React Native Expo - Location service - react-native

Im trying to submit an app to google play console but it is showing an error ->
This release includes permissions that haven't been declared in Play Console. Go to Sensitive app permissions to update your permission declarations.
But Im not asking the user for any location permission or have any code to do the same.
The closest thing that Im getting from the user is their timezone using expo-localization
Is there a way to fix is ?


How to allow user to log in with another user account via facebook when using InAppBrowser-reborn in react native app

I'm using react-native-inappbrowser-reborn package to open signIn with facebook page, when I try to Signin, automatically logged in to previous account.I'm not able to choose an account.I think this happens due to previous session that stored inside InAppbrowser. I can`t find a way to clear them from app side. Is there any solution to prevent using previous session cookies??
Need a solution to work in both ios and android.

Google Play Reject: Is there a way to use Firebase Analytics without using background location?

I've uploaded my react-native app to Google Play and it has been rejected due to using background location permission.
The rejection email from Google Play
Google Play won't allow any background location usage without valid proof of using it, which is a thing I cannot even prove.
After drilling it down, I found out that the only entity that's using this permission is Firebase Analytics (I guess it's the Google Play Services plugin).
Does anybody know how to bypass it?
I'm using the most updated react-native & expo versions.
Thank you for your assistance

Google Play Store App Reject - React native

App Reject2I have tried to upload my App on store, My App rejected every time .
** Issues ** : Violation of permission Policy.
Requested permissions do not match core functionality of the app
You declared Default SMS handler (and any other core functionality usage while default handler) as the core functionality of your app. However, after review, we found that your app does not match the declared use case(s). Learn more about permitted uses and exceptions.
Please either:
• Make changes to your app so that it meets the requirements of the declared core functionality or,
• Select a use case that matches your app’s functionality
Go android folder in your project and locate manefest.xml file in it.
Remove all the unnecessary permissions that were generated during project setup.
Google play like it that, you should only ask for permission that your App is using and you must state it in data policy how you are using the data in the App
Make sure you test all the functionalities before you upload.
Google is trying to prevent logic bomb here.
Finally App was published.
If you app continuous reject, Next time going to before submit check the following file locations / list available.
Upload new build and play store automatically remove the previous uploaded file(if already 3 build upload and got rejected & again upload a new 3 build with latest version code )

Error Logging into this app with facebook is not available at this time

today i get into this error using react native with expo managed workflow, i try with facebook sdk, expo-auth-session, webview url, so them i give up because every method give me the same error, i end when i eject from expo to react native bare with react-native-fbsdk-next, after config all the environment with Android studio, i fall at the same error point D:
Please if someone know, if i missing some configurations, i follow all the steps in expo, react-native-fbsdk-next, expo-auth-session and expo-facebook D:
Error Logging into this app with facebook is not available at this time
UPDATE: i created a new React Native project again from scratch, follow react-native-fbsdk-next and Facebook Android start guide for login, still getting the same error. I reach that the error occour when i need to type my account and password in the facebook app, if i was already loggued in and did not ask for new permissions, i can login sucessfully, but if i log out from facebook app or ask for 1 new permission, it force me to log in and the bug occurs again, also i reach this report at facebook page, if someone is getting the same error, please help comment:
error logging facebook is not available at this time

How Expo(React Native) can access gallery and external storage without CAMERA_ROLL permission?

I have a terrible question..
I hope there is anyone who know this problem..
In EXPO App which is a wrapper API for React Native,
How can Expo Image picker example app can access Gallery(external storage) without requesting any external storage access permission to user???
original source code is here..
I tried with removing any askAsync(CAMERA_ROLL.permission) or getAsync(CAMERA_ROLL.permission).
So the example app has no permission about accessing external storage...
BUT!! I press the button, It access the Gallery....
How can it be possible??
I double check permission on the app, but there is no granted permission to external storage...
Please let me know...
I think it is the appropriate thing which firstly asked permission, then access the external storage..
P.S I tested it with android phone only.
i have never checked permissions..
To stop expo app from having this permission, do the following:
Remove all reference to the permission requests (That you already did)
Remove the Image launcher (but it seems you don't want to do that)
Clear the expo application permission of media access
Step 3 is what you are looking for, to clear application settings go to your phones settings -> application management -> select expo app -> permissions and clear the gallery/media permission.
Now when you run the application again you will not be able to access the gallery even if you press the button as you mentioned and if you include the getAsync to request for permission you will be prompt with asking for permission.
To explicitly set permissions for stand alone applications modify your app.json file and add the "permissions" parameter under the android configurations there, by default expo uses all permissions of your device. specify there the permissions you want your application to have.
Please refer to this link for further details on how to configure your app.json file.
Hope this helps!