Handling connection errors in Spring reactive webclient - spring-webflux

I have a spring webclient making http calls to an external service and backed by reactive circuit breaker factory (resilience4J impl). WebClient and circuit breaker behave as expected when the client establishes connection and fails on response (Any internal server or 4XX errors). However, if the client fails to establish connection, either Connection Refused or UnknownHost, it starts to break down.
I cannot seem to catch the error message within the webclient and trigger circuit breaker.
Circuit breaker never opens and throws TimeoutException.
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Did not observe any item or terminal signal within 1000ms in 'circuitBreaker' (and no fallback has been configured) .
Error from Web client.
io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ .
Here's my code. I have pasted the error origins as well. I have tried to map ConnectException to my custom exception for circuit breaker to pick up but, it did not work. Can someone help me on handling errors without the response from remote server?
public Mono<String> toSink(
Envelope envelope, ConsumerConfiguration webClientConfiguration) {
return getWebClient()
uriBuilder -> {
if (webClientConfiguration.getPort() != null) {
return uriBuilder.path(webClientConfiguration.getServiceURL()).build();
httpHeaders ->
webClientConfiguration.getHttpHeaders().forEach((k, v) -> httpHeaders.add(k, v)))
// Convert 5XX internal server error and throw CB exception
throwable -> {
log.error("Inside the error resume callback of webclient {}", throwable.toString());
if (throwable instanceof WebClientResponseException) {
WebClientResponseException r = (WebClientResponseException) throwable;
if (r.getStatusCode().is5xxServerError()) {
return Mono.error(new CircuitBreakerOpenException());
return Mono.error(new CircuitBreakerOpenException());
map -> {
log.info("Response map:{}", Any.wrap(map).toString());
return Status.SUCCESS.name();
it -> {
ReactiveCircuitBreaker rcb =
return rcb.run(
throwable -> {
/// "Did not observe any item or terminal signal within 1000ms.. " <--- Error here
log.info("throwable in CB {}", throwable.toString());
if (throwable instanceof CygnusBusinessException) {
return Mono.error(throwable);
return Mono.error(
new CircuitBreakerOpenException(
throwable, new CygnusContext(), null, null, null));
///io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: localhost/ <-- Error prints here
.onErrorContinue((throwable, o) -> log.error(throwable.toString()))
.doOnError(throwable -> log.error("error from webclient:{}", throwable.toString()));

I fixed it by adding an onErrorContinue block and re-throwing the exception as a custom that gets handled in my circuit breaker code.
(throwable, o) -> {
log.info("throwable => {}", throwable.toString());
if (throwable instanceof ReadTimeoutException || throwable instanceof ConnectException) {
throw new CircuitBreakerOpenException();

I would make the following suggestions on your solution:
1- There is an alternate variation of onErrorContinue which accepts a predicate so you can define which exceptions this operator will be applied to - Docs
2- Return a Mono.error instead of throwing RuntimeExceptions from Mono/Flux operators. This other stackoverflow answer covers this quite well - Stackoverflow
3- Perform logging with side effect operators (doOn*)
.doOnError(throwable -> log.info("throwable => {}", throwable.toString()))
.onErrorResume(throwable -> throwable instanceof ReadTimeoutException || throwable instanceof ConnectException,
t -> Mono.error(new CircuitBreakerOpenException()))
Hope this is helpful.


How to get original service's exception on Apache Ignite client?

Ley's say we have a service:
interface ExceptionService : Service {
fun doSmth(flag: Boolean)
class ExceptionServiceImpl : ExceptionService {
override fun doSmth(flag: Boolean) {
if (flag) {
throw IOException("my IO exception")
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("my IllegalArgument exception")
We deploy it onto Ignite cluster:
And now we call it from client:
val client = Ignition.startClient(ClientConfiguration().setAddresses(""))
val service = client.services().serviceProxy("service", ExceptionService::class.java)
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
Console output will be:
Ignite failed to process request [1] my IO exception (server status code [1])
Ignite failed to process request [2] my IllegalArgument exception (server status code [1])
The problem is that the type of the caught exception is always org.apache.ignite.client.ClientException. The only thing that left from the original exceptions thrown on server is message, and even it is wrapped in other words. The cause is of type org.apache.ignite.internal.client.thin.ClientServerError. Types are lost.
I want to handle on client side different types of exceptions thrown by service. Is there a way to do it? Maybe some Ignite configuration that I missed?
Try enabling ThinClientConfiguration#sendServerExceptionStackTraceToClient

Spring webflux webfilter removes the body from the request

I have a filter created where I access the body of the payload and do some logic on it (for now let's say I log the body). In the last step, I return Mono but when the request proceeds through the controller to services it throws a bad request error that the body is missing.
Code for the filter:
public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange serverWebExchange, WebFilterChain webFilterChain) {
HttpHeaders headers = serverWebExchange.getRequest().getHeaders();
String domain = headers.getFirst("domain");
return serverWebExchange.getRequest().getBody()
.flatMap(body -> Mono.just(parseBody(body)))
.flatMap(s -> webFilterChain.filter(serverWebExchange));
private String parseBody(DataBuffer fbody) {
System.out.println("parsing body");
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
try {
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
return baos.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
The error: org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebInputException: 400 BAD_REQUEST "Request body is missing"
What can cause this behavior?
The reason is that you can only read the body once (https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-gateway/issues/1587)
You are reading it here: serverWebExchange.getRequest().getBody() and therefore it is omitted in the request.
A solution is to cache the body, you can use for instance the ReadBodyRoutePredicateFactory (https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-gateway/issues/1307).
Make sure the RemoveCachedBodyFilter is enabled so the body is released so you do not have memory leaks.

retryWhen used with flatMap throws exception

I wanted to retry in case of any exception from the service. But when using retryWhen am getting exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: UnicastProcessor allows only a single Subscriber.
Without retry, its working fine
windowedFlux ->
.body(BodyInserters.fromPublisher(windowedFlux, Request.class))
.doOnNext(ordRlsResponse -> {
if( ordRlsResponse.statusCode().is2xxSuccessful()) {
Mono<ResponseEntity<Response>> response = ordRlsResponse.toEntity(Response.class);
//doing some processing here
else {
throw new CustomeException(errmsg);
And my retryStrategy is defined like:
Retry retryStrategy = Retry.fixedDelay((long)5, Duration.ofSeconds((long)5))
.filter(exception -> exception instanceof CustomeException)
.doAfterRetry( exception -> log.info("Retry attempted"))

How can a client know if it is already subscribed to a MQTT topic?

I'm subscribing to a MQTT Topic(in my case it is app unique user id).I'm using AWS IOT core services for subscription.Whenever home screen opens up and I got connected callback from awsConnectClient,I make the call for subscription. Now what is happening if app gets open up three times It subscribed to the same topic 3 time.Now whenever any message publish to that topic.It received by app 3 times.
Now what I want to do that I want to know that if this userId is already subscribed from this device I would not make a call for subscription again from same device.
One approach could be If I save in my app that I had already subscribed to this topic and do not make the call for subscription again. but I doubt if this approach could be correct for all scenarios.Could it be possible that we could drive this logic from the server end only, if any aws iot api could give me that this is already subscribed.
fun connectClick() {
Log.d(TAG, "clientId = $clientId")
try {
mqttManager.connect(clientKeyStore) { status, throwable ->
Log.d(TAG, "Status = " + status.toString())
var formattedStatus = String.format(getString(R.string.status_msg),status.toString())
if (status == AWSIotMqttClientStatusCallback.AWSIotMqttClientStatus.Connected) {
Log.i(TAG, " subscribed to - " + VoiceXPreference(this).rosterName)
runOnUiThread {
tv_iot_status.text = formattedStatus
if (throwable != null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Connection error.", throwable)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e(TAG, "Connection error.", e)
Above is my subscription code.Although I'm always unsubscribing before subscribing but this is not working for me.
Following is my initClient call which makes the connection request. I have added the if check if mqttManager is already initialised first disconnect and then make connect request. Although I have put initRequest inside onCreate() call back of app screen which calls only once when the app opens up. I have checked the logs it is being called only once.
AWSMobileClient.getInstance().initialize(this, object : Callback<UserStateDetails> {
override fun onResult(result: UserStateDetails) {
Log.i(TAG,"connect request called");
if(mqttManager != null){
override fun onError(e: Exception) {
Log.e(TAG, "onError: ", e)
Following is my subscribe code snippet which is subscribing to unique userId
fun subscribeClick(topic: String) {
Log.d(TAG, "topic = $topic")
try {
mqttManager?.subscribeToTopic(topic, AWSIotMqttQos.QOS0,
{ topic, data ->
runOnUiThread {
try {
val message = String(data, Charsets.UTF_8)
Log.d(TAG, "Message arrived:")
Log.d(TAG, " Topic: $topic")
Log.d(TAG, " Message: $message")
val gson = Gson()
val notificationModel = gson.fromJson(message, NotificationModel::class.java)
var orderServiceMapperResponseModel = OrderServiceMapperResponseModel()
orderServiceMapperResponseModel.seatId = notificationModel.seatId
orderServiceMapperResponseModel.serviceName = notificationModel.service
orderServiceMapperResponseModel.id = notificationModel.id
orderServiceMapperResponseModel.createdDate = notificationModel.createdDate
if (isPictureInPictureMode) {
if (isShownNotification) {
} else {
} else {
} catch (e: UnsupportedEncodingException) {
Log.e(TAG, "Message encoding error.", e)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e(TAG, "Subscription error.", e)
I'm also always making disconnect() request inside onDestroy() of my app screen
But Still I'm getting 3 subscription messages instead of 1.
You receive 3 duplicated messages not because you subscribe 3 times but because you create 3 individual connections.
The MQTT specification clearly states that
If a Server receives a SUBSCRIBE Packet containing a Topic Filter that is identical to an existing Subscription’s Topic Filter then it MUST completely replace that existing Subscription with a new Subscription.
meaning duplicated subscriptions per connection never happen, unless the server has a broken implementation.
Your code looks like that it never send disconnect requests while a new connection is created whenever the code block is invoked.
You should keep a single MQTT session, or make sure you close the connection when the app is closed.

Spring AMQP retry policy - wait with retrying until external system is reachable

Our application is storing data the user enters in SalesForce. We are using Spring AMQP (RabbitMQ) to be able to store data and run the application even if SalesForce is not reachable (scheduled downtimes or else).
So once SalesForce is not available the queue should wait with retrying messages until it is up again. Is this possible using the CircuitBreakerRetryPolicy or do i have to implement a custom RetryPolicy?
Currently i just have a simply retry policy which should be replaced by a complex one that blocks the retries until the external system is reachable again.
RetryOperationsInterceptor salesForceInterceptor() {
return RetryInterceptorBuilder.stateless()
.recoverer(new RejectAndDontRequeueRecoverer())
Message listener:
public void onMessage(Message message) {
try {
} catch (ResourceAccessException e) {
//TODO probablyy wrong exception
throw new AmqpTimeoutException("Salesforce can not be accessed, retry later");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException("Fatal error with message to salesforce, do not retry", e);