Azure Data Factory - Data Flow Join Conditions Substitution - sql

Is it possible to implement the following SQL script via Join in Data Flow?
[landing].[ACODETEMP].[objectid] AS ActObjID,
MIN(CASE [landing].[ACODETEMP].[name] WHEN 'Activity Priority' THEN [landing].[ACTIVITYCODE].
[codevalue] END) AS [Activity Priority],
MIN(CASE [landing].[ACODETEMP].[name] WHEN 'Area' THEN [landing].[ACTIVITYCODE].[codevalue] END) AS Area,
LEFT OUTER JOIN [landing].[ACTIVITYCODE] ON [landing].[ACODETEMP].[name] = [landing].[ACTIVITYCODE].[codetypename]
AND [landing].[ACODETEMP].[activitycodeobjectid] = [landing].[ACTIVITYCODE].[objected]
AND [landing].[ACODETEMP].[name] IN ('Activity Priority', 'Area', '...')
GROUP BY [landing].[ACODETEMP].[objected]
I don't know how to implement the substitution like: IN ('Activity Priority', 'Area', '...')

I haven't looked but if they didn't make an "in" available then do an series of "==" and "or"'s within brace brackets
example (name == 'Activity Priority' || name == 'Area' || ... )
It is a lot of typing but will work.

You can save the 'Activity Priority', 'Area', '...' to another file such csv file. Then set it as a data source and join it.
For example:
I saved John,Jane,Eloise into a txt or csv, as follows:
Set it as a data source named FilterSource in data flow, as follows:
This is the left outer join:
After the left outer join, you can set a right outer join to FilterSource:
Then it will filter the names, it has the same effect as in (John,Jane,Eloise).

You can always click "Custom (cross) join" and type in your expression there


The elements in the "SELECT LIST" list must be separated using commas

I want to do the following select, but it returned an error that I don't know what to do.
The elements in the "SELECT LIST" list must be separated using commas.
My version is NW 7.4. Could anyone help me ?
TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_meal,
carrid TYPE smeal-carrid,
mealnumber TYPE smeal-mealnumber,
text TYPE smealt-text,
END OF ty_meal,
DATA meals TYPE ty_meal_s.
SELECT smeal~carrid smeal~mealnumber smealt~text
FROM smeal
LEFT JOIN smealt
ON smealt~carrid = smeal~carrid
AND smealt~mealnumber = smeal~mealnumber
WHERE smealt~sprache EQ 'E'.
You need to separate the columns you SELECT with commas, like this
SELECT smeal~carrid, smeal~mealnumber, smealt~text
FROM smeal
LEFT JOIN smealt
ON smealt~carrid = smeal~carrid
AND smealt~mealnumber = smeal~mealnumber
WHERE smealt~sprache EQ 'E'.
Before release 7.40 SP05, you cannot use the WHERE clause to filter on a column of a "right" table in a LEFT OUTER JOIN (ABAP 7.31 doc: "In outer joins, all comparisons that contain columns from the database table or view dbtab_right on the right side [...] These columns are not allowed as operands in the WHERE condition of the same SELECT statement.")
This restriction was logical because if one line is only in the left table, all the columns of the right table are considered "null", so, if there's a selection on a column of the right table, the line will not be selected (except if IS NULL is used).
The right way is to define the condition in the ON:
SELECT smeal~carrid smeal~mealnumber smealt~text
FROM smeal
LEFT JOIN smealt
ON smealt~carrid = smeal~carrid
AND smealt~mealnumber = smeal~mealnumber
AND smealt~sprache EQ 'E'. " <==== move it from WHERE to ON
I've solved my problem. It's the mandt, I was trying to do the select with the mandt
`ON ( aufk~mandt EQ afih~mandt AND aufk~aufnr EQ afih~aufnr )`
but itns't necessary. I've changed to
`ON (aufk~aufnr EQ afih~aufnr )`

Issue With SQL Pivot Function

I have a SQL query where I am trying to replace null results with zero. My code is producing an error
[1]: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
I am using an Oracle Database.
Select service_sub_type_descr,
nvl('Single-occupancy',0) as 'Single-occupancy',
nvl('Multi-occupancy',0) as 'Multi-occupancy'
(select s.service_sub_type_descr as service_sub_type_descr, ch.claim_id,nvl(ci.item_paid_amt,0) as item_paid_amt
from table_1 ch, table_" ci, table_3 s, table_4 ppd
where ch.claim_id = ci.claim_id and ci.service_type_id = s.service_type_id
and ci.service_sub_type_id = s.service_sub_type_id and ch.policy_no = ppd.policy_no)
Pivot (
count(distinct claim_id), sum(item_paid_amt) as paid_amount For service_sub_type_descr IN ('Single-occupancy', 'Multi-occupancy')
This expression:
nvl('Single-occupancy',0) as 'Single-occupancy',
is using an Oracle bespoke function to say: If the value of the string Single-occupancy' is not null then return the number 0.
That logic doesn't really make sense. The string value is never null. And, the return value is sometimes a string and sometimes a number. This should generate a type-conversion error, because the first value cannot be converted to a number.
I think you intend:
coalesce("Single-occupancy", 0) as "Single-occupancy",
The double quotes are used to quote identifiers, so this refers to the column called Single-occupancy.
All that said, fix your data model. Don't have identifiers that need to be quoted. You might not have control in the source data but you definitely have control within your query:
coalesce("Single-occupancy", 0) as Single_occupancy,
Just write the query using conditional aggregation and proper JOINs:
select s.service_sub_type_descr, ch.claim_id,
sum(case when service_sub_type_descr = 'Single-occupancy' then item_paid_amt else 0 end) as single_occupancy,
sum(case when service_sub_type_descr = 'Multi-occupancy' then item_paid_amt else 0 end) as multi_occupancy
from table_1 ch join
table_" ci
on ch.claim_id = ci.claim_id join
table_3 s
on ci.service_type_id = s.service_type_id join
table_4 ppd
on ch.policy_no = ppd.policy_no
group by s.service_sub_type_descr, ch.claim_id;
Much simpler in my opinion.
for column aliases, you have to use double quotes !
don't use
as 'Single-occupancy'
but :
as "Single-occupancy",

How to make different behavior when 'select all' is selected on a multivalue parameter

I have a reporting services report and a stoproc. The report has a multivalue parameter that is being used like this:
<QueryParameter Name="#Aannemer">
<!-- Joins the multivalue selection into a single comma separated string. -->
The stoproc splits the multivalue parameter using string_split. The stoproc is very long so here is a smaller version of it:
#Aannemer AS NVARCHAR(max) = NULL
FROM [dbo].[Proefvak] PV
LEFT OUTER JOIN Meetvak MV ON MV.ProefvakID = PV.ProefvakID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Uitvoerder UI ON UI.UitvoerderID = MV.UitvoerderID
WHERE (UI.Uitvoerder IN(select value from string_split(#Aannemer,',')) OR #Aannemer IS NULL )
This all works like a charm so far.
If a user selects 'select all' for the Aannemer parameter, he wants to see all Proefvak's and not filter on Aannemers at all.
But if a Proefvak exists that has no Meetvak connected to it, the Proefvak will never be listed (because the Meetvak holds the Uitvoerder and the Proefvak has no Meetvak). The user still wants to see the Proefvak that has no Meetvak.
Is there a way to check in the stoproc whether the user has selected 'select all', so I can return all Proefvak's?
I hope you understand what I am trying to accomplish. I am a noob when it comes to SQL, so please be clear with the complex parts. Thanks in advance!
Trying to use #EddiGordo's solution, that looks promising. The next problem is that the #Aannemer parameter does not include the value 'Select All', because this is not a real value. So I tried to edit the code on the SSRS side like this:
<QueryParameter Name="#Aannemer">
<!-- Joins the multivalue selection into a single comma separated string. This paramater should be split up in the stored procedure. -->
=IIF(Parameters!Aannemers.Count = COUNT(1, "Aannemers")
, "Select All",
But I cannot deploy the SSRS code like this, I get this error:
"The expression used for the parameter '#Aannemer' in the dataset '#Aannemer' includes an aggregate or lookup function. Aggregate and lookup functions cannot be used in query parameter expressions."
Try this:
IF #Aannemer IS NULL
FROM [dbo].[Proefvak] PV
LEFT OUTER JOIN Meetvak MV ON MV.ProefvakID = PV.ProefvakID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Uitvoerder UI ON UI.UitvoerderID = MV.UitvoerderID
FROM [dbo].[Proefvak] PV
LEFT OUTER JOIN Meetvak MV ON MV.ProefvakID = PV.ProefvakID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Uitvoerder UI ON UI.UitvoerderID = MV.UitvoerderID
WHERE UI.Uitvoerder IN(select value from string_split(#Aannemer,','))
try changing :
OR #Aannemer IS NULL
OR nullIf(#Aannemer, 'Select All') Is Null
in the where clause of your IN(Select... condition

Conditional Sql in Daisy chained Query

I have one master table with all the IDs to each child table. The SQL statement looks like this...
SELECT Class.Descript
, Regulation.Descript AS Reg
, Compgroup.Descript AS Grouping
, Category.Descript AS Cat
, Exempt.Descript AS Exempt
, Reason.Descript AS Reasons
, COALESCE(ComponentRuleSet.NormalType, ComponentRuleSet.Supertype, '') AS Type
FROM ComponentRuleSet
ON ComponentRuleSet.ComponentCategoryID = Reason.ComponentCategoryID
ON ComponentRuleSet.ComponentClassID = Class.ComponentClassID
ON ComponentRuleSet.RegulationID = Regulation.RegulationID
ON ComponentRuleSet.ComplianceGroupID = Compgroup.ComplianceGroupID
ON ComponentRuleSet.ComponentCategoryID = Category.ComponentCategoryId
ON ComponentRuleSet.ExemptID = Exempt.ComponentExemptionID
WHERE (ComponentRuleSet.ComponentID = 38048)
The problem is that there are two fields in the ComponentRuleSet table called NormalType and Supertype. If either of those fields have a value, I need to display it in a column called Type. Yet, if neither have a value I need to display a Blank value in the Type column.
Any ideas?
Is my placement of COALESCE correct in the edited query? It is still returning errors.
IMPORTANT: The type of both fields are boolean, I need to return the column name of the column that holds a TRUE value, and place that value in the TYPE column.
Use COALESCE for this field:
COALESCE(ComponentRuleSet.NormalType, ComponentRuleSet.Supertype, '') AS Type
Returns the first nonnull expression among its arguments.
Following your comments as to the actual requirement, CASE is probably a better option:
CASE WHEN ComponentRuleSet.NormalType = 1 THEN 'NormalType'
WHEN ComponentRuleSet.Supertype = 1 THEN 'SuperType'
Seeing your comments, perhaps a CASE expression will work:
select ...
, CASE WHEN ComponentRuleSet.NormalType is not null then 'NormalType'
WHEN ComponentRuleSet.Supertype is not null then 'SuperType'
end as Type
UPDATE Since boolean values are just 1 for true and 0 for false, try this:
select ...
, CASE WHEN ComponentRuleSet.NormalType = 1 then 'NormalType'
WHEN ComponentRuleSet.Supertype = 1 then 'SuperType'
end as Type

naming columns in excel with Complex sql

I’m trying to run this SQL using get external.
It works, but when I try to rename the sub-queries or anything for that matter it remove it.
I tried as, as and the name in '', as then the name in "",
and the same with space. What is the right way to do that?
Relevant SQL:
SELECT list_name, app_name,
(SELECT fname + ' ' + lname
FROM dbo.d_agent_define map
WHERE map.agent_id = tac.agent_id) as agent_login,
input, CONVERT(varchar,DATEADD(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970'))
FROM dbo.maps_report_list list
JOIN dbo.report_tac_agent tac ON (tac.list_id = list.list_id)
WHERE input = 'SYS_ERR'
AND app_name = 'CHARLOTT'
AND convert(VARCHAR,DATEADD(ss,day_tstamp,'01/01/1970'),101) = '09/10/2008'
AND list_name LIKE 'NRBAD%'
ORDER BY agent_login,CONVERT(VARCHAR,DATEADD(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970'))
You could get rid of your dbo.d_agent_define subquery and just add in a join to the agent define table.
Would this code work?
select list_name, app_name,
map.fname + ' ' + map.lname as agent_login,
convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970')) as tac_seconds
from dbo.maps_report_list list
join dbo.report_tac_agent tac
on (tac.list_id = list.list_id)
join dbo.d_agent_define map
on (map.agent_id = tac.agent_id)
where input = 'SYS_ERR'
and app_name = 'CHARLOTT'
and convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,day_tstamp,'01/01/1970'),101) = '09/10/2008'
and list_name LIKE 'NRBAD%'
order by agent_login,convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970'))
Note that I named your dateadd column because it did not have a name. I also tried to keep your convention of how you do a join. There are a few things that I would do different with this query to make it more readable, but I only focused on getting rid of the subquery problem.
I did not do this, but I would recommend that you qualify all of your columns with the table from which you are getting them.
To remove the sub query in the SELECT statement I suggest the following:
SELECT list_name, app_name, map.fname + ' ' + map.lname as agent_login, input, convert(varchar,dateadd(ss, TAC_BEG_tstamp, '01/01/1970))
FROM dbo.maps_report_list inner join
(dbo.report_tac_agent as tac inner join dbo.d_agent_define as map ON (tac.agent_id=map.agent_id)) ON list.list_id = tac.list_id
WHERE input = 'SYS_ERR' and app_name = 'CHARLOTT' and convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,day_tstamp,'01/01/1970'),101) = '09/10/2008'
and list_name LIKE 'NRBAD%' order by agent_login,convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970'))
I used parentheses to create the inner join between dbo.report_tac_agent and dbo.d_agent_define first. This is now a set of join data.
The combination of those tables are then joined to your list table, which I am assuming is the driving table here. If I am understand what you are trying to do with your sub select, this should work for you.
As stated by the other poster you should use table names on your columns (e.g. map.fname), it just makes things easy to understand. I didn't in my example because I am note 100% sure which columns go with which tables. Please let me know if this doesn't do it for you and how the data it returns is wrong. That will make it easier to solve in needed.