ASP.Net core - where does the IdentityModelEventSource log file go when running without Publishing? -

I enable the log by setting "IdentityModelEventSource.ShowPII = true" in my app hosted in IIS. It works fine if I publish the app - the log file will be created/updated in the "...\Publish\logs" folder. But what I really need is to generate log file when running without publishing the code so I can debug. The problem is when running without publishing, the app runs fine but I don't see the log file anymore. Where should I look for it? Is there anywhere I can configure the location of the log file?


Hosting blazor wasm core hosted app in kestrel

I am having troubles hosting the blazor wasm core hosted application.. The solution has 3 projects: Client, Shared, and Server.
when I run the command dotnet publish --configuration Release it publishes the libraries to their respective folders in solution like this:
I would assume that since the server project is referencing a client - then my steps to host the application are following:
Open WebWorkbench3\Server\bin\Release\net5.0\publish in powershell
Run command dotnet .\WebWorkbench3.Server.dll
Navigate to: https://localhost:5001/
Expected: client page opened
Actual: page is stuck at "Loading.." string. In the console we see that there was an error about _framework/blazor.webassembly.js not being loaded.
If we were to check the wwwroot folder contents in the server app we will see the following:
So this explains why the error is shown. However my question at this point - should the publishing process/configuration in project take care of copying client's wwwroot contents into the the server's app output directory? If we start a debugging session in the VisualStudio, then we use the server as the startup point, so the project should have some idea where to look up the blazor.webassembly.js file at..
So why doesn't the same process occurs during the publishing?
Note: I was able to fix the issue by manually copying the client's wwwroot directory and by placing the contents into the server's wwwroot directory... But I don't think that is is how serving is supposed to work?
EDIT: I have just tried to set-up the client blazor application in IIS. And it works. Kind of. The page is opened. But then when it tries to make a REST GET request to the server - it uses the same hostname:port combination. So if my app is hosted on mysite.local:50001 then the request to API will look like mysite.local:50001/data/loadall where data is the controller name and loadall is the action name.. So basically the client uses the same base address as the server.. The problem, is that I cannot start the server on the same port as the client! In attempt in doing so - you will see following output:
So basically I have the same question as before - how to host the wasm application that is split between client and the server? I am pretty sure that I can make it work by forcing the client to use the non-standard server port and serving the server part on that port.. However, I believe there should be a reason why current configuration (default configuration in the blazor wasm template) is configured in this way so it should be possible to run the project somehow without any additional changes at all..
Well this will be a self-answer.. Instead of publishing (dotnet publish --configuration Release) the application on solution level - do the publishing on project level..
before ..\repos\WebWorkbench3\WebWorkbench3
after ..\repos\WebWorkbench3\WebWorkbench3\Server
In 1 case the compiler does not copy the _framework folder (and possibly some other files) into the wwwroot.. Once you have published the Server correctly you can access the app by serving it with dotnet .\WebWorkbench3.Server.dll command.
Having the samie issue as explained above:
The solution file
had the same name
was in the same folder
as the server project
I moved the solution to the project root (one level up).
Now, dotnet publish within the server project produced the __framework folder + content as expected.

Default route in MVC working from VS, but not on test server

I have a very simple ASP.NET MVC 4.0 website. It's got a single controller ("HomeController") with a single action ("Index") which receives a single parameter ("string id"). I have not modified the global.asax file since this kind of route is handled by default. I have not created a view for this action since the action will simply be "sending" the user a file (a PDF). If I run the site from within Visual Studio (using a default page of "home/index/3" in project properties), the page runs fine. If, however, I publish the site to our test server (, I get a 404--File or Directory not found.
NOTE: We're running IIS7.5 on this server.
UPDATE: The bin dir (and the appropriate DLL, i.e., one named after the project) and the web.config file are there.
So, why is this not working?
If you're using an older version of IIS and haven't installed the MVC server extensions which give you routing, you can do a BIN deployment of the necessary infrastructure files.
Edit: If you're running IIS 7.5 you should have everything you need. You mention you don't see a web.config file or any dlls - how did you publish? You should absolutely have a web.config at the root of the publish directory and a bin folder with your dll(s).
If you right-click on your web project and do Publish, you can publish to a local directory. It'll be exactly what you should see when deployed.
Edit 2: Did you check that it's configured in IIS as a web application and not just a site?

not able to deploy war file in jelastic cloud

I developed a web application using java and mongodb. I used glassfish server.
I tried to deploy it on jelastic cloud service
I uploaded my war file. But when I run it after deploying the war file it shows a 404 error. Why? The project works fine on my machine.
There are at least few potential causes:
your app needs some resources which are not started by default (such as DerbyDB). In this case you can check GlassFish log file - server_instance.log for more details.
you are trying to get resources from wrong context, make sure you are trying to get it via correct context name

myeclipse deployment issue cant see changes

Im trying to work in my project, when I change files it changes the file inside the directory that I imported the projects into my workspace. But the changes aren't showing up on the server because the server is using the folder inside .metadata/webapps/myapp etc
what have I done wrong here?
Sounds like you're deploying to the integrated Tomcat server. The deployment is normally to the .metadata/.me_tcat/webapps/myapp folder. Is this what you meant? If not then I suggest you remove the deployment and then deploy again and let the deployment location default. The folder .metadata/.me_tcap is simply where the integrated Tomcat installation looks for applications when it starts up.
You can check the deployment location by looking in the servers view. Expand the integrated Tomcat server. The deployment location for your project is shown there.
The deployed location should be kept in synch with your code. If that's not happening, it may be that the changes you're making are the kind that require a redeployment. I'm not sure what the conditions are for propagating changes but I guess there might be some situations where changes can't be picked up automatically in this way. The changes should be picked up on a redeploy.
To check, create a new web project, which will create some default configuration and a default index.jsp file. Deploy this to the integrated Tomcat server. Now make a change in the index.jsp file and save it. Check if the change is made in the deployment location, or simply run the server and check that your new index.jsp gets displayed.
For more help, I suggest you post to the forums at

Does Windows service needs to be rebuild after changing config file?

I changed config file of the windows many times. Before changing config file I stopped the service and after changing config file, started again. Every thing worked fine.
But last time when I made some changes in config file of the windows service and started it - It didnt worked, I even tried reinstalling the service but in vain.
As a last resort I rebuild the service with new config file and copied newly build files on the server and installed the service. To my surprise the Windows service worked perfectly this time.But I have only made changes to config file and the code of the windows service was untouched. My question is, do we need to rebuild the Window service if we change the config file many time?
If you're referring to the automatically generated .config file, then no, the service need not be rebuilt. My guess is that in your last iteration you forgot an end tag or something, which caused the service to fail to load it's configuration.