent1=(.*)[|]/,a)) { print a[1]; } }'
Trouble instead of getting
I get the match with everything from there to the last pipe of the string HeaderUUIiewConsenFlagPSMessage|msgtype2=Blah002
Now I accept this is because the regexp in /msgcontent1=(.*)[|]/ can match multiple ways, but HOW do I make it match the way I want it to??
With your shown samples please try following. Written and tested in GNU awk this will print only contents from msgcontent1= till | first occurrence.
awk 'match($0,/msgcontent1=[^|]*/){print substr($0,RSTART+12,RLENGTH-12)}' Input_file
OR with echo + awk try:
echo "blahblah|msgcontent1=HeaderUUIiewConsenFlagPSMessage|msgtype2=Blah002|msgcontent2=header" |
awk 'match($0,/msgcontent1=[^|]*/){print substr($0,RSTART+12,RLENGTH-12)}'
With FPAT option in GNU awk:
awk -v FPAT='msgcontent1=[^|]*' '{sub(/.*=/,"",$1);print $1}' Input_file
This is your input:
You may use gnu awk like this to extract value after msgcontent1=:
awk -F= -v RS='|' '$1 == "msgcontent1" {print $2}' <<< "$s"
or using this sed:
sed -E 's/^(.*\|)?msgcontent1=([^|]+).*/\2/' <<< "$s"
Or using this gnu grep:
grep -oP '(^|\|)msgcontent1=\K[^|]+' <<< "$s"
echo "blahblah|msgcontent1=HeaderUUIiewConsenFlagPSMessage|msgtype2=Blah002|msgcontent2=header" | awk '{ if (match($0,/msgcontent1=([^\|]*)/,a)) print a[1] }'
this prints HeaderUUIiewConsenFlagPSMessage
The reason your regex match msgcontent1=HeaderUUIiewConsenFlagPSMessage|msgtype2=Blah002 is that matching is 'hungry' so it allways finds the longest possible match
Also with awk:
echo 'blahblah|msgcontent1=HeaderUUIiewConsenFlagPSMessage|msgtype2=Blah002|msgcontent2=header' | awk -v FS='[=|]' '$2 == "msgcontent1" {print $3}'

How to improve the speed of this awk script

I have a large file, say file1.log, that looks like this:
and a smaller file, say file2.log, that looks like this:
In fact, file1.log contains about 6500000 lines and file2.log contains about 140000.
I want to find all lines in file2.log that do not appear in file1.log. I wrote this awk command:
awk 'NR==FNR{c[$2]++} NR!=FNR && c[$1]==0 {print $0}' file1.log file2.log > result.log'
after half an hour or so I find the command is still running, and less result.log shows that result.log is empty.
I am wondering whether there is something I can do to do the job quicker?
Hash the smaller file file2 into memory. Remember Tao of Programming, 1.3: How could it be otherwise?:
$ awk '
NR==FNR { # hash file2 since its smaller
($2 in a) { # if file1 entry found in hash
delete a[$2] # remove it
END { # in the end
for(i in a) # print the ones that remain in the hash
print i
}' file2 file1 # mind the order
If you sort the files, you can use comm to print only those lines present in the second file with:
comm -13 <(awk '{ print $2 }' file1.log | sort) <(sort file2.log)
I believe the easiest is just a simple grep-pipeline
grep -Fwof file2 file1 | grep -Fwovf - file2
you can also just extract the second column of file1 and use the last part of the above command again:
awk '{print $2}' file1 | grep -Fwovf - file2
Or everything in a single awk:
awk '(NR==FNR){a[$2]; next}!($1 in a)' file1 file2

sed delete lines matching pattern between 2 files

Hey i'm still a beginner on sed and i'm trying to sed script to only output the lines not found of 1.txt to 2.txt if the line has the /pattern/ . I have the following :
The desired output would be
I've tryed those commands looks not working
$ grep -f 2.txt 1.txt
$ cat 2.txt | xargs -I {} sed -n "/{}/p" 1.txt
You can do this using following awk command.
awk -F '[#:]' 'NR == FNR { blacklist[$2]; next } !($2 in blacklist)' 2.txt 1.txt
-F '[#:]' tells awk that fields in input lines are separated by a # or :. ( -> $1 = demo, $2 =, $3 = foo)
NR == FNR <action> means do the following action only while processing the first file given as an argument to awk.
blacklist[$2] registers a key in array blacklist with the domain name in the current line.
next means skip to next line.
!($2 in blacklist) means print the current line if the domain name in it does not exist in array blacklist.
You can use -v option of grep, no need to use sed:
grep -vFf 2.txt 1.txt

initialising field seperators on condition in awk

I know that initialising FS in BEGIN is the correct practice but what if i need different field seperators for different lines(lines containing a particular pattern)? eg: my awk script is
{if($0 ~ /.*youtube.*/){FS="=";print $2}}
This code is not processing the first line.How to fix this?
You can use split. Eks get the middle date from third field green
echo "on,cat ,blue|green|red,more" | awk -F, '{split($3,a,"|");print a[2]}'
And you BEGIN block is not only where you can set the Field Separator:
echo "on,two,three" | awk -F, '{print $2}'
echo "on,two,three" | awk '{print $2}' FS=,
echo "on,two,three" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {print $2}'
echo "on,two,three" | awk -v FS=, '{print $2}'
All these will print two
But they may have some different impact in when they can be used.
awk -F, 'BEGIN{print FS}'
and this does not work and gives no output.
awk 'BEGIN{print FS}' FS=,
Back to your problem:
awk '{if($0 ~ /.*youtube.*/){FS="=";print $2}}' file
should be:
awk '{if($0 ~ /.*youtube.*/){split($0,a,"=");print a[2]}}' file
You do not need to test for any characters before and after regex, so:
awk '{if($0 ~ /youtube/){split($0,a,"=");print a[2]}}' file
And this could even more be simplified:
awk '/youtube/ {split($0,a,"=");print a[2]}' file
If data is like this:
cat file
youtube=thisisyoutube1 //starts here
Then do like this:
awk -F= '/youtube/ {split($2,a," ");print a[1]}' file

use awk to print a column, adding a comma

I have a file, from which I want to retrieve the first column, and add a comma between each value.
AAAA 12345 xccvbn
BBBB 43431 fkodks
CCCC 51234 plafad
to obtain
I decided to use awk, so I did
awk '{ $1=$1","; print $1 }'
Problem is: this add a comma also on the last value, which is not what I want to achieve, and also I get a space between values.
How do I remove the comma on the last element, and how do I remove the space? Spent 20 minutes looking at the manual without luck.
$ awk '{printf "%s%s",sep,$1; sep=","} END{print ""}' file
or if you prefer:
$ awk '{printf "%s%s",(NR>1?",":""),$1} END{print ""}' file
or if you like golf and don't mind it being inefficient for large files:
$ awk '{r=r s $1;s=","} END{print r}' file
awk {'print $1","$2","$3'} file_name
This is the shortest I know
Why make it complicated :) (as long as file is not too large)
awk '{a=NR==1?$1:a","$1} END {print a}' file
For better porability.
awk '{a=(NR>1?a",":"")$1} END {print a}' file
You can do this:
awk 'a++{printf ","}{printf "%s", $1}' file
a++ is interpreted as a condition. In the first row its value is 0, so the comma is not added.
If you want a newline, you have to add END{printf "\n"}. If you have problems reading in the file, you can also try:
cat file | awk 'a++{printf ","}{printf "%s", $1}'
awk 'NR==1{printf "%s",$1;next;}{printf "%s%s",",",$1;}' input.txt
It says: If it is first line only print first field, for the other lines first print , then print first field.
In this case, as simple cut and paste solution
cut -d" " -f1 file | paste -s -d,
In case somebody as me wants to use awk for cleaning docker images:
docker image ls | grep tag_name | awk '{print $1":"$2}'
Surpised that no one is using OFS (output field separator). Here is probably the simplest solution that sticks with awk and works on Linux and Mac: use "-v OFS=," to output in comma as delimiter:
$ echo '1:2:3:4' | awk -F: -v OFS=, '{print $1, $2, $4, $3}' generates:
It works for multiple char too:
$ echo '1:2:3:4' | awk -F: -v OFS=., '{print $1, $2, $4, $3}' outputs:
Using Perl
$ cat group_col.txt
AAAA 12345 xccvbn
BBBB 43431 fkodks
CCCC 51234 plafad
$ perl -lane ' push(#x,$F[0]); END { print join(",",#x) } ' group_col.txt
This can be very simple like this:
awk -F',' '{print $1","$1","$2","$3}' inputFile
where input file is : 1,2,3
2,3,4 etc.
I used the following, because it lists the api-resource names with it, which is useful, if you want to access it directly. I also use a label "application" to find specific apps in a namespace:
kubectl -n ops-tools get $(kubectl api-resources --no-headers=true --sort-by=name | awk '{printf "%s%s",sep,$1; sep=","}') -l