NVDA says table columns name an extra time when a link is present - html-table

I understand that depending on the screen reader and browser one is using, NVDA and Chrome, for example, table columns are read out more than once. However, when including a link in the header, NVDA will say column name an additional time. This seems a bit redundant.
A solution I came up with is merely putting the links in the next row. When a person is navigating the site using the down arrow key and navigating line by line, this would not be a good solution.
Does anyone have any suggestions on the best approach for this scenario?


Display processed class names in tabs

I already tried to look for an anwser, but with no success.
Recently I joined a new project, where we have a lot of classes which starts with similar beginning, eg. "SomeLongAndAnnoyingPrefix....", as you can imagine this makes tabs with class names very long and there can be only one or two tabs displayed at one time.
So, I would like to see SLAAP instead of "SomeLongAndAnnoyingPrefix" in the tabs, do you know if Intellij provides such a feature?
There is no such feature. It has been a long requested feature to allow for name truncation or limits for the width of editor tabs. Please consider voting for the request.

LINQPad: Anyway to make the Dump() results be initially collapsed?

Couldn't find it anywhere (google or stackoverflow).
Is there a way to force Dump()'s output to be automatically collapsed?
Some more info, to bring more focus to the question.
As mentioned below Collapsing can be done after the output as rendered via keyboard shortcust (Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3)
And can rendering depth can be determined by passing an int depth param, but that does not allow to expand the results.
Is there some way to change the CSS formatting? I'm not that fluent in CSS, so this might be the solution.
Why I need this:
What I want is to make the output 'cleaner', and dive in when something of interest show's up.
I'm running a query repeatedly, and don't need all of the output all the time, but still using my human abilities to detect change, instead of coding the detection.
Update: November 2013
As Joe (the author himself!) mentions in the comments, LINQPad no longer has the limitation described.
It is now possible to state 0 and collapse the information after it's rendered.
No, although you can call Dump with a number to force it to display to that nesting depth:
You can also use the formatting shortcuts (Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3) to collapse the whole display to one, two or three levels.
Another option is to dump to grids. Call Dump(true) or use the toolbar button. Grids show only one level and subsequent levels are shown upon demand with hyperlinks.

How to control or edit text that is copied from a web page (for good, not evil reasons)

My web application allows members of the university to lookup and display their university ID number. It displays that number in an agreed upon format 99999-9999 which was picked to help distinguish it from, say, a Social Security Number, and to make it a bit more readable and easier to memorize. Unfortunately there are a few downstream applications that, for whatever reason, do not cope with the dash and expect a 9 digit integer. This becomes a problem when users, quite reasonably, use cut and paste to capture their ID number from my app and plug it into the afore mentioned brain dead app. I am unable to fix, nor can I apply pressure to have fixed, the brain dead apps, while I am being pressured to remove the hyphen. But before I do that, is there some straightforward, reliable technique that would somehow allow the user to see the ID number with the hyphen, but cause the number without the hyphen to be captured with a browser copy/cut operation?
Of course you can, now are you wanting to copy it from your web browser control or from an external internet explorer window? If external IE window, then you will need to get a reference to this window, which can be done using the windows title, then using that reference (or, if in a web browser control, directly using your web browser control), you can search for the element where that id resides in either by tag / element name, or tag / element id, or other means (ie: you will need to figure out if its in a div tag or span tag etc)... Once you find it, get a reference to it, probably using IHTMLElement to declare your reference type... And you'll be able to either copy it and do some string manipulation on it and store it wherever you want, or you can just update the live value on the page with the new value (live editing on the page the user is seeing, to change the elements value by copying id, removing hyphen from copy in a string variable, and then assigning it back to the element we got it from).
You can use the elements .value property to read from and assign to the element, depending on the element, but most elements use .value or innertext, once again, depending on the tag/element :).
Let me know if u need some code you will need to tell us what element we are dealing with, or the HTML sample of what surrounds the student Id you want to play with.

How to type data into table rows in selenium ide?

Right now I am trying to use selenium ide to write code that makes sure web pages on a website work. On one particular page there is a table that has text boxes in each cell. You can add a row by clicking a button. What I want to do on this page is type data into the first two rows. I used selenium ide and recorded me typing in data. Then I tried to replay it. It worked fine until it came to the second row. The second row it could not write data to. The first row text boxes had targets of terms[] and defs[] . the second row looks the exact same but has targets of //td[#id='autoDefinerTd']/textarea and //table[#id='termList']/tbody/tr[3]/td[3]/textarea . I am completely stumped on what to do to fix this and why they are different. If someone could help me I would be so grateful.
Thanks in adavnce.
I figured out you just do it the normal way. For some reason selenium was doing it a weird way.

spell check textfield

I am trying to get a spellchecker to check spelling in a text field as the user types. I am well aware that browsers such as firefox have this feature for textfields (but this requires a user to manually enable it in the right click menu.
The ideal script Im looking for would accept an id as a parameter, since the id for the field I want to be checked cannot change.
My suggestion would to look at a predictive text tool, similar to the tag-finder that SO uses where you have a dictionary, and as a term is typed, you do some kind of AJAX-y lookup to see if they're typing correctly.
Adding a new word would be similar to adding new tags on SO - if the predicted word is not picked, add it to your dictionary.
I'm sure there are others who have done a similar task, though - and this suggestion might be harder to implement than in sounds in my head.