Writing Data to Google Sheets using Quasar (Vue) - vue.js

I have a very small Quasar application that allows people to join a club online. I want to be able to take their data and save it into a Google Sheet. I really have no idea where to start.
Do I need to have the Google API installed in my Quasar Application? Do I need my application to be able to login to my Google Account?
I kinda need a Quasar/Google Sheet for dummies tutorial about how this works, and how to put it together. I've been reading online about the parts but I'm not sure how to put them together. Thanks for any info.


How to post data to Google Sheets from a React Native Android application without a third party service

I'm a react native newbie, and I am currently working on a research project in creating a mobile application for data collection. I have searched far and wide for project samples and tutorials in achieving this, but I am really having a hard time finding one that works without a third-party service :( I just need a way where I can solely use Google Apps Script and the Google Sheets API for my RN project. If anyone here could help me, or better yet have a simple sample project where I can see how to implement the GoogleSheets API in a RN project and how to perform different CRUD methods, I will greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

How to access the google spreadsheet data in my Vue.js project using Axios and Google spreadsheet API?

I am working on a project which requires to show the data from the google spreadsheet. I have used Vue library for JS coding.
I want to use Axios API because I am already using it in my code for some more purposes.
First of all. is it possible to do with Axios?
and if yes then please suggest some blogs or links which help me to do this task?

Need somewhere to post form responses

I am trying to work out where to put the responses to a GravityForm that I have hosted on WordPress. GravityForms displays them as entry/detail which is not a good way to see how many of x people there are etc.
I need an excel-esqe grid that can be edited by multiple users, so I was thinking Google docs, but I would rather keep the data on my server.
My end users are not particularly IT literate so the front end needs to be quite user friendly.
Is there any solution that I can host on my server and post data in to? I was playing with the idea of writing the form responses to a separate WordPress table but I need a very easy way to edit them.
I'd be grateful to hear any feedback or ideas you have
Manual data copy
EtherCalc is good. The problem is how to get the data in and out of the spreadsheet,
if a manual export and import will work, then you can use EtherCalc.
EtherCalc is a google docs style spreadsheet, edited by multiple users.
You can host it on your own server.
Pay a developer to automate
As above, but pay a developer to automate the movement of data. Would take a few days of work.
Google docs form
I saw a google docs forms plugin that does this already. Maybe you saw that already.
EtherCalc forms feature.
I will add a forms feature to EtherCalc over xmas.

Is there to read the data from google spreadsheet link in IOS?

i am currently work on an IOS project which is required to read data from Spreadsheet in google drive. I have done some research and i found Google APIs client library for Objective C. However, i still have problem of retrieving data from spreadsheet. i find only the sample code that can read the file in drive from the drive that user login. But what i actually want in this project is using Google Drive as the Database. In short i want to retrieve data from the url like this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoYC7S60-ywcdHVZYzh4ZlZ1Y3J5R2ZGbnBqY09jdkE&usp=sharing.
So is there a solution for this kind of problem? and if there a good site that provide a good tutorial to this kindda problem?
Google apps script is probably a simpler option. You can set it up as a web app, and read/write to the spreadsheet via the webapp. The google-spreadsheet-api is hard to use as there is little good documentation.
Refer, Google's Sample Code it can help you. You can also use GData Objective C Client to use it.

Can you create Google Forms from Google Docs in an application?

I am thinking about app that will use google form and I need to create forms from that app. Is there a way how can I create form in google docs without using website but through some api or some other way?
I can offer an idea for a solution using Google App Script.
Since the beginning of 2013 you can create new forms using the App Script Forms Service API quite easily.
var form = FormApp.create(title)
.setConfirmationMessage('Thanks for responding!')
The problem now is how to get that App Script running from your non App Script code.
You can use App Script to create a Web App that reacts to HTTP GET requests.
So putting it together, you may be able to create an App Script Web App that reacts to a GET request and when it gets the right URL parameters, it creates the form.
(Nov 2020) Yes, it is possible to programmatically create Google Forms. You can do it with Google Apps Script using its Forms service. You can also extend the code to read in the contents from Google Docs (with Apps Script's Document service) and use it for the creation of Google Forms.
I created a Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) Add-on, which you can think of as a Google Docs extension, called GFormIt. Its original purpose was intended for teachers to write exams/quizzes, possibly with answers, in Google Docs, then automatically convert them to Google Forms to distribute to students who submit their answers into Google Sheets (the destination for Google Forms submissions).
Furthermore, if you (the teacher) provided answers to your test questions, GFormIt would also auto-submit your answers to the Sheet as if you were a student. If you do that, and use a tool like Flubaroo to grade the exam, you could designate your row in the Sheet as “the answer key.” You can learn more about how it works, including viewing a short video, at the GFormIt page linked above.
This Google Docs add-on, along with others for Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, etc., are all certified/validated by Google and available for free to anyone from the Google Workspace Marketplace. (However, your admins may have to grant permissions for you to try to install them to your corporate Workspace account.) If interested in building your own add-on, please see the developer documentation and perhaps some of my introductory videos to get started, the most relevant being the one linked to at the top of this answer.
Apps Script is a serverless Google technology, meaning you write your code (using JavaScript) in the browser, and it is hosted by & executed on Google servers. If you wanted to create your own web app (and hosted anywhere), you would have to wait for a Google Forms REST API which does not exist at the time of this writing. (If we ever launch one, you'll find its documentation at https://developers.google.com/forms along with the others like Sheets https://developers.google.com/sheets, Gmail https://developers.google.com/gmail, Drive https://developers.google.com/drive, etc.)
Earlier this year (Mar 2022) the new Google Forms Api graduated from Beta. It is more powerful that the previous versions and caters for two main use cases:
Automated form creation and editing: Enables automated form creation
and editing. Enables rapid form generation from large volume question
banks or other data backends.
Reaction to Form responses: The API also enables developers to build
automations for acting on incoming responses. Examples include
developing real-time dashboards or visualizations and triggering
business workflows based on response data.
We have used it to build an integration that Creates documents and slides each time a form is completed: www.portant.co/google-forms-to-docs and it works really well.
I think the other key use case looks like it would be a good fit for you and others looking for a solution like this.
Cheers, James
Sorry, the API doesn't support programmatically creating forms.