I like to schedule observations of variable duration (planning entity) into hourly time slots over several nights. I would need to impose that there are no gaps in particular groups, and need collectors for minimum, maximum and sum. Is there a workaround to have a groupBy with one groupKeyMapping and three collectors?
.groupBy(OB::getGroupID, min(OB::getStart), max(OB::getEnd), sum(OB::getDuration))
I tried to workaround this using toList() and computing values myself but strangely it doesn't pass down a List<OB> but single OBs. The code below prints class my.package.OB
.groupBy(OB::getGroupID, toList())
.filter((groupID, entries) -> {
println "=> ${entries.class} "
return true
This was a gap in our API (see PLANNER-2330). It is being addressed for OptaPlanner 8.3.0. We encourage you to upgrade - not only to get this particular feature, but also some nice performance improvements, assuming you're using higher cardinality joins.
This is a followup to question: How to optimize this moving average calculation, in F#
To summarize the original question: I need to make a moving average of a set of data I collect; each data point has a timestamp and I need to process data up to a certain timestamp.
This means that I have a list of variable size to average.
The original question has the implementation as a queue where elements gets added and eventually removed as they get too old.
But, in the end, iterating through a queue to make the average is slow.
Originally the bulk of the CPU time was spent finding the data to average, but then once this problem was removed by only keeping the data needed in the first place, the Seq.average call proved to be very slow.
It looks like the original mechanism (based on Queue<>) is not appropriate and this question is about finding a new one.
I can think of two solutions:
implement this as a circular buffer which is large enough to accommodate the worst case scenario, this would allow to use an array and do only two iterations to make the sum.
quantize the data in buckets and pre-sum it, but I'm not sure if the extra complexity will help performance.
Is there any implementation of a circular buffer that would behave similarly to a Queue<>?
The fastest code, so far, is:
module PriceMovingAverage =
// moving average queue
let private timeQueue = Queue<DateTime>()
let private priceQueue = Queue<float>()
// update moving average
let updateMovingAverage (tradeData: TradeData) priceBasePeriod =
// add the new price
priceQueue.Enqueue(float tradeData.Price)
// remove the items older than the price base period
let removeOlderThan = tradeData.Timestamp - priceBasePeriod
let rec dequeueLoop () =
let p = timeQueue.Peek()
if p < removeOlderThan then
timeQueue.Dequeue() |> ignore
priceQueue.Dequeue() |> ignore
// get the moving average
let getPrice () =
Some (
|> Seq.average <- all CPU time goes here
|> decimal
with _ ->
Based on a queue length of 10-15k I'd say there's definitely scope to consider batching trades into precomputed blocks of maybe around 100 trades.
Add a few types:
type TradeBlock = {
data: TradeData array
startTime: DateTime
endTime: DateTime
sum: float
type AvgTradeData =
| Trade of TradeData
| Block of TradeBlock
I'd then make the moving average use a DList<AvgTradeData>. (https://fsprojects.github.io/FSharpx.Collections/reference/fsharpx-collections-dlist-1.html) The first element in the DList is summed manually if startTime is after the price period and removed from the list once the price period exceeds the endTime. The last elements in the list are kept as Trade tradeData until 100 are appended and then all removed from the tail and turned into a TradeBlock.
How to effectively get the N lowest values from the collection (Top N) in Kotlin?
Is there any other way besides collectionOrSequence.sortedby{it.value}.take(n)?
Assume I have a collection with +100500 elements and I need to found 10 lowest. I'm afraid that the sortedby will create new temporary collection which later will take only 10 items.
You could keep a list of the n smallest elements and just update it on demand, e.g.
fun <T : Comparable<T>> top(n: Int, collection: Iterable<T>): List<T> {
return collection.fold(ArrayList<T>()) { topList, candidate ->
if (topList.size < n || candidate < topList.last()) {
// ideally insert at the right place
// trim to size
if (topList.size > n)
That way you only compare the current element of your list once to the largest element of the top n elements which would usually be faster than sorting the entire list https://pl.kotl.in/SyQPtDTcQ
If you're running on the JVM, you could use Guava's Comparators.least(int, Comparator), which uses a more efficient algorithm than any of these suggestions, taking O(n + k log k) time and O(k) memory to find the lowest k elements in a collection of size n, as opposed to zapl's algorithm (O(nk log k)) or Lior's (O(nk)).
You have more to worry about.
collectionOrSequence.sortedby{it.value} runs java.util.Arrays.sort, that will run timSort (or mergeSort if requested).
timSort is great, but usually ends by n*log(n) operations, which is much more than the O(n) of copying the array.
Each of the O(n*log.n) operations will run a function (the lambda you provided, {it.value}) --> an additional meaningful overhead.
Lastly, java.util.Arrays.sort will convert the collection to Array and back to a List - 2 additional conversions (which you wanted to avoid, but this is secondary)
The efficient way to do it is probably:
map the values for comparison into a list: O(n) conversions (once per element) rather than O(n*log.n) or more.
Iterate over the list (or Array) created to collect the N smallest elements in one pass
Keep a list of N smallest elements found so far and their index on the original list. If it is small (e.g. 10 items) - mutableList is a good fit.
Keep a variable holding the max value for the small element list.
When iterating over the original collection, compare the current element on the original list against the max value of the small values list. If smaller than it - replace it in the "small list" and find the updated max value in it.
Use the indexes from the "small list" to extract the 10 smallest elements of the original list.
That would allow you to go from O(n*log.n) to O(n).
Of course, if time is critical - it is always best to benchmark the specific case.
If you managed, on the first step, to extract primitives for the basis of comparison (e.g. int or long) - that would be even more efficient.
I suggest implementing your own sort method based on a typical quickSort algorithm(in descending order, and take the first N elements), if the collection has 1k+ values spread randomly.
Currently, I am looking into Kotlin and have a question about Sequences vs. Collections.
I read a blog post about this topic and there you can find this code snippets:
List implementation:
val list = generateSequence(1) { it + 1 }
measure {
.filter { it % 3 == 0 }
// 8644 ms
Sequence implementation:
val sequence = generateSequence(1) { it + 1 }
measure {
.filter { it % 3 == 0 }
// 822 ms
The point here is that the Sequence implementation is about 10x faster.
However, I do not really understand WHY that is. I know that with a Sequence, you do "lazy evaluation", but I cannot find any reason why that helps reducing the processing in this example.
However, here I know why a Sequence is generally faster:
val result = sequenceOf("a", "b", "c")
.map {
println("map: $it")
.any {
println("any: $it")
Because with a Sequence you process the data "vertically", when the first element starts with "B", you don't have to map for the rest of the elements. It makes sense here.
So, why is it also faster in the first example?
Let's look at what those two implementations are actually doing:
The List implementation first creates a List in memory with 50 million elements. This will take a bare minimum of 200MB, since an integer takes 4 bytes.
(In fact, it's probably far more than that. As Alexey Romanov pointed out, since it's a generic List implementation and not an IntList, it won't be storing the integers directly, but will be ‘boxing’ them — storing references to Int objects. On the JVM, each reference could be 8 or 16 bytes, and each Int could take 16, giving 1–2GB. Also, depending how the List gets created, it might start with a small array and keep creating larger and larger ones as the list grows, copying all the values across each time, using more memory still.)
Then it has to read all the values back from the list, filter them, and create another list in memory.
Finally, it has to read all those values back in again, to calculate the average.
The Sequence implementation, on the other hand, doesn't have to store anything! It simply generates the values in order, and as it does each one it checks whether it's divisible by 3 and if so includes it in the average.
(That's pretty much how you'd do it if you were implementing it ‘by hand’.)
You can see that in addition to the divisibility checking and average calculation, the List implementation is doing a massive amount of memory access, which will take a lot of time. That's the main reason it's far slower than the Sequence version, which doesn't!
Seeing this, you might ask why we don't use Sequences everywhere… But this is a fairly extreme example. Setting up and then iterating the Sequence has some overhead of its own, and for smallish lists that can outweigh the memory overhead. So Sequences only have a clear advantage in cases when the lists are very large, are processed strictly in order, there are several intermediate steps, and/or many items are filtered out along the way (especially if the Sequence is infinite!).
In my experience, those conditions don't occur very often. But this question shows how important it is to recognise them when they do!
Leveraging lazy-evaluation allows avoiding the creation of intermediate objects that are irrelevant from the point of the end goal.
Also, the benchmarking method used in the mentioned article is not super accurate. Try to repeat the experiment with JMH.
Initial code produces a list containing 50_000_000 objects:
val list = generateSequence(1) { it + 1 }
then iterates through it and creates another list containing a subset of its elements:
.filter { it % 3 == 0 }
... and then proceeds with calculating the average:
Using sequences allows you to avoid doing all those intermediate steps. The below code doesn't produce 50_000_000 elements, it's just a representation of that 1...50_000_000 sequence:
val sequence = generateSequence(1) { it + 1 }
adding a filtering to it doesn't trigger the calculation itself as well but derives a new sequence from the existing one (3, 6, 9...):
.filter { it % 3 == 0 }
and eventually, a terminal operation is called that triggers the evaluation of the sequence and the actual calculation:
Some relevant reading:
Kotlin: Beware of Java Stream API Habits
Kotlin Collections API Performance Antipatterns
We have 5 different types of nodes in database. Largest one has ~290k, the smallest is only ~3k. Each node type has an id field and they are all indexed. I am using py2neo to build relationship, but it is very slow (~ 2 relationships inserted per second)
I used pandas read from a relationship csv, iterate each row to create a relationship wrapped in transaction. I tried batch out 10k creation statements in one transaction, but it does not seem to improve the speed a lot.
Below is the code:
df = pd.read_csv(r"C:\relationship.csv",dtype = datatype, skipinitialspace=True, usecols=fields)
def f(node_1 ,rel_type, node_2):
tx = graph.begin()
tx.evaluate('MATCH (a {node_id:$label1}),(b {node_id:$label2}) MERGE (a)-[r:'+rel_type+']->(b)',
parameters = {'label1': node_1, 'label2': node_2})
except Exception as e:
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if(index%1000000 == 0):
print("error index: " + index)
Can someone help me what I did wrong here. Thanks!
You state that there are "5 different types of nodes" (which I interpret to mean 5 node labels, in neo4j terminology). And, furthermore, you state that their id properties are already indexed.
But your f() function is not generating a Cypher query that uses the labels at all, and neither does it use the id property. In order to take advantage of your indexes, your Cypher query has to specify the node label and the id value.
Since there is currently no efficient way to parameterize the label when performing a MATCH, the following version of the f() function generates a Cypher query that has hardcoded labels (as well as a hardcoded relationship type):
def f(label_1, id_1, rel_type, label_2, id_2):
tx = graph.begin()
'(a:' + label_1 + '{id:$id1}),' +
'(b:' + label_2 + '{id:$id2}) ' +
'MERGE (a)-[r:'+rel_type+']->(b)',
parameters = {'id1': id_1, 'id2': id_2})
except Exception as e:
The code that calls f() will also have to be changed to pass in both the label names and the id values for a and b. Hopefully, your df rows will contain that data (or enough info for you to derive that data).
If your aim is for better performance then you will need to consider a different pattern for loading these, i.e. batching. You're currently running one Cypher MERGE statement for each relationship and wrapping that in its own transaction in a separate function call.
Batching these by looking at multiple statements per transaction or per function call will reduce the number of network hops and should improve performance.
The only effect AudioUnit on iOS is the "iTunes EQ", which only lets you use EQ pre-sets. I would like to use a customized eq in my audio graph
I came across this question on the subject and saw an answer suggesting using this DSP code in the render callback. This looks promising and people seem to be using this effectively on various platforms. However, my implementation has a ton of noise even with a flat eq.
Here's my 20 line integration into the "MixerHostAudio" class of Apple's "MixerHost" example application (all in one commit):
Any ideas on how I could get this working? Any other strategies for integrating an EQ?
Edit: Here's an example of the distortion I'm experiencing (with the eq flat):
In the code in EQ3Band.c, the filter coefficients are used without being initialized. The init_3band_state method initialize just the gains and frequencies, but the coefficients themselves - es->f1p0 etc. are not initialized, and therefore contain some garbage values. That might be the reason for the bad output.
This code seems wrong in more then one way.
A digital filter is normally represented by the filter coefficients, which are constant, the filter inner state history (since in most cases the output depends on history) and the filter topology, which is the arithmetic used to calculate the output given the input and the filter (coeffs + state history). In most cases, and of course when filtering audio data, you expect to get 0's at the output if you feed 0's to the input.
The problems in the code you linked to:
The filter coefficients are changed in each call to the processing method:
es->f1p0 += (es->lf * (sample - es->f1p0)) + vsa;
The input sample is usually multiplied by the filter coefficients, not added to them. It doesn't make any physical sense - the sample and the filter coeffs don't even have the same physical units.
If you feed in 0's, you do not get 0's at the output, just some values which do not make any sense.
I suggest you look for another code - the other option is debugging it, and it would be harder.
In addition, you'd benefit from reading about digital filters: