Vue Js - How to disable all inputs after loaded data - vue.js

I have many inputs on my forms. After I got data from API, I looped to display all inputs. Then I want to disable them. I do not want to disable all inputs one by one on my loop, because I had many loops and inputs on my forms. I want to write a block of code can solved my problem.
I try to use this code for disable them, but it can only disabled on input that created before load data.
let inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input')
for(let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
inputs[i].disabled = true;

if you are using vue.js then you can set a veriable like disable and set it like this
<input type="text" :disabled="disable">
<input type="text" :disabled="disable">
<input type="text" :disabled="disable">
and in vue script
data() {
return {
// other vars,
disable: false,
methods: {
methodToLoadData() {
// Load data
this.disable = true;


Vue class components dynamically add component depending on answer from backend

So from the backend I get a array of objects that look kind of like this
Page: MemberPage
Feature: Search
Text: "Something to explain said feature"
So i match these values to enums in the frontend and then on for example the memberpage i do this check
private get itemsForPageFeatures(): ItemsToAdd[] {
return this.items.filter(
(f) => Pages.MemberPage &&
f.feature != null
What we get from the backend will change a lot over time and is only the same for weeks at most. So I would like to avoid to have to add the components in the template as it will become dead code fast and will become a huge thing to have to just go around and delete dead code. So preferably i would like to add it using a function and then for example for the search feature i would have a ref on the parent like
<SearchBox :ref="Features.Search" />
and in code just add elements where the ItemsToAdd objects Feature property match the ref
is this possible in Vue? things like appendChild and so on doesn't work in Vue but that is the closest thing i can think of to kind of what I want. This function would basically just loop through the itemsForPageFeatures and add the features belonging to the page it is run on.
For another example how the template looks
<div class="container-fluid mt-3">
class="d-flex flex-row justify-content-between flex-wrap align-items-center"
<div class="d-align-self-end">
<SearchBox :ref="Features.Search" />
So say we got an answer from backend where it contains an object that has a feature property DataChart and another one with Search so now i would want components to be added under the DataChart component and the SearchBox component but not the messagesFilter one as we didnt get that from the backend. But then next week we change in backend so we no longer want to display the Search feature component under searchbox. so we only get the object with DataChart so then it should only render the DataChart one. So the solution would have to work without having to make changes to the frontend everytime we change what we want to display as the backend will only be database configs that dont require releases.
Closest i can come up with is this function that does not work for Vue as appendChild doesnt work there but to help with kind of what i imagine. So the component to be generated is known and will always be the same type of component. It is where it is to be placed that is the dynamic part.
private showTextBoxes() {
this.itemsForPageFeatures.forEach((element) => {
let el = this.$createElement(NewMinorFeatureTextBox, {
props: {
item: element,
var ref = `${element.feature}`
You can use dynamic components for it. use it like this:
<component v-for="item in itemsForPageFeatures" :is="getComponent(item.Feature)" :key="item.Feature"/>
also inside your script:
export default {
data() {
return {
items: [
Page: "MemberPage",
Feature: "Search",
Text: "Something to explain said feature"
computed: {
itemsForPageFeatures() {
return this.items.filter(
f =>
f.Page === "MemberPage" &&
f.Feature != null
methods: {
getComponent(feature) {
switch (feature) {
case "Search":
return "search-box";
return "";

In Vue, how to get the content of a textarea?

I want to keep the value of a variable identical with the content of a textarea.
I don't want to use v-bind or v-model, because I have already bound the textarea with another value.
This is a notebook app, and the textarea is used to display the content of a note, so it has been bound using v-bind with a note object, like
<textarea cols="30" rows="3" v-bind:value="note"></textarea>
Now, I want to add the "edit note" functionality. So when the content of the textarea changes, I want to store its value into a variable, and when the "submit" button is clicked, I pass the value of the variable, which contains the new content of the note, to backend to update the note.
My question is, how to store the textarea's content into the variable after each time the content changes?
I think I cannot use v-model because this way the note will be changed right after the content of the textarea is modified (though not sent to backend), but this is not what I want. What I want is the note to be changed only after the "submit" button is clicked. Thus, I cannot use v-model
Should I use v-on:change? If so, how to get the content of the textarea?
<textarea v-on:change="updateTheVariable(I need to get the content of the textarea here)"> ... </textarea>
methods: {
updateTheVariable(content of the textarea) {
this.variable = content of the textarea
I'm assuming this thing only shows up when you click some kind of edit button which is why you don't want to alter note so try something like this instead
<button type="button" v-if="!editMode" #click="editNote">Edit</button>
<form v-if="editMode" #submit="handleSubmit">
<fieldset :disabled="saving">
<textarea v-model="editingNote"></textarea>
<button type="submit">Edit</button>
export default {
data: () => ({
note: 'whatever', // maybe it's a prop, maybe assigned later, doesn't matter
editMode: false,
editingNote: null, // this will be used to bind the edited value
saving: false
methods: {
editNote () {
this.editingNote = this.note
this.editMode = true
this.saving = false
async handleSubmit () {
this.saving = true // disables form inputs and buttons
await'/notes/update', { note: this.editingNote}) // just an example
this.note = this.editingNote // or maybe use data from the response ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
// or if it's a prop, this.$emit('updated', this.editingNote)
this.editMode = false
As #Phil indicated in a deleted post, the right way to do it is
<textarea #input="updateTheVariable($"></textarea>
this.variable = value

Vue: need to disable all inputs on page

I'm developing an app that has different license types, and according to the license we need to disable/enable inputs.
One way is to put a conditional :disabled for each input but that's a lot of work and error prone, since we might forget to put it on some inputs.
I thought of using a directive like v-disable-all that searches for all inputs under the container and adds disabled to them.
I was wandering if there is a better solution or if there is already a solution like this?
I ended up creating this directive:
import Vue from "vue";
Vue.directive("disable-all", {
// When all the children of the parent component have been updated
componentUpdated: function(el, binding) {
if (!binding.value) return;
const tags = ["input", "button", "textarea", "select"];
tags.forEach(tagName => {
const nodes = el.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
nodes[i].disabled = true;
nodes[i].tabIndex = -1;
I'am coming a bit late, but there is an attribute on the HTML element called "disabled", which ... disable every input in the tree.
<fieldset :disabled="!canEdit">
canEdit could be a computed property or anything you want.
You can do something like this:
let elems = document.getElementById('parentDiv').getElementsByTagName('input');
This will give you all the inputs inside a parent, then you can run a simple for loop to loop over them and set each one to disabled.
Something like this:
for(let i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
elems[i].disabled = true;
Hope this helps set you on the right path.
let elems = document.getElementById('someid').getElementsByTagName('input');
for(let i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
elems[i].disabled = true;
<div id="someid">
<input type="text">
<input type="text">
<input type="text">
<input type="text">
<input type="text">
Now you just need to wrap your fields inside <v-form :disabled="variable"></v-form>

Render form after method completion in VueJS

I am facing a problem with my page with VueJS. It's a page for different translations of the website. It has a dropdown on the top for the language selection that once switched will update the fields with the current language.
The problem starts when it loads, because my form is like this:
<form id="trForm">
<input type="text" name="header_title" class="form-control" v-model="translations.header.header_title" />
It's trying to access these attributes before the method returns any data, but somehow it will still show the data once it is complete, but it becomes troublesome when I try to switch the language, it won't because of this problem and also, if I do the following:
<form id="trForm">
<input type="text" name="header_title" v-if="translations.header" class="form-control" v-model="translations.header.header_title" />
on each field, those that aren't populated will display no field at all for a new input value. I tried something like translations.features || '', but no success.
I also tried to put on the parent block a condition that if the loading is false will display the form, but since the page is loaded first than the method is executed, it will always be false for the first microsecond.
methods: {
fetchTranslations(e) {
let vm = this;
vm.loaded = false;
$.get('/ajax/admin/translations', { 'locale': e }).done((data) => {
if (data.success) {
vm.translations = JSON.parse(data.translations.translation);
vm.loaded = true;
} else {
toastr.error('Something went wrong');
Please, what do I do? It'd be good to show the form after there is data.
Introduce a new variable, e.g. loaded that defaults to false
Use this variable as a v-if condition on the form
In the callback of your data fetch, set loaded to true.

Observe Change in Vue js model when input updated by javascript function

I am using Date Range Picker to select to dates now when I select the dates, I update the inputs with dates value respectively.
The inputs I have binded with v-model and created a function in watch attribute of component to observe the change in model.
But when the inputs are updated with the javascript function no change can be observed in the model but the value of my input fields are updated.
// My Input Fields
<input type="text" name="updateStartDate" v-model="updateDateRange.start">
<input type="text" name="updateEndDate" v-model="updateDateRange.end">
//My javascript Function
'autoApply': true,
'drops': 'up',
'startDate': moment().add(90, 'days').calendar(),
'endDate': moment().add(97, 'days').calendar(),
locale: { cancelLabel: 'Clear' }
function (start, end, label) {
// My watch attribute in Component
watch : {
'updateDateRange.end' : function (val) {
console.log('In Watch Function');
if(val != '' && this.updateDateRange.start != '' && this.updateDateRangeIndex != ''){
this.dateRanges[this.updateDateRangeIndex] = this.updateDateRange;
this.updateDateRangeIndex = '';
this.updateDateRange.start = '';
this.updateDateRange.end = '';
I don't like to mix jQuery and Vue because jQuery messes up the DOM. Even more, I find it completely unnecessary.
Simple only with native Vue you can do it like this:
<input type="text" name="updateStartDate" v-model="startDate" #input="onInput()">
<input type="text" name="updateStartDate" v-model="endDate" #input="onInput()">
methods: {
onInput(e): function () {
// this will be called on change of value
Further to set the value and update the DOM simply update startDate and/or endDate variables and DOM will update accordingly.
You need to work with your model and not fiddle with the bound DOM element. You have bound the elements to viewmodel items:
<input type="text" name="updateStartDate" v-model="updateDateRange.start">
<input type="text" name="updateEndDate" v-model="updateDateRange.end">
then you use jQuery to set the field values
but you should be setting the bound values instead:
updateDateRange.start = start.format('MM/DD/YYYY');
updateDateRange.end = end.format('MM/DD/YYYY');